alantudykstan · 6 days
My wifi isn’t really good right now, don’t know if it would have been right for me to attend anyway.
I’m not Jewish but maybe I won’t be alone anymore. Looking forward to the 25th.
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alantudykstan · 18 days
I’m not Jewish but maybe I won’t be alone anymore. Looking forward to the 25th.
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alantudykstan · 1 month
More like enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers to….
enemies to lovers but it's me and myself
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alantudykstan · 2 months
I try to be as much as I can
reblog if you're against antisemitism.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
Something I’ve noticed on other social media sites is that the Zionists there aren’t as uniformly liberal as on Tumblr. While I think their concerns are valid , my pro-Israel activism will never dehumanize Palestinians.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
are you pro isreal?
listen bud. I hate hate HATE the Israeli government and military and think the situation in Gaza is unacceptable. I don't think the IDF is deliberately trying to cleanse Gaza, if they were they would be doing so much quicker, but tens of thousands of civilian casualties is still absolutely horrid. but the thing is I myself am Israeli so obviously when people blame the entire fucking population and justify a massacre against us I'm not gonna be chill with it. I know you think we're all evil blood drinking babykillers who cheer on Palestinian deaths like they're fireworks but believe it or not we're actually humans with basic empathy and the sane people here (everyone aside from extreme right-wingers) don't want to kill millions of people actually. you want my stance? I'm pro-peace. pro-war-not-happening actually. a mutual ceasefire needs to be reached, stopping the killings in Gaza and releasing the Israeli hostages. Hamas and the current Israeli government both need to gtfo and perhaps take a nice swim in an active volcano, being replaced by people with brains and human decency. a peace agreement needs to be reached and Israel needs to give back land it has conquered in the 1948 war (which isn't all of Israel btw, maybe learn the history of the conflict you're talking about) for a peaceful two-state solution. I hate how pacifism is now a hot take. the solution to war is peace, not cleansing of your chosen Bad People™. oh and support standing together.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
zionism ≠ judaism
being a zionist ≠ supporting bibi netanyahu
being a zionist ≠ wishing all gazans to die
being a zionist ≠ supporting the israeli government
antizionism = antisemitism.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
I wasn’t around during 9/11 so I’m not an expert, but I heard that there were calls to bomb Mecca in the aftermath. Absolutely disgusting behavior both then and now.
People saying the Israeli government is trying to conflate the land with Judaism is like saying the Saudi government is trying to conflate Mecca with Islam.
It’s stupid. The land of Israel has always had deep connections to the Jewish people.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
Considering donating to world central kitchen and United Hatzalah.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
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alantudykstan · 2 months
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alantudykstan · 2 months
I also love Jewish people
I love you Jews
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alantudykstan · 2 months
To put it very bluntly.
You will always make a better impact helping people who need it than trying to hurt people you think deserve it.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
Am so I bad at geography? No, it’s the Israeli lobby that’s responsible for my lack of knowledge.
One thing I will never understand is the absolute denial from Zionists like you is that yall can’t seem to understand that people can learn/become informed and now *can* stand with Palestinians. “NoNe Of YoU kNeW aBoUt PaLeStINe BeFoRe 10/7!!!” Yeah, because of deliberate censorship from the Israeli lobby. This is not surprising. People now know, they know how Zionists have become the new Nazis and how they are in fact committing a genocide and ethnic cleaning against the Palestinian people. They know how they have been killing, starving, and torturing Palestinians people for the last 76+ years. And how Israhell has its hand in the killing and genocide of people around the world (Sudan, Congo, and Black people in the U.S.)
People have woken up. When people are oppressed don’t be surprised when they resist.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Perfect example of the illiterate drivel that they spew. I can say "I know many people who've been like this long before October 7th" and one of them slithers into my inbox to bray about my apparent claim to the opposite effect. Such a gotcha.
And then they say the same boring shit that nobody with a brain believes anymore. Practically every popular buzzword is included. This is a lame attempt at trolling. Even answering them will in their mind prove they've won in this bizarre little interaction. But so will ignoring them.
I will not be wasting any more time "debunking" that which is so below the normal threshold of human intelligence. I have already wasted five minutes of my life responding to this. That's all you are to me. A random obnoxious little antisemite who will die an antisemite one day, having accomplished nothing for the liberation, much less improvement, of anyone.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
We have to talk about Leftist Antisemitism
One of the things I have been grappling with since Oct 7th is the rise of antisemitism in Leftist spaces. Often we find ourselves falling into the same old position of blaming the Right for these issues. However, over the past few decades minority voices have pointed out that the Left has issues with bigotry in its own way. For myself, and likely many other Jews, growing up in Leftist spaces I heard antisemitic jokes and lines all the time. However, they were never the overt hate fueled rhetoric I would hear from the Right. Conspiracies were relegated to "The Rothschilds control the world" rather than "The Jews control the world." Regardless of how you feel about the rich, the Rothschilds are a dog whistle for Jews. Hell, my own family members would say this same line because the majority of us are on the Left. So obviously we take a position regarding the ultra rich. However, this Rothschilds line isn't the only dog whistle. Often there were jokes at your expense from outside your in-group. Common refrains that *insert Jewish dog whistle* couldn't be trusted due to *insert conspiracy coded in Leftist language*. That's the issue... The antisemitism on the Left is coded in a language that makes it more subtle than overt rightwing antisemitism. But how did we get here? It definitely predates Oct 7th. We can partly lay blame at this at the feet of something that feels like an old and tired trope at this point: Russia. In particular, the good ole USSR. You see, dear reader, regardless of how you describe your sociopolitical and economics leanings, and regardless of whether or not you reject USSR style Communism, their style and impact still influence you and the rest of the world. As Leftists we often stand opposed to many aspects of Western capitalist ideals, which in turn exposes us to many of the anti-Western writings, philosophies, beliefs, etc... The issue is that the USSR has a very sordid history with antisemitism. Some of you may be saying "but wait! There were Jewish Bolsheviks! Stalin even supported Israel!", don't you worry. We'll get there. While there may have been Jewish Bolsheviks and members of the party post revolution, it does not change the policies and actions that preceded and followed. Robert Weinberg, Dara Horn, David Nirenberg, and other historians have all written extensively at some point or another about this very issue. I highly recommend Dara Horn's latest piece for the Atlantic "Why The Most Educated People in America Fall for Antisemitic Lies". She briefly covers this topic. If you can't access it, well here we go. Zionism as a concept had already been around for a few decades by the time the Communist Revolution occurred, having been solidified by the Dreyfuss Affair in the late 1800s. Zionism is/was also considered Jewish nationalism. While a Jew could be a Russian Jew, German Jew, or any other "nation" Jew, they were still considered an other and thus they could never truly be a nationalist for that country. Only for Israel/Zion. As such, Jews in the USSR were not trusted as it was argued they could not be truly devoted to the Party. Jews were then labeled as Zionists. Zionism was considered anti-Communist, and racist due to the Party purposefully putting out that the "chosen people" line meant that Jews were supremacists and believed themselves to be better than others (The chosen people line actually refers to us choosing to adhere to certain laws). As such, Zionist activities were shut down as they were an act of treason and betrayal. This means that synagogues, shuls, business, and more were shut down as a means to disrupt the "Jewish conspirators". It did not matter that Jews were involved in the revolution, if you were Jewish you were an other and could not be trusted. pt 1.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
Anti-Zionism is becoming dangerous. First they demonize mental health, now they are glorifying a man who killed himself for Palestine. This needs to stop.
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alantudykstan · 2 months
Decolonize Palestine is a terrible source that erases Jewish and Palestinian history
It's a propaganda site and I will explain/show why.
Disclaimer-I absolutely believe in and support Palestinian self determination just like I support Jewish self determination. What I don't support is propaganda. There's plenty of reputable sources out there that support Palestinian self determination. This is NOT one of them. Bad history only harms, never helps.
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Right here, we deal with loaded words-dismal world image. Already, you're being told Israel has a dismal world image. I actually don't know how Israel's world image is. I would image, like any other country, views will shift and change depending on what's happening. There's a conclusion drawn here though. It also sticks out because everything else is based on Palestine, but a sudden jab at Israel was placed here.
Let's talk about the rainbow washing and why that's a problem. First and foremost, Israel is the only nation I know of to receive this kind of criticism. In fact, it (pinkwashing) was actually specifically coined for Israel. It's extremely rare for any other country to have this levied at them.
On top of that issue, it also denies Israelis agency in their gov't and makes it seem like the gov't is just this faceless evil entity and that everything that changes for the better is suspect; not done because the Israelis there voted/protested/etc, but solely due to the gov't just allowing it so they can use it for nefarious ends. That's wildly antisemitic for various reasons and while I am focusing on pinkwashing, the same can be said of the other 'washings' Israel is accused of.
Honestly, 'washing' in general is more used against businesses as well. So there's also that factor to consider on why Israel is the top target by far for this (It's antisemitism-not a stretch for people to think Israel is a faceless evil looking to control the world to also think of it in a more monetary sense because Jewish people=money antisemitism at play).
It also tends to be highly generalized criticism with little to no additional research done into said issue.
The Palestine Through History section is...ahistorical.
It completely erases Ancient Israel and Judea. Indeed, there's no mention of these ancient kingdoms. It mentions Rome, Assyria, etc, but not anything involving the indigenous Israelites. This is flat out erasure.
It brings up the Peleset Tablet as proof. The group in question there is the Philistines. Who were they? People from the Aegean that came and settled into the southern Levant, and came into conflict with the indigenous people there-particularly the Israelites. They would later be completely assimilated into the Achaemenid Empire.
There's a massive jump to suddenly the Ottoman Empire. Wiki has at least a paragraph talking about the later periods. The periods skipped are the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Arab Conquest, Crusader, Ayyubid, Mamluk then the Ottoman Empire. That's a shitton of history to skip over. Important to note is that about a 100 years after Jesus Christ died, Rome got sick of the ancient Jews (the Kingdom of Israel having been destroyed by Assyria, leaving the Kingdom of Judea as the only surviving kingdom) telling them to fuck off and devastated the region. This forced many into exile when not put into slavery and those that were able to remain were forbidden from their most holy city/site-Jerusalem. The Romans also renamed Judea to Syria Palaestina. Palaestina being the Roman version of the name Philistines and done deliberately to try and erase Jewish people from their homeland. They were THAT PISSED at the Jewish people for their rebellions against Roman rule and wanted to praise the Greeks that aided in putting down the rebellion-remember the Philistines came from around Greece.
I cannot stress ENOUGH on how much erasure of Jewish history is in this section and on how they are trying to tie a group related to Ancient Greeks to modern day Palestine. It's a fictional narrative and it skips over the many different empires that took over the area, Christianization and Islamification and how those affected the peoples living there.
Hell, there's erasure of Palestinian history here too! So much of their own history was left out deliberately.
And yes, Palestinians are indigenous as well! Many are descended from other indigenous groups in the area and/or Jewish people that converted (willingly or not) to the point that on the genetic level, Israelis and Palestinians are kin.
To the shock of no one the Ottoman Section absolutely downplays the issues Jewish people had there.
The site erases Theodor Herzl's Jewishness in favor of playing up him being European. As a reminder, Judaism is an ethnoreligion-you can be both atheist and Jewish AND a European surname doesn't mean the person is of European descent. There is also downplaying of Jewish indigeneity to the Southern Levant. There's also a severe lack of discussion on the violence of Arabs and Jews towards each other as well as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem having met with Hitler and being allies.
It is an extremely one sided affair. There is much to criticize on how Israel developed, but this isn't it. At all. Honestly, I could continue reading on, but there's no point really. There's so much wrong historically that it's not worth it to me.
They also promote BDS, which as a reminder, made a map of supposed 'Zionists' when it was really just Jewish people living in Boston and wants only the state of Palestine to exist and is actively against Palestinian-Israeli led Standing Together, which aims to change how Palestinians are treated in and out of Israel. And more. There's always more.
A brief view of the sources listed are of people that do not see Jewish people as indigenous and are very one sided. Basically, the site itself has the conclusion that everything with Jewish people and/or Israel is bad and from the glance I got from their list, they curated it to 'prove' the conclusion they came to.
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