alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Rules: Use this to pixel yourself and your muse
[REPOST! Do not reblog.]
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Tagging: @erumodoki, @lawforlight, @lawliet-is-l-a-sexy
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
send me ‘speak up!’ for the first three things my muse equates with yours!
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Send 🏪 + an hour for our muses to go the convenient store at that time
example: 🏪 + 2 AM
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
the smartest thing to ever come out of light yagami’s mouth was l’s dick
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
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next deathnote adaptation: near dryly and detachedly retells the entire plot of deathnote in simpler terms
(inspired by this gem)
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Looking for a challenge, Yugi approached the stranger sitting alone in the corner of the chess den and shrugged off his jacket. He had already beat most of the regulars at the club, and he guessed the new man was either too skilled, too inept, or too lonely to play with anyone else. 
“Would you like a partner?” Anywhere else he might never had had such an assured tone of voice, but this place made Yugi confident. He went there almost every weekend to play games with the retirees and was long used to the smokey furniture and harsh, bright lights. He even carried exactly enough change with him for the sitting fee and carbonated lemon water from the vending machines.
He wrapped his jacket over his thin arm, unknowingly showing off bulky chain jewelry and his slender waist under a tight, shiny polyester shirt. 
“I’m not a bad player,” he promised. He was humble.
No, he wasn’t a bad player. Near had been in this same corner of the chess club since 7:30 AM, slowly grinding his way through a game he was playing against himself, and he had registered everyone who came in or out in some indifferent part of his brain, this boy stuck out enough that he was one of the only ones Near had really noticed. Sure, Near hadn’t actually seen him play, but he had an air of confidence to him, and he didn’t seem the type of person to be confident without having a base for it in real skill.
Near was quiet for a moment, then glanced up at him through his eyelashes; tilted his head slightly to one side, and then more dramatically to the other, stretching out the muscles in his neck and shoulders.  “I was just about to checkmate myself, you know,” he said, then paused, chuckled under his breath. “Mm, that sounds a bit. Well.”
While Near did make a formidable opponent, playing chess against himself was frustrating at the best of times -- it was difficult to block out the part of his brain that insisted on anticipating his own moves. He was bored enough, and the kid was interesting enough. The fact that he was cute enough didn’t hurt either. With a light hand, Near gestured to the seat across from him. “Forgive me, I’d enjoy a partner. Especially if you’re not a bad player.” With one arm, he swept the pieces still laid out on the board towards him, gathering them up and beginning to lay them out in their rows on either side.
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
eyyy thanks for the ask!⌛️ - last thing you did before logging in?//was working on a fic oooo. i've been working on it/writing it for coming up on three years now and i literally only have two scenes left to write before the first draft is done. i'm probably going to cry so much writing the last scene that it's gonna be difficult to write it at all because i won't be able to see the page through the tears。゚(*´□`)゚。🎈 - a childhood memory?//i tried to come up with something endearing for this, but alas. my most vivid childhood memories are apparently all really weird. see the time i was five and i was sitting in the back of my dad's truck and my fam was about to leave for a road trip, and i was suddenly like acutely aware of the passage of time and that i wouldn't be five forever and that one day i would be looking back on that memory much much older and a completely different person than i was when i was experiencing it. but idk kids are deep man🔶 - favorite colours?i fucking love pink omg. especially coral pastel or coral pink :0000
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
L didn’t always go to wherever he was needed because of various cases, but he did like being back and traveling in Europe after the Kira case was over, and although Greece was hotter than what he usually preferred, he did quite like the architecture, and this small town, especially since his last visit, even if he spent most days huddled up in a room with his laptop. Regardless of that, he did allow some sunlight to shine through the blinds and curtains, bathing the room in a shimmering, dim light. It was not entirely a getaway, though, as he was working even now, albeit none of the newer cases seemed to be as interesting or challenging as the one in Japan was back then… but that was to be expected.
L was at the door by the time the first knock disrupted the tranquility of the room; he expected the visitor, although he couldn’t deny the sudden pressure that nearly overwhelmed him – the first time since he left the orphanage –, but it was mixed with something new this time.. excitement? Perhaps. He couldn’t deny that he was curious about his successor candidates, even if he thought of the system itself as faulty.
When he slowly opened the door, without hiding behind any sort of mask, he knew almost instantly that it was a good decision. Seeing them face to face, allowing them to see that he was more than just a title, too, – an actual human – would feel refreshing to anyone. He eyed the younger man with eyes that quickly scanned through everything, taking notice of how white he was; his clothes, his skin and hair - and standing in the door, encompassed by sunlight nearly made the newcomer shine.
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He felt curious eyes on himself, too, quickly noting everything, and L smirked faintly. He was fast, he was definitely talented. He moved to the side to allow his guest to step inside, and still felt his eyes on him as he closed the door. L wondered just what he expected, what kind of image he had in his head about him… wondering if this felt like an important moment to him, because it felt that way to L, at least to some extent. When he turned back to look at him, seeing him more clearly now, he allowed himself to hold his hand out. “I’ve been expecting you.. Near.”
More than anything, when the heavy door swung open and Near was faced for the first time in his life with this man that, hell, he was supposed to be now, he was rattled by how small L looked. He may have had a good four inches of height on Near, and his hair was a goddamn sculpture, big and untamed, falling into his eyes in a way that was charming when it should have just looked messy. But he was also thin, the circumference of his arms not much more than Near’s; the circles under his eyes purple and raw; exhausted, rather than the black shadows Near had always pictured him as having. He looked so...human. Yet as Near took more of him in, he seemed to grow, and keep growing; his presence was huge, smothering, a cloud of smoke that filled the whole room and seeped outside to where Near stood on the doorstep.
He wasn’t sure what to feel, and he wasn’t sure what to do for the first 30 seconds or so either, just standing there, not moving, not saying a word. He’d never liked L, he reminded himself. He understood him well enough that he had little respect for him; this was no paragon of justice he was standing in front of, just another person much like himself who couldn’t stand to be bored. Nothing to be impressed by. And yet it was difficult to hold onto the quiet disdain he’d been carrying for so long -- standing in front of him here, he could feel how capable this person was; watching as his eyes scanned over Near as he stood there and understanding how much was going on behind them. It had been less than a minute and L had probably already figured out all there was to know about Near. It was a phenomenon Near was all too familiar with.
And so it was hard not to be impressed. But he was pleased to see a flicker of admiration cross over L’s face too. L’s approval wasn’t supposed to mean anything to him, and yet here he was, quietly proud of himself, confident enough again to step across the threshold of the door and into the house.
It was messy, but navigable; the light falling across the room in blotches from the few windows L didn’t have the curtains drawn over. Stepping over piles of books and crumpled up papers, Near made his way over to the couch, and perched on the edge of it, in front of a tray of loose gummy bears which Near looked at but didn’t touch. “Part of me is surprised you’re even real,” he remarked, voice quiet and with an undertone of awe he hadn’t intended. “Though I suppose it couldn’t have been the Japanese police who managed to solve the Kira case.” He paused, letting his eyes meet with L’s, on the off eye contact with him would have anything of the same effect it seemed to when Near did it with other people. “On the subject of cases, I’m here to ask for your help with one.”
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He watched as L stepped towards him, one hand extended, and with caution he took it. He had a weak handshake, he knew that, but he wouldn’t be surprised if L did too. “The man, the myth, the mystery,” he murmured. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
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868 notes ¡ View notes
alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
          avoid stress     —–     they always said that like it was some key to keeping his sanity these days.     ‘   manage your stress   ’   &   then what ?   he never had much stress to begin with;     at least, he didn’t think so. he never felt stressed at least.
          this here, this wasn’t stress or anxiety     (   his doctors’ favorite words   )     he knew what this was; compulsion, obsession, mania.     ‘   identify   &   react  ’     —–     oh, he identified,   &   now he was reacting. not in a way anyone would be proud of him for, but the only person he wanted that sort of thing was had died years ago anyway.
          it’s been even longer since his mind had this much reason for existing   &   it’s riveting, enthralling, engaging     —–     technology’s sure changed a lot in the passed decade, though he doesn’t bother removing all the red tape here. 
          just like before, he wants to be noticed, wants to be caught; this would have no point otherwise.
          b   doesn’t bother much with all the case files   &   Top Secret Information he’s just unlocked     (   nothing he wanted was in there   ).     he is looking for a specific one, though     —–     a very specific one     …     naomi misora’s missing person’s file. it wouldn’t be there all by itself, of course, he couldn’t imagine     ‘   L   ’     to have much interest in that detail of everything. it was buried, in the well cataloged events of the kira case.
          he doesn’t take anything from those dusty, mournful relics however     —–     he leaves something;     an image, actually. not one he had taken himself, it was someone else’s. someone else made the straw-man, someone else took the picture of it     (   it was just a simple google result, after all   )     but   b   knew it’d be enough to get the detective’s attention.
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          b   leaves it at that. he didn’t doubt     ‘   L   ’     would be able to decode the easy message     —–     he just wondered what kind of person this successor was like. was he the kind to dismiss something like this ?   well, probably not considering paying mind to every detail was something ingrained in all of the little monsters there. dismissal wasn’t in their vocabulary;     no, this new   L   would heed his message. he supposed the only aspect to question now was if he’d be intruiged enough   …     //     @alabaster-blues
It wasn’t that Near hadn’t been expecting this. In the most general sense, this wasn’t even anything new; the orphanage had accomplished exactly what it set out to and planted obsession so deeply into each one of its students that he was contacted by a different letter name every week; these transparent, desperate emails about the skills they’d been cultivating since he last spoke to them and what an asset they’d be to his team. They were never assets. They didn’t want to help him, they wanted to usurp him. And even if B didn’t have the same motivations, whatever motivations he did have came from the same place, extreme as he might have been. Near should have been ready for it.
But he wasn’t. And he couldn’t have ever been, he realized that now. No level of preparation; no understanding of the inevitability of this could have kept off the wave of ice that went through his body when he opened the document. For a second, he almost tried to tell himself he didn’t know what it meant, with it’s single, menacing image, but he did.
Rester was concerned; bustling into the control room of the SPK ranting about a security break and how much they’d paid for the elaborate system of firewalls on their computers, and while Near found it exasperating to listen to, he didn’t speak until Rester had quieted enough to give him the opportunity. “The security is fine,” he told him. “There are some people no amount of security can keep out.”
“Who?” was all Rester said.
“An old friend,” Near responded. It wasn’t really true. “This doesn’t get out, you understand?”
He wouldn’t have to take a backdoor like B had, although the temptation was there; it might have been more fun -- but in the end, Near just called him. Or, rather, called the most recent psychiatric institution he’d been transferred to. It took 12 minutes and the phone passed between five separate, equally hesitant nurses before he finally got hold of B. When he did, though, he was lost for a second, filled with the same sort of visceral fear he’d had looking at the picture of the strawman B had left.
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After a moment, he found himself again; took a breath. “B,” he said. “What do you want?”
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Tagged by @shinrisensou
a. - age: 18?? adult????? b. - biggest fear: passing up too many opportunities for dumb reasons. c. - current time: 18:27 (6:27 PM) d. - drink you last had: mocha biscotti tea with almond milk. i’m so excited i had an answer other than water for this fuck e. - every day starts with: groaning, rolling around, desperately clinging to whatever is left of the dream i woke up from f. - favourite song:  i can never decide between california girls by nombe and let’s make love and listen to death from above by css and it’s been that way for like a year so have both g. - ghosts, are they real: am thinking so h. - hometown: lame tiny city in saskatchewan, canada.  i. - in love with: hmmmmmmmm. stuff and things. couple of people.  j. - jealous of: people with a lot of disposable income k. - killed someone: lol uhhhh??? who hasn’t?????? l. - last time you cried: couple nights ago in my car at like 4 AM lmao m. - middle name: hannah n. - number of siblings: zerooooo o. - one wish: to create a body of work that will affect the world and impact people (hopefully through writing) p. - person i last called/texted: @shinrisensou snapping a series of supper cooking updates and i am still experiencing sandwich jealousy from it q. - question you’re always asked: “what do you mean by that”. it’s great r. - reason to smile: my cat; blueberry bagels; late night drives with cool tunes and heavy bass; optimistic tarot readings; pals; love; magic s. - song last sang: gossamer thin by conor oberst  t. - time you woke up: 7:00 AM bleeeeehhhh u. - underwear colour: turquoise. it matches some of the accent colours on the hoodie i’m wearing rn too and i’m secetly so pleased v. - vacation destination: vancouver, greece, england + scotland, los angeles, nyc, the netherlands w. - worst habit: overanalyzing fucking everything. it’s a fun way to torture yourself endlessly x. - xrays you’ve had: foot; like 50 dental xrays y. - your favourite food: gnocchi or coconut rice are v good faves z. - zodiac: scorpio sun; aquarius moon
Tagging: @erumodoki, @lawforlight, @kiigaru, @judiciium if ya’ll wanna
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Getting to know you Questions for the Mun!
🎂- When's your birthday?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What's your family like?
🐶- Favorite animal?
🔶- Favorite color(s)?
🎥- Favorite movie?
📺- Favorite TV show?
🎞- Favorite cartoon/anime?
🍔- Favorite food?
🍦- Favorite ice cream flavor?
🍭- Favorite candy?
🍸- Do you drink?
👣- What do you like to do in your spare time?
⚽️- Do you like any sports?
🎮- Favorite video game(s)?
⛪️- Are you religious?
⌛️- Last thing you did before logging in?
🎈- Share a childhood memory!
🛍- What was the last purchase you made for?
💸- If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
🖌- Are you artsy?
❤️- How would you describe yourself?
💛- How do other people describe you?
⭕️- Favorite Pokemon?
💠- what is the Most expensive thing you own?
⚜- What is the most precious thing you own?
🐻- Do you have any stuffed animals?
🐝- Favorite season?
🐋- share a Weird/funny story?
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
L: Why is Mello standing on the table?
Near: He likes to be tall.
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
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// merry munday from the gal behind the sheep; here’s some grainy ass photos ✌️
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Light Yagami: *speaks*
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
Magic Sentence Starters
“Remember to pay attention to where you’re aiming your wand. You don’t want to accidentally turn someone into a toad.”
“You really have magic? This is so cool!”
“Which do you think I should get as a pet, a dragon or a unicorn?”
“You forgot to add a few phoenix feathers to your potion.”
“I was so upset when I missed the bus this morning, but then I remembered I could teleport so it all turned out alright.”
“Just because you’re a wizard doesn’t mean you can get out of learning math. Math is just as important as the spells are.”
“I thought being a wizard was cool, until I figured out we hadn’t learned how to slow down time yet. What’s the point of having magic if I can’t wait until the last possible second to do my homework?”
“I still don’t understand why we have to keep non wizards from figuring out about magic.”
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alabaster-blues-blog ¡ 7 years
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Finished piece I’m pretty happy with, I think my cartoon style is starting to get much better development !! :0c
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