PLEASE UNDERSTAND: This is about the misinformation (or lies, depending on what you were led to believe) that women—especially younger women—are being told.
I am neither condemning (disagreeing with), nor condoning (agreeing with) abortion. This is only about arming women with the powerful tool of information!
In a recent podcast called Breakpoint¹ I was devastated to find that, according to John Stonestreet, a recent study of 114 women who'd had a chemically-induced abortion, about six out of every ten of these women admitted that the experience was quite traumatic and was emotionally distressing, causing lasting feelings of isolation for which they had desired help but did not know where to turn. And the physical pain that most would only associate with a surgical abortion is quite common according to the women who were in the 6-out-of-10 group. One woman said it was "a hundred times more painful than they said it would be, and that it took 12 hours to expel all of the tissue." She had also said that it was much more traumatic than a surgical abortion.
I could not, in good conscience, do anything less than yelling it from the rooftops. (I am not making any attempt at humor.)
If you, or someone you know has had a chemical abortion, I have listed a few links below that I have either checked and vetted with research (to the best of my ability, but I cannot give any kind of professional reference, or advice, and I should point out that I don't have any dealings with, nor do I receive any kind of compensation {of any kind} or commissions), or I have had experience with the company in the past, but for other reasons. While I am not liable for any problems that might arise from the use of any of the links, I am rather careful about possible marks against my reputation, such as it is.
My final few words are
that I pray that God would be as a bright light would shine as a
beacon of safety and that He would reveal Himself at a time or in a situation where He
is the perfect fit, and not necessarily the only possible sane choice, no! A thousand times no! But where it is either a real answer to a prayer and even better than
you would dare to hope, and the kind of thing that leaves no question that it is God, the kind that makes you laugh through your tears (happy tears) as you say, "Thank you, God! Oh, thank you!"
In Jesus's Name I pray this, Amen!
¹ - Breakpoint, a podcast that was originally created by the late Chuck Colson (who also founded The Colson Center and Breakpoint) is now headed by his protégé and friend, John Stonestreet. The podcast may be found below. The episode that was the basis of this Tumblr blog post is only 60 seconds (some are 5-6 minutes and there is, about weekly, another one that is 1hr in length) was broadcast on October 19th, 2022 and is entitled, "Chemical Abortion Regret". -mc
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All right, so this guy has gotten a Nobel Prize in medicine, according to the below article:
In short, it tells of the winner of the Nobel Prize (name Paabo) whose "groundbreaking research [that] proved modern humans once procreated with ancient Neanderthals. [Paabo’s] work is considered revolutionary because it introduced a new branch of paleontology called ‘paleogenomics,’ which looks to ancient DNA to unlock the mystery of how present-day humans came to be."
Okay, maybe it's just me, but if it is, then I can't keep it to myself. I'm speaking of the incongruity (basically ≠, or does not add up) of the above-quoted article segment. Okay, let's—for the sake of argument—assume that belief that was held by the paleontology/archeology community that Neanderthals could NOT INTER-BREED with the modern-day human or homosapiens. It is here, then, that the incongruity lies. If we, as humans could not have interbred with our ancient ancestors, the Neanderthals, then please: would someone please explain at what point the two species were able to interbreed? Because, if we go by the evolutionary logic here, there are a few... well, glaringly obvious problems. Check it out:
From the logic of the 'evolutionary ladder', whether there were Homo habilis Neanderthals, Homo erectus Neanderthals, or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (a huge range of "Neanderthals" and one upon which nobody can agree with certainty or uncertainty) it should be noted that this Neanderthal classification has and is always exactly where a 'scientist' says it is in order to make their point. However,
I don't mean to be gross or disgusting, but it is a well-known fact that given half a chance (and wine and candlelight have been known to help), a human being, as a species that probably no, definitely is going to try to "procreate" with just about any other animal or vegetable (let's leave that one alone, please) it sees opportunities to do so at the time.
I don't want a Nobel Prize, but I am going to call this not-quite-new behavior of some humans by a few new types of subspecies: Homo Opportunicus Disgustica. And the nowhere near as rare as much as most of the world would like (author included), the sub-sub-scum-of-the-Earth subspecies, Homo Paedophilus (or Homo Pedophilus) which are an invasive species and are to be eradicated by any means necessary.
Regardless of the exact placement of the Neanderthals on the evolutionary ladder or spectrum, it must stand to reason that of course Humans could procreate and produce offspring! How else could the previous 'link' as well as the next 'link' after it (Apparently that would be US) come into being?!
~~Think about it!~~
It is like saying that, "We are now certain that the number 7 has always come after 6. Furthermore, scientists believe that this may also provide evidence that the number 7 has always come before the number 8."
It almost makes you want to just say, "Quit acting stupid!" A bit off-subject, but never say quit being stupid. You can then follow up with, "You are not stupid. It doesn't fit with who you are." Can I please have my Nobel Prize, now?
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wandering TRUE DAT!
Check it out: I was wandering around Boston a while back and my friends and I were all high on 'shrooms and we set a time and place to meet up again and so we actually chose the Boston Commons and I got there early and I was asked if I could spare a smoke by a guy who, I found out later, was homeless and
Like scary smart (no, not in a bad way but like beyond awestruck), and he actually was in the middle of explaining the Theory of General Relativity when my friends began to show up. We were asking all kinds of questions about the universe, and the size of some of the stars out there (for example, the lower right star in Orion, which would be his left foot, if it were to replace our own star, the Sun, it would be bigger than the orbit of Jupiter!) and when it began to get dark, he had a pack and a half of cigarettes, 3 bottles of Rolling Rock beer, and though I know it was more than $30.00, I lost track of how much. And yet, I honestly think we were the ones who walked away with more. Obviously not in a material sense on our part, I just meant... wow. Howard. I yelled at my friend Jim who had started to call him Howard-the-Bum. He had run into a bit of bad times, but he had been a professor in a College and he had let 'the drink,' as he called it, got the better of him. Was he really a professor? No clue. I will say that he had a gift: he could spin what seemed out of reach, intellect-wise, in such a way that you could understand it. Did the psilocybin have a part in the wow-factor? To this day, 20+ years later, I don't know, maybe because I don't care. His name was Howard, and Howard smelled awful! But Howard was so cool. On the car-ride home, a 2.5 hour drive, he was the topic of conversation (the things he said, and the ideas, etc) the entire way home! And do you know: back then, it was not as easy to find out exactly how big a celestial body like a star like Rigel, a blue giant super-hot star in Orion constellation, but he was spot on. Oh, and he had a mild form of Tourette's.
Here's to the mentally ill people who struggle and fail to maintain their personal hygiene. Here's to the mentally ill people with bad breath and damaged teeth. Here's to the mentally ill people in dirty and stained clothes. Here's to the mentally ill people who smell like sweat. Here's to the mentally ill people with tangled, visibly greasy, damaged hair. Here's to the mentally ill people with dry skin, broken, dirty nails and chapped lips. I hope you know that you are just as worthy of respect, compassion and support as the people who manage to shower every day.
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ANYone who films no, who just laughs at, or ridicules, or does any evil or hateful thing because anyone else's "faults" or perceived faults for any reason should be hung up like a piñata and letting them hang over an alligator exhibit at a zoo. Or maybe throw a hornets nest at their groin region.
But haters gonna hate. Not that it makes it all right. Not at all. Just saying that we should almost begin to expect it. I hate that I even think about it as a part of life, but it is getting much worse.
i think ppl who record "weird" ppl in public without their knowledge or consent should be mauled on camera i think that would be pretty epic
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I have something important to say!
If you have faith that God can do anything, then you are doing well.
However, if you REFUSE MEDICAL CARE (to include medicines, treatments that can feel bothersome, as if they are not helping [about which you have, in most countries, the right to a second opinion, but that is not what I mean]), or decide not to show up at your appointments, choosing, instead, to rely solely on the power of Jesus, you do, (again, in most countries) have the right to do that.
But please: please allow me to have a few minutes of your time and consideration to show you what could very well be a new way to look at this. Please.
You see, I was a paramedic and a nurse and even a pharmacy technician. Yes, a part of the reason was, initially, because it was always something that made such perfect sense, it was as if it was all information that I had forgotten and was remembering all of it once again. But once I had my own business doing Home Healthcare, it was like I had found my reason for living. But it was only a few years before I was experiencing pain in my spine that I knew was not at all from lifting too many patients because
I had had a few minor problems with my lower back even before I had entered the US Air Force, which was where I had received about 95% of my training as a Combat Medic. And thus,
I knew proper body mechanics and I knew how to lift, and transfer, and if necessary, even carry a person correctly.
Plus, I always, always, always used a gait-belt when I was moving anyone. A gait-belt is a very strong, canvas belt that was adjustable and self-locking that went around the person's chest and under their arms that made it easier for everyone involved.
And so, I knew, also, that this was not muscular-related, but rather it was a slowly-increasing pain that—while it was more painful when I would transfer a patient, (e.g., from chair-to-bed, or vice-versa) the pain just kept getting worse, and so finally,
I had to give my clients a 3-month notice and give up on the dream.
I reached the lowest point in my life about a year later. I had had surgery on my cervical spine (neck), but I had to spend the next 14 months trying to convince someone that something was wrong with the surgery area. I kept telling the E.R. that I didn't want the pain meds and that I just wanted an X-ray. Finally got one, and it showed that I had been walking around with what was essentially a broken neck, held in place only by a piece of titanium plate and 2 screws. It was supposed to fuse 2 of the vertebrae together with the plate holding it in the front and the fusion with a piece of hip bone to make it mend into a single piece. Instead, it looked like a meth-addict version Pac-Man. Anyway, a second surgery was done and what was supposed to happen the first time finally did. But the worst part of it is that it is still getting worse, because calcium deposits are forming in the foramen of the vertebrae (foramen=the hole in each vertebra that is where the spinal cord is) and the deposits are both crowding out the spinal cord on one side, while the other is a bunch of needle-sharp calcium deposits that pierce my spinal cord, which is exactly like taking an electric cord, push a few needles into the cord and plug it in. (No, please don't do it for real as fire and electrical shock will result ). So, naturally I wanted to die to stop the pain. No. Actually, that is not quite right: I wanted to saw through my neck and bleed out to stop the pain, and death just happened to be a really bummer of a side effect. Instead, I grudgingly went to church with my girlfriend at the time and I was loved and accepted in a way that was at first, completely alien to me. But I wanted more. I finally realized that
God is real!
He loves me more than I can describe.
He loves you just as much.
I have been proven—by real (really real, with absolutely no other explanations) miracles that I saw with my own eyes. But most importantly,
God sent His Son to live in a human body for about 33 years, and He, that is, Jesus, who has not ever sinned, to pay the price of our own debt of sin. In fact, my favorite verse,
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8 NKJV
Christ being Jesus... the Son of God.
Anyway, I just asked God one night, "Okay, God. I want to know. I want to know You. If you are really real, then please reveal Yourself to me." Not even 24 hours passed before I knew that it was God. I was stubborn and didn't actually become a Christian for about 4 months. But every time I tried to find some flaw, some...chink in the armor as they say, every single time, there was not only a real, acceptable, and accurate explanation, but it would always go a step farther and give me a better answer than I expected or dared to hope for.
So, I wanted to ask you: if you, as a Christian Nurse or Doctor (for the sake of argument) were told that one of your patients was refusing treatment because they were convinced that if God wanted them to be healed, then He would do it without having to resort to medical care. Consider:
Didn't God make everything? No, don't go by the weak argument that God didn't make chemotherapy or whatever else you consider to be Not God's.
No. If God doesn't want you, me, or anyone to use the medicine that was thought up and, call it what you like, but only God MAKES things. Like the joke about Satan saying to God that he could make man from dirt also... that it was not that hard. So God tells Satan to go right ahead and try. So Satan starts pushing some dirt into a pile and God stops him and says, "No, no, no. Get your own dirt!" My point is that just like the Tower of Babel, if God wants to make sure that we don't make something or do something, He was then and He can now do anything. But if that doesn't convince you, keep in mind that by limiting the ways God makes available to help and heal us is exactly like what Satan did when he told Jesus that if God really wanted to make sure that nothing would hurt Jesus (until the appointed time) then he dares Jesus to jump from a height sure to kill any human, Jesus said that, "Thou shall not tempt the Lord, thy God." Some word it as, "...shall not put thy God to the test." But I am trying to say that by limiting the ways that God has allowed mankind to develop ways that heal us, you are doing the same thing. You and I cannot fly. Jesus did at the ascension. You and I cannot walk on water. Jesus not only did, but also allowed Peter to do the same. As soon as Peter took his eyes, his focus away from Jesus, he began to sink. Don't take your eyes off your Savior, Jesus Christ.
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See? Perfect! Thanks for sharing this!
Don't you worry about judgements...haters gonna hate: you can't stop that. You. Do. YOU.
And for that, you are beautiful and smart and extremely brave!
I remember a song by my favorite band, Rush whose lyrics began,
"I can do what you do.
It just takes me longer.
I can feel what you feel,
It just makes me stronger. "
I always loved that song because back when I was in school, if you were different, you were a target. Anywhere, any time: different. was. wrong. A hundred years ago, many people who, in today's world, can, and do lead productive lives, were left to be a ward of the State: sitting in their own excrement, sores all over their bodies that would eventually make them so sick that they would die of septic shock.
Well, I could go on, but since I have explained enough to get my point across, anything more would just make me cry harder and make my pain worse, and make others more angry and upset than is necessary. And that is not why Jesus saved me from trying to kill myself. I am a proud person who has a disability.
But my disability doesn't have me, doesn't define me, and will not stop me. And I was happy to reblog this awesome idea that I can honestly say, more than one Therapist, and more than one Psychiatrist has suggested: That. Same. Method.
THIS IS A WONDERFUL IDEA! I, for one, will choose to follow this person, and I am trying to say that I didn't—and neither did you—yes, you: none of us just stumbled upon this. You were meant to read this reblog because I almost missed it, and this one idea can lift us up today!
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[image: FB screenshot of mine, text as follow:
I found the ultimate ADHD life hack for chores
There’s….There’s no rules, y'all
You don’t have to do… everything at once
You’re in the bathroom for a few minutes? Just put a couple of things away and wipe down the faucet and then leave. You don’t have to clean the WHOLE THING at once
This is both an ADHD life hack AND a disability life hack
SO OFTEN I feel helpless and useless because I can’t do chores. But. What if. I do. SMALL things. I can wipe a countertop down while my coffee brews. I can sweep up just a small area. I can only put away half my clothes.
ANY progress is good. ANY AT ALL!
R e v e l a t i o n
Don’t make fun, my “GET THE WHOLE JOB DONE OR DON’T BOTHER AT ALL” mentality drilled into my brain for years isn’t easy to overcome ;)]
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I wrote a few posts recently about who Jesus really is...
And, in the last one of these, I promised to give you a few links and some things to check out if you had any questions or if you thought you might like to know more about God's Love and why He sent His Son, Jesus to pay for all of our sins.
Well, here they are:
The one above, for some reason only shows that the God Tools app is available in the Apple App Store. The Same app is available in the Google Play Store under the same name, just type in God Tools. I use Android, and so that is where I got the app. I like the app, it has tons of resources, but I will admit that it can seem a bit overwhelming and like there is SO much information, you don't know where to begin. Just click whatever looks best. Really. It's only that first page that seems so much at once.
This second one is phenomenal. Really, I have had a couple of tough questions that I thought they would not be able to help me with. I read the Bible every day, though I have no set amount. I think it is a great idea to—if you are able—have a set-up schedule. I am unable to do this, mine works for me. My point was that even though I was no Doctorate in Theology or Divinity, I know my way around the Bible well enough. That said, I have, going back to where I was saying I was sure that I was not going to find my answers. But they have come through with shining colors every time and you can tell, by the way they take the time to really answer your question and can seem to be a step ahead in that they will also answer any likely additional questions you didn't know you would end up having, but there it is, all the same. I very highly recommend this site.
Okay this third link is actually very easy to remember since, after shaving off the https and the www as well as the end (like com or org, etc., in this case, org) after all that is taken away since these days you really only need the last two or three letters since the first part is the same 99.5% of the time. Okay, ready? C R U. Yeah, I told you there was almost nothing to it. cru. or if you put it all back together again,
I think this was the Campus Crusade for Christ years ago before the web, email, etc., but even though they were one of the better evangelical ministries, it mostly just focused on the College Campuses. And while they still are excellent and still witness the Gospel of Christ Jesus (yeah, I used to think that Christ was His last name, but Christ simply means the Anointed one, or the Messiah, which are all true as well), they are, obviously, able to reach far more people.
Okay, then! I think that about wraps it up.
I just wanted to add as one last thing: Once you have given your life to Jesus (who gives it right back, it's the action, the willingness that is important), whenever you sin, (and you will still sin, you just aren't slaves to it anymore), anyway the way back into the Father's loving embrace, well, it's just as easy as simply saying, "I messed up, God (or Lord, or Jesus). I am sorry and I repent. Thank you for loving me and forgiving me. In Jesus's Name I pray, Amen."
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To get to Heaven, you must come to the cross LIKE A CHILD. Why?
Because, like a child, who—if you read the previous post about what a child is convinced he or she can do—if you ask them if they can do fun stuff, like dancing or singing…
They will answer your questions with a yes. Well, same is true that if you tell the children about flying horses, or talking whales, etc., chances are (barring, of course, all of the doubt and negativity of this worsening world having ruined any of these things yet) they will believe you. Well, the same is true about the Salvation of God. Some, like myself at one point, I'll admit, will think that Jesus, who came here, leaving His Heavenly Father's side, and then teaching us about Him, His Father, and His Father's Holy Spirit and their LOVE for us. And then after having taught many things that, to a sinful world, was completely alien and at times, even counterintuitive, making no sense at first, and then when the time was right, Jesus allowed Himself to be beaten so badly it would have killed most people, and then nailed to a cross, which takes hours to die by suffocating, and then 3 days later, He is resurrected back to life and spends a little more time with us to help us understand how and why all of this was done to the Son of God who never had sinned. He even died in the worst way, saved for the cursed, the damned, the worst offenders.
Why? He paid the death that we owed for our sins. Which is why it says,
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation."
—Romans 5:8-11 NKJV
(emphasis, bold, & coloring mine)
LIKE A CHILD, who has nothing: nothing to give, no means of payment, and is basically helpless.
So, coming to the cross, and saying,
"Lord Jesus: I know that I have sinned. I know that I
• I am a sinner.
• I have no possible reason to deserve your forgiveness.
• I have no way of getting myself out of this mess.
• I have tried everything else.
• I don't want to dismiss your free gift, in fact, Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for loving me enough to pay for ALL of my sins, past, present and future.
• Please Jesus: come into my heart and into my life.
• I know that you and you alone are my Savior and my Salvation.
• I do believe, and accept, that you did die and that you rose again and conquered sin and death.
• I accept your free gift and acknowledge you as my Lord and Savior.
• And I know that there is nothing else that I can do or that I must do ever again. You paid, once for all.
• I know that I am not perfect and though I am not planning on it, I know that even though I am no longer a slave to sin, that old habits, 'the flesh', still will want to sin. But I know that you will always provide a way out and that if... when I do sin, you already forgave that sin and that I need not beat myself up. I can use it as a learning experience.
• You are now, if you really meant this (and it doesn't have to be this elaborate) but if you meant this, then you are now, and forever a child of God. You have cause to be excited, knowing that you will have God's Holy Spirit living in your soul and life and you will receive at least 1 Gift of the Spirit and you don't need to worry, you may not notice it right away. But I promise you, it will come. (Find 1 Corinthians Chapters 12 and 14 [in the New Testament] )
Thank you, Heavenly Father, Thank you Holy Spirit, and Thank you Jesus, the Son of God, all together you are the Trinity.
Now, welcome brother or sister. I will provide you with a few free links to help you get your bearings and learn more about the wonderful things that God has in store for you. Prepare to be amazed.
You may ask God for His help, and talk to Him about anything, and there is no such thing as praying too much, He is NEVER too busy for us. Anyway, whatever you ask for or even just pray about, it is best to finish with, "In Jesus's Name, Amen."
I will put in another post with some links as I said. You will never have to be or feel alone again.
Your fellow Brother in Christ,
Michael C.
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For someone who has a very old Associates Degree in Computer Science,
You would think I was better at fixing mistakes,
Especially when you consider that I also used to get paid very well for fixing people's computers...
But that was 15-20 years ago, or about the time that they were getting the kinks ironed out of the Windows 8.1, so basically a redo of a redone OS. Blecchh!
An OS (Operating System) that you would have to pay me gobs of money to even think about using — yeahhhh, no.
I take that back: I would not even scoop up cat litter with Windows 3.1, 95, 95/NT, 98, 98 v2, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, or 11! I probably missed a couple, not including the Home, etc. versions of... well, I don't remember if that began with XP or Vista but anyway, does not matter. WHY?
Linux (Lesson 1: it IS NOT pronounced Lye-nux or Lye-nicks...ever. No shh- ever.
It is pronounced Lynn - ix or Lynn - ux so that it would rhyme with Winnix or Winnux. Here ends Lesson 1. No charge.
You read that correctly: with the exception of a few of them, you never ever have to pay one mite, cent, or uhh, small denomination of money...you get my meaning! It is FREE!
LESSON 2: The top 100 of these types of Linux... er, wait. Lesson 1.5– every version of Linux is seriously vetted and must pass months of testing, but every Linux has the same core which is a very close to similar (without getting hit with copyright infringement laws) UNIX core, better known as a kernel. Every Version (better known as a Distribution or "Distro,") of Linux that you can rightfully call its own Operating System with the kernel being always the same (though there are various versions that are basically an improved upon in some way, the higher the number, the closer the kernel gets to today's top technology (and by Top Technology, I'm talking all of the Super Computers and Mainframes run on these same kernels of Linux, plus at least one of your appliances runs on one of the kernels. And every single one of the Billion+ Androids run on the Linux kernel) and you may fact-check all of this and are even encouraged to do so, but...
the only thing, or caveat is the Open Source Software copyLEFT because you can copy, and yes even sell your own version of the Linux kernel but it MUST stay free to examine, copy, and improve upon or change that kernel with that one being open source, or free to use, copy, etc. Cool, right?
Huh? Hundred...I said the top—Oh! Yeah, right! Sorry. Yes, okay, so! Before I mention this site, I am not involved with, and actually don't even know the owner(s), and I do not get any commission from anyone. Cool? All right: I hope I set this up right...
Ehhm, sorry. I didn't know that that would happen! I expected to be able to do something like HTML or Markdown where you can put in the link or URL and then leave it as is so everyone sees the link address as would be typed into the website address area, or you can give it a name so that is what the people see when they see whatever you set up, and it will still be blue and underlined usually. But this, I am actually rather embarrassed and disappointed by this advertisement! Whatever. Anyway this site has the top 100 most popular Distros or Distributions that are Linux based. You can even install one next to your Windows (Mac, I am unsure about) if you have the room on your C drive or whatever drive you have it on. It is worth checking out, IMHO. But please, research the one that you want first, and then you can burn it (the download, which is often a couple of Gigabytes just so you know) to a DVD or even a thumb drive. Check it out. You can even get a brief description of each one and there are several that resemble the Windows or the Mac set up to make the transition easier. Just make sure that you are aware of what you are doing and do not rush anything. That is how mistakes are made!
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Are you secretly filming me? 🤣😆😆😂 Wow, you gotta be watching me or something! I gotta hurry up with this text, because I SOOO have to peeee! 😬😳😖 Mmnnnngahhh, I am sorry, I have no choice. K bye! Very funny! I have 9/10 of them constantly! You HATE me! I KNEW it! I — byye! AAUUUGGHHH! PEE!
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~ Faith Like A Child ~
Have you ever noticed that if you ask a child, "Can you dance?" or, "Can you sing?" Almost every time, they will answer either or both of these questions with, "Yes!" Hmm. I wonder if you are thinking what I am in that these are two things that very many adults will not only answer the question/questions with the exact opposite of what the child did: "No, no: I don't dance," or, "I can't sing."
It grieves me deeply that the only way many of us would dance or sing is with alcohol.
No, don't worry: this is not an alcohol-related post/blog entry. I just mean that things like getting out on the dance floor or getting up to do karaoke (sing-alongs) are, at least 70-80% of the time, done in an alcohol setting. And it is the lowering of inhibitions (hence, the name, "Liquid Courage,") that is needed or at least, felt as if it is necessary, to have the same Faith Like a Child.
I, myself am a drummer of over 35 years. So, saying that I can't dance or don't sing is certainly not due to lack of rhythm. Still: I can't, and I don't. Period. ... But why?
F Feeling
E Every
A Action (is)
R Ridiculous
I don't know exactly how many times, but I did hear from one of my favorite Christian Authors and Apologists (someone who defends the Gospel), since the word Apology is from the Greek, (apologia ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense" or give a defense of) who also is on the radio, and TV and many, many books, Dr. David Jeremiah, who said that God, the Father or the Son Jesus, or an Angel of God, throughout the 66 Books of the Bible is recorded as saying, "Fear not," or, "Do not fear," 365 times: so, one for every day of the year. And yet, I still do. I am not going to tell anyone a lie, least of all that being a Christian is easy.
Now, if you ask me: Is it worth it?
I will reply with a resounding and yell from the rooftops,
"Yes! Yes! A million times, YES it's worth it!"
And, while it can be difficult, especially when you look at the entirety of it, yes: it can be a tough road. Oh, but nothing comes close in comparison to the good things about it. I remember asking my not-quite-yet Pastor if I was going to have to be some Goody-Two-Shoes and He had this smug smile on his face and said, "Nope...," and kept smiling and I was like, "What? What are you not telling me? Come on!" I will never forget his answer because it was about the last thing I would have expected to hear. He said, "You can try to keep your old ways, but if you have honestly given your heart to Jesus and invited Him into your heart, into your life, you are not going to even feel like doing it anymore." "WHAT?! NUH-UHH! NO WAY!" I answered.
Ooooh, that smug grin got to me. Especially considering that I didn't want to believe it, but I couldn't rule it out. How could I? I had never been there before!
I came to the cross, as they call it. I gave my life to Jesus and admitted that I was a sinner, because I was... everyone is. I thanked Him for paying for the debt that I owed and invited Him into my life and my heart. I don't regret it. It's not always been easy, but He has NEVER, not one time let me down.
Yeah. My Pastor was right! I still can't explain it, but it just didn't appeal to me anymore. Do I still sin?
Almost daily. But I am forgiven for EVERY SIN. Past, present and future. I apologize and repent. And things are good again. But I don't sin knowing that I have a Get out of Jail pass and I just say sorry and keep on sinning. No. If you honestly accept Christ Jesus into your life, you will not want to sin. But we are not perfect. We just are not slaves to sin anymore.
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I found the love of Jesus and I cannot keep it a secret! And who wouldn't go around telling everyone, "This is my Best Friend! I was falling to my death and He snatched me up, and said, 'I loved you enough to die for you and still love you. Come, follow me.' And I have, and I am going on 20 years and I still can't speak of my Best Friend without getting watery eyes and a lump in my throat because of gratitude that is still fresh 20 years later! Jesus: meet Jesus my Best Friend and He wants to be Your Best Friend, too!" Jesus says that, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
I have been researching lately and I have heard something that hurts my heart: Loneliness is at epidemic levels. And I thought about it and realized, that there would not be so much social media and chat sites, and friend requests, and so much more of the same. I was struck with so much pain and anguish in realizing that it's true: loneliness is claiming so many lives every year.
No! Not if I can do something about it!
But I could never do that without God's help. See, this gets a little bit confusing but there is:
God, the Father,
God, the Holy Spirit of the Father,
God, the Son of God, who is Jesus.
I have also researched that many people WANT to read the Bible, but they don't know where to begin. Now while the 1st book, Genesis is true, it is a bit heavy to someone who has just opened the Bible for perhaps the first or first few times.
Begin with the Book of The Gospel of John, or the one that is commonly known as John. I think the Book of Acts is a good one after John because it is like the 2nd Chapter right after John on a time line. Please, Please, Please!
Jesus IS worth it, and that is the truth.
This is why He came in to the world.
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." [Romans 5:8 NKJV]
Do you want to know him? He wants to know you.
Yes, I still sin, because we are human.
But He still loves me, and loves you, no matter how much, how badly you have messed up. Doesn't matter. He wants to know you.
All you have to do is make sure nobody can interrupt you for about 1 or 2 minutes. You can close your eyes or not. Just quietly, or as loud as you want, say this:
Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I am sorry for having sinned. And I believe that you forgive me and that you died to pay for my sins because I could never pay for my own sins on my own. Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you for loving me enough to pay for my sins by dying and conquering death and sin and that you did come back to life. Please come in to my heart, and I want to follow you and I want you to be my Savior, and my Friend.
Today, Lord: please, as you promised, that you never ever will forsake me. Please come in to my heart and my life. Thank you, Lord Jesus. I love you and I thank you for loving me.
That's it. You are forgiven. When you sin, (and you will: you are human), you can wipe it clean again. Just say, "I am sorry, God...," (You are talking to God, the Father now) "... Please forgive me. I have sinned, and I am sorry, and I repent. Thank you for sending your Son to pay for my sins and I receive, and thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you, Father. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen."
We could NEVER before talk to God the Father like a loving Dad. But Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except by me." So, just finish any prayer with In Jesus's Name, Amen.
Like it says in the book of Romans, about Jesus dying on the cross for us and exactly what He has done for us:
"...knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise, you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 6:9-11 NKJV]
The Goodness, the not wanting to sin as much? It will come on its own. You can not—so don't worry about trying to—walk the edge of a 100 foot high wall as thin as a blade's edge.
I can't, you can't. When you sin, say sorry as I mentioned above. It doesn't have to be word-for-word, just—even without moving your mouth or making a sound if you choose—just say (to God, of course) that you are sorry for sinning, that you repent [just means that you don't want to do it again if you can help it, whether you do it again or not is not the issue God wants to forgive you but you have to at least admit that you did sin and that you don't want to place a wedge between you and God (sin creates a wall, so you have to clear it away again, say sorry and thank God for His forgiveness)] and go on. Because after all,
Now, whenever YOU are READY, because this is a lot to take in and think about. But when you are, if you like this link will take you to a web version that is similar to what you just read about today: https://knowgod.com/en/
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EXACTLY! EXACTLY! Thank you, so much! I wish I could have said something like that even half as eloquent as this.
Yes, yes: I am sure some people are wondering:
If I really know what eloquent means, since it's not usually something that you give credit for—and towards—only one of the people in a dialogue/2-sided argument.
Yes, but is this person disabled? Which is a fair enough question. I am, actually. In fact, I'm both physically and mentally disabled. And, if you wish to count emotional as a separate (or separate enough) dimension by which a disability may be measured, then I qualify in 3 ways.
I become more and more disabled with every passing year...every passing day, it seems, sometimes.
While I didn't reblog this to talk about me, I thought it might help to establish a bit of credibility and understanding to at least briefly mention it. A couple of these, alone, may not seem like much, but I have all of these, all the time:
I have a kind of arthritis in my spine called Cervical Spinal Stenosis. Cervical being the neck part of the spine. Stenosis is... okay, so that hole in every one of our vertebrae (individual bones that make up the spine), the one that the spinal cord runs through is called the foramen (for AY men). The thing that is common with nearly all, if not all, of the kinds of arthritis is that calcium deposits that are almost identical to your bones slowly build up and so movement becomes more and more difficult. The way that this relates to Stenosis is that the deposits build up in 3 ways: scalloped (like the wavy edge of a piece of lasagna pasta or like the 'lips' of a giant clam), needles or pins where the building up of the calcium is in the form of super sharp needles that can break off and grind into a powder that is reused to make more (and stronger) needles, or both. I have the 3rd kind: both. The scalloping forms on the outer edges of the foramen and this can get between the vertebra bones causing it to affect other vertebrae. The needle kind builds up from further inside the foramen. The good news is that aside from possible broken pieces that might slip into between two vertebra bones, they don't usually spread or if they do, it is much slower. The bad part is that the needles, which usually are not individually enough to pierce the spinal cord, several, over time can wear away a weak spot and eventually make a hole. Even then the hole is usually very small. But it is enough to let tiny amounts of spinal fluid to leak out and though the body can easily make more, it is not very fast and even the tiniest change in the fluid amount causes terrible headaches! Can surgery be done? Sure. They fuse 2 vertebrae to make one. But it can, while healing, not fuse correctly or even not at all. Anyway I have had 2 and the 2nd one was to repair the messed up first one. But that's for another day.
Fibromyalgia [Fibro- = fiber; my(o)= muscle (and sometimes the nerves associated with the muscle tissue); -algia= pain] is very difficult to explain. This site will, I think, shed some light on this better than I can.
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder, Moderate-to-Severe) [NOT ADHD, there IS a difference] Do I have a lot of energy? Yes and No. Before the Fibromyalgia (sometimes nicknamed Fibro), yes, all the time. And in a way, I still do, in that I still have racing thoughts...even if very few ever make it to the finish line. ADHD is far more impulsive than ADD. I was always the space cadet.
PTSD (Sorry. Can't talk about that).
MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) A kind of Depression that is often crippling in nature. Yes, I mean crippling. It is a tough thing to explain except to say a possible analogy is: Calling Major Depressive Disorder the same as the much more common Regular (but just as real) Depression is like saying the Pacific Ocean is much like a duck pond in depth.
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) that intertwines with Cognitive Distortion (specifically, Catastrophic Thinking or Catastrophizing and Personalization) So, in essence, The SKY is falling!
What I want to start with is for you, the reader, to remember the movie Daredevil with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner and Colin Farrell (among other great artists). Now, for all the things that Daredevil CAN do, please remember that he has, almost behind the scenes (almost), a select few people who know who he is (i.e. both lives of his), which means just like every one of us, we, the disabled, must ask for help. Granted, those things we can still do for ourselves we prefer to have a little dignity and do it ourselves. But please. Please don't go getting mad at someone who tries to hold the door, for example, if you are someone who is using a pair of Canadian crutches (or forearm crutches) and you are going into the mall, same as they are. I am not trying to single anyone out but it is a good example because while you (with the crutches) CAN do it for yourself, it is easier than doing it yourself. How do I know that? Because it is easier even in a case of two abled adults for the one that has the door held open for them. No, granted: not by a lot. But easier is easier just like if we go back to the initial example, can the person with crutches (of any kind, it just often happens to be more difficult for anyone: abled or disabled aside... Canadian crutches make going through a door so much more difficult for all but the extremely proficient in crutchology. Hence why I chose this for the example. But yeah, it can be done. I didn't really use any specifics about our friend, Matthew. Look at the different denominations of money that you see our attorney, blind though he may be, it may seem like an obstacle removed with the difference between how the $1s are folded, the $5s another way, the $10s yet another, and so on. But if someone at the bank decides that instead of lowest to highest being left to right, they happen to reverse the order, well Matt may find out right away when he tries to pay for his coffee-double-puccah-slap-haff-bip-sloca-rah-tay with a $1 bill and saying, "Keep the change," wondering what the dead silence is, all of a sudden. On the other hand, he could pay for a pack of gloo-see-poot-froot gum and then wonder why people are suddenly following him down the street asking for a "dollar". Yes, funny. When it's make-believe or at least not you. But disability can strike at any time. And the longer you live, the more likely you will have at least one by 55 or 60. I don't mean inconvenience. I mean pain so bad that you seriously consider stopping the pain at any cost. Worse is when it is not the first thing on your mind that death just happens to be a bummer of a side effect to stopping the pain. Or when you fall down in the middle of a sidewalk and people are mad at you for making them spill their coffee. And 5 minutes, at an average of 100+ people passing by every minute, seems an eternity...because it is... for that many half of a thousand people in those 5 minutes before someone actually stops to help you. Then people wonder why "the disabled" are almost always seemingly in a bad mood.
Maybe because you really see...even if you were a CEO of a Top 500 company 2 months ago with people falling all over themselves to help you. 60 days later, you are a liability.
Disabled Representation Has Come Farther Than You Think
You’ve Just Been Conditioned Not to See It.
I recently got into a huge fight with an abled friend about disabled representation, in which he was completely convinced that the stance he held was that of an ally. He’s a long time friend of mine and I know he really did think he was fighting for us and coming from a place of trying to help us.
And it really got me thinking about the way abled people perceive disabled people. And how that message is internalised and reinforced in so many ways.
My friend was trying to say that characters like Cyborg, Misty knight, Daredevil, Toph, Edward Elric, Bucky, Nebula, etc were not good representation. And he at first refused to listen to me (an actual disabled person) when I was like; no, we like that. we love that. we LOVE seeing badass and competent and sexy disabled people. It’s validating and empowering.
His argument was that it didn’t really count because nobody saw them as disabled and that it would be the same thing as saying Gamora is black representation.
While I understand where he was coming from, both of us also being black, it was hard to get him to understand how it wasn’t the same thing.
Gamora is a black actress painted green to portray a green-skinned alien. She has black features, yes, but within the narrative she very much is not a black woman. She’s an alien.
But a disabled character is always still a disabled character. Regardless of how high tech or SciFi or magical or fantastical the world or universe is; an amputee with a prosthesis is still an amputee. They are still disabled. Yes, even if their prosthesis shoots lasers.
And other characters, like Toph and Daredevil, who are both blind, have superpowers/superhuman abilities that allow them to overcome their disability. That does not make them less disabled.
Their blindness still impacts their everyday lives. They can’t read. They can’t draw. They don’t know what things or people look like, or what color things are. They can’t read someone’s facial expressions during a conversation. They can’t follow a map without assistance.
When I asked my friend for examples of what he considered good disabled representation he said Professor X, Oracle, and the Thinker. And that made me pause and I won’t lie, it upset me. It felt degrading. I got kind of angry at him and it got a little heated.
Because what he was saying is: the smart one in the wheelchair that never actually joins the battle because their body is too frail? Those are the only good disabled characters? The ones who still need to be protected and treated tenderly and are physically weaker?
Do we only exist when you can view us as some subhuman lesser other that you can take pity on?
But it’s not only my friend who thinks this way.
I’ve seen quite a few arguments online about people who don’t think Edward Elric is disabled, despite being an amputee.
Who don’t think Cyborg is disabled, despite the fact that his entire power set is due to a life support and mobility aid device.
And my friend was shocked that I, and many other disabled people, find these depictions of strong and confident and capable disabled people empowering. He fully expected that I would find those depictions offensive.
And that’s when it really hit me.
The issue is not that characters like Bucky or Toph or Daredevil are bad representations of disabled characters.
The issue is that people don’t perceive them as disabled. They’ve internalized this belief that disabled people have to be weak and delicate and fragile and in some way physically inferior.
They’re only considered disabled if they’re tragic and/or weak. Or ugly. People love to project a tragic subhuman otherness onto disabled people who are ugly.
If they’re cool and badass that confuses them. That doesn’t fit with the narrative that’s been built in their heads.
The idea of a competent, confidant, and strong disabled character, especially a cool disabled character is just so completely foreign to them that they don’t even consider it.
Now I’m not saying that depictions of disabled characters like Oracle or professor X are bad or harmful. We need representation of disabled people who aren’t strong and don’t have superpowers and maybe don’t feel particularly empowered. That’s a genuine representation of many disabled people.
It just isn’t the only one.
I think the issue with disabled representation is not that it doesn’t exist (as I’ve seen many abled people online claim in our defense) but that we need to shift the way we think of disabled people so we stop overlooking a lot of the really cool and badass and awesome disabled characters we do already have.
So if you read this far through this essay, please stop for a moment and consider the preconceptions you have about disabled people.
Have you ever overlooked a disabled character because they were strong, powerful, charismatic, or, (God forbid!) SEXY?
And if so, I’d ask you to take some time to examine in yourself why you don’t think of disabled people as being able to be those things.
Mod Izzy
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Let's try an experiment
1. Take a ball-point pen, the retractable kind (that clicker that makes the pen's tip go in or out [hey I had to ask a friend because I couldn't think of the word retractable! :-) ])
2. Get an empty coffee can with the lid or even better a quart-sized mason jar with the funny 2 part lid (or any other jar that is clean and dry and can be sealed or screwed on tightly)
3. Take the pen apart (in a way that allows you to put it back together)
4. Put all the pen's pieces in the jar or can and then seal it (with just its regular lid/cover, no duck/duct tape... well, maybe not yet)
Good? All set? Great! Now, think of one of the body's "systems" like circulatory system (blood, blood cells, veins, arteries, etc), skin (actually the largest of all the systems!), respiratory (breathing), and I will stop there. But you get the general idea. So, once you have chosen, we are ready for the experiment!
All right! So, most everyone understands that there are two main 'schools of thought,' or way of seeing things, if you like, when it comes to how everyone, everything came into existence. You have the Evolution side that basically states that over a period of what is generally believed to be 14.5 billion years ago, there was a speck of something that many believe was denser than neutron stars, denser than even supermassive black holes (??) or perhaps one of dozens of different ideas on the density and what the material was, but suffice to say that there was a massive explosion in the otherwise great nothingness and it exploded in a "Big Bang" and then at about the 9.5 to 10 billion years point, the Solar System within the Milky-way galaxy had a few planets orbiting around a rather smallish M class yellow star and on the 3rd planet life began from a bunch of amino acids that converged into protein and eventually life began first with simple single cell amoebas and 3.8 to 4.5 billion years later, some funny-looking dude decides to type up a weird experiment. Hi!
(This is, before anyone decides to rip it to shreds, a very simple and basic middle-of-the-road version of the Evolution & Big Bang Theories—and for this experiment, more than adequate)
Now, Creationism:
Now, the other side of this is that which is commonly called Intelligent Design or Creationism. That some entity, clearly of significant intelligence, purposely designed the stars, galaxies, our little Solar System, and that life, or lives, were all designed. Was there evolution? Sure! And actually, what Darwin saw on the different islands of the Archipelago we know as Galapagós Islands, was evolution. Absolutely nobody could ever dispute that with the difference of environmental factors that varied between the different islands, the finches that Darwin was studying had, for example, different beak shapes that made that variety of finches better suited to that particular island. This is called MICROevolution. Just like (and please understand that I am not being racist at all, but I am showing.... well you will see) the difference between African, (and African-American Africans so called by location only), and Australia Aboriginal (Ab = of or to/towards; Original = from this region which simply means that while Native Americans are not Indians, are also ab- -original and so then, are African people who have dark skin like that of the Australian-native or aboriginal people) people and Caucasian, pale-skinned Northern European and Scandinavian countries. Now, nobody, unfortunately, ever seems to appreciate any of the Micro-evolutionary differences that make all of us beautiful in our own ways. Africans for example have darker skin and wider noses. Why? Environmental factors. Look at the Cheetah. Look at the very noticeable difference in the width of the Cheetah's noses in comparison with the other big cats that also live in Africa, for example. Doesn't that destroy my argument? NO! And it's beautiful! Think about how a Cheetah can run up to 70-75 miles per hour/mph: faster than many highway speed limits! Well just like a car that needs more gas to hit 70 or 75 mph, a Cheetah would, even after half the normal amount of time it can sustain such speed, if they had thinner noses than the other African cats: lions and leopards, they would have their life span cut down by 90% and even with only a 10% sized life span, brain damage would set in almost immediately, though maybe not necessarily noticeable. What happens when you take a Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, etc native person to the African continent? Sunburn within 30 minutes. See? Beautiful variety! And back to the finches who, like us, are all the same genus and species, but different varieties (races in humans). Micro. But of course, it is time for the testing.
Fact or Fiction? The pen we have disassembled: made in Nature, or by human beings (or, on machinery made by the humans)? Duh! Of course, we made it!
Fact or Fiction? The body's "system" you chose: more complex than the pen? (I don't mean bigger, I mean more intricately designed than the pen)
NOW, if you chose the pen, you can naturally assume that you also think that everything you see, have ever seen, or will see is all simply chance. If you are correct, then by the same logic, if a tornado tears through a junkyard, then there is a decent chance that when you go to see how much damage there was to the junkyard, instead you see a perfectly built Boeing 747 Jet Airplane. Right? And, by the same token, you can now seal up the jar/can with the pen's disassembled parts and someday, (because it is actually a fact that even one cell on a body—no matter what system you chose—is more complex than not only the pen...but a smartphone. If you still don't believe me, research the cell of a body. You can even choose a different animal. But be careful! Smaller is not necessarily simpler. The fruit fly has over 3 times as many chromosomes than a human. Even ferns! This is one of the key examples that Darwin used to describe how the evolution of plants is charted out in a set manner. Of course, Darwin died before they were able to find out more about the animals and the plants and their respective cells. He knew that all cells, plants or animals, all have a nucleus. Darwin is also recorded as having admitted that if the cell was even more complex than they had first believed, then it would blow apart his entire structure and most of the individual aspects of the system that was up until very recently, Kingdom (Plant and Animal), Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species and Variety which can easily be remembered by the mnemonic (nee-MON-ic) King Philip Came Over From Germany Singing Verses. I am sorry to say that I know of no mnemonics to remember this new version. That's all for today and remember, at any second the ball point pen could be put back together with simple random chance.
God Bless You!
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