5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
52 with aleks marchant from cow chop please?
From where?
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
21 for uberhaxornova please?
From where?
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Hey how about either 11 or 62 , western au with either sam or your boy aleks
Word Count: 867@tardisgrumpI’m not dead, promise.
There was a heavy beating in your chest as your fingers clumsily worked to secure your horse’s reins to the hitching post you pulled up on outside of the local saloon. You knew that there would be someone coming along not far behind, and if they found you it would not end well for you. Once satisfied that your horse would not make a grand escape, you turned tail and all but ran into the saloon.
Inside there were people everywhere. Men drinking and gambling. Women in gorgeous dresses entertaining the room. People from all walks of life nearly passed out along the bar. However, you didn’t have time to stop and take in everything as you made your way over to the stairs. As your foot hit the bottom step you heard the door swing open, clattering against the wall.
Casting a glance over your shoulder, you spotted the two Pinkerton agents you’d been trying to escape for the last day or so. They’d come down on the last job your group tried to pull a few towns over and lost the trail on most everyone else, but they’d been a little more clever when it came to looking for you. You knew that they didn’t know for sure that you were here, so you had to think fast.
You scurried up the stairs to try and put as much distance between you and the Pinkertons.
At the end of the hall you happened upon an open room and threw yourself into it, slamming the door harshly behind yourself. You slumped against the door momentarily to try and catch your breath before you had to think of a plan. From across the room the sound of someone clearing their throat caught your attention.
Your head whipped to the side to see a man sitting on the bed in the room. He had wild straw colored hair and eyes that looked like a lake in the midday sun. A worn brown leather hat sat beside him, and his vest was unbuttoned, as well as the top few buttons of his white shirt. He slowly lifted a bottle to his lips and took a long swig as he stared at you.
“I-I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to intrude on you. I was just tryin’ to-”
Before you could finish your sentence, the sound of heavy footfalls and loud knocking out in the hall came floating through the door. You could hear the Pinkertons going from room to room and your heart sank.
The man stood up and adjusted his belt as he did so, “Get under the bed.”
At first you weren’t sure if you heard him correctly, but then there was a thunderous knock at the door and he fixed you with a look. Nodding, you quickly rounded the bed and slipped underneath, holding your breath as the strange man pulled open the door. From where you were lying you could see only the man’s boots and the door was cracked enough to just see the boots of at least one of the Pinkerton’s in the hall.
“Evenin’, sir. We’re here with the Pinkerton Detective Agency lookin’ for a criminal that goes by the name of Y/N. She’s incredibly dangerous and possibly armed. Would you mind lettin’ us have a look around for her?”
There was a long pause and for a brief moment you were sure that the man was going to turn you over. “Well, I just got into town from a long trip and was just about to retire for the evenin’. I got myself a drink and came up to my room, so unless this mysterious woman is hiding in my bottle here, I don’t see a reason for you to be distrubin’ me like this,” he drawled, chuckling softly to himself.
“Have yourself a good night. Good luck findin’ her,” he said, taking a step back and closing the door tightly.
You waited under the bed for a bit longer until you could hear the Pinkerton’s walk off down the hall again. Slowly, you slipped back out and got to your feet, dusting off your clothes as you did so. “Thank you,” you breathed, giving him an uneasy smile.
“Y/N,” he spoke slowly, walking back to the bed sit down, “You run with the gang that’s been hidin’ in that old abandoned shiner’s house, huh?”
You rolled your eyes, “So much for hidin’ if everybody knows we’re there.”
He chuckled and nodded, “I’m Sam, by the way.”
“Thank you, again, Sam,” you said, walking closer, “I’ve got t’ get goin’ though. If they’re still lookin’ here, it’ll give me some time to get goin’.”
Before Sam could say much else, you bent at the waist to press a quick, but firm, kiss to his lips, as your other hand reached for the bed. “Maybe we’ll see each other again and I can repay you properly,” you grinned as you stood up. As you headed to the door, you raised a hand and settled Sam’s hat on the top of your head.
“Til next time,” you teased, tossing a wink over your shoulder as you slipped from the room.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
21 with Ryan Haywood please?? 😊
Word Count: 436
The sound of shouts and general misery is what drew you to the main room of Achievement Hunter. You’d been walking by and heard what sounded to be Michael and Jeremy screaming for some sort of assistance. Now, you knew that they were very obviously playing a game but you couldn’t help but open the door to take a peek inside just to see what it was that had gotten them all riled up.
In the office itself, the lights were mostly off and five monitors were pulled up to blank white pages which cast a bright light over the faces of the men sitting at those stations.
“Get him, Michael! The Tap Man is done for,” Jeremy screamed as he wildly tapped at his keyboard.
Michael was practically bouncing in his chair, “If I get closer he’ll vom on me, Jeremy!”
It seemed as though no one was paying attention to the door opening and closing as you stepped foot into the room. No one, except for Gavin. “Y/N!” he shouted, having spotted you in the capture of his webcam. He whipped around and looked at you with wild, frantic eyes.
“Go stop Ryan from killing us all. He’s already got me and Fiona, but Jeremy and Michael can make it if they get away!”
You stared at him for a moment, trying to process just what it was that he was saying. When it all finally clicked, you strolled across the room to where Ryan was sitting at his desk. You could see Jeremy’s character on the shoulder of Ryan’s as he made his way to a hook. “Ry? Darling,” you said softly as you bent enough to nearly eye level with him.
His eyes cut briefly from the screen to you but returned just as fast.
Reaching out, you grabbed his chin between your thumb and forefinger, and gently pulled his head to the side so that you could plant a kiss to his lips. You felt him relax and vaguely registered the four other people in the game cheering and shouting. You stayed there for a beat or two longer before slowly pulling away from him, smiling warming as you did so.
“Tap Man’s got the door! Go, go, go!”
Jeremy’s shouts seemed to finally connect to Ryan’s brain and his eyes widened comically before he snapped his head back to his screen. “Fuck! You… You…”
“YOU!” both Michael and Jeremy laughed as they escaped the level.
Ryan whipped around to look at you with a vaguely upset glint in his eyes, “You distracted me!”
“You killed my friends,” you shrugged.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Hello! I’m somewhat newer this stuff and just read ‘The Basics’ and the stuff on commissions and wanted to ask is payment required for a request? (I’m not against it, just not exactly in a great financial situation myself and thought best to ask)
A commission - a longer form story that absolutely will be filled - requires payment. A request does not.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
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Word Count: 326Nuzzling Kiss
Thirty eight hours.
Trevor had been awake and traveling from the other side of the world for thirty-eight hours. When he finally arrived home you could almost see every hour etched into the dark circles under his eyes. But that didn’t stop him from hugging you tightly and asking how your week without him had been; even if every other word was punctuated with a stifled yawn.
Without a word, you all but dragged him further into the house and to the living room where you urged him to lay down on the couch with you. You knew that he had to be physically and mentally exhausted not just from the trip home but the insane schedule that he had while over in Australia. So, you laid back on the couch and allowed him to stretch out along with you. His erratic hair tickling the underside of your chin.
You reached out for the remote and found something to put on the television, mostly as background noise, as all you really wanted to do was look at him. It had been a long week without him home and while the pictures and videos posted online were nice, having here in person was so much better.
“What’re you lookin’ at?” he mumbled, lifting his head.
Trevor’s dark brown eyes opened and closed slowly, the light of the television reflecting within them and I sort of smiled. He stared at you in confusion, blinking, his eyelashes brushing against your cheek.
You tried to hide your smile as best as you could. He rolled his eyes and nuzzled into your shoulder. You could feel reverberation from his chest as he shifted to press a soft, warm kiss to the hollow of your throat before he completely laid his head back down. After a few agonizing minutes as you were fearful to stir and disturb him, you felt him go limp and you smiled, cradling him to your chest.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Can I trouble you for a 50. Sensual/Handsy Kiss with good ol' Chad James, pretty please?
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Word Count: 510@whysamwhy123
“Good job, Y/N, thank you.”
With a nod and a smile, you waved at the glass the separated the sound booth where you were and the control room. It had been a fairly long recording session and, because of your schedule, it had to be done at the end of the day. You had literally just flown back into Austin roughly an hour before the session started after having been out of town for nearly two full weeks, and you were exhausted.
The people in the control room had cleared out pretty quickly. You removed your headphones and bent down to get your belongings off of the floor. Before you could stand back up, the door to the recording booth opened up behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and couldn’t help but smile brightly when you saw that it was Chad coming into the room.
“Hey, babe,” you greeted, standing up with your things in your hands.
Chad, however, did not respond. He crossed the small space between you in two long strides. You looked at him curiously but before you were able to say anything Chad had one hand cradling the back of your neck and the other securely grabbing hold of your hip. He urged you backwards until your body came into contact with the padding along the wall. The sudden movement essentially caused you to drop everything you were holding, and Chad did not wait to step closer until his front was pressed firmly to yours.
The next thing you knew, he all but slammed his lips to yours nearly knocked all wind from your lungs.It felt as though your brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout your entire body. You hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of you lips and, at your grant of access, delved inside your mouth. Your arms reached up on their own accord and tangled around his neck. Anchoring him there. In an instant you pulled away and arched up into his chest, moaning softly in the contact of body heat against my your, before I drew back into his lips.
You weren’t entirely sure how long the two of you had been there, intertwined with one another, or when exactly Chad’s hands had moved. But you could feel one grabbing firmly at your backside, pulling you that much closer to him, and the other hand slipped underneath your shirt and now the skin of your back felt on fire under his touch.
Had you been in the right state of mind, you would have remembered that you were in a recording booth at the office and anyone could either come into the control room or open the door. Your mind, however, wasn’t worried about any of that. The only thing you were concerned with was the fact that it had been almost two weeks since you’d seen Chad, let alone kissed him.
Getting caught would be okay, as long as you could keep doing this for a while.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
59 gta au with sam ?
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Word Count: 649“I almost lost you” kiss
It was as though a fist of orange flame had decided to punch it’s way out of the main complex. Windows shattered. Smoke and fire rushed out. Thousands of pieces of glass and steel, a deadly rainfall, showered down all around you. Alarms - shrill and deafening- erupted. A huge bite had been taken out of the side and the roof of the building. The ringing in your ears was disorienting to say the least.
You struggled to your feet and looked around the parking lot in front of the warehouse that FakeAttack had been calling home. The lot is empty except for two vehicles. The one that you had just gotten out of, and a familiar looking all black muscle car that now looked like it was beyond repair due to the freefall of debris.
“Sam,” you gasped, rushing towards the inferno.
Heat licked at your face with every step you took and billows of smoke filled the air as well as your lungs. The large steel door had been blown almost completely off its hinges. You pulled your shirt up to cover your mouth and nose before forcing your way into the building. “Sam!” you called, hardly hearing your own voice over the crackling of the flames.
Support beams had fallen to the ground around you and you tried to maneuver around them to make your way back to the makeshift office area where you assumed that Sam would have been. However, before making it there you spotted a slumped over figure along the far wall. A fiery bit of something came careening from above you and you had to very nearly roll out of the way to avoid being crushed underneath.
With a bit of speed and strength you weren’t aware that you had, you pushed your way through the mess until you found yourself crouching next to Sam’s body. “Sammy,” you said, shaking his shoulder. He appeared to be breathing and he definitely stirred slightly but he did not wake up. You let out a low groan and slipped an arm underneath his in order to haul him to his feet. If making your way into the building had seemed hard, it was nothing compared to trying to escape with an unconscious man slumped against your side.
As you neared the door heading outside, the sound of frantic shouts and distant sirens met your ears.
Outside the warehouse, you gasped for fresh air and hardly noticed someone taking Sam from you. You all but collapsed to your knees and coughed violently as your eyes watered and tears streamed down your cheeks. It took some time to regain your composure but once you had, you looked up to see Ben and Chad crouched down with Sam leaning back against Chad’s car. From where you were it appeared like Sam’s eyes were open.
You pushed yourself unsteadily to your feet and tried to run over to the three of them, tripping along the way but never falling. Chad saw you coming. Both he and Ben moved out of the way as you approached. Without much thought, you fell to your knees beside Sam and took his face in your hands. He was covered in soot and ash but appeared no worse for the wear. You let out a relieved breath as you leaned in to all but crash your lips against his own. You pulled away almost as quickly as you had gone in and he looked back at you with wide eyes, and a slight grin.
“I gotta be caught up in gang warfare more often.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m going to wait to make sure you’re okay before I kill you.”
“Good thing all your cool guns were blown up,” Sam laughed softly, cutting it short as he coughed loudly.
“I don’t need a gun,” you teased, pushing back his hair. “Knives are more intimate.”
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Also to that anon : hey just turn on your location i just wanna talk
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
How about 24, it can be anyone you feel like writing but you know im your sam requester(tm)
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Word Count: 605Confession Kiss - Sam@tardisgrump
For what felt like ages, you found yourself engaged in a cyclical argument with one of your best friends. Almost everyone else in the office was going out after work for dinner and drinks. Sam, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with those plans. All he wanted to do was go home, have a beer, and maybe watch some Netflix for a while. No matter what you said, he firmly shot you down - very much set on his decision.
“C’mon, Sammy,” you whined, spinning your desk chair in a circle.
He didn’t look up from his monitor, “Give it up, dog. I’m not going.”
“You never want to do anything fun,” you pouted as your chair came to a stop. “All you want to do is hang out at your place. Don’t you want to go out and do something with our friends?”
Sam let out a long sigh and leaned back in his chair. He took off his glasses with one hand and rubbed at his eyes with the other before placing them back onto his face and turning his chair in your direction. “Yo, okay… I’ve spent so much time on this script and research that I feel like I can do these damn equations in my sleep. Why do I want to go out with everyone here where I know - I KNOW - everything will devolve into work talk, when I can go back to my place and watch Netflix in my underwear?”
You blinked at him for a moment before you carefully scooted your chair closer to him. “Because I want to go, and I want you to go, and you’ll do anything to make me smile,” you teased, poking Sam in the side.
He sighed and rolled his eyes slightly, “You’re lucky I love you.”
Almost immediately, his eyes widened and you noticed a rush of color fill his cheeks. A look you almost never saw on his face. Your heart picked up speed in your chest as you stared at him; your brain working desperately to make sense of what he just said.
“Yo… man, Y/N, listen I-”
“You love me?”
The both of you started to speak but stopped just as quickly as you began. The two of you had been friends for years and even with the ribbing and teasing from other people, you’d always held firm that it was strictly friendship between you. Although, now that you looked at him and felt your stomach swoop not unpleasantly you couldn’t be completely sure.
The air between you felt almost rigid, as if there was a wall quickly building in your silence. Slowly, you took a deep breath and wheeled just a hair closer to Sam before gingerly pushing yourself from your seat. You leaned in enough to lock eyes with him momentarily. He stared right back at you, unwavering. Without another thought you leaned in and pressed your lips against his.
That was all that it was for a second or two, until Sam reached out a hand to grasp at the back of your neck and pressed back against your lips. Your eyes slid shut and you let out a small sigh as both of your lips worked together. After what could have been five seconds, or an hour, you slowly pulled away from Sam and stared at him with unsure eyes.
A smirk gently tugged at the corner of his lips as the hand that was still on your neck started to play with the hair at the back of your head.
“Does this mean I have to come out with you tonight?”
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Kiss Meme
Ugh in need of some writing motivation and fluff, help me out? Send me a ship + a number for one of these kisses (feel free to send me multiple requests).
Edit: Added a few more I thought of!
Nuzzle Kiss
Crying Kiss
War’s End Kiss
Regretted Kiss
Hug and Kiss Combo
Drunk Kiss
Goodbye Kiss
Goofy/Playful Kiss
Sad Kiss
Wake Up Kiss
Thank You Kiss
Violent/Angry Kiss
Spin the Bottle Kiss
Multiple/Trail of Kisses
Good Morning/Night Kiss
Nonchalant/Uninterested Kiss
Playful Turned Possessive Kiss
Blown Kiss
Against A Wall Kiss
Wrong Person Kiss
Distraction Kiss
Happy Kiss
Doing the ‘Do’ Kiss
Confession Kiss
Almost Kiss
Make Up Kiss
Supernatural Kiss
Romantic/Tender Kiss
Last Kiss
Platonic Kiss
Secret/Forbidden Kiss
Dying Kiss
Break Up A Wedding Kiss
Passionate/Steamy Kiss
Dare Kiss
Bleeding/Bloody Kiss
Assertive Kiss
Missed Them Kiss
First Kiss
Shut-Up Kiss
Underwater Kiss
Surprised/Confused Kiss
New House Kiss
French Kiss
Comfort Kiss
Shy Kiss
Body Part Kiss (Examples: nose, back, neck, hips, chest and so on. YOU choose!)
In The Rain Kiss
Teary Kiss
Sensual/Handsy Kiss
Gentle Kiss
Falling Asleep Kiss
Quick Kiss
Wet/Sloppy Kiss
Morning After Kiss
Getting Back Together Kiss
Accidental Kiss
Random (Generator Chooses)
“I Almost Lost You” Kiss
New Years Kiss
“I Do” Kiss
Hide From Someone Kiss
Exhausted Parents Kiss
In A Dream Kiss
Height Difference Kiss
If There Is One You Can Think Of Not On This List Send It To Me!
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Oh. You’re back.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
37. Miles Luna
“It’s 3am. Wanna go get some pizza?” Word Count: 284 A/N: I’m not dead! My writer’s block sort of crushed my soul but I’m working on it.
With a sharp intake of breath, your head snapped up immediately and your eyes blinked wildly to rid the blearry sort of film that had appeared in your vision. Your forehead gave a dull throb of pain and you raised a hand to rub at the spot, letting out a low groan. Around you, your office was completely dark save for the bright blue light coming from the monitors in front of you.
It took a moment to put the pieces together but you slowly realized that you must have dozed off while you were editing.
You let out a long sigh and leaned back in your chair as you pushed your hands through your hair before rubbing at your face. You had no idea how long you had been there but your body was aching from sitting for so long, your eyes were sore from staring at the screen, and your stomach rumbled lowed to remind you just how long it’d been since you last ate.
“Hey,” a voice and a gentle knock came from the door behind you.
You glanced behind you and saw Miles standing there, looking almost as tired as you felt. “It’s 3 am. Wanna go get some pizza?” he asked in a low voice. You blinked back at him, trying to take in what he had said. Was it really that late? You glanced down at the watch on your wrist and saw that he was correct and it was just after three in the morning.
Groaning you stretched your arms up over your head, “Pizza sounds amazing.”
“C’mon then… you deserve a break,” he said with a chuckle, holding his hand out and beckoning you on.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
Happy new years! 💙 you
Happy New Year! 💛
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
I truly am your #1 one fan. Also happy new year for you cat
Happy New Year, Anny ❤️❤️
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
To that anon. Welcome to the club my dude
Anny: #1 Sam and Catherine fan.
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5lbsofsmarties · 5 years
i've recently fallen in love with sam mitchell and i read all the fics you've written for him and i just love the way you capture him. you're skilled and very dedicated to your work and it's always nice to read your stuff. i hope you have a great holiday season. remember to take care of yourself, have breaks and do the things that make you happy !!
Thank you so much. A very much appreciate it. ❤️
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