A reminder for those want to be ( you already are darling) a hot girl. SING THE LYRICS OF SLAYYTER X GIMME MORE. DO IT
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A reminder that hot girls write things down instead of forgetting them
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“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.”- Mandy Hale
It is in our nature to develop into a better beings of ourselves. Those who don't grow as a person will begin to deteriorate. They turn into an empty soul with no drive for anything, and they end up with physical and mental health issues, no friends, and no love life.
Many of us think that chasing the new promotion is the only growth we can achieve. We forget the soul and the body. We neglect mental hygiene. Our brain turns into a mush with nothig but a simple desire for dopamine, full of kortizol, lack of seretonin. I could list till the end of the world the importance of clear mind.
But a clean mind doesn´t come with just journaling, meditation and taking a walk every now and then. A facemask wont fix your depression.
A clean and strong mind requiers:
clean surroundings
clean diet
strong body
organised life
Clean room + surroundings:
Peterson said to have your life in order before we judge others and to have a clean room. He is right. Just by following your morning routine of making your bed makes you more productive + your rooms looks more clear.
Give yourself the motivation to keep your room/ apartment/ house clean and organized.
For example:
you want to buy the new limited colection of tea cups, but you also need to take out the thrash ouf of your room and vacuum
you put a timer of your phone and lets just say, within 40 minutes you will clean and vacuum
after that, you reward yourself with the purchase of said tea cups
Clean eating:
We all know the endles rules about cutting out sugar, processed foods and dont even think about those fries and to-go fast foods. They tell to restrict, while not teaching us how to control ourselves , especially if we are struggling with food. I myself had an sugar addiction, I was snackin on chocolate bars, ate till I couldnt and then ate more. Until one day.
In ATOMIC HABITS by JAMES CLEAR I read something along the lines of signing a contract with someone and putting what we want to quit, away (in my case it was sugar = dang i loved the ones with the caramel filling). So i did that, signed a contract with my mother, if I ate said chocolate, i would have to pay a hefty amount of cash and hold a family meeting where i present my page long apology.
Try adding food instead of substracting.
For example:
I want to eat ramen. So I add a soft boiled egg (protein) , nori sheets (iodine), sesame seeds (healthy fats, protein, B vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other beneficial plant compounds) with a chili-garlic (garlic= vitamins C and B6, manganese and selenium, chili = vitamin C and antioxidants) paste.
Replace with a better alternative.
For example:
I want sugar in my tea. I add stevia
The recepy requires to add white chocolte or milk chocolate chips. Instead add dark chocolate chips.
Strong body:
Getting a strong body is challenging. We want to look good, but that is not important, the importance is the strenght and the health that comes with it.
take up on a challenge ( some simple 2 week challenge from youtube)
instead of a car or a public transport use a bike or walk (skateboard or rollerskates will do as well)
Organized life:
get clear boxes/containers and label them
use that calendar that you buy every year and you only use it for the first week of the year, yes I am looking at you
get rid of things you dont use, that make-up you got from your aunt from the 7th grade, it is time to say goodbye, you dont need 3 exact same black handbags
after using things, put them immediately away
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time and energy managing
only give the same amount of energy to the people you receive from them
be grateful, show gratitude to the waitress who treated you like a human being, she chose to be nice, so be nice to her as well
don't waste your time on Jessica who gives you zero, no benefit and no growth
focus the first 90 mins of your day on the most essential thing in your personal development
block out your calendar, rate your daily activities, those you don't like doing, minimise the time on said activity or try and change your attitude with it (if you don't like the work, but have to do it, try this: you get to go to work, you get to provide for yourself and for others, you get to be financially independent)
be a productive member of your group if they won't do the same within a month, leave that group. they served their purpose, thank the universe for them, for the lesson they taught you and close the door behind you
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for those who need to get their life together
12 rules of life by Jordan B Peterson
Atomic habits by James Clear, i cannot stress that book enough i love it
routines allow you to have FREE TIME
it is an INVESTMENT, the right routine can change YOU and YOUR ENVIROMENT
it doesnt have to be some extravagant routine, the principle is to STICK TO IT NO MATTER WHAT
get a routine, 3-5x a week, strenght, cardio, strech workouts, dont forget the mobility workouts, those save lives
give yourself and your body the nutrience it needs, dont slack on minerals, vitamins and the protein. Just because something has more calories doesnt mean it is bad. Would you eat a pack of M&Ms or rather have some chicken and brocoli stir-fry? same calories, different nutrition. "BuT i DonT hAvE tHe TimE...", sure, you have time to make lame excuses for not living your best life and wasting your potential. Did I hurt you with that? Good, as it should.
dont take this to everyone, if your mom tell you to do the dishes, you will because you are a good child
if you have to work on a project together and you have a part to do, do it.
HOWEVER, if your "friend" asks you to do their asigment, be a chofeur for them while not giving you anything back.... LEARN TO SAY NO, you are not a carpet, not their butler or their maid
quality over quantity- i would rather be alone than having a miserable love life, being the therapist and the homeworkgirl for "my friends" who only value me when i give them things, but you do you, keep getting dragged down, be stompped over
upgrade your enviroment- hot people only hang out with hot people, smart people only hang out with smart people, and succesful people only hang out with succesful people
get your ass up and go to that pilates class, you will be one of them soon
misery lovers company - we love to focus on the negatives, but then, only bad things come to us, so stop being a cry baby. start to be grateful and within TWO WEEKS you will become a changed person
if you wont try, you wont know = fuck around and find out
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“Remind yourself of the times that you have been able to go through tough situations, that you have been able to deal with problems. You are much stronger than you realize. You kept trying, so be proud of yourself.” -TheWizardliZ
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