ageofzeroart · 1 month
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My RBB 2024 piece is!!! here!!! (and boy did I have some trouble finishing it lmao)
I'd apologize for the watermark but given the Everything, I will not.
In true me fashion, it's a crossover AU! I worked with @bibright as my writer to bring you defiance of prophecy, but Ignis this time!! He's really gone through the wringer, it's super good and there's a whole novel's worth of reading thanks to him!! You should read it if you like shadow of the colossus or want Noctis to live or (like us) love a man who's so devoted he'll corrupt himself to save his king's life.
The fic is here!! go read go read!!
[ID: an illustration depicting The Mystic, a massive armored figure standing in ancient ruins, and Ignis standing beneath with daggers in hand ready to challenge it. the sky is stormy, with lightning crackling behind it. It holds its arm out, pointed toward Ignis, with magic glowing around its wrist. Ignis stands at the foot of the stairs leading to its base, his clothes scuffed and ragged, with Carbuncle sitting on his right shoulder and the Trident of the Oracle strapped to his back. Where his sleeves are ripped, glowing runes are exposed on his arms.]
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ageofzeroart · 4 months
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not that my datemate can make use of the warning tags bc he doesn't actually use tumblr, but I thought I'd add them for others who do use blacklists
I can try to do that more conscientiously in 2024, that's my resolution
But with that out of the way, man I love being submerged in water and I decided at 3:30 AM that I needed to begin a sketch of my skykid just floating in the water. I told myself I wouldn't noodle on it too long, but here I am anyway lmaoooo. I don't do it as often anymore but man did I ever swim a bunch underwater when that update came to the game. The season area is so pretty and lush underwater, and the sanctuary isle's trench is also lovely.
When I'm specifically going diving, I like to change into the narcissist spirit's clothes from little prince season. idk it just reads like a diving suit to me. I also put on the airmask for the little bit of extra breath haha.
don't mind me noodling, I've never actually drawn underwater pov before. I gotta look up some more pointed references for it to get the look right. And then take more screenshots of the skygame area for the underwater creatures and flora.
for now, vibes
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ageofzeroart · 9 months
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Here's the preview for my piece in the @fffanthology fanzine! It was a labor of love, have no doubt about that!
I'm excited to see everyone's work all together in the zine, and I'm glad to have Crystal Chronicles included, since it's such a cute little game. I got to have a lot of fun drawing some of my favorite designs, and painting forever and a day on top of that hahahaha.
Preorders open in less than a week!
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ageofzeroart · 9 months
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Happy birthday, Beloved
I had a brief burst of inspiration to draw something soft for Cloud's bday and actually succeeded this time, hahaha. victory for me.
I am going to color a strifesodos that is so soft....
It was really fun to do, actually, I didn't worry too much about getting all the rendering absolutely perfect, and the soft light effect worked out pretty well. It was nice to spend some time on something easy for a change.
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ageofzeroart · 10 months
I remembered out of nowhere that I have the art files from high school and college in my archive folder and I mostly haven’t posted them anywhere since dA at best. So that was a fun nostalgia trip.
Let’s not talk about my struggle with 3D modeling, hahaha. And my brief foray into trying out Adobe Illustrator, where I was dETERMINED to make it work for me. I made illustrations for both my Dune and Lord of the Rings literature classes which was neat. And all my charcoal drawings made me miss that mess something fierce. I sure did have some adventures.
Whether or not I actually post it, though.... idk if I’ve got the spoons for it, or if it’d be interesting to anyone. It’s all 2009~2014, so like, a decade old basically.
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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I was drawing this for friendgroup playing Apollo Justice since they all loved Apollo so much, but I didn’t finish it before we finished the game lmao. I basically had in mind to use it as a phone wallpaper (not this in particular bc it’s a 600px jpg, but the file that isn’t made for tumblr posting). It’s very bright, aha
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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This is another zine piece, for the Final Fantasy VII Fantasy AU zine except the zine got canceled due to the mod’s life exploding a little bit. Ah well, it happens sometimes.
But!!! one of my pitches was my shameless Ladyhawke crossover AU (which is strifesodos of course, I’m determined that way), and the head mod specifically wanted me to draw my pitch because they’d seen the movie I was referencing! Which, wild!!! but lovely, I was so thrilled. So I did a fake movie poster. I looked at one of the original ones, but quickly went off the rails for it lmao. Don’t hold me to it but I’d also write this if I got the spoons for it.
I struggled a little bit in places with this one, but I really like big parts of it. I still hate drawing animals, but painting was really fun. And writing the story in my head was also fun (I have two versions of it). i didn’t have the mental space to think of a title that wasn’t just the movie’s title, but even if I had, I probably would’ve left it like this for the zine specifically to get the point across.
I do actually have the cast figured out like 99%, because the movie is actually pretty small in terms of characters that are necessary. I struggled for a bit, waffling between choices and not knowing who to put as one, but Angeal solved that latter problem and I figured it out in the end. Thus, the poster with so many characters lmao.
(listen, okay. L I S T E N. The male romance lead, Navarre, is a blond soldier with a special giant sword who wears black, has one pauldron, and transforms into a wolf. That’s such a perfect opportunity for Cloud I don’t know what to tell you. And of course, his romance counterpart had to serve my ship specifically because I’m writing this whole thing in my head, I get to have the counterpart be Genesis. Which doesn’t not work, it’s just also self-indulgent.)
(One of them is trans in my AU but I’m not elaborating further yet.)
(Sorry Kunsel I’ve marked you for death during a scene.)
But yeah anyway I had a good time, I’m sad that the zine project has to be canceled but I’m grateful for having someone else be like “heck yeah Ladyhawke au!”
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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And my second @ffxvreversebang2022​ piece was a self indulgent ignoct pirate AU, hahaha. Are they fighting, are they flirting??? It might be both, but there’s sure some Disapproval in the peanut gallery lmao.
The fic is here, by @walking-in-lucis​
I’m just fond of pirates and I had a lot of fun working on this. I dug around all over for references and it’s not perfect but it was fun all the same. This one also caused some hella inspiration in my rbb partner, hahaha. I love inspiring.
I also also had extra sketches for this one too, and more I didn’t touch up a little bit but will post at some point. I had such a good time drawing and creating an art that would come with a fic!!!
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an “initial kidnap” and “ten years later” comparison, based on my initial pool of ideas (I have a pool of specific ideas and tropes I keep for pirate AU ahaha). I also call it the trashy romance novel cover idea for my own amusement.
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Not that I’d ever stay on model, but I drew out costume ideas for my own benefit to help me visualize. Noctis is not fussy and ornate enough tbh, but we’ll just say he’s in casual formalwear.
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also, Prompto and Gladio for bonus fun. I didn’t do too much designwork for Gladio’s formalwear, I was copying Clarus’s, but it’s just for the ~aesthetic~. I also nearly made Prompto left-handed initially and flopped the gun holster over to the right side of him. (I didn’t try with the gun it’s just a sketch idea I didn’t want to finish fleshing out askjhdlf)
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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the progress shots for my zine of despair piece. I started with digital thumbnail sketches because I couldn’t get pencil and paper to work that day, and then everything else turned into traditional. I got a lightbox from my datemate, which meant I could get some actual clean ink lines without mussing them up by erasing the pencil underneath, which was new to me and also very cool. Can’t recommend that enough, hahaha.
I scanned it only once during the process to preserve the lineart before coloring. Everything else I took pictures with my phone camera.
But oh my god, coloring. I was so careful and gentle with my pencils at first because this color palette is so incidentally limited. I didn’t want the black leather to blend in with one another to the point of losing the details of the characters asdjlkhf, so I was coloring this for a whiiiile.
I’m coloring most things for a while because the coloring purgatory is real.
But the patience and care was worth it, I think. I got a lot of compliments in the discord group about how I made that limited palette work for me. That being said, the amount of pigment I insisted upon at the end really curled the paper, and I don’t think any amount of sitting it under weights helped solve that lmao.
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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And here are my wips for my nsfw multimania piece, which is Right Here. It didn’t end up in the ship tag, and this probably won’t either, but a kid can dream. XD
I do not want to draw genitals so I was absolutely going to give them underwear at one point, but then I thought..... trans genesis tho........ And the lighting will be dark so it’ll be a little bit subtle, but still present. When the mods approved it, I was delighted. XD
doing the blocking out of the lighting colors was really fun. I had to save it in png because the reds turned into jpeg garbage immediately, which cracked me up.
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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Since I’m here, I’ll post up my wip shots for the multimania zine piece. Just for fun.
I always really enjoy the initial sketch phase, for how free and chunky my lines are allowed to be. It’s messy, it’s fun, and I have fun refining a shape out of the mess. Sometimes it sucks to lose a little bit of the softness of the sketch to the lineart phase, but I stay happy with the process most of the time. More importantly, it’s always a learning experience.
Also, I did in fact do my very best to draw the Tiny Bronco underneath them, even though a good portion of it was gonna get blocked by their picnic blankets and their bodies. alternately, a good way to hide my sins lmao. But I worked real hard and I’m proud of it as much as I can be. :3
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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also, my abnormal amount of wip shots for the final Hades AU piece. I do love seeing the process from start to finish, I just usually don’t save out progress shots. By nature of having check ins, I kinda have to. XD
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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Hello from my first ever Big Bang event!!! I’ve been so excited to participate in @ffxvreversebang2022​, I’ve always wanted to be part of one of those events, and now I’ve done it!!! I came up with this idea in a flash, but. Canon!Noctis having to go through a Hades game gauntlet to revive himself, and my writer went as feral for it as I did. The fic is called “Oh, I’ve Anger Enough”, by ArawnScribble, and you can read it!!! You should read it!!! I’m excited to read it too!!!!
Thank you so much for working with me and being as excited about this as I was when I came up with it, and enjoying throwing spaghetti at the wall with me. I’m sorry about your writing purgatory (the fic is a monster and I’m excited to see it from start to finish), but I’m so thrilled at the time I’ve had. <3333
I also have so much energy and ideas for this AU that I have several sketches to add, and I will likely have even more as the story goes.
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(image ID: a picture of Noctis, Nyx, and Carbuncle. Noctis is walking toward the left, a sword made of broken pieces of light in hand. There is a geode-like cross-section of jagged crystals from his cheek all the way down his torso, and cracking continues from that opening all over his body. Nyx is hovering beside him, offering crystal fragments, with Carbuncle perched on his shoulder. He wears tattered clothes and there are burn marks on his left arm and up his left side of his face. Carbuncle is communicating a party popper emote.)
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(image ID: a picture of Noctis looking up at Lunafreya, who is handing him a bundle of sylleblossoms. Noctis is looking up at her with a mournful expression. He has a geode-like fissure in his torso revealing jagged bits of crystal, and cracks spread from that opening along the rest of his body. Lunafreya is gently touching Noctis’s hand holding the flowers, looking at him with a small smile as she floats in front of him. She glows with a gentle white light.)
Noctis in the Astral realm is going to see some familiar faces, and it’s going to be so wonderfully sad and messy and I’m here for it
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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Well, I bear sad news with the posting of this (you can check https://limitbreakpress.com/ for a little more detail, but the short of it is that the sephzine at present isn’t going to print), but the mods said we could post our zine contributions in full now, so I’m gonna do so.
This is my piece for the xXZine_of_Despair_Xx, (or @zinesephiroth​) a Sephiroth fanzine
I did this traditionally, and it’d been a while since I’d worked with colored pencils, so it was a real joy. My color range was so aggressively limited, I was relieved to remember that there’s a blue ribbon around the hilt of Kadaj’s sword and yellow caution tape jkhasdf lmao.
And it gave me something physical to give to @fallintosanity​ , my bff and president of Silver Elite (unofficial) and who was going through a rough patch when the signups were happening. But I also had to make it for me and add the silver hair trio in there because I just like them? idk, I love these fragments of a person who’s lost so much of himself in death but still refuses to Die. And of the three fragments turned into thinking people, only one of them was given enough sense of self to notice the trap he was in. He’d never be a real person, he’d always be a fragmented little tool for making a bigger picture. We don’t have time to get into that in Advent Children, but I think about it all the time.
So yeah, it’s a bummer that I won’t get to see a physical copy of any of the zines I’ve been in thus far, but I’m grateful for having done the work anyway. The pieces were all pretty cool and everyone was really passionate about the project. Zine production has been rough across the board, so it’s not exactly a surprise but it’s still a bummer.
bonus: the photo I took of where it’s framed in my friend’s home, alongside the pencil sketch which no one else outside the zine has seen.
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ageofzeroart · 2 years
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I both spent a whole lot and not enough time on this askjlhdf but y’know. I have so many projects left to finish the shading of, I just wanted to get nice coloring down and say I’ve accomplished something.
But this is a gift! For a gift exchange on one of my discords. I... don’t know if they have a tumblr lmao I will add that in later when I find out.
(This is the sfw part, there’s a saucy fic part too ahahaha)
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ageofzeroart · 2 years
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The lineart of this was a coloring page in the digital merch bundle of the @ffviimultimania zine, so I didn’t want to post the lineart on its own. (And I found I forgot to close some of my lines on accident while I colored lol.)
But! I gave it flat colors for now because I wanted to post it! I got to sneak a bonus strifesodos into the zine! I might finish coloring it later, but I’ve got a few things I actually need to finish first. XD;;
The feathers tho... thank you CSP for my life and brushes to help me get the feathers figured out.....
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ageofzeroart · 2 years
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hahaha you know what I forgot about? I forgot I did extra spot illustrations for the @ffviimultimania zine. Honestly not surprised I forgot about those; I was thinking about the coloring pages I added and how I wanted to color my strifesodos one before posting it here, and I sorta drew and colored these at 4AM in a panic when I assumed the deadline was a week earlier than it was. XD
But I jumped at the chance to draw another Cloud (I love him), and an additional Reno since I hadn’t drawn him much! Reno was fun, his shirt is so hilarious.
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