alters-journal · 9 hours
I just had a dream that gave me one of the best phrases. You know how when queer people spot another queer person it's called "gaydar"? Well in my dream, when a neurodivergent person clocks another neurodivergent person it's called "spectrometer".
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alters-journal · 1 day
man, my dad's kind of a dick, huh
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alters-journal · 1 day
As a kid, when your parents are poor, you're poor. If they don't have money, that means none of you have money. But if someone's parents are rich, that doesn't necessarily mean the kid is. Sometimes rich peoples' kids aren't rich kids, they're just some rich freak's exotic pets that can talk but aren't allowed to.
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alters-journal · 1 day
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alters-journal · 2 days
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alters-journal · 3 days
“The worst system struggles are this!!”
“No, the worst system struggles are that!!”
I think deep down we all know that the worst struggles are when your headmates get the stupidest fucking vocal stims and will NOT stop saying them. Currently going insane because the co-host repeats “I am absolutely PENISED!!” every third second
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alters-journal · 4 days
When you're autistic, it's impossible to miss how much society normalizes child abuse.
I could dedicate my entire life to studying how to interact with people and I'd still never master the social skills that young children are expected to have on command.
Say the wrong thing? That's disrespectful and you're punished. And you don't even have to actually say anything wrong. Pretty much anything you say can be considered "giving lip" if your parent wants some excuse to punish you. But if you say nothing, then you get punished for ignoring. You also have to calculate your response to their mind game quickly because taking too long to respond is considered ignoring. Also, if you're being wrongly accused of something, saying nothing is considered a confession. And even if you somehow manage to say exactly what your parent wants in exactly the correct tone, they'll still punish you for "sarcasm" or "not really meaning it".
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alters-journal · 4 days
When I say “school should be disability accessible”, I don’t just mean we need handicap rails and EAs. Kids should be able to miss a day without failing out of school. You shouldn’t be dismissed from clubs because your attendance record is “spotty” (true story). I once missed an entire week of school because of a terrible, unending migraine. I was expected to keep up with my studies despite the blinding pain that came with working on my computer. When I heard my teachers say that you couldn’t miss exams, I asked what I would have to do to be excused from them. Their response? “Either get a doctor’s note an hour before the exam or death of an immediate family member.”
I cannot express how rigid this expectation was. First of all, with my condition, I wouldn’t have enough warning about my sickness to go to the doctor and request a note. For many people, this is exceptionally difficult, especially with the current shortage of medical professionals. Next, it ignores the fact that my schedule may not line with theirs because of my medical needs. Once, I had to visit a hospital a province away (which I was on the waiting list of for over a year) on the same day as an exam. I begged my mother not to take me because I was so nervous that I would be marked as an automatic fail. I was lucky enough to make it work, but that’s only because of my spectacular support system consisting of family members and wonderful doctors.
Disabilities aren’t always about needing a bus that can accommodate wheelchairs. It’s already difficult enough for many of us to maintain school attendance without the harsh punishments involved for skipping a day. We need to be able to miss school without being punished. Only than can you claim that the school is “accessible”
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alters-journal · 4 days
“ew thick water gross and weird” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU!!!!! “ew why buy pre-cut vegetables when you can cut your own” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU!!!!!! “I don’t need a device to help me put my socks on I’m not lazy” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU !!!!!!!!! “Why drink liquid meals when you can cook them” ITS!!!!! NOT!!!!!! FOR!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!
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alters-journal · 4 days
Oh btw if you say you support introjects but are weird about factives of bad people you actually don't support introjects thanks for coming to my ted talk. Don't be assholes thanks
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alters-journal · 5 days
I cant believe this tweet is how I find out
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Edit: Now that we're talking about it, look. There is all the countries ratification dates, along with considerations for their laws.
And you can check the convention here.
Edit 2: For those in the US who want to check their state's laws compliance to the convention, there is this site.
Edit 3: The map source btw. Its from wikipedia.
Thank you people in the notes for the info and image desc.
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alters-journal · 6 days
Sharing this here too
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I do not usually make posts like this but recently I have seen a lot of content on Instagram, Twitter and I think tiktok too misunderstanding the meaning of intrusive thoughts, which may cause people experiencing them to be upset.
I have tried to shortly explain the difference of impulsive and intrusive and hope it will help people to understand and use the words correctly.
Reblogs are very much appreciated!
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alters-journal · 2 months
Offline until May 1st for Mental Health.
Comic Updates will continue on @micamakescomics
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alters-journal · 2 months
apparently people are now purchasing thick water to make slimes with because of a trend on tiktok
thick water is for disabled people who can’t swallow properly. stores usually have extremely limited supplies of it.
please don’t buy thick water for fun or to make slime with. it’s literally the only way some disabled people can drink anything. It’s not a fucking toy
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alters-journal · 2 months
in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21
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alters-journal · 2 months
You are not an imposter for using accommodations or aids you could “do without”. You are not an imposter for doing what you need to make things easier on yourself. Just because you technically could walk without a cane doesn’t mean you should have to endure the additional pain. Just because you are capable of grocery shopping during busy times doesn’t mean you should have to endure the anxiety.
If an accommodation, aid or something else helps improve your quality of life and/or even just makes things easier for you, you deserve to be able to use it without having to justify it to yourself.
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alters-journal · 2 months
hey osddid tumblr my feed is getting stale if ur a osddid system rb or like this so I can follow lol (esp if c-did/polyfrag 👍)
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