allsortsofwritings ¡ 4 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 5 months
After the sunset - Lee Dutton (Yellowstone)
The fic i promised like last week!! Whoops but here it is. Not proofread so ignore anything that doesn’t make sense. Requests are open
The soft sun peaked through the blinds. Wanting a few more hours of sleep, rolling over when it felt like you hit a wall. Groaning, trying to make more room between you and the wall when you opened your eyes and saw that the wall was your boyfriend. Sound asleep he threw an arm over you, pulling you into him.
“Lee, Lee, get the hell away from me,” muffled in his arms, his grip somehow getting tighter around you. Trying to pry his arms off when Lee finally opened his eyes, groaning. Sleep weighed his eyes, looking into yours, “What’d I do now,” muffled by the pillow.
Burning up as if you were in a sauna. You brushed Lee’s hair out of his face, caressing his cheek while his eyes slowly lowered again, “Nothin baby don’t worry about it.” Lee hummed while you continued to run your fingers through his hair.
Breaking the comfortable silence, “What’s the plan for today cowboy?” Lee sighed heavily before answering you, “ too many things. Got a meeting later with the people who stole my dad’s cattle.” You grimaced at the thought of him going off to meet with people who want him dead. “By the people do you mean Monica’s family.”
“Doesn’t matter who they are, they stole from us and now we have to get them back.” Lee’s groggy voice filled the room. You rolled on top of him, straddling his hips. “Doesn’t matter who or what they took, I just need you back here in one piece.” You leaned down to kiss him. He deepened the kiss, battling for dominance.
Lee broke the kiss, your foreheads touching as your chests heaved, “Be safe, last time you said they shot at you guys. ‘N Lee Dutton if I hear something like that happens I’m done, you’ll never see me again.” You kissed his chest before you laid your head on him.
Feeling a heavy hand caressing the back of your head, “Don’t worry darlin, be here tonight just a little late as usual. I’ll come back crawling to you if that’s all I can do.” He kissed the top of your head, “I’ll come back half dead, always coming back to you.”
Leaning up to kiss him for the last time before your alarms rang. “Don’t make empty promises cowboy.” Getting off of him and heading to the bathroom. “My promises are never empty.”
“God damnit Lee! Stay with me” Kayce shouted as he kicked the horse to go faster. Making their way to the chopper, “Dad, Rob-“ John cut him off by getting Lee off the horse. “Help me.” Throwing one of Lee’s arms over their shoulders, Lee’s shallow breathing, legs dragging as the Dutton’s tried their best to get him into the chopper.
“Find Y/n, tell her before the news.”
Water droplets on the ground as you looked at the empty bed. Knowing you’ll wake up to him accidentally slamming the door and apologizing. Getting in bed, shutting off the lights and making sure the alarms set for tomorrow, the old clock Lee insisted you used instead of a phone.
Phone ringing on the side table. Seeing it’s Kayce calling, probably calling to bitch about what your boyfriend did, hitting decline and powering it off. Closing your eyes and going to sleep.
Harsh bangs on the front door woke you up. Looking at the clock, seeing it had barely been five minutes since you shut your phone off. More bangs, opening the drawer in the side table, pulling out the gun Lee insisted you learned to use in case of these situations. Moving towards one of the windows, peaking out to see it’s Ryan and Rip.
Gun still in your hand as you unlocked the door. The bewildered men shouted at you to put on your jacket and put the gun down. “Can someone just tell me what’s going on!” Rip threw your jacket at you as Ryan put your shoes in front of you. Ryan made his way out and into the truck. You stared at Rip, waiting for him to say something, “No time sweetheart, explain in the truck, now we gotta go.” Rip said. Throwing everything on, Ryan waiting in the truck as Rip closed the front door behind the two of you.
“My god where are we going, you said you’d explain in the truck.” You’re in the back, watching as Ryan and Rip looked at each other. Neither wanting to say anything. 10 minutes is how long you’ve been in the truck and you’re thinking about jumping out instead. Leaving your phone was a mistake, there was a need in you, needing to hear Lee’s voice. Needing to see how he was doing or where he fuck he was.
“Give me a phone, I’m calling Lee and when I get him on the phone he’s gonna have both your asses.” Silence still stood amongst the men. You leaned in to make sure they could see your face. “Rip did you not fucking hear me! I said give me a fucking phone so I can call Lee, might as well call Beth, she’ll get your ass too.” Neither of them so as much flinched at your threats.
Visibly angry you sat back as you realized you were now in town. Speeding the entire way here but Rip’s foot got even heavier, flying through town when you made it to the hospital. Cop cars with their lights on, the personal vehicles of the Dutton family in the front of the parking lot. Ryan turned around to look at you as the truck made a full stop in front. “It’s Lee, meeting went wrong.”
You jumped out of the truck, stumbling as your feet made contact with the pavement. Running in the hospital, the receptionist looked at you with sorrow, reading the scared expression plastered across your face. “I- Lee Dutton where is he.” Fingers tapped on the keyboard in front of her. “ Are you a relative of some sort?” The words tumbled out without a thought, “His wife, I’m his wife.” She looked you in the eyes with a sad smile, “He is currently in surgery on the second floor Mrs. Dutton.” A quick thank you before you made your way to the elevator.
Thoughts raced through your mind as the elevator dinged on the second floor. The Dutton family sitting the waiting room, heads snapped towards the elevator door. Making eye contact with a blood shot eyed Jaime. The tears began falling as you made your over to him. Pulling you into a bone crushing hug, “I’m so sorry Y/n, he’s, he was.”
You could feel your heart drop when Jamie said was. Ringing in your ears as Jaimes mouth continued to move, not hearing a thing. John made his way over to you two. Standing next to Jamie. You cut through the two, heading towards an empty seat next to Beth.
“Can you just tell me what’s going on. Please Beth where’s Lee.” You choked on a sob as Beth’s eyes filled with tears. Taking out a cigarette. You snatched the lighter out of her hand. “God damnit it Beth just tell me!”
“Robert Long shot him over some fucking cattle.” Grabbing the lighter out of your hand before storming out.
You sat in shock, head in your hands as John came over to console you. “He’ll pull through, he’s a tough kid everyone knows it, he won’t leave you like this.”
It was hours before someone came and told you guys anything. Lee was alive, breathing on his own, could be seen but only two at a time.
Everyone looked at you and John, signaling you two were the first ones. Making your way to his room. Room 320, stopping right outside of the door. Too scared to go in and see what had become of the man you love. John put a hand on your shoulder, “You don’t need to see him right now, doc says he’ll be asleep for a few hours anyway, go eat something, rest a little.”
“Thank you for the offer but I don’t think your opinion in what I do matters at the moment.” Opening the door to see a pale faced Lee. Hooked up to machines, seeing his heartbeat somehow calmed yours. You moved towards the bed, taking a seat next to Lee, grabbing his hand in yours. You could feel the lump in your throat start to form again. Tears were slowly making their way down your cheeks all over again. You couldn’t be here.
Letting go of his hand and leaving the room. You were met with Jamie standing right outside the door, waiting for either of you to leave. He moved out of your way, calling after you but not following. Once you reached the first floor, asking to use the hospitals phone to call Ryan and get you the fuck out of there.
You couldn’t move out of the water. The once hot water that burned your skin was now freezing. Goosebumps filled your body. Feeling guilty for leaving Lee. For not being brave enough to face the situation head on. Leaving with your tail tucked after insulting the man whose son was lying in the hospital.
Your phone had been ringing for two hours now. Getting voicemail after voicemail from Beth. Wondering why the fuck you left. John calling just to check up on you as he put it. Jamie wanting you to come back to help deal with everything. You didn’t want to deal with everything.
Drying off, throwing on sweatpants and one of Lee’s hoodies. Checking your phone again, seeing a message from Beth, telling you Lee had finally woken up.
The front door opening, seeing Ryan standing there,”You have such good timing you know.” He chuckled before ushering you out, “Yeah well, credit goes to Beth, it’s like I can feel her anger through text, come on.” Turing to truck on and heading back to the hospital.
Room 320. The bold white letters stared back at you as you tried to go in again. John opened the door, seeing you through the little window. You stood outside in the hallway. Looking at the man you insulted 3 hours ago. “Been asking for you since he woke up. Doc says to not stress him any you know.” You nodded as he left the room. Leaving just you and Lee.
The tip of your nose started to tingle, water filling your eyes again for what seemed the hundredth time today. Except this time you were looking in the eyes of the man you love.
Those big soft brown eyes staring back into yours. Slowly making your way towards him. Carefully sitting next to him, trying to be as close to him as you could without causing any pain. “You’re treatin’ me like I’m gonna break, supposed to be the way ‘round.” He trying his best to put a smile on your face. A tight lipped grin made its way onto your face. You choked on a sob. Lee’s hand wiped the tears that were starting to fall again.
“Told you I’d come back darlin. Would never leave you here, never doing that to you.” Your sobs got louder when he spoke. Inching towards his chest, hearing him wince made you shoot right back up, “I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mea-“ Index finger pressed softly against your lips. “Told you to never say sorry to me, something that’ll never need to happen. Now come here.” Lee moved a little to the side as best as he could. Wedging you between him and the bed guard. Laying down right next to him. Your head slightly resting in the side of his neck.
“Who told you,” Lee asked as you moved closer to his side. It took you awhile to answer him. Still not believing what was going on. Words stumbling out, “Beth.”
Lee hummed, “My sister’s always been great at delivering shitty news.” You let out a humorless chuckle, “Should find someone else to deliver news, she’ll probably start delivering punches instead of the news.” You could feel Lee laughing, “Yeah well it’s always her or Rip delivering something bad, ‘least Beth won’t whip out her flip phone to call you.” You laughed. “Rip and that fucking flip phone, don’t know how he gets Beth going when he whips that thing out.” Lee groaned in disgust as you continued to laugh, “Alright fun’s over, you ruined it.”
Lying in silence, listening to the heart monitor fill the air. Racking your brain to figure out something to say. Lee beat you to it, “Ya gonna leave me now?” A small grin was on his face. Made no sense to you, a man who was on the brink of death a few hours ago was grinning.
You hummed before answering him, “If I leave you now I think Beth’ll beat me up.” Lee silently laughed, agreeing with you, before you continued, “But I’m thinking you deserve one more chance.” Lee nodded his head, tipping his head towards the ceiling, “Thank you, scared me for a minute.” You smiled at his reaction.
Lee turned his head towards you, “Reach into my jacket pocket and pull out what’s in there.” Complying, getting out of the bed, to reach for Lee’s jacket on the chair near you. Grabbing the jacket, sitting down on the bed and searching the pockets when you pulled out a small black velvet box. You looked at Lee with confusion. Lee had the biggest shit eating grin on his face. “Open it.” Opening it to find a beautiful diamond ring, tears flooding your eyes as you stared at the ring, “Now I know this is probably the worst way to propose, in a hospital. I promise I planned everything out, was gonna have Gator make your favorite foods, go ride Ray and Loco after then propose in a field just somewhere out there but then you know this happened and what I’m trying to say is.“
Lee ended his long speech, grabbing your hand as you sat there in shock, looking into his eyes, “Y/n L/n, will you marry me?”
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 6 months
Writing a Lee Dutton imagine be ready ladies!!!!
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 7 months
Even - Luke Hughes
The feeling of Lukes sweaty body onto of yours snapped you into reality. You and him in the backseat of his car on the side of some dirt road.
His rough hands moving your hair out of you face. Tracing his face with your fingers. From the slope of his nose to his chin with day old stubble making its appearance. Nothing but the sound of each other heavy breaths filling the air. Staring at each other with the uttermost adoration. Feeling as if it could last forever.
“I missed this y’know.” Luke broke the silence as he laid his head on your chest. Threading your hands through his curls, “Good to know,” a squeak escaping as Luke pinched your thigh, “I was kidding asshole.” You said, rubbing your thigh before he moved down to kiss it as an apology.
“Come on babe.” With that you two put on your clothes before heading back onto the main road.
A comfortable silence fell again. Holding hands while continuing to drive. Wondering what was going on in your mind that had you so surprisingly quiet.
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” Squeezing your hand to try and coax an answer. “Absolutely nothing.” Lifting your hand to his lips, “did my job then eh.” Laughter filled the car, overtaking your train of thought, “I guess.”
It was always like this. A text after months of radio silence. Picking you up at your parents house, it was a 2 day long relationship before you headed back to Wisconsin. Then the cycle would repeat and you’d wonder how much more of this you could take. Not being exclusive, just whatever this was. Enough for the weekend but never lasting.
Not on his accord, yours, of course. The distance would be a pain to deal with. Luke already saying he would go above and beyond to make up for it but nothing could change your mind. Funny enough it was the only thing stopping you two from being something.
He pulled into your parents driveway. Unbuckling yourself and giving him a hug. Pulling away to say goodbye when he pulled you in for a kiss. Kissing him back, feeling like you could stay here with him forever before you heard your dog starting to bark. Pulling away while Luke follows your lips. Placing a hand on your neck to bring you back to him. Giving him a few pecks so you wouldn’t get too into it. “I have to go Lukey.”
He sighed against your lips, “Stay with me, please.” A pout on his lips as you didn’t respond. One final kiss before getting out of his car.
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 8 months
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mackie and knight 🤍
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 10 months
A small run in with Rafe leaves you even more broken than the time you broke up with him.
“Rafe please we can make it work now. You’re sober, I’m almost done with college and then I’ll move back and we can move in together an-“
You felt his rough hands cup your face. Wiping the tears you didn’t even know were falling. Leaning into his touch, a small plea left from your lips as you looked into his eyes.
“Stop crying baby, you know I can’t stand it.” Rafe continued to wipe your tears as they fell faster now. Moving his hands from your face to your shoulders, embracing you in his warmth.
Muffled sobs escaped your lips, “Then tell me that we can be together and we can work it out. My god Rafe tell me that you want me.” Looking up at him with flushed, tear stained cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I gotta go right now but I’ll see you soon.” A kiss on your head as he forced himself to let you go. Your hands fell from his waist. Wiping your own tears as he walked away before you could even force a word out.
Rafe got into his truck and finally let a few tears fall. Quickly wiping them while silently laughing to stop him from fully losing it. Muttering ‘fuck’ as it didn’t seem to work and more accompanied the others. Sniffling as he turned on his truck and driving off.
He loved you. God he loved you with everything he had in him. He didn’t know how long his sobriety would last. Not wanting to chance it with you around. You dealing with his coked out days. Your fights that always left you taking care of him afterward and ignoring the broken pieces on the ground.
Putting you through hell again because of how much you love him. You would do it in a heartbeat, Rafe won’t stand for it. Getting it through his head that you deserve better than he could ever be.
Hopping you get everything you want in life. The big white house, all the books to fill the study you want, all the kids you want, gardens to spend time when you’re bored. Everything, including a man in your life who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. One who won’t be putting your life at risk with his stupid decisions.
Everything you’ve ever wanted. You deserve it even if it wasn’t going to be with him.
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 1 year
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I-His-his arms…
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 2 years
incase u didnt already know i love mackie samo
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 2 years
Secrets | Mackie Samoskevich
Reader is famous that’s it n requests are open ily skank <3 
“Everyone please help me welcome my amazingly talented co-star, the one and only Miss Y/n L/n!” Jacob Elordie announced as you made your way from behind the curtain. Waving to the audience and blowing a few kisses their way. Jacob made his way from behind his desk to give you a hug and gesture you to take a seat in front of him.
“Wow I can’t believe they replaced James with you, views must be low,” You joked with Jacob as you all laughed. “No, James said that he can’t stand you actually.” You covered your face with your hands, pretending to cry into them while Jacob patted your shoulder, pretending to comfort you. You and Jacob bantered a little before continuing with the interview.
“Alright enough about the movie and how amazing we were in it, tell me a little about yourself Miss L/n.” You gave Jacob a confused look, “We were with each other for 9 months, I think you know everything about me at this point.” You laughed along with the audience and Jacob squinted his eyes at you while grinning. “No no, you see I discovered something,” you cut him off, “Oh my gosh congratulations, must’ve taken you a while to do that.” You patted the desk and acted like you were excited. Jacob smiled and laughed, “Oh I hate you but I discovered that you, young lady, have a lover!”
“Ooh’s” emerged from the audience, you were smiling, trying to not make it obvious that Jacob was telling the truth. “ So now that I have exposed you, care to tell us a little about him?” Jacob leaned forward, putting his chin on his fist, waiting for you to respond. “No.” “Oh well that’s alright I actually have evidence, photo evidence!” He pointed to the screen in front of him.
A picture of you wearing Mackies jersey while leaving the Yost arena. You were feeling a little nervous. You knew that if you asked Jacob to stop he would but it was finally time you shine some light on your little romance.
“That is me leaving the Yost arena in Michigan after watching a hockey game between Michigan and Wisconsin,” You answered while looking at Jacob. He nodded his head, “Yes well whose jersey were you wearing that particular night?” You pretend to think, “Huh you know, I can’t seem to remember.” Nodding his head again, Jacob changed the photo on the screen, “Now does this seem to jog your memory?”
On the screen was a photo of you sitting on Mackies lap, smiles plastered on both of your faces due to riding the high of winning the game and buzzed off of whatever you were drinking. You feel your cheeks heat up and a guilty smile makes its way onto your face.
“I think that’s enough for tonight, I would like to thank everyone for tuning in tonight. Watch our movie, we love you, goodnight and goodbye!” Jacob ended the show while you just sat and waved at the camera and audience.
God were you screwed.
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
Unfair | Brendan Brisson
“Oh my god you were such a cute baby,” Brendan gushed over the baby photos your roommates had taped to the wall beside your bed. Along with a birthday card that read “have a fantastic day cutie :)”
Silently wishing you had never given your roommates your moms phone number. You ripped the picture and the card off the wall and put them on your bedside table.
You heard a displeased Brendan “Hey!” grabbing the photo from your table. He held it to his face as if he was inspecting the background of the photo. “Oh my god give it back,” you reached out for your photo but Brendan was faster, stretching his arm so the photo was out of reach.
“In your dreams sweetheart, I’m keeping it so I can show our kids in a few years.” You and Brendan both froze, realizing what he had just said. A small blush met his cheeks, “I, uh, I mean.” Brendan was stuttering, trying to keep a grin from his lips and trying to avoid your eyes.
“You picture us having kids together?” Deciding for a more straightforward approach, knowing Brendan would beat around the bush. Brendan looked up at you with his hand rubbing the back of neck. “I mean, yeah we’ve been dating for a while now and I dunno it just feels right between us.”
You were speechless, mouth open. God you could cry, happy tears or sad, you didn’t even know. Trying to find the words so you could respond to him.
But the look of sadness filled his eyes as you didn’t respond to him. He put the photo and card down before leaving you all alone in your dorm.
requests are open
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
Crush | Brendan Brisson
“It’s not a big deal Brendan” you said as you walked into your room. Brendan was right behind you, practically stepping on the back of your shoes.
“That’s right it’s not a big deal, It’s huge, what if he takes you away from me !” Brendan basically shouted with worry in his voice.
You pretended to faint on your bed, fanning yourself with your hand, “why then I guess you'll just have to fight for my hand in marriage.” Trying your best impression of an old southern accent.
Brendan grabbed one of your throw pillows and gently hit you with it. “Haha very funny” the dryness in his voice made you realize how serious he was.
You reach up to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him down onto you. “My big baby,” you brushed air from his face and dramatically kissed his forehead, “no one can take me away from you, not even your cute little brother.” A slight smirk pulled at your lips.
Brendan groaned before nuzzling his head deeper into your neck, “you’re so mean to me, I’m being serious, the kid gets whatever he wants and he wants you.”
You let out a hearty laugh when Brendan said that. “Oh my god Bren, you’re so dramatic”
This was not requested at all. Took me like 20 minutes to write but I kind of like it.
Requests are open!!
106 notes ¡ View notes
allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
me, a writer, staring at one sentence for 10 minutes straight: i don’t know what’s wrong with you but i don’t like you
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
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i spent 15 mins making this rather than writing
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
Warm - Jack Hughes
Authors Note: Requests are Open lads. Another old imagine from a previous blog, shocking ik. No Warnings needed except Jack Hughes is a warning in its self. This is from the whole Jack Hughes phase everyone (including myself) had. 
#1 “I need you”
#104 “I’ll be there in a few minutes” 
Jack woke up to the sun in his eyes, he groaned and rolled over, his arm hit the mattress, he didn’t see you there.
Jack raised his head a little, with hooded eyes, he scanned his room in search of you, groaning again while his head hit the pillow.
“Babe” Jack mumbled into his pillow, he knew you couldn’t hear it but it was worth a shot.
“Babe” lifting his head to try again, his tired voice filling his quiet room.
There was still no response from you, Jack started to get up whenever he heard his bathroom door open, he looked over and saw you standing there in the doorway.
“I’ll be there in a few minutes Jack” you were rubbing your eyes and yawning, wearing his grey ‘champion’ sweatshirt.
“But babe, I need you, the bed’s cold without you” Jack whined, trying to get you to lay with him again.
You made your way towards the bed, not wanting to hear him whine this early in the morning, you shoved him on his back, pulling his comforter over you two, with your head on his chest, listening to his steady breathing.
“Mmm, you’re warm.” Jack said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, as the two of you drifted back to sleep.
Defo not my worst and def not my best but ily hope you enjoyed 
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
Tyler Seguin - We Don’t Need Him
Side Note: This is an old blurb from one of my old blogs, enjoy ladies and gents Requests are open
After a long day at work all you wanted was to go home to your boyfriend, cuddle, eat food, shower then go to sleep. But what you weren’t expecting was a Golden Retriever puppy chewing a pair of your shoes as you walked through the front door.
“Oh god he got another dog” mumbling under your breath, staring down at the puppy who had stopped chewing on your shoe to look at you. The puppy barked at you and ran down the hall, groaning. You followed the puppy down the hall and hoped that the puppy would lead to Tyler.
The puppy did as you had hoped, finding the puppy in Tylers' arms, licking his face and wagging its tail.
“Who’s a good boy, who’s a go- Y/N you’re home” Tyler said with a smile on his face, still being licked by the puppy. Putting the puppy back on the ground Tyler was walking towards you, pulling you in for a hug and a kiss.
“Tyler Paul Seguin we don’t need another damn dog, we already have 3” pulling away from the kiss. The smile that was once on his face now was a frown.
“But Y/N we need another one, all of our dogs are growing up, I need another baby” Tyler said trying to convince you that you guys need another dog.
“Okay” you mumbled into his chest, not having the energy or being in the mood to argue with your boyfriend about a puppy.
“Yay, did you hear that Charlie you can stay” Tyler said picking up the puppy, who now was licking you.
Smiling at the dog and petting his head, then kissing his head. Looking up at Tyler, who was smiling at the scene below him, kissing his cheek and patting his chest as a way to tell him to let go of you.
“Lets go to bed Y/N” Tyler said letting go of you, while still carrying Charlie in his arms. Oh god your bed, there’s going to be no room in a couple months.
“Tyler, I think that in a couple months that the dogs should sleep somewhere else, but only for a few nights a month, I need to be able to sleep next you and not wake up at 2 am to find Marshall trying to get in between us” you said slipping out of your work clothes and into one of Tyler's shirts.
“Yeah, you’re right, I need to be able to cuddle you at night and not Marshall, he gets enough love from me” Tyler agreed with you on that. You’re both in the bed surrounded by your dogs, and now your puppy in between you.
“Charlie’s going to be a total cock blocker for the next few months” you said as the puppy got closer to you. You pet his head, watching his eyes close.
“Hopefully in those nights all of the dogs aren’t here I can finally fuck you” Tyler said looking at the puppy on your chest.
“Tyler, not in front of the baby” you said, covering Charlie’s ear with your hands. Tyler just looked at you, rolled his eyes and turned off the lights.
“Good night baby”
“Good night Y/n”
“Tyler I was talking to the dogs.”
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 3 years
Matthew Tkachuk - Your Fault
Side Note: Another blurb from an old blog Requests are open ladies and gents 
The boys had a victorious game the night before, they won 7-1 over the Vancouver Canucks. Matt had fought Jake Virtanen, Matt ended up with a bruised cheek and a cut lip (he looked hot though).
The sunlight was peaking through the curtains and lighting up the room. Sunday mornings were spent cuddling for an hour or so.
You reached up and lightly touched the bruise on his cheek, your thumb grazed over the cut on his lip. You hated whenever he fought, but you had to admit that it looked pretty hot.
“Stop staring, it’s rude” Matthew's sleepy voice snapped you out of your thoughts, looking up at him to see a lazy grin plastered on his face.
Rolling your eyes and scoffing at his comment.
“Matt, shut up and get your ass up” you started to get out of bed, whenever you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you back down.
“Hmm, no, lets just stay here and cuddle” Matt switched positions so now his head was on your chest.
You didn’t feel like fighting him to get up, so you just ran your hand through his messy curls, tugging on them occasionally, lifting his head up.
“I love you” you mumbled against Matt's lips before softly kissing him, you felt him smile into the kiss before breaking it.
Matt was now up and straddling you, he leaned down and pulled you into a lip bruising kiss.
“Ow '' Matt mumbled against your lips after quickly pulling away from the kiss, he was gently touching the cut on his lip.
You started to laugh at him while he pouted.
“Your fault for fighting”
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allsortsofwritings ¡ 4 years
are u able to write a blurb about dating Matthew Tkachuk and youre new to skating like he taught you a month ago in preparation for family skate, but then at family skate everything is going well youre a little wobbly but its fine and then Matty goofingly checks you but you slip and break a rib or get a concussion and his reaction
am i terrible bc this cracked me up could you fucking imagine oh my god so i toned down the injury though just cuz i'm not sure how i feel about writing something that serious :)
So you guys have only been dating for like a couple of months or so Matty invited you out to family skate just before Christmas and you were like hey yeah I don't know how to skate. So one day after practice you meet him at the rink and he's super soft and teaches you how to skate and you're like confident you won't totally embarass yourself. So it's time for family skate and you're doing great and totally having a good time and you're playing a huge game of tag with Matty and some of the other player's kids and you're all heart eyes at him bc you already know he got to do that as a kid so he always plays with his teammates kids anyways he's chasing after you and you guys are cracking up and you know he's gonna check you as a joke because that's how you guys are and he absolutely knocks you on your feet. You crash down and everyone stops and stares at you and when you look up at Matty his face has literally lost all color and he's freaking out and he immediately picks you up and carries you into the locker room to take off your skates. Once he takes one off he realizes it's swollen af and calls over one of the trainers to take a look at it and so it ended up being sprained and not only did the entire team make fun of Matty for a week because he literally injured his girlfriend he also insisted on carrying you around and taking care of you because he felt so bad.
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