abcdefjay · 2 years
Skylines and Turnstiles 9/11 Brooklyn
This broken city sky
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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Bagged all 4 mystery shirts at Brooklyn
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abcdefjay · 2 years
how to deal with extreme heat without A/C
For anyone in the UK and Europe and wherever else who needs this -
Close blinds and drapes to keep the sun out of your house and reduce the incoming heat.
Drink a lot of a water. Like a shit ton of water. More than you think. I know ice water is less of a thing in some countries, but it's preferable because it'll keep you cooler.
In addition to plain water, make sure to replace electrolytes lost through sweating, by drinking something like Gatorade. You can make a homemade electrolyte drink by mixing water with a small amount of sea salt (~ 1/4 tsp) and half a lemon or lime, and sweetener if needed.
Dip a non-terrycloth tea towel (or any spare cotton like an old undershirt) in water and then stick it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes until it is icy cold but still pliable. Drape these cloths over bare skin, like your neck, legs, and forehead, and sit in front of a fan. The fan will continually evaporate heat and the cloth will stay very cold against you for quite a while.
Fill up a spare spray bottle with water and spray yourself while in front of a fan. (Not quite as effective as #4 but still good.)
Don't exercise. It exacerbates the stress on your body. You can skip one day gym bro.
Don't forget to eat, and only eat cold things. If you don't have an appetite because of the heat, drink something like a smoothie.
If it gets really bad, go to a cooling center if you can. Don't fuck around with extreme heat. Heat stress is deadly and often hard to feel until it's too late.
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abcdefjay · 2 years
did you guys see the poem from a couple of days ago in poetry dot org’s daily poem it was so good and a treat to read 
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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It was never about the babies, but it doesn’t matter even if it was.
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abcdefjay · 2 years
What is a ghost? A tragedy condemned to repeat itself time and again? A moment of pain, perhaps. Something dead which still seems to be alive. An emotion suspended in time.”
Guillermo del Toro, from the screenplay The Devil’s Backbone (Anhelo Producciones, 2001)
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abcdefjay · 2 years
I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don’t know why, some people fill the gaps but other people emphasize my loneliness.
Anais Nin (via quotemadness)
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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Before I fall, Lauren Oliver
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abcdefjay · 2 years
stop feeling hopeless, start getting ready
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If you are in a red state, your state either has an abortion ban in place or is rated by the Guttmacher Institute as likely to enact a ban. Your focus should be on protecting yourself and others who need abortions.
stop using electronic period tracking apps or software
educate yourself and others about pregnancy prevention and join groups that are making preventative birth control more accessible
learn the nearest and most accessible routes to states where you and your loved ones can access abortion
contribute to mutual aid funds to help transport people over state lines if they are in need of abortion
consider joining The Satanic Temple so you can claim protections under the Religious Abortion Ritual if you are prosecuted for obtaining an abortion
keep a stock of by-mail abortion pills for yourself and/or others who may need them (you may need to travel out of state to obtain them)
form community provider networks and see if you or someone you know can be trained to use manual vacuum aspiration kits or a Del-Em
all of the above should be done in complete secrecy using verbal communication, end-to-end encrypted apps such as Signal, or a VPN
If you are in a yellow state, you currently have constitutional abortion protections but they are in jeopardy. Get active in local political groups NOW to fight back against constitutional amendments to ban abortion. Your focus should be purely on political action.
If you are in Michigan, you currently have a ban in place which is being challenged, and your governor is working to add abortion protections into the Michigan state constitution. Your focus should be on supporting the work that is currently under way.
If you are in a green state, your state has constitutional protections for abortion that are unlikely to be challenged. Your focus should be on helping others to enter your state for abortion care.
connect with abortion access groups such as Aid Access, Abortion on Demand, the National Network of Abortion Funds, or Just The Pill
volunteer to help people enter your state for abortion care, either with transportation help or letting someone crash on your couch
if you live in a green state with no current or predicted primary routes from other states for abortion access, you can focus your efforts on supporting political action in other areas
If you are in a purple state, your state currently has no constitutional protections for abortion but is unlikely to implement a ban. You have two focuses: pushing for constitutional protections AND helping others to enter your state for abortion care (see green state list).
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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still thinking about it …
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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The fact that this part was not in the tv show is homophobic
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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Berlin was wild
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abcdefjay · 2 years
Berlin’s favorite clown 🤡 talking about his outfit
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abcdefjay · 2 years
Cool blog :)
Thank you!! 🤗
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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My new favorite tweet and you all have to see it because I did
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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I’m in Berlin!
Plenty of flyers up for tomorrow 👀
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abcdefjay · 2 years
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Objatie III by Igor Piačka
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