afiqazizi · 3 years
A lot of happiness news that i want to share with you seriously. A lot🥺. But i really need to support you as per your request to make sure u heal back from all this suffer. Sy tahu dan yakin yang awk memang mampu untuk lawan dan pulih kembali. Doa sya xakan pernah putus untuk kita berdua😔. Always and always. Jauhkanlah kami dari bisikan2 syaitan yang ingih memecahbelahkan kaum Adam ya Allah. Kuatkan hati aku ya-Allah dan bantulah kami ya Allah..Aku merayu padaMu ya Allahh..Amin ya rabb
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afiqazizi · 3 years
My health condition was getting bad and im very afraid to see doctor😞. I don’t want my family worries about me again like the past😣
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afiqazizi · 3 years
Allah😞. Relay had taught me everything. Tbh, aku menyesal teramat2 skli. Berdosa dgn-Mu dan buat org rapat dgnku sakit dan sedih. Aku gagal,alpha dan leka. Ringankanlah penderitaanku ini. Begitu sakit dan sedih hatiku utk bersabar atas apa yg sedang menimpa diriku ya Allah. Perbaikilah kami semula ya Allah. KepadaMu aku luahkn smua ini. Bantulah aku untk baiki smula hubungan dgnMu dan org yg pernah aku berbuat salah dan dosa. Berkatilah segala usaha yang aku telah dan sedang lakukan utk membuatkan hubungan ini menjadi halal ya Allah😭. Jangan la Kau seksa hatiku ini lagi ya Allah.Sy x sanggup lagi ya Allah😭😭😭Sesungguhnya Kau maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui.
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Really sorry haihh. I hate my feelings rn😔😔
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Kenapa sikap tak matang aku muncul dan membuatkan orang lain terkesan. I hate myself so much 🤦🏻‍♂️😪😣
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afiqazizi · 6 years
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You’re my positive auraa. Thanks
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Tbh,i don’t want to loose you,leeya.Hanya mampu berusaha
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afiqazizi · 6 years
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Different time,but still the same person🤓
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Your expectation to me..hmm😢. Tbh, I already try my best 😞
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Disalahsangka hmmm 😔
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afiqazizi · 6 years
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Just pass my smiley test huhuhuhuu
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Way back..when we tried our first snap on the boomerang app,just nice actually 😅
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afiqazizi · 6 years
‏" لا تكره شيئًا اختاره الله لك!
Jangan membenci takdir yang telah Allah pilihkan untukmu!
فعلى البلاءِ تؤجر، وعلى المرض تؤجر،وعلى الفقدِ تؤجر، وعلى الصبرِ تؤجر
Sebab sejatinya setiap kesulitanmu akan diganjar, setiap sakit akan dibalas, setiap kehilangan akan diganti, setiap sabar pun dihitung pahalanya.
Syaikh Bin Baaz
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afiqazizi · 6 years
Renungan kita
Setiap org pastinya ada kelemahan tersendiri,just how org lain accept kelemahan kita tu dgn cara bijak atau sebaliknya..bijak dgn cara dia terima n cba sebaik mungkin utk tolong dlm improvekn or atasi kelamahn diri kita..Dengn cara sebaliknya pulak,org tu cuba mngenal psti kelemhn diri kita n lantas dia mempergunakn kelemahan trsebut dlm usha mnjatuhkn kita,or dgn cara meninggalkn diri kita ,erti kata lain menjauhi dri kita,xda gunanya klo kita kenal dgn mnusia sebegitu
Prinsip sya,keslahn bkn hnya kesalahn semata2,we do smthing wrong,n we just forget about it,nooo..that's nothing we can get or bljr from it..plus the sme mistakes will repeatedly happen again n again bcause of kita xpenah bljar smthing dri kisah lalu kita(keslahan)..bg sy keslahan tu mmg sinonim dgn mnusia,so apa slahnya kita jdkn ia as medium utk kita secara xlngsg dpt bljar smthing/lesson dri kesilapan diri kita,bg sy if sy buat slah n sy nk jugk dpt even a lesson dri situ,dgn caraa..sy mntk org lain ckp keburukn diri sy sndri pda wktu tu,keep follow up any comment tntg diri kita,let them jugde us,sbb dri situ bnyk point2 kita dpt in order to improve diri kita utk msa dpn...thus,same mistakes bleh dielakkn dri brulang lagi.lahirnya persaan insaf ialah dari kesedaran serta muhasabah kita dek kerana dosa dan maksiat yg wujud pada diri kita..Insyaallah
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afiqazizi · 6 years
With Stephen Hawking’s passing, today is a sad day for science. But amongst all his praise and achievements in the fields of physics, for me personally his biggest achievement was making a grand, full life despite the terrible misfortune of being diagnosed with ALS. It would have been easy to become a recluse, embittered with the hand he’d been dealt, a brilliant misanthrope. But this was a man who maintained his sense of humor and refused to be mentally beaten. Three years ago, he told One Direction fans that the theory of alternate universes could provide a reality where Zayn Malik was still in the band. He conducted an interview with John Oliver where his factual, deadpan delivery was funnier than his interviewer, managing the cheekiest grins as he did so. And let us not forget that Stephen Hawking is the only person to have ever portrayed themselves in a Star Trek episode (Next Generation, “Descent, Part 1″), where he appeared alongside actors portraying Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, whom he proceeded to defeat in poker.
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Hawking’s observations on black hole radiation, string theory, alternate universes and artificial intelligence are things that will probably forever remain beyond most of us. But we could all learn a thing or two from his humanity.
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afiqazizi · 6 years
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afiqazizi · 6 years
I pray you marry a man that will listen to your worries with an attentive ear.
A man that will take your tears seriously.
A man that won’t be annoyed when you falter.
A man that will make every effort to see you smile.
A man that will put you above even his greatest passion.
A man that will protect your precious heart.
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