amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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This is the age of miracles. And there is nothing more horrifying than a miracle.
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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Well, there’s one thing.
They can’t order me to stop dreaming!❜
independent | semi-selective | penned by amber.
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
Wanda Maximoff lived with the man who killed her parents. Wanda Maximoff worked with the man who killed her parents. The man she had spent so many years damning to hell, the man she had cursed from the day her parents died, the man whose name haunted her dreams ever since she was a child. She forgave him, she moved on, she let go of her pain, and for all we know, Tony didn’t even apologize. Wanda Maximoff had to spend every day seeing and working with the man who killed her parents, and on her own free will, because she had learned forgiveness, because she knew in her heart that killing Tony Stark would not bring her family back. If that isn’t strength, I don’t know what is.
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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Civil War AU: Thor joins the fight and gets close to Wanda
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
                                         that part of ( me ) died a long, long time ago
                          i am no longer that innocent little flower that i once was
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
me [angrily yet softly, through gritted teeth, while crying]: i love to write
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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tag yourself, I’m Greg
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
《 ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ; ᴛᴇxᴛ - @choralopietro 》 [ ᴛᴇxᴛ ⇾ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ♡ ] [ ᴛᴇxᴛ ]: nothing, i just wanted to see if it would work. [ ᴛᴇxᴛ ]: i was going through all of the settings and i thought i messed something up. [ ᴛᴇxᴛ ]: why are there so many options? what is bluetooth?
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
“Please don’t take it out on my boobs.” [ I am laughing ]
《 ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴇᴍᴇs ➬ sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ sᴛᴀᴛᴇʀs 》
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“Give back the brasieră and I won’t have to.”
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
        I’m going to die in here
⦗ A sob was caught in the back of her throat, her body trying to desperately fight it off. ⦘
        I’m really going to die in here.
⦗ She brought a hand up to her mouth, bracing herself for the impact. ⦘
        I’m going to-.
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⦗ Her eyes, which had been squeezed shut, flew open, the rest of her body freezing in its place. She waited. And waited. And waited. Waited for the voice to come back, to assure her that it wasn’t lost. That they hadn’t… No, don’t think about that. She couldn’t. She didn’t want to; To add another number to the long list she’d been collecting since the moment she realised what they’d done to her. Another voice lost forever. But unfortunately, she was well aware of what had just happened, because the way they left was always the same. They always knew when it was their time and were abruptly cut off, never to return to her. It’s not like she missed them, she didn’t. In fact, not having to deal with another addition to the amount of thoughts she had running through her head that weren’t her own was a little helpful, if anything, but death was never something that could be taken lightly. She was scared. Horrified. Why were there so many deaths? What was keeping her alive? It only made her wonder if her brother would be next – a thought she couldn’t bear. All she wanted was to find him amidst the noise in her head and reassure herself that he was okay. ⦘
        “Miss Maximoff. Miss Maximoff. Wanda.”
⦗ Though her response was delayed, she finally looked up at the nurse after hearing her first name, her expression looking just as lost as she was; An after effect of both the actual surgery and the already lingering difficulty with distinguishing between the voices in her head and the ones she heard out loud. ⦘
        “We’re moving you to your room now.”         “My… room now.” She repeated in acknowledgment, finally lowering the hand she’d pressed so tightly against her mouth.
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⦗ Although she’d just come to terms with the fact that she was supposed to be moving, she made no effort to budge. She continued to lay there, her head turned towards the woman who’d just walked in. Every ounce of her willpower had been sucked out hours ago, there was no way she’d be getting up on her own. And she wouldn’t be. Before she knew it, the nurse had already picked up on this and was hauling a pair of men inside to complete the task.
“Be careful, her abilities haven’t been fully determined yet,” she told them, standing outside the door now as she waited for the guards to drag her out. It was clear that they didn’t take her warning very seriously, however. The tallest one, a man probably in his thirties, let out a bellowing laugh and responded with a comment that could only be deemed as ignorant. ⦘
        “I doubt she can do anything more than what we know. Look at her, she’s practically brain dead.”         “C’mon, just lift her up. We have to report back to the control room.”
⦗ The two finally ceased their short banter to get to what they were here for: Moving Wanda Maximoff. Because of how compliant she was at the moment, they were much more gentle than the other two guards from this morning. Correction, more gentle than anyone she has had to physically deal with since she got here, a statement that said a lot considering the context of the situation. They were more so supporting her, if anything, whether they felt like they were dragging her out or not. Her walk was staggered, mostly due to the weakness her body felt after everything she went through in that room, and the ruthless chatter turned into something more sinister, thoughts she assumed were coming from the Hydra operatives she had the misfortune to pass by. And while it might have been difficult and seemingly impossible for her to isolate voices, it confused her as to why she hadn’t been able to read the minds of the two beside her. She continued to be confused by that until another breakthrough occurred as the pair guided her over to the bed of her new room, which wasn’t much of a step up from the previous one but at least there was a significant decrease in the amount of bloodstains that littered the place in comparison.
An extra touch was all it took for her to glimpse into the memories of the guard who’d insulted her earlier, her features twisting into a cross between even more confusion with a trace of disgust. Of course what she saw was just as horrifying as she expected to see, nothing more and nothing less. It was full of destruction, hatred, and worst of all, an appreciation and very clear passion for this torturous organisation. She wasn’t sure how she did it, if it was her own thoughts feeling reminded of it or not, but immediately after seeing such horrible things, his thoughts were suddenly invaded by all of the ones Wanda had to deal with earlier. Screaming. Agonising screams and pleas from the other patients, all muddled together yet distinguishable like people trying to shout at each other from opposite sides of the room. He looked like he had entered a stage of shock, overwhelmed by what was plaguing his mind. She wasn’t sure if she should have felt bad about what she did but after watching him suffer just a little while… She didn’t regret a second of it. It was nothing comparable to what she experienced, but revenge was still good revenge. ⦘
        ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…’ 「Pietro counted the seconds as they passed. Distraction. Distraction. Anything to subdue a wandering mind. The medicine had melted through his system and set a fire in his brain. The heat of the flames burned high with crackling unstoppable thoughts. Distraction. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the dingy patterned ceiling. Water had leaked through the tiles some time ago leaving behind yellow-brown rings. It looked like a battle had been fought there. Yet the real battle was taking place inside himself. He counted sixty-one when the first scalpel sliced. He felt every inch of skin as it glided between layers exposing the deepest cavities of his chest. Wanting to yell was easier than doing it. At a point between 25 and 38 they’d placed a band of leather in his mouth. With clenched teeth the most that released was a hollow rumble of a scream. His legs twitched reactively, but held down by his restraints they were barely squirming. “He needs more.” More what? He didn’t know, but the next sensation he felt was the pinch of a needle and injected fluid. There was already an IV in his arm, it had been slipped in somewhere around count ten. What more was this?」         ‘597, 598, 599, 600…’         Ten minutes in. 「It felt like longer. Unable to see what they were doing to him, his senses tried their hardest to make up for it. He felt as much as he could feel. At first it was muddled. Like being in a dream. Except he wasn’t anywhere near sleeping. His body rejected even the momentary closing of his eyes and begged him to stay conscious.」 「 As the seconds ticked on into hours, the pain started seeping in again. It grew gradually. Sweat beading from his skin soaked his bedding. A mixture of clear liquid and crimson coated everything around him. Tapping his fingers stopped being an anxious habit and turned into a natural function, like a heartbeat and pounding in his ears was the terrible rhythm of that sound. His heart elevated in rapid succession, and his lungs pushed harder to catch up. Oxygen barely filtered in through shortened inhaling as he grasped at breath. His organs were running on overdrive. The nerves in his body triggered with the same awful fire that waited inside his brain. It burned. It hurt. He couldn’t keep up. His chest might have exploded at a pin drop. The doctor rustled around him in a quick paced panic of their own, but Pietro could barely hear the clinking of metal under the noise in his own skull. ‘Hold on just a little longer’, he pleaded with himself. Eyes wide open, they set a piercing gaze on the ceiling. He chanted a mantra in his mind, and in it were the names of everyone he ever loved.」         “His heart-rate is too high. He’s going into cardiac.” The first voice interjected.         “Shut up.” The second was harsher, enraged.         “We’re going to lose him like all the others.”         “Would you care to be his replacement then? … I didn’t think so.” 「Muscles twitching, he considered for a moment he could make this rusted cott his grave. He could let his heart give out as it desperately wanted to. He had stopped his desperate counting some time ago, but it had to be several hours in. On the edge of giving up, he clung to his only beliefs. The scraps that life had given him were enough to keep him driven. His fingers curled into fists. The tension rose in his arms putting the most stress onto them, and Pietro took himself to another place in his head. The sound of machines and medical devices drifted further into background noise. It’s replacement was the warm voice of a sister he’d far from forgotten.」
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「‘Pietro…’ His name sounded clearly. Avoiding the thought of what torture she was subjected to and his own pending status, he requested a tainted lullaby. Feeble lips pushed together against leather to hum the faintest tune, in time with her imaginary singing voice. The harmony overpowered his reality, keeping him steady and stable. Though at the start of it he felt like he could not breathe at all, as if his lungs were trapped in iron, it started to subside. It wasn’t much in the way of relief, and his heart still pushed harder than it should have, but it was enough. Dancing just below the line of death, scraping on it’s underside, he hummed until he had enough strength to speak.」         “Keep going.”
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
STRANGE SENTENCE STARTERS —— for the creative writer in you. Send these in and see what your partner comes up with as a scenario!
*These are completely interchangeable, they’re just in categories to make it easier for all of y’all.
“How many times are you going to do that, exactly?”
“You were right. As per usual.”
“Sometimes it’s hard to see the lines you’ve drawn until you’ve crossed them.”
“You’re surprised because you have a soft spot for hot blondes.”
“Is that – that’s a naked Scarlett Johansson on your fridge.”
“You can stay, but for no more than two nights.”
“Please don’t look in this drawer. Please.”
“I told you not to pick him up, he’s very sensitive.”
“Yes. I might have given you rabies. But in my defense, that’s ridiculous and I didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, my cell phone data coverage does not cover the bullshit zone you’re in.”
“Hey! Give me your pants. Quick, give me your pants.”
“No, I’m serious. Stop it right now or I won’t give you the last cookie.”
“You think I’m kidding. But I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life.”
“How much would a stripper cost and why so much?”
“I’m going to buy you a drink. Next week. On Thursday. When I get paid. Can you swing this one?”
“Hippos are hungry, hungry! And you are considerably larger than a small piece of lettuce!”
“When I was little, I used to be afraid of mummies. And now look at me. I love dead people!”
“I don’t even miss my ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, I just miss my glockenspiel.”
“It happens to everyone, you just sell your skirt for some coke.”
“Please do not pull your pants down in front of baby Jesus.”
“That’s not the phrasing you want to use.”
“Because nothing says heterosexuality like a gold sash.”
“Please don’t take it out on my boobs.”
“When it gets really windy I look like a bizarre combination of Marilyn Monroe and Cousin It.”
“We have to change our names and run away to Mexico. It’s the only way. Adios.”
“How much money do you have on you?”
“Please tell me that’s a raisin and not a tiny hamster shit you’re eating.”
“Life is a lot better when you put things on your head.”
“For someone who’s not very deep, I’m incredibly not shallow.”
“I need you to remind me what it feels like to love you.”
“I love you. What? No I don’t. Forget I said anything.”
“I need you to tickle my feet but like, sexually.”
“If we got married, would I have to take your last name? Or could we just make up a new one?”
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“I heard you say his/her name in your sleep last night. Want to explain or should I just leave?”
“I want to spend the night with you tonight. But I also want to sleep on your side. And without you on the bed. So technically I just want your bed.”
“Please don’t be proposing to me in an empty parking lot.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry, you stupid fucking broken record. It’s done.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m curious. About the things you were doing. With him/her. Without me.”
“Your mother’s looks could kill. Actually, are you sure they haven’t before?”
“If you’re breaking up with me tonight, can I at least eat first?”
“Stop sweating. It’s not attractive during sex, and it’s not attractive now.”
“Are you – are you checking me out? In the line for the confessional?”
“We have to go. I might have told your mom I’m pregnant. I don’t know why I said that. I’m not.”
“So what you’re saying it that you’re snorting sugar to get excited for sex.”
“My dog licks better than you do.”
“But through every stupid thing you do and say – and those are a lot, by the way – I love you.”
“I don’t care if you’re growing another head. I’ll talk to both of them. I love you.”
“And I’d take fifty years of not talking to you for just a day of doing so. I promise that’s a compliment.”
“I don’t want to hide this anymore. I’m not some dirty little secret, you American Reject.”
“This is a bit too dramatic for my taste, so can we skip it and have sex instead?”
“I don’t want you to think of me as your personal sex toy.”
“Thanks and all, but that makes me feel like a low-class escort, so.”
“A kiss in exchange for every nice thing you say about me. Deal?”
“Promise me you’re not like him/her. I need to hear it from your mouth. Promise me.”
“Look, I’ve had my heart broken before. I’m not ready to let you in just yet. Anywhere.”
“Don’t leave me here. Anywhere else, okay, but not here.”
“I wish I could say that was the worst sex I ever had, but I’ve had worse.”
“I just blew you. Could you look a little happier about it?”
“I’m attracted to shiny things, so if it looks like I’m staring at your chest, it’s because I am.”
[text] This is upsetting my poop.
[text] Hey, are you up? If you’re not, can you wake up? I need some help.
[text] So it involves feces and large birds.
[text] She said that to you? Why?
[text] Please come back. I miss you.
[text] What are you good for if you’re not gonna bring me ice cream?
[text] Can you ignore that last text? It wasn’t meant for you. I’m sorry.
[text] …did you just send me a nude?
[text] I don’t know why I said that.
[text] Leave it to you to fuck the simplest of requests up.
[text] Do we have to go to their wedding? He’s only my first cousin.
[text] How much does ‘I love you’ mean to you?
[text] I am not stalking you. But you should do something about your bathroom, it’s gross.
[text] Please. I need this so badly.
[text] I trust you completely.
[text] I’m a genius. You’re a peasant. Everything makes sense again.
[text] Hey, buddy! Got like, five hundred bucks I can borrow? Times ten.
[text] She lost it. She completely lost it. She said her uterus was attacking her bone marrow.
[text] I will not get you donuts.
[text] Please? I love you.
[text] I think I’m gonna go to sleep now, but you keep thinking that.
[text] I can’t say this out loud. They might be listening.
[text] I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think he’d duck when the ball came at him, I’m sorry.
[text] You’re cute.
[text] I just need you to understand how important you are to me.
[text] Fuck off.
[text] Okay. Guess we’ll leave it at that then.
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
   would you please reblog this if you and/or your muse consider platonic sensual intimacy to be valid? if you believe in platonic kisses (even if it’s on the lips), platonic cuddling, sensual intimacy with no pressure to be sexual? – stuff like that? o~o
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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we were trapped two days. every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, I think, “this will set if off”. we wait for two days for tony stark to kill us.
endless list of characters who deserved better [ 2/? ] ↳ Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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FAVE MARVEL LADIES: Wanda Maximoff  
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amarowanda-blog · 8 years
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Tʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɢᴇ ᴏғ ᴍɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇs, ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ.          Tʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴏʀʀɪғʏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀ ᴍɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇ.
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