allmadherex · 11 years
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allmadherex · 11 years
"Okay - have you been eating a lot of protein? I'm worried," she bit her lip, walking around the counter to embrace the woman. "I missed you - hey," she pulled away, pursing her lips. "That was once, and I was eighteen! And you still ate them!" Alex looked down at her feet, a surge of anger shooting through her, gone as quickly as it came. "Yes. And no. I'm sure she's told you more than she's written me."
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"Again," Allegra said in a somewhat dull tone due to the recent loss of her medicine, “I’m fine on food. Truly. I’ll let you know when I’m feeling hungry, but I wouldn’t expect anything out of me." As always. The girl leaned forward on the counter and looked ahead; icy blue eyes looking over the girl as she talked. They then went to the pan with the food and she snorted. “This one have chips in them?" Stationary, she let her talk further. “Ice cream? You don’t eat—" her eyes narrowed. "That’s what Dra was talking about, then." Allegra knew that normally Alex liked to ignore the other alters and their existence, but the black haired girl felt it absolutely necessary. Therefore, the question was asked. “Did she tell you?"
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allmadherex · 11 years
"I know," she shrugged, "but it's nachos. Crisps and cheese and beans and sour cream and -" she took a breath, before deciding not to list the rest of the ingredients. "Are you sure?  I picked up some sushi earlier, are you in the mood for that, maybe?" She dropped the pizza pan with the nachos on them on the island, kicking the oven shut with the side of her foot and pulling her oven mitts off and setting them on the counter. "There's Oreos and ice cream, too, mint and vanilla and - a lot of flavors. And.. Chips Ahoy. And... a lot of things that we don't normally eat, actually, in the mood for any of those?"
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The first thing that Allegra wanted to do when she got home was lay down and go to sleep. She had secretly hoped that Parnasse would be fronting; less worrying and keeping up to do. But of course, anything was better than Alexandra. “I-" questions. She blinked and looked at the woman, crossing her arms in front of her. “I’m not really hungry, you know I rarely am after a job." Or ever, lately.
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allmadherex · 11 years
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"Allie!" Alex stood up quickly when she heard the door open, hitting her head on the countertop and wincing, rubbing her head. "Hey! I made guacamole and nachos. Will you eat those?" 
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allmadherex · 11 years
Her eyebrows raised and she took a bigger step forward, happy to invade his personal space. "It is very much so." She punctuated each word with a small step forward, arms crossed over her chest.  "Are you going to take the job or not? I pay in cash." Alexandra loved to play; her favorite game was making people dance as if they were marionettes - but she wasn't going to play with him. She had every intention of tearing him limb from limb and crushing his bones into a powder if he didn't take her seriously; it wasn't as if she had time for lessers.
"Is that so?" John questioned, stepping closer to the woman as the dark smirk grew within his lips once more, able to tell that he was both frustrating and irritating her, and that anger was brewing deep within the stranger.
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allmadherex · 11 years
"Both. Start wherever you're comfortable; eventually I would like to know why you are here, yes, and what brought you in now rather than six months or a year ago? What changed? But you may start with your basic information. I am not accepting new patients right now; but I.. may be able to make an exception." Hannibal's lips curled up into a soothing resemblance of a smile as he picked up his clipboard. After jotting something down he met Jack's eyes again, repeating the smile. "Don't worry about the clipboard; it's like when you go to the hospital and they ask for your medical records and family history. If it makes you nervous I can put it away."
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"Um… ‘e should o’ sent one ‘cause ‘e didn’ give one ta me." Jack pursed his lips and shrugged. He followed Doctor Lecter and sat opposite him. “Would ya like ta know about me or what’s wrong with me?"
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allmadherex · 11 years
"But what is it?" Carrie's breathing started to slow down; although she sucked in deep breaths every few minutes when she remembered the blood. "Why is it happening to me? Mama won't be happy," her eyes widened again and she stepped away from Sarah, back of her legs hitting a desk. "I need to go home."
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allmadherex · 11 years
"There isn't one now," it was all she could do to resist rolling her eyes or slamming her fist into his nose - the sound and feel of bone cracking seemed especially appetizing with this man. "But there will be, and I need to be sure that I have someone to take care of it."
"I can handle anything it is that you want." John clarified with a smirk, but then dropped his arrogant look to give the woman a genuine smile. “Where’s this mess you speak of?" He asked.
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allmadherex · 11 years
"If you call me dear again," Alex hissed the fragment of a sentence, avoiding his eyes. "I need someone to clean up after my messes. Can you handle that, darling?" 
"If that’s what you wish it to be, then yes, my dear.." John replied with a chuckle, adoring the stranger’s random opinion
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allmadherex · 11 years
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"...when you say butler, does that mean glorified maid?"
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allmadherex · 11 years
Carrie met her eyes, her own full of terror and tears. The blood was enough to set her off, but the girls in her class who had been laughing at her had pushed her right over the edge - she thought that she had bruises on her knees from when they had shoved her onto the ground. And when she got home and told her mother about the day..? She suspected the woman would be more concerned with Carrie in the showers than that she had started to be. Of course she was right, Carrie reminded herself. Mamma was always right. Wasn't she? "Pardon? I've.. never. Normal? This is normal? It's never happened before."
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allmadherex · 11 years
"I don't remember seeing a referral - I'm only vaguely familiar with the name by his paper on cognitive dissonance. Fascinating read. But sit down," Hannibal nodded, showing the boy over to the chairs. "Tell me more about yourself."
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"By me old psychiatrist, Doctor Harker, in London." He offered him a slight smile. " ‘m from London. Me name’s Jack Kelly. ‘s real nice ta meetcha. ‘m sorry for this, though…" 
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allmadherex · 11 years
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allmadherex · 11 years
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"Referred? By whom?" Hannibal crossed the room, setting the file in his hand down and flicking on the light. "Where are you from and what is your name?"
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Jack’s brow furrowed and he looked up at the man. “Website? I don’ know ‘bout any website… I was jus’ referred to ya an’ I took a flight over ‘ere ta see ya." His eyes grew wide and he nodded slowly. “Time difference. I forgot. Sorry ta disturb ya."
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allmadherex · 11 years
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"Is there any particular reason you're here, or do you just enjoy breaking into private property in the middle of the night? My office hours are on the website. Call for an appointment, please."
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allmadherex · 11 years
"I can't - I'm bleeding! What's happening to me?" The girl stared at her feet, swallowing, before tightening her arms on her towel and looking at her hands. "Tell Mamma I love her - ah," she cried, dropping to her knees and clutching her stomach. 
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allmadherex · 11 years
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"I'm bleeding - I'm bleeding! HELP ME!" Carrie stumbled out of the shower, towel wrapped around her lanky body. "Please help me," the girl gasped, blood trickling down one of her legs. 
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