ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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197K notes · View notes
ackermxn-blog · 10 years
How do you make those symbols in your replies?
--You mean "ℳ" that? Ahhh I got it off of this website.
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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………….. no
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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.............. no
cadet-mikasa-ackerman replied to your post:Went to the mall, got new shirts, got new books,…
//pinches cheeks again// i’d say “stop being so adorable”, but that’d be wrong of me.
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kyle stahp
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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Artist YOHCHI.
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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Artist: [x]
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
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For Mikaani fans
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) Dark grey eyes turned back to the gate as it closed, a loud, booming "thump" echoing through the small space in the wall. There was a sigh of relief that escaped from Mikasa's lungs in between panting. Her breathing slowed, looking at the other inhabitants of this space. Dead or dying, they were.. Either that or scared out of their minds and refusing to remove themselves from a fetal position. Poor sods.
"Titans," she stated bluntly. There was no correct way to properly explain the Titans, or their origin. As far as Mikasa knew, they appeared not too long ago and have started terrorizing the human race again. Maybe Hange would be able to give a more detailed explanation on the tall beings. The soldier left for a moment to go speak with others about their current situation, returning to the girl's side after.
Mikasa shook her head a little, remembering that she hadn't properly introduced herself to the guest. "Oh, my apologies. I should tell you who I am." Having said that, she gave the military salute. "Mikasa Ackerman, Scouting Legion."
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—(ℳ) Of all places they could’ve been, the ground was not the best. They could be run down by a titan at any time, but it was the only way to get through the gates before they close. Surely, Mikasa was going to have to go back out there to continue the defense, but leaving someone alone out here would be a terrible choice on her part. It was all happening so far, though. There hadn’t been an attack in days, and for titans to suddenly show up from completely out of nowhere. 
There was a bit of concern for the girl she had just saved, she just seemed so caught off guard, as if this has never happened before. At this point, Mikasa was sure that she wasn’t from around here, that things like this never happened where she came from. That weapon, though; It was like nothing she had ever seen, surely it was far more advanced than the weaponry used within the walls. This was beginning to spark the soldier’s interest in the outside world.
Hearing her call out made Mikasa slow her pace, picking up speed again when the cloaked girl caught up. The gates were beginning to close, a few other soldiers giving the final call to get everyone into Wall Rose, Mikasa, a few stragglers as well as the new arrival having made it before the gates closed.
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     {✞} — Breathing hitched only slightly as the pair ran, lung span having grown substantially through years of sprints and the carrying of the massive scythe clasped onto her belt. Speed remained upon her side as their bodies traveled parallel to what the rose assumed was their destination of safety.
     Still, mind refused the questioning of such strange creatures as those scattered about the town being left behind. Such crashing and destruction; Ruby had only ever seen the likes in the battle with a Giant Nevermore back during Beacon’s initiation. Such questions were likely to appear once safety had been found.
     And speaking of, it seemed Ruby and her onyx tressed companion had reached it just in time, people gathering seemed shaken and traumatized. Body bent at the midriff, she took in a few gulps of air, sudden fatigue reaching muscles.
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          “What—What were those—?!”
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) Mikasa nodded at his question. "Indeed we do. Not to mention we have gas tanks that are fired in bursts to help in the speed department," she said, with a light shrug. Hearing the bit about the uniform made the soldier let out a bit of a laugh, the back of her hand coming up to quiet it.  "I don't exactly know who the Ghostbusters are.. But, this is a military uniform and yes, there are quite a few of us.
"Nice to meet you, Beast Boy," she greeted. I'm going to have to ask him where he got the name from. She pressed the side of her right palm against her chest. "Cadet Mikasa Ackerman of the Scouting Legion," she stated. "But, I suppose it'd be a little more simple to just call me 'Mikasa'."
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stainedgreen and childish-witch have entered Wall Maria
—(ℳ) His shock by her speed was amusing, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She was more curious as to what he was, because he didn’t seem like a normal human. Mikasa thought it’d be more of a polite gesture to respond to him first. "Hm. I wasn’t flying. I was using this," she said, this referring to the gear that hung at her sides. “It’s Three Dimensional Maneuver gear, which allows me to move through the air at high speeds.” 
"And yes, fourth lunch," Mikasa replied, probably exaggerating about how much the titan has eaten. "They do eat people, and I’m sure you would’ve been this one’s next meal if I didn’t come around or if you didn’t get away from it."
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) She was right. But.. a completely different world? How would they end up here of all places? The more Mikasa thought about it, the more confusing it became. She decided it'd be best to just save that for another time.  "Yes, they are," she replied, eyes shifting to Aaron. "We were free from them for years, these walls having kept them out for quite some time. Gods only know why they started to attack again."
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—(ℳ) Grimm..? Aura..? What are they talking about? Mikasa was becoming more and more curious about the outside world. She was also starting to feel more like Eren and Armin when it came to learning more about it. No matter, there were more pressing matters to attend to. 
"You are within Wall Maria—Or, what’s left of it anyway. A titan that was four times the size of the one I had just killed kicked a hole in the walls and let others in. The inhabitants of this wall were moved into Wall Rose."
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
//Ghhhhhh... Mun's having trouble staying awake so he's gonna turn in a little early. Night y'all.~
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) His shock by her speed was amusing, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She was more curious as to what he was, because he didn't seem like a normal human. Mikasa thought it'd be more of a polite gesture to respond to him first. "Hm. I wasn't flying. I was using this," she said, this referring to the gear that hung at her sides. "It's Three Dimensional Maneuver gear, which allows me to move through the air at high speeds." 
"And yes, fourth lunch," Mikasa replied, probably exaggerating about how much the titan has eaten. "They do eat people, and I'm sure you would've been this one's next meal if I didn't come around or if you didn't get away from it."
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stainedgreen and childish-witch have entered Wall Maria
—(ℳ) He’s… Green… Mikasa thought to herself. He seems to be okay.. But.. He’s green.. Her hardy exterior concealed the confusion that stirred about inside her. The titans were one thing, as well as a few of the street performers she’s seen while walking around the town, but he was different.
The soldier was at a loss for what to say at the moment, though a proper response was surely in order, because the poor—err—thing—seemed so confused.
"Yes, I did. Because if it had gotten any closer to you, you probably would’ve been its fourth lunch."
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) He's... Green... Mikasa thought to herself. He seems to be okay.. But.. He's green.. Her hardy exterior concealed the confusion that stirred about inside her. The titans were one thing, as well as a few of the street performers she's seen while walking around the town, but he was different. The soldier was at a loss for what to say at the moment, though a proper response was surely in order, because the poor--err--thing--seemed so confused.
"Yes, I did. Because if it had gotten any closer to you, you probably would've been its fourth lunch."
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stainedgreen and childish-witch have entered Wall Maria
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—(ℳ) Speeding through the air, swords drawn, Mikasa dragged the razor sharp edges of her swords against the neck of a titan. She slid to a stop, peeling the tile off of a building’s rooftop. She looked below, spotting a figure she hadn’t seen before. The soldier hopped off of the building, landing a short distance away.  "Who are you?" she asked.
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
stainedgreen and childish-witch have entered Wall Maria
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--(ℳ) Speeding through the air, swords drawn, Mikasa dragged the razor sharp edges of her swords against the neck of a titan. She slid to a stop, peeling the tile off of a building's rooftop. She looked below, spotting a figure she hadn't seen before. The soldier hopped off of the building, landing a short distance away.  "Who are you?" she asked.
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) Mikasa took the gesture as non-hostile, her hands moving away from her handgrips. Why this girl was wandering around was a mystery; Why would anyone want to come here? The place was infested with gigantic creatures that ate anyone.  At the mention of who she was, Mikasa gave the military salute, as per the usual whenever anyone asked. "Cadet Mikasa Ackerman of the Scouting Legion."
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—(ℳ) Leaned up against a wall, Mikasa sighed, her breathing a tad heavy after being on the frontline for a few hours. She spotted someone off in he distance, but.. It wasn’t anyone she knew.  "Who are you?" she asked, bracing herself.
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ackermxn-blog · 10 years
--(ℳ) It would seem that she and Maxwell were on equal footing when it came to how barbaric this world has become. It was painful, but true. The way her parents were killed, what Mikasa--herself--had to do to save her brother from death itself.  "Yes.. That's true," she replied, her gaze being directed somewhere else. "We try to change it, try to be less cruel, but it all just leads to the same thing. There's no escaping it."
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—(ℳ) Obsession with what they don’t know.. Another reason why Eren wanted to join the Survey Corps. To see what’s on the outside. It seemed that he was right about something else. Aside from avenging mother’s death, Eren would go on for hours about things he and Armin read in a book. 
"—Ah… yes. But some of the people I know would stop at nothing until they reach said goal."
Black hues trailed to the ground at the mention of death being taken lightly. “That happened when I was young, when I watched by brother almost become strangled to death by some stranger. Before that, I had no idea of this world’s cruelty and was just ignorant to that whole ordeal. But, he helped be realize that we need to kill to survive.”
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