-crickets cricketing-
//Every time someone from the squad posts I get a notification for it and it makes me miss our group of nerds;-;
Oof, I miss you guys ;-;
//there’s a few of us still hanging around, though! Probably more active on our mains… life got busy for a lot of us. I’ve been working on some fics and stuff that may get posted here at some point :)
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Four years ago, back when the darkness of the night was a far bluer hue than now….
We welcome you to participate in a zine focused on our favourite trio, the Buraiha. Through this zine, we hope to celebrate what we love about Dazai, Oda, Ango and their relationships with one another. The main theme of this zine will be Memories. The zine will be hosted by three mods, mod Dazai, mod Oda and mod Ango
We are now opening interest checks for the zine! Please fill out this survey to know your interest in participation, along with the content you wish to contribute!
Additional links:
About and FAQ
Schedule and Guidelines
Mod information
For any more information, contact the blog, or message the mods. We’ll try our best to help you out.
We hope to see you very soon!
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Because seeing you begging for food money is even too pathetic for me to enjoy. 
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Ah, that's right, I forgot some people were into necro.
To everyone who finds joy in celebrating, happy Valentine’s day. To everyone else, I hope you have a wonderful day today.
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Why does a dead man need to worry about Valentine's Day anyway?
To everyone who finds joy in celebrating, happy Valentine’s day. To everyone else, I hope you have a wonderful day today.
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Me, defending my edgy son:
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First I’d like to apologize for being entirely absent for the last… forever. I’ve been doing a lot of work and other really fun things for other fandoms (and I even took a vacation) so yeah! But, some quick things, etc., etc.
It’s been a long time coming, but I wanted to make it official that come January 2018, I’ll be retiring this blog, as well as @hawthornesuggestions. I don’t believe that I’ll delete either blogs, mostly because I’ve deleted RP blogs in the past and I’ve always felt bad about it after, but I’ll no longer be active role playing here. This is for a few reasons, mainly being time. I’ll be moving no less than two times next year, and shifting a focus onto original fiction and solo content creation.
I’ve had an amazing time with the other suggestion blogs and have every intention of keeping in touch with and talking to them, and I’ll still be writing for BSD and other fandoms actively over at @memswrites and posting to AO3 - I have YOI and BNHA things lined up next year specifically for anyone in those fandoms, too. I just don’t have a lot of time to keep up a fandom/role play specific blog like I used to because of personal projects and work.
You’ll be able to catch me over on my fic/fandom blog, as well as the Bakugou server I help mod here. It’s been an amazing time and I love the experiences I’ve had here and the people I’ve gotten to meet because of it as well as the amazing followers that have come here.
Ya’ll are the best. 
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First I’d like to apologize for being entirely absent for the last... forever. I’ve been doing a lot of work and other really fun things for other fandoms (and I even took a vacation) so yeah! But, some quick things, etc., etc.
It's been a long time coming, but I wanted to make it official that come January 2018, I'll be retiring this blog, as well as @hawthornesuggestions. I don't believe that I'll delete either blogs, mostly because I've deleted RP blogs in the past and I've always felt bad about it after, but I'll no longer be active role playing here. This is for a few reasons, mainly being time. I'll be moving no less than two times next year, and shifting a focus onto original fiction and solo content creation.
I've had an amazing time with the other suggestion blogs and have every intention of keeping in touch with and talking to them, and I'll still be writing for BSD and other fandoms actively over at @memswrites and posting to AO3 - I have YOI and BNHA things lined up next year specifically for anyone in those fandoms, too. I just don't have a lot of time to keep up a fandom/role play specific blog like I used to because of personal projects and work.
You’ll be able to catch me over on my fic/fandom blog, as well as the Bakugou server I help mod here. It's been an amazing time and I love the experiences I've had here and the people I've gotten to meet because of it as well as the amazing followers that have come here.
Ya’ll are the best. 
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Alternate ending + Atsushi joined the Mafia
Alternate Ending + scenario = drabble. 
What does Dazai-san want with it? 
It, currently, was curled on his bed - his bed. A child not much younger than himself, but still young. Tiny. Poorly nourished. Badly clothed. 
And that stupid hair. 
Dazai had gone on an assignment with Chuuya that morning, to obtain something valuable. Something integral to the future of the Port Mafia. He had been ordered to stay behind, and naturally had not followed that order. Dazai had clearly decided he wasn’t ready for the mission he and Chuuya had embarked on, he’d seen it in the glint of Dazai’s visible eye. 
No, we don’t need you on this one, Ryuu-kun. Why don’t you stay behind. 
Curiosity and need had burned through him. Them not needing him meant that he was more a liability than an asset, and he couldn’t have that. He needed to prove they were wrong. A need that, at the end of the day, had landed him nose to nose with a white tiger almost as bestial as his own Rashomon, all teeth and claw and no restraint. And yet… somehow that creature - that rampaging monster even Rashomon could not devour whole - was this boy laying on his bed; his punishment from Dazai, for disobeying orders and making him save his neck. 
Dazai was long gone now though, up high in Mori’s tower, sweet talking this thing in his bed a place in the Mafia. Reflexively, naturally, the hem of his coat rippled, and the head of a real beast curved around, static crackling around it. It wanted to eat, wanted to consumed. Akutagawa could relate to the sentiment as it echoed through his head. What would Dazai think of it once he devoured it? 
The boy on his bed rolled over, stretching and arching his back like some scrawny slum-stray. Though, perhaps the slum-stray would have had the sense for danger, with a rabid dog nearby and hungry. Instead the boy rolled again, curled in on his stomach, and stilled in his sleep once more. 
Pathetic. Not even worth the time. 
And yet he still couldn’t help but think - what did Dazai want with it? 
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*Googles how to kill someone that can manipulate gravity ASAP* 
By the way you are acting, I'll just take it that I'm right.
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001: Fitz/Lovecraft & fitzaku :3c
Shipping/Character Meme
When I started shipping it if I did:@dazaisuggestions and @chuuyasuggestions respectively created art and fic for those assholes and since @fitzgeraldsuggestions is a long time RP-partner, I started shipping it as a joke until I actually started thinking about it and it is now my preferred Aku ship. 
My thoughts:I think Fitzgerald and Akutagawa are similar in a lot of ways, even if the way they go about getting what they want in vastly different manners (mostly.) Fitzgerald is very Machiavellian and Akutagawa obviously has the Darwinist comparison that has been driven into the ground and those ideas/philosophies I find are fairly complimentary. There’s also that one line in the Fitz/Sushi/Aku fight where Aku refers to Fitz as his “dessert” so i mean like- 
What makes me happy about them:They’re such an unexpected combination and it’s incredibly fun writing content for them because of that. I like doing unexpected/off the wall bullshit. 
What makes me sad about them:The fact that I’m pretty sure if I’m being 100% honest nothing between them would end entirely happily or ideally. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:There’s not enough fan fic, that’s mother fuckin’ what. 
Things I look for in fanfic:Well u see I gotta have fan fic to begin with so-
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I would literally shit Fitzgerald with anyone. I’m not picky. I’m not too much a fan of most Aku pairings so I guess the boy would be alone XDDDDMy happily ever after for them:Fitz stops being a cuck and makes a proper wifey outta Aku and maybe drags his lil asthmatic ass out of the mafia but that ain’t happening so.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:Fitz is big spoon, Aku is little spoon. 
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:Quiet, peaceful time reading in Fitz’ study. 
When I started shipping it if I did:I started shipping it because two thots named @fitzgeraldsuggestions and @hplovecraftsuggestions made me. 
My thoughts:I think, like most rare pairs, it’s an interesting dynamic to explore. especially considering the fact that Fitzgerald and Lovecraft are so different from each other. Mostly I  like writing them in gross D/s situations because I’m nasty. 
What makes me happy about them:I think the fact that even though Fitzgerald is a bastard there’s a mutually beneficial exchange between him and Lovecraft. 
What makes me sad about them:They’re never gonna be canon and also Lovecraft jumped into the sea. Fitz misses you, squid papi. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:Uhhhm what fan fic lmfao. 
Things I look for in fanfic:I would look for going in depth with how they met, how their relationship formed, what happens to it after Lovecraft bounces - if there was fan fic. *insert Fairly Oddparents meme* 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Well it’s no secret that in addition to this rare ass rare pair I also ship Fitzaku and Kunicraft so like I mean. 
My happily ever after for them:Fitzgerald stops being a cuck and gets him and Lovecraft one of them swanky ass floating homes in the middle of the ocean. 
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:Fitzgerald is fond of sleeping snuggled in Lovecraft’s many squishy tentacles, probably. 
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:Fitzgerald likes doting on Lovecraft. A lot. Of course sometimes this means just letting the man spend all day in bed but yanno. 
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001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
my thoughts:
What makes me happy about them:
What makes me sad about them:
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
things I look for in fanfic:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
My happily ever after for them:
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
003 | send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
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It's not really a fetish? I mean I don't care about death, it's just a consequence of life... And I did try with the crocus... Unsuccessfully.... T.T -the flower anon
Hmm, pity. What a tragedy to be you right now.
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do you have any suggestions (lol) for someone that wants to do a blog like this?
//Heyo! Sure. 
//I’ve had a lot of blogs of various topics. This will be my second? Major RP blog that’s like. Done things and shit, and I think I’ve had a decent amount of time to figure out the stuff so here we go~
//First and foremost, remember it’s about fun. My first big RP blog I made on a whim because I’d just joined a new fandom and a blog from a completely different one sparked up inspiration because the character that I was really interested in was similar in a couple of ways to that one, and I ran with it. I didn’t really have a set goal in mind to like. idk. Get big or whatever, I was just like okay, this is cool, this seems like fun, and I have the spare time to do it. I think if you go into it with that mindset, you’ll get a lot more out of your experience. These blogs (the suggestion blogs) were made on a whim b/c the first of us that started were a friend group from a couple other fandoms who’d also had RP blogs together. 
//Aside from that. It’s good to figure out what you want to do with the blog ahead of time. Like - what are your posts going to be like? Are you going to be strictly joke? Serious? A combination? How do you want to write this character? Figuring this out early helps lay the groundwork for putting out content that is consistent. This is something of course that can change and be flexible - Akutagawa started as a joke account and now a it’s kind of split down the middle between silly shit and Real Deal Fuckery. It all depends on what it is you’re looking to contribute to the fandom. 
//Don’t copy cat. And what I mean by this is don’t look at another blog and essentially... do exactly what they’re doing. People like authenticity and originality and there’s a difference between fandom overlap (same HCs, characterization that might be similar just on merit people understand the character very well, etc.) and outright taking someone’s idea as it is. Being inspired is one thing - and I think being inspired is great - but you should definitely try to bring something different to the table because people respond to that. 
//I could go into serious detail about the whole process but essentially ^that’s it. I’ve found that the best/most interesting RP blogs come from the people who really love a certain character, or who really just in general love the source material, have an idea and roll with it because it’s something they love and enjoy doing, and put the time into making it special.  
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Ah! That's more interesting than a knife to my throat. Do go on cactus! :Dc -the flower anon
Do you have some sort of weird murder fetish or something? 
Go to @fyodorsuggestions for that. I don’t have patience to deal with freaky little snuff fantasies. 
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Oh please, I've been threatened with death soooo many times by the little rose.... Be a little more creative than that 🙄 -the flower anon
I don't have to be creative, I just have to disembowel you. Which is easy, satisfying, and won't waste much of my time.
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