ajayrosales · 3 months
why you should keep writing your story
because it’s a puzzle no one else will ever arrange the same way as you.
because there are ideas that simply won’t come to you until you write down the wrong words.
because all the bad scenes are the bones of the wonderful scenes.
because someone will love it: someone will read it once, and twice, and thrice; someone will ramble to you about the complexity of it; someone will doodle your characters out of love; someone will find it in exactly what they were looking for with or without knowing it.
because they have things to say, your characters. they’ve told you all those secrets and they have more to tell you, if you will listen.
because you love it even when you don’t; even when it drives you mad or when it accidentally turns into apathy; even when you think you’re doing it all wrong; you love it, and it loves you back.
because you can get a treasure even from things that go wrong; because if a story crumbles down you can build a shinier one on the same spot; because you won’t know where it will take you until it takes you there.
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ajayrosales · 6 months
If your plot feels flat, STUDY it! Your story might be lacking...
Stakes - What would happen if the protagonist failed? Would it really be such a bad thing if it happened?
Thematic relevance - Do the events of the story speak to a greater emotional or moral message? Is the conflict resolved in a way that befits the theme?
Urgency - How much time does the protagonist have to complete their goal? Are there multiple factors complicating the situation?
Drive - What motivates the protagonist? Are they an active player in the story, or are they repeatedly getting pushed around by external forces? Could you swap them out for a different character with no impact on the plot? On the flip side, do the other characters have sensible motivations of their own?
Yield - Is there foreshadowing? Do the protagonist's choices have unforeseen consequences down the road? Do they use knowledge or clues from the beginning, to help them in the end? Do they learn things about the other characters that weren't immediately obvious?
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ajayrosales · 6 months
A character arc where the character who did terrible things and regrets them is forced to live, to put one foot in front of the other and find healing, who chooses to pour goodness into the world and make the world a better place
Is more satisfying to me than a character arc where the character who did terrible things and regrets them is redeemed through death
99.9% of the time.
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ajayrosales · 7 months
Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
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A Study In Physical Injury
Medical Facts And Tips For Your Writing Needs
Broken Bones
Unconsciousness & Head Trauma
Blood Loss
Stab Wounds
Pain & Shock
All About Mechanical Injuries (Injuries Caused By Violence)
Writing Specific Characters
Portraying a kleptomaniac.
Playing a character with cancer.
How to portray a power driven character.
Playing the manipulative character.
Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Writing a character who lost someone important.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing characters with memory loss.
Playing a pyromaniac.
How to write a mute character.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to play a stoner.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
Portraying a character who is anti-social.
Portraying a character who is depressed.
How to portray someone with dyslexia.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
Portraying a character with severe depression.
How to play a serial killer.
Writing insane characters.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
How to write a character with HPD.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with depression.
Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
How to play a victim of rape.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
Writing a character who self-harms.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play the stalker.
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Playing a character with ADHD.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
Portraying an emotionally detached character.
How to play a character with social anxiety.
Portraying a character who is high.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
Portraying a sex addict.
How to play someone creepy.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
Playing a character who struggles with Bulimia.
Illegal Activity
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Domestic Abuse
Internet Fraud
Computer Viruses
Corporate Crime
Political Corruption
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Contemporary Slavery 
Black Market Prices & Profits
AK-47 prices on the black market
Computer Hackers and Online Fraud
Contract Killing
Exotic Animals
Fake Diplomas
Fake ID Cards, Passports and Other Identity Documents
Human Smuggling Fees
Human Traffickers Prices
Kidney and Organ Trafficking Prices
Prostitution Prices
Cocaine Prices
Ecstasy Pills Prices
Heroin Prices
Marijuana Prices
Meth Prices
Earnings From Illegal Jobs
Countries In Order Of Largest To Smallest Risk
Blood Analysis
Book Review
Cause & Manner of Death
Computers/Cell Phones/Electronics
Cool & Odd-Mostly Odd
Corpse Identification
Corpse Location
Crime and Science Radio
crime lab
Crime Scene
Cults and Religions
Document Examination
Fingerprints/Patterned Evidence
Firearms Analysis
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Art
Forensic Dentistry
Forensic History
Forensic Psychiatry
General Forensics
Guest Blogger
High Tech Forensics
Interesting Cases
Interesting Places
Medical History
Medical Issues
Multiple Murderers
On This Day
Poisons & Drugs
Police Procedure
serial killers
Space Program
Stupid Criminals
Time of Death
291K notes · View notes
ajayrosales · 1 year
writers will really have a doc titled ‘fic planning’ and then it’s just blank
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ajayrosales · 1 year
Ref Recs for Whump Writers
Violence: A Writer’s Guide:  This is not about writing technique. It is an introduction to the world of violence. To the parts that people don’t understand. The parts that books and movies get wrong. Not just the mechanics, but how people who live in a violent world think and feel about what they do and what they see done.
Hurting Your Characters: HURTING YOUR CHARACTERS discusses the immediate effect of trauma on the body, its physiologic response, including the types of nerve fibers and the sensations they convey, and how injuries feel to the character. This book also presents a simplified overview of the expected recovery times for the injuries discussed in young, otherwise healthy individuals.
Body Trauma: A writer’s guide to wounds and injuries. Body Trauma explains what happens to body organs and bones maimed by accident or intent and the small window of opportunity for emergency treatment. Research what happens in a hospital operating room and the personnel who initiate treatment. Use these facts to bring added realism to your stories and novels.
10 B.S. Medical Tropes that Need to Die TODAY…and What to Do Instead: Written by a paramedic and writer with a decade of experience, 10 BS Medical Tropes covers exactly that: clichéd and inaccurate tropes that not only ruin books, they have the potential to hurt real people in the real world. 
Maim Your Characters: How Injuries Work in Fiction: Increase Realism. Raise the Stakes. Tell Better Stories. Maim Your Characters is the definitive guide to using wounds and injuries to their greatest effect in your story. Learn not only the six critical parts of an injury plot, but more importantly, how to make sure that the injury you’re inflicting matters. 
Blood on the Page: This handy resource is a must-have guide for writers whose characters live on the edge of danger. If you like easy-to-follow tools, expert opinions from someone with firsthand knowledge, and you don’t mind a bit of fictional bodily harm, then you’ll love Samantha Keel’s invaluable handbook
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ajayrosales · 2 years
Two identical infants lay in the cradle. “One you bore, the other is a Changeling. Choose wisely,” the Fae’s voice echoed from the shadows. “I’m taking both my children,” the mother said defiantly.
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ajayrosales · 2 years
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some composition notes i guess
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ajayrosales · 2 years
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So I feel like whenever a property with POC characters gets popular, a lot of issues can show up in fanart people may not understand can be leaning into stereotypes/racist tropes which makes tags a hard place for POC fans to enjoy-and distorts what should be positive representation into something harmful. A lot of these bias have been unconsciously injected in people since childhood so I hope this brief, and not conclusive, guide helps some artists double check some of their designs/scenarios!
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ajayrosales · 2 years
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Art by Davood Moghaddami
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ajayrosales · 3 years
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SULFUR AND SALT, a new webcomic by Yours Truly, published by @hiveworks up now!
Young adults driven forward by ambition stumble upon something magical, and soon find themselves knee-deep in something bigger than they ever imagined. Sulfur and Salt is a story about alchemy, friendship, romance, mystery and the occasional demi-god.
Read the prologue on the fancy, shiny site, and consider sharing this post to tell all your friends about this cool new comic! Thank you!
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900 notes · View notes
ajayrosales · 3 years
A Trans Webcomic Masterpost (Part 2 of 2)
Ok so to clarify any confusion the original post for this masterpost broke. I don’t know why or how but the links wouldn’t show up and it refused to let me save anything if I tried to. Now this post exists with more webcomic and hopefully active and accessible links!
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Deadendia ( @deadendia) (Tapastic) (Warning: Major Character Death, Transphobia, Self Harm, and Abuse)
Created By Hamish Ridley-Steele ( @hamishmash) (Site)
Summary: DeadEndia follows the daily activity of three amusement park workers who begin to suspect there’s something truly horrible inside the haunted house attraction.
Includes a Trans Man Main Character!
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Dragon Husbands (Tapastic) ( @dragonhusbandscomic) (Webtoons) (Site)
Created by Puck ( @dragonhusbands) (Patreon)
Summary: Fai lives on space colony 88HK3 in the year 535 After Ascension, and he’s pretty sure fairy tales ain’t real. Then he meets a strange person, and a stranger fate.
Has a Trans Man main character!
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Mantime! ( @mantimecomic) (Tapastic)
Created by Sam Prowse ( @samuelprowse)
Summary: Being a trans man is tough. Sometimes you gotta wrestle bears, and other times you can’t get the goddamn lid off the applesauce! Follow the funny adventures of 3 trans guys as they go through life.
Follows 3 Trans Men Characters!
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Moço (Tapastic) (warning: depression/suicide references, transphobia, homophobia, dysphoria)
Created by Dani Bolim ( @bolinhopodre)
Summary:  The life of a trans man
Trans Man Main!
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Poppies and Aconite ( @poppiesandaconite)
Created by Jau N.
Summary: Princess Fì’s marriage to Horin was a political one, but the love that grew out of it is real, and they are now expecting their first child. But Horin is a werewolf, and not everyone likes that…
Features a Trans Man Main character!
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Sing the Moon Down ( Smackjeeves) (Site) (Tapastic)
Created by Mister Loki ( @misterloki) (Site)
Summary: Sam is the shy and awkward new witch in a small town. After opening up an apothecary clinic, he gets acquainted with Santiago, the local werewolf who struggles with issues of self identity. Luckily, Sam is just the man for this job.
Follows a Trans Man Main Character!
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With Great Abandon ( @withgreatabandon) (Tapastic)
Created by EH Macmillan ( @e-h-macmillan)
Summary: Harry is a gay trans man, Russell is gay cis man, and With Great Abandon is a queer romance set over the course of a year in London. It’s the story of their differences, their similarities, and their relationship. A hopeful and kind story. Also food and comics.
Follows a Trans Man Main Character!
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Howling Night (Tapastic)
Written by Emily Riesbeck ( @emilyriesbeck) (Patreon) Art by Nelly Karlsson ( @nellyonly)
Summary: What do werewolves do at summer camp? Howling Night is a short coming-of-age story about being yourself, fitting in, and finding a place where you belong.
This is an allegorical story about being trans!
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Monster Pop! (Site) (Tapastic)
Created by Maya Kern ( @mayakern) (Site) (Patreon)
Summary: Monster Pop! is a comic about two best friends and the slice of life adventures they share! Monster Pop! is set in an alternate Earth where monsters coexist with humans; sometimes they integrate well, sometimes they clash. This comic is heavily influenced by shoujo manga.
Has a Trans Man Character in Main Cast!
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Sharp Zero ( @sharpzero) (Tapastic) (Comic Rocket)
Created by Robotsharks ( @robotsharks) (Patreon)
Summary:  Our story centers around Elliot, a delinquent indie rock musician who gets caught up in the world of vigilantism through an unexpectedly stupid accident.
Contains Trans Men, Agender, and Genderfluid Characters!
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Wicked Hero ( @wicked-hero)
Created by Adrian Malmgren ( @adrianserier) (Patreon) (Site)
Summary: Wicked Hero contrasts to our own world by showing what it could be to live in a society where diversity and individuality is a given. Where things such as gender, body or skin no longer come with setbacks. Where asking for someone’s pronoun is considered just as normal as asking for someone’s name. But…Even in the best of worlds some things still needs fixing.
Has Trans Man and Genderqueer Main Characters!
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Click ( @clickwebcomic)
Created by Geo Barnett ( @geosaurus) (Site)
Summary: A queer scifi comic about wildlife photography and self-isolation.
Has a Trans Man Main Character!
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Seeing Starsigns ( @seeingstarsignscomic) (Tapastic)
Created by Elissa ( @boogeymadam) (Ko-Fi)
Summary: Deserters escape to the swamp from a soon-to-be cult and get involved in a dispute between the swamp’s magic inhabitants, who all seem to have ulterior motives. Has some violence.
Has Trans Men and Nonbinary Characters!
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Cirque Du Royale ( @cirqueduroyale) (Tapastic)
Created by Brittany K. Granville ( @atomicbritt)
Summary: A slice of life comic about the regular lives of the newly appointed royal clown family.
Includes a Trans Man Character!
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Cunning Fire (Site) (Tapastic) (Warning: Death, Blood, Abuse)
Created by Kaz Rowe ( @kazrowe) (Site) (Patreon)
Summary: Cunning Fire is an urban fantasy story about witches and spirits in modern day Chicago, following the journey of Akiva Stein as she enters this unfamiliar, hidden world and learns the craft of the Death witch. Caught up in her new coven’s quest to create the legendary Elixir of Life, Akiva is forced to face her ability to see spirits and come to terms with the ways magic has tainted her past, and how it will shape her future.
Includes a Trans Woman Main along with Trans Man and Nonbinary Character!
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Flux (Site)
Created by E. Jackson (Site) (Patreon)
Summary: FLUX is a short comic about gender identity, transition, and trying to start a band with your best friend.
Has Nonbinary Main Character!
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Job Satisfaction ( @jobsatisfactioncomic) (Warning: NSFW/ fetish references)
Created by Jey Barnes ( @prawnlegs) (Site)
Summary: What is everyday life like for a professional summoner, their zealous assistant, and the demons who crash on their couch and help out with taxes?
Has Nonbinary Character!
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Meriel’s Law ( @merielslaw) (Tapastic)
Created by Kath Kirkegaard ( @illuia)
Summary: Meriel’s Law is a short urban fantasy comic about a witch that’s been suffering through some bad luck for a while and the book and magazine door to door seller who promises to infinitely improve her life by selling her, well, anything really. It is a story about forgiveness, purpose, change and people moving. It features an exclusively queer cast and their identities are not the center of conflict. It’s written and illustrated by Kath Kirkegaard, aka illuia, and it’s their first published comic.
Has Nonbinary Main Character!
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Mooncakes ( @mooncakescomic)
Created by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu (Patreon) (Site)
Summary: Long-lost childhood crushes Nova Huang and Tam Lang have reunited for the first time in ten years. They have a lot more to deal with this time than just being the only two Asian kids in school (who also happen to both have magical abilities). The comic focuses on their relationship as they struggle through bills, family, and weird horse demons in ways that only a witch and a werewolf can.
Has Nonbinary Main Character!
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Rechargable ( @rechargeablecomic) (Tapastic) (Warning: Drugs and Alcohol)
Created by  Bilvy Jane ( @bilvyy) (Site) (Patreon)
Summary: The Immortals are an Australian crew of criminals, doing their best to get by in the underbelly of New Portland. The year is 2100, and the intentions are very dubious.
Has Nonbinary Character in Main Cast!
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Streetcrows ( @streetcrows) (Warning: violence, body horror, death,and gore)
Created by Dieselhands (Patreon)
Summary: Panic is brewing. After a number of kidnapped civilians all turn up dead, with no logical explanation, perpetrator, or motive, police have deemed the streets of Aberration unsafe. Even law enforcement dares not look too hard into the darkened corners and alleys of the underground.Curfew. Martial law.Chaos. The police are getting gradually more tight-lipped, until almost no information at all reaches the panicked public - and still, kidnappings go on.Only the brave run these streets now. The Streetcrows, a pack of driven young adults with no reason to stay inside, put on their feathers and fly.You have many reasons to stay inside. However, the reasons to solve this mystery are more important. This isn’t just a mystery; it’s personal. With your friendly narrator in mind, you approach the Streetcrows.Work together. Find out what is happening in this city.Game start.
Has Nonbinary Main Character!
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Those Spaces Between (Smackjeeves) (Tapastic) (Site)
Created by Mister Loki ( @misterloki) (Site)
Summary: 3 short Stories about being nonbinary!
Follows Nonbinary and Genderfluid Characters!
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Blindsprings (Hiveworks)
Created by Kadi Fedoruk ( @blindsprings) (Patreon)
Summary:  It’s a magical adventure story about growing up
Has a Nonbinary Character!
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Love Not Found (Hiveworks Site) (Warning: Sexual Nudity)
Created by Gina Biggs ( @ginabiggs) (Patreon)
Summary: LOVE NOT FOUND is a story about a young woman living in a time where touching has become outdated. She has recently moved to a new planet and finds that touching might not be such a bad idea. Now she is on a quest to find someone who wants to do things the old fashioned way!
Has Nonbinary Characters!
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Postcards in Braille (Tapastic) (Site)
Created by Constanza Yovaniniz (Site) ( @kurisquare)
Summary: Postcards in Braille is a comic about a group of friends stepping into adulthood, in a world not too different from ours. Oh, and two of these friends are dating. And one of them is blind.
Features a Nonbinary Character!
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Total Party Kiss! ( @totalpartykiss) (Comic Rocket)
Created by Elly Beck ( @ellydraws) (Patreon) and Kat Forster ( @kat-rampant)
Summary:  It is about queer people who play Dungeons and Dragons together and the ensuing romance between them.
Has a Nonbinary Character in the Main Cast!
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Alice and the Nightmare ( @aliceandthenightmare)(Hiveworks)
Created by  Michelle “Misha” Krivanek (Patreon)
Summary: Alice and the Nightmare is a comic heavily inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. It follows the story of Alice Heart as she attends the prestigious Phantasmagoria University, where Wonderlandians like her train to enter and collect the dreams of sleeping humans. The comic features magic, dark fantasy elements, and plenty of sweet tea time treats!
Includes a Pair of Wonderfully Nonbinary Twins!
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Paranatural (Hiveworks)
Created by Zach Morrison ( @firstnamezacklastnamemorrison)
Summary: Paranatural is a comedy/action comic about a group of superpowered middle schoolers fighting evil spirits and investigating paranormal activity in their hometown.
Has a Nonbinary Minor Character
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Cubus ( @cubuscomic) (Tapastic)
Created by E. Rega ( @havinghorns)
Summary: A comic about a boy and the demon he accidentally summons living together in a more magical and geographically inconsistent Philadelphia.
Has a Nonbinary Main Character!
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Sidequest ( @sidequest-comic) (Tapastic)
Created by Kezia ( @thekingkez) (Patreon) (Ko-Fi)
Summary: Marisela Durante is somewhat of a professional odd-jober; chasing chickens, delivering letters, anything you’re willing to pay her for. But when the spirits of the forest start showing an interest in her, it becomes apparent she’s made for something more. Whether she likes it or not.
Has a Nonbinary Character in Main Cast!
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Butterfly Blues ( @butterfly-blues) (Tapastic) (Patreon)
Created by Haley Wall ( @spoonychan)  Devon McEowen ( @hideki16seiyuu) Aaron Rachwitz ( @yuurikatsudone)
Summary: A webcomic that takes place in a world destroyed by the Gods, following the journey of a homeless trio who takes on a job to help two brothers from a prestigious family hunt down an infamous terrorist group, Butterfly Blue.
Has a Nonbinary Character in the Main Cast!
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Acethexics ( @acethexiscomic) (Tapastic) (Webtoon)
Created by Florence ( @theartofflorence) ( Patreon)
Summary:  Acethexis is an action/drama series about a girl and an illegal android who are swept up into a life of crime in the eyes of their government.
Has an Agender Main Character and a Demigirl Cast Member!
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Chaos Life ( @findchaos​) (Site) (Patreon)
Created by A. Stiffler (Site) and K. Copeland
Summary: ChaosLife is a semi-autobiographical comic. It focuses on a queer relationship between A. Stiffler and K. Copeland, who create the comic! It also delves into politics, GSM issues, mental health, pop culture, cats and other randomness. Since its debut in 2011, ChaosLife has been featured in numerous publications, including The Washington Post, The Discovery Channel’s Official Blog, The Australian Broadcasting Company, AutoStraddle, WIRED, Neatorama and MSN Japan, among many other online and real-world venues.ChaosLife updates once a week, at least!
Follows the life of a Agender Individual!
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Always Human ( @alwayshumancomic​) (Webtoons)
Created by Walkingnorth (Patreon)
Summary: This is a story about nanobots, genetic engineering, and two girls falling in love. No matter how technology changes us, we’ll always be human.
Has an Agender and Genderfluid Characters!
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Gutless (Site)
Created by Rose Bousamra ( @roseiaghost​) (Patreon)
Summary: Gutless is a fantasy story about a genderless mechanical knight brought to life by a witch princess, set in a magical manifestation of North America called the Realm of the Seven Stars.
Has an Agender Main Character!
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Tatoo’d ( @wdcomics​) (On Hiatus)
Created by Nina Buttafuoco ( @doodleimprovement​) (Patreon) (Ko-Fi)
Summary: The tale of an intersex, genderfliud tattoo artists and their various exploits leading up to their sisters wedding in the spring.
Has a Genderfluid Main Character!
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Ignition Zero (Site)
Created by Noel Arthur Heimpel ( @noelarthurian) (Site) (Patreon)
Summary:  Ignition Zero is an urban fantasy comic about a group of friends who get mixed up with faeries and spirits! It takes place in the fictitious city of Glory, Maryland in the fall of 2011, and covers the adventure Robbie, Orson, Neve, and Martin have with their friend, a spirit they call Ivory. Only Ivory–and those they’ve been defending her from–may not be what she seems. There isn’t always a clear right or wrong side to a story…
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The Property of Hate (Tapastic) (Site)
Created by Sarah Jolley ( @modmad​) (Patreon) (Site)
Summary: A Hero’s journey.
Has a Genderfluid Character!
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Snug Orbit (Tapastic)
Created by Emrys Seren ( @emrysseren) (Patreon)
Summary: A slice of life autobiography about love somewhere between romance and friends, featuring a polyamorous household. :3
Follows the Life of a Bigender Peep!
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Shaderunners ( @shaderunnerscomic) (Tapastic)
Created by Capp ( @capitalette) and Lin ( @linkeepsitreal)
Summary: A thousand years ago, the last colour in the world faded to grey. Now, after the great archaeological discovery of Queen Sorizahana’s shade-stocked tomb, it stands ready to enter the world again. Ironwell City will become the birthplace of the burgeoning colour industry, where colour is pumped out of factories, poured into perfumed bottles and sold at exorbitant prices to those wealthy enough to afford the luxury. At least, that’s the plan according to the Five Financiers of the Sorizahana excavation.One part Prohibition fantasy, one part Robin Hood, and a whole lot of epic heist,Shaderunners follows a group of ragtag bootleggers and bohemians who band together in an effort to steal colour from the wealthy echelons of Ironwell’s high society. Among them: a philosopher, a puppeteer, a gutter rat, an opera singer, a naval officer and a hopeless romantic. Together, they run The Glass Dial, former watch shop and future night club, where all the house drinks run red.Speak easy, pal, ‘cause the road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
Has a Bigender Character in the Main Cast!
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SHELTER (Tapastic)
Created by Michael K. ( @serpentenial​​) (Patreon) (Ko-Fi)
Summary: SHELTER is about a young man named Riley who finds a mysterious kid at his door one evening, with seemingly no recollection of where he came from. Riley takes him in and sets out to find out who this kid is, and where he came from, and what he should do about it…
Has a Bigender Character!
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Inhibit (Tapastic) (Smackjeeves) (Webtoons) ( @inhibitcomic​) (Warning: Bodyhorror)
Created by Eve Greenwood ( @evegwood) (Patreon) (Site)
Summary: As a kid, Victor dreamed of training to be a superhero. That didn’t go so well. Now, nine years later, Victor is a resident at the Earl Estate, a home for kids who haven’t yet demonstrated that they can control their powers. With his 18th birthday - and a transfer - only a few weeks away, he has one last chance to prove he is capable enough to receive his licence and go home.
Has Nonbinary Characters!
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Shades of A/Shades After (Site) (Warning: BDSM, Sexual/Nonsexual nudity)
Created by Tab Kimpton (patreon)
Summary: Anwar, a guy who identifies as Asexual being dragged to a kink night by his best friend JD.
Has a Genderqueer Character!
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The Sanity Circus (Tapastic) (Site)
Created by Windy ( @trackalaka​)
Summary: Attley is a young girl in the strange city of Sanity. Things become stranger when her best friend turns out to be not what she seems, and soon discovers that may apply to the entire city itself.
Has Trans Man and Nonbinary Characters!
Part 1 of this masterpost can be found here!
Want to learn about more webcomics? Look through my webcomic library here!
Have I not read one of the comics you love? Submit me your faves here!
(Also here’s a template for peeps to submit their comics with!)
Did I miss anything in my list? Have a masterlist you wanna see? Just wanna say hi? Send me an ask here!
If you enjoy any of these webcomics I encourage you to reblog this post or reblog their works. All of these wonderful creators deserve to have their stories seen and heard and you can help by just showing other people how amazing they are!
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ajayrosales · 3 years
why are wlw books so angsty and deep all the time like where is my casual wlw romcom or my fantasy lesbians, space bis and trans princesses like not every wlw has some lost love in some town in the middle of nowhere
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ajayrosales · 3 years
did cinderella ever talk to her man about his faceblindness
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ajayrosales · 3 years
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DND fun with Cendrillon! :)
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ajayrosales · 3 years
If you like the wellerman, try on this classic
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ajayrosales · 3 years
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I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to make that cardinal girl, so I read up on birds and put together some reference material for myself.
I’m the sort of person who needs to see things to understand them and forgets things that aren’t in my direct line of sight, so I like to make notes and ref sheets like this to figure everything out. Maybe they can be helpful to others, too.
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