actualrealvampire · 9 days
Hi! I’m very interested in your blog! Do you have anons? If so, can I be 🫐? I’d love to converse more!
Hello Blueberry Anon. I’m not sure what that means, but I would like to converse :)
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actualrealvampire · 2 months
He is correct, though. Drinking from an artery is more ideal by far
Okay, so do vampires drink from arteries or veins or both? Asking for a friend.
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actualrealvampire · 2 months
Your blog fascinates me, it reminds me of the time I met someone who claimed to be a real demigod and gave me a website for other real demigods to verify for myself.
Have a nice day, make sure to give your cats plenty of scritches <3
Thank you, I Think? I am glad that it fascinates you. I have never met anyone who claims to be a demigod myself. Though I do often see others (most often, human) who claim to be vampires as well. However I can most often tell when they are not serious, as they will mention all kinds of magical powers we don’t actually have. But rarely mention their age.
I also apologize for my delayed response, every now and then I accidentally take a nap for several days, or get carried away with something and it seems I forgot. I also admit I am still not very good at this “social media” thing. I feel like I just figured out how to use the internet, 20 years, 30 years, are not a long time compared to the more than 200 years of my life before it existed.
Anyways, Thank you and I will, I always ensure every cat gets pet each day (unless they make it clear they do not wish to be pet) we currently, as of late February have 56 cats in the sanctuary, as well as 36 identified outdoor cats we’re in the process of trapping and fixing around the sanctuary.
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actualrealvampire · 2 months
Tumblr media
Prized possession.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
We can drink both human and animal blood, however we can’t survive on only animal blood. Human blood is needed.
i'm sure this has been asked before here on the "strong opinions about vampires" website, but i'm curious. which option is sexiest? which option is scariest? which option is most narratively powerful?
...reblog and tell us why?
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Can and do you turn people into vampires like you? Would you turn a person if they truly wanted? What would that be like? What was it like when you were turned? Any information is helpful. Asking for a friend 🕯️😊🕯️
Yes, I can. But as for if I do, I have only turned two people in my little over 300 years. One was a good friend who had fallen ill and was dying of an untreatable condition at the time, in 1748. (She and I are still friends, in case there was curiosity.) The other was a researcher and doctor, she had a fascination with decay and wanted to be able watch the world evolve, and do experiments that would take decades. That was in 1857. I have not turned anyone else since then. Im sure she is still writing papers on how mushrooms consume dead animals or something of the like.
So, yes i would turn someone if they truly wanted, but to truly want is a difficult thing to judge. Many people think it’s what they want, but don’t realize what they give up to get what they gain. And on principle, I would not turn anyone who is obsessed with immortality, I simply do not trust them.
I was personally turned against my will, and as such I don’t prefer to turn others. I did not ask to be turned, nor did I know until it was happening that I was being turned. And i would say most vampires don’t go out of their way to turn people, but there are some who are obsessed. Because the vampire who turned me was careless and selfish, the process was horrible. But it doesn’t have to be.
As for what it is like, That I can explain. In order to be turned, the vampire has to completely drain you of blood, and then replace the blood with their own. Basically, after enough blood has been taken, you will go into a state kind of like a coma, during which you have to be buried. Apparently any shallow grave is sufficient, (though you’ll want to put them in a coffin to keep them from getting covered in dirt.) Eventually during the night, or in the next couple of following nights, you’ll wake up, and have to dig yourself out of the grave to the surface, and at this stage, you’ll have to drink the blood of the vampire who is turning you, and you will be completely turned.
If you were to be abandoned at this stage rather than allowed to or able to drink their blood, you’d become feral, and feral vampires often self-cannibalize, trying to drink their own blood and die quickly. (Which, is genuinely horrifying to see, by the way.)
For me, as I said, it was against my will, so I prefer not to go into details, but it wasn’t nearly as pleasant for me as I made sure it was for those that I have turned.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Well yes, but I suppose I don’t often think about the fact that Karl Marx was german.
Can someone explain to me why they keep making new cell phones and tablets? The technology hasn’t really advanced, what’s the difference, what’s the point? Why are there 15 of them.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
This happens to be very much my area of expertise. I was born 1696, and turned in 1722. I lived (or I suppose unlived) through the 1700s, and the apparently reasonable vampire ‘scare’
But if you have ant questions to add to lore based on historically ‘accurate’ vampires, please do feel welcome to ask me!
Does anyone know about vampires? Like real historically accurate vampires?
Ive been learning about the vampire scare in the 1700s via YouTube and it's very interesting. I've been using some of the knowledge for vampire lore for world building in this story I'm creating.
So if anyone knows anything else about vampires don't hesitate to share with the class.Im all ears for the lore and because it's just so d*mn interesting.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Vampires absolutely can heal? I’ve been stabbed a fair number of times in my 328 years and the wound does close up, it leaves a visible scar but it doesn’t just stay there. Also we drink blood, and zombies eat brains. Also we’re real, and i don’t know if zombies as depicted in movies are real but i certainly hope not. I know there’s mushroom zombie animals though.
We just have to consume blood to heal our wounds.
Sometimes I wonder if vampires and zombies could be the same creature. Hear me out if a vampire is dead, they can't heal which means if they get any wounds they stay. What if zombies are just vampires further along in the process of rotting
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Ah! I can answer this!
High blood sugar and low blood sugar both taste different (and you can tell if someone’s blood sugar is high or low) i can absolutely tell if someone is hypoglycemic.
Most medications don’t change the taste that much, maybe just a hint. Generally medications that correct things, like a thyroid medication just make the blood taste normal, and it’s actually more noticeable when someone is unmedicated in this case.
Blood pressure medication causes blood to have a slight bitter taste
If you take insulin your blood tastes a little sugary.
Anxiety/depression meds it really depends on the dose, a high dose does give blood a slightly weird taste like… licking a nickel?
Blood thinners make blood taste less rich, like it’s literally watered down.
As far as i can tell, there’s no noticeable difference based on cholesterol.
Oh also anemia is the most noticeable. Iron deficiency makes blood taste kinda gross. Imagine mixing red wine with white wine. off putting, generally.
Actually, several different mineral deficiencies can be tasted. Vitamin D and C are more noticeable, but also potassium and Calcium.
Deficient in vitamin D, blood tastes more mild, less salty
Deficient in vitamin C, blood tastes slightly stale? Like drinking room temperature water rather than cold water (i think that’s a okay comparison)
Deficient in potassium tastes slightly chalky
Deficient in Calcium tastes dry (in a wine way not a wet/dry way)
ALSO: if you smoke or vape, we can taste it. Smoking frequently makes your blood taste like tar and it’s disgusting. Vaping makes your blood taste like the wrong kind of metal. It tastes like what i imagine licking the wheel well of a car tastes like. Bad.
Drinking a lot of alcohol also impacts the taste of your blood, and a very high blood/alcohol content can make us dizzy.
Oh! And birth control! We can taste birth control. It has a very strange taste like artificial strawberry scent.
if I were a vampire I’d test the flavors of blood but in like a scientific way. do you taste different if you have to take medicine for your thyroid? does antidepressants or anti anxiety meds have a taste? can you taste high blood sugar? high cholesterol? i’ve thought a little too much about this
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
What type of vampire are you?
Twilight Vampire?
Classic Vampire?
Hotel Transylvania Vampire?
DND Vampire?
(My personal favorite) Day Boy Vampire?
Well, I am the Real Life type of vampire. I am functionally immortal (I am 327 years old) I am quite pale, I have red eyes, I cannot go out in the sunlight, I cannot touch silver, I do not appear in silver backed mirrors, or on film. I need to drink blood, (ideally human blood but I can technically survive on animal blood) I do Not sparkle. I suppose for humans, I am likely most similar to what you would consider a “classic” vampire, however, I was never catholic, so while crosses do still burn me, I am not otherwise repelled by them. And real vampires unfortunately do not turn into bats. Also, I was turned way before “Dracula” was written.
And I don’t think Twilight vampires should even be considered vampires. The only vampire thing about them is that they’re pale and immortal. They’re certainly nothing like real vampires. I’m not familiar with what Jotel Transylvania is, or what Day Boy is. And DnD vampires are interesting, but they are fictional vampires and have a number of other powers.
So I’m not a type of vampire that appears in fiction really, I just am a vampire. I’m not a cursed vampire however, I was turned.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Can cats be vampires? Asking for a friend
Animals Can technically be vampires, but it’s very very uncommon, since a vampire would have to turn them, and they cannot turn other animals. I’ve personally never encountered a vampire cat.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
I'll have the cat at your castle tomorrow. Her tags said her name is Chiroptera.
She's very sweet to people and cat- adjacent critters.
Always glad to help home a little cat. I like that she is named after a bat 🦇
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
7, 13, and 14 from the ask thing 👀
7. What Animal do you look forward to seeing when you go to the aquarium?
The Octopus, they are a beautiful and fascinating creature, incredibly intelligent, and they change colors. I do pity that humans have trapped them, but I suppose they do live free of predators.
13. First thing you’re doing the purge?
I had to look up the purge, but I would have a Yoman Warder cocktail, maybe 2 or 3, and perhaps release some animals from the London zoo, for fun.
14. Do you think you’re dehydrated?
Seen as I don’t exactly drink water, yes, but seen as I am not technically living, no. I am sufficiently blood-hydrated, I would think.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Do you take critters from Britain ,cause someone dropped a mundane cat off at my sanctuary and she keeps picking fights with my hellhound patient.
If you’ve a means to transport her to my castle, then yes I can take her. All cats are welcome. But even with weather permitting it would be difficult for me to leave during the daytime, so you, or someone would have to bring her here.
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
Do you say bleh bleh bleh?
I have certainly said bleh, but I do not say “bleh bleh bleh”
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actualrealvampire · 3 months
What a very unfortunate human way of thinking about things. Just because you’ve never personally met one, we don’t exist? Tsk tsk. Vampire lore isn’t all accurate anyways, and I’ve seen it interpreted a lot of ways in my 328 years of living. And more so in my 302 years of being a vampire. We’re real. But perhaps it is more comforting not to think about it too hard
"You got vampire lore wrong in your story because real vampires do this and that" Buddy I have terrible news about all of vampires. Heartbreaking news. Worst news you're gonna hear all day.
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