0-0athena 1 year
Trans people deserve rights as much as anyone of us. Stop trying to take away their rights. This is not right. They deserve rights. What's next they take trans rights away what next will they take. Womens rights. Gay rights. Straight rights. Everyone's rights. If we let them take one what's stopping them from taking them all. It shouldn't be an issue if someone dosent feel themselves and wants to change. If its okay for someone to be straight or gay then it should be okay for some one to be trans. We should except everyone No matter of race, gender or sexuality.
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0-0athena 1 year
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0-0athena 1 year
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0-0athena 1 year
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0-0athena 1 year
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To who ever need to hear this, it will be okay. Just keep smiling. U have a beautiful smile
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0-0athena 1 year
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0-0athena 1 year
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0-0athena 1 year
Ife isn't about changing who u are it's about learning to accept and love who u are.
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0-0athena 1 year
I've always wondered what life meant. I'm still wondering today, but I'm closer to the answer.
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0-0athena 1 year
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
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