#tim drake headcanon
ravenna-reid · 2 days
'washing my hair, doing my laundry, late-night TV, I want you on me like when we were kids under chemtrails and country clubs.'
You let the warmth of the soft fabric hug your fingers, your mind drifting back to the past as you folded your freshly dried laundry.
You were reminiscing about your time with Tim Drake again.
His devoted ways, soft gaze. His touch like the whisper of a feather.
The dim lighting in your room seemed to go lower, meeting your sullen mood. You let out a sigh, glancing out of your window.
Sometimes you were sure he was watching you. Making sure you were alright. You wondered if he watched you the way he did when you were younger.
Free. Not obligated or chained or expected to do anything but be.
When your parents didn't have their hold around your neck, and Bruce around his.
You placed the jumper you'd been holding onto your bed, eager to leave the thoughts behind for a second. But oh how they followed you like a puppy yearning for attention.
Tim was a yearner. Such a sweet yearner.
Sneaking to meet each other on rooftops. Counting the stars. Naming constellations. Stolen glances, stolen kisses in the rain.
Tim weeping in your arms on the bathroom floor. His hands running through your hair as you nestled with him in the Manor's library.
Lulls and promises and declarations and stifled cries.
Unwrapping the towel from your head, you gave your wet hair one last dry before hanging the towel up. This longing was cutting you like a blunt knife and weighing you down just as much as your parents expectations. Maybe even worst.
Wandering your house like a lost ghost, you decided to make your way back to your abandoned laundry. The warmth in your house from your heating seemed to have slipped away while you were gone. And the cold seemed to have creeped in. You turned the corner and stepped foot into your room before freezing.
There he stood, like a bittersweet mirage. Raven black hair falling above his domino mask. Gloved hands holding the jumper you had placed on your bed, his thumb gently tracing the fabric.
Tim looked over at you. "You kept the jumper I gave you."
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batfamhyperfixation · 2 months
Bruce, running his plan for an undercover operation past the batkids chillin in the living room while post-‘knowing secret identities’ Bernard is there: -and then we will hustle the information out during pool, start stakes low and give them a false sense of security before winning
Bruce: obviously Tim will do that part
Bernard: Tim sucks at pool tho? He can barely make any in and, hell, I made it into culinary school with how many times I was sent to the kitchen to shoot after he hit the cue ball in
Dick: Tim? Our Tim? The one who wins every time? Who was the cause of the rule in the mansion against us ever playing pool
Damien: such a baby, gets stabbed one too many times by sore losers and just has to ruin it for the rest of us
Duke: Tim has hustled all of us outta so much money that at this point it is a part time job for him
Bernard: ??? Tim never wins against me?
All turning to Tim:
Tim, face completely red: he- he always gets so excited when he is winning and he just looks so cute- and his trash talk is basically just flirty banter- and it’s not my fault when he looks like THAT
Tim, shrugging: he just has an unfair advantage over the rest of you, like maybe if any of you were attractive you would start winning pool more too
Jason: and he wonders why he’s been stabbed so many times
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thedevilundercover · 4 months
“Tim literally sucks at self care and can’t function properly without having someone breathing down his neck” is out and “Tim is a fucking health nut and freaks out the rest of the batfam with his ways” is in.
I bet you someone has freaked out when they found out he actually takes care of himself. Like a batfam member has an epiphany and they’re like “omfg he’s actually one of the few ppl in this family who’s succeeded in life and also is pretty healthy”
This man wakes up at 5:00 to go on runs. He eats properly bc of his asplenia. He has a fucking job, a proper 9-5.
he’s like successful in life and shit, that’s why his whole personality is so weird. Like he’s a weird little man who has his life together with a shit ton of duct tape.
I don’t take any arguments against this
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file808 · 4 months
I have a head cannon that non of the batboys favorite superhero is batman, but they don't know that he isn't Tim and Damians favorite.
Jason or the most loyal Wonder Woman fan: Dick I can't believe that you're a Superman fan
Dick an superman fan: Hey at least I'm better than him. *Points to Damian*
Damian: Tt I'll have you know that I'm an avid fan of Black Canary. Father is not my favorite hero unlike somebody. *Glares at Tim*
Tim: You know that Batman's not my favorite hero right?
Dick genuinely shocked: WAIT WHAT!?!?
Jason: Yah Tim, Damian makes sense but you??? You have been such a Batman fan sense the beginning.
Tim: Like a year after becoming Robin Batman stopped being my favorite. Why is this such a surprise?
Damian: So Drake who's your favorite now?
Tim: Green Lantern!
Dick: Which one? There's a whole Corp of them.
Tim: ...
Jason: Tim...which one??
Tim:*Sigh* Hal Jordan.
Bruce in the distance: REALLY HAL JORDAN?!!!?!!
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strange-birb · 2 months
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More secret band AU Timmy!🫦
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definitelysome1 · 2 months
A favourite headcanon of mine:
Some rando: your brother is super weird!
Dick: my brother is autistic, and you’re being ableist!
Tim: what? I’m not autistic what’re you talking about?
Dick: yes you are?
Tim: no I’m not.
Dick: Tim, it’s in your medical file.
Tim: but I’ve never been tested!?
Dick: yes you have, I was there!
Tim: when was this??
Dick: like three years ago? I said “hey Tim, I think you might be dealing with some mental disorder” and you said “ok Dick” and then I said “can I take you to the doctor to get tested” and you said “sure Dick”!
Tim: oh! So that’s why the doctor was asking weird questions… I didn’t listen when you asked about the doctor, so I just thought it was a normal visit.
Dick: how are you so smart, yet so dumb?
Tim: Autism 🤷‍♂️
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No one in the Batfam has the heart to tell Tim that he's lost his intimidation factor ever since the day they walked in on him yelling at Bruce and Jason whispered that it looked like a chihuahua challenging a great dane
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dutifulfemininity · 22 days
Hey there👋👋 could you please do whatever love language of the bamboos are ??
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A/N: terribly sorry I let this request collect dust. My interest in comics fell as life got hectic and whatever the hell. I won't go all Wattpad author on you.
Dick Grayson’s love language is words of affirmation. At the peak of his characterization, he is a man ravenous for praise and attention. A moment of peace, of relief, of sweetness.
Stunted, yet too grown for his own good—simultaneously. He will seek attention, showering you with gifts and compliments in hopes that you reciprocate. Holidays would read like a HallMark movie that would move suburban mothers to tears.
Dick is also the man to send romantic quotes stolen from Pinterest, and the occasional confusing poem of his own hand. His nerves would grind as he read the ‘’seen’’ stamp beneath his text, worried out of his mind that it didn't properly convey his emotions, his love.
“What, no reply yet? If you're that moved, you could always come kiss me.” He'd send the message, playing it off as a joke. But his stomach groaned with the familiar ache, that cold and empty feeling of uncertainty.
What if she doesn't like it? Will she still like me? Would I seem lame if I double texted? Am I bugging her?
The flames of self doubt would spread and eat at his mind until his phone pinged with a,” it's beautiful, babe. A hard read, but the intention was there.” And a flirtatious emoji paired with it.
Thus, the flames of doubt were stomped out, like they never existed. They liked the poem, and he would spend hours rereading it. Marveling and gushing because you liked it. Something he made.
Jason Todd's love language is acts of service. It's a loyalty thing for him.
Gift sharing could be manipulation; soft words could be lies, and he's too self-loathing to believe them anyway. Red Hood swallows his spare time, and his desire for touch swung on a pendulum—one side thirsting for it, the other side uncomfortable.
The thought of returning home to a nice and warm meal would make him melt into a puddle. Or finding his hero suit washed, and his gear cleaned and stored away.
It reignites a flame in his cold eyes, the domesticity calling forth an unclassified emotion that sent goosebumps blazing over his skin like wildfire, calling his arm hairs to attention.
Jason would return the favor. You would awake to find breakfast made, the aroma of bacon and eggs thick in the air, the sweetness of syrup carrying around the house. Scalding tea trickling into a pot, milk and sugar already on the table. Plates washed and set.
Jason would also do laundry and iron clothes. He gets those random bursts of energy (or adrenaline) and cleans the entire house spotless.
Baths would be drawn for you, and if he's feeling lavish, he'll add roses to the bubbles. The finest soaps would lather your skin, scented with the the best smelling perfumes—business was good, and it was a present. His calloused fingers would be overjoyed to massage your scalp (he hoped you'd do his next).
Tim Drake’s love language is quality time. Also, I would like to preface this section by admitting I haven't read much of Tim.
He would help you study. Textbooks adorning the wooden table after hours of quizzing. Coffee steaming in a mug, pens and highlighters scratching at paper. Kisses shared with each right answer.
He'd tease,” Oh, that was a hard one. A trick question.” A smirk, sweet as frosting would tug on his lips, then a warm kiss would swallow yours.” If I were as filthy minded as Jason, maybe I'd crack a joke.”
Tim’s gaze would find you, in the middle of whatever—washing dishes, doing laundry, exercising. They'd burst with amorous passion, like exploding stars, shimmering and twinkling in his irises.
When the sun kisses Gotham goodnight, and the moon assumes it duty, he'd find himself wishing he could be beside you. Not Batman, not Dick, certainly not Damian. That's not proof that he hates his colleagues or that his work is last on the list of priorities. It's just. . . you're higher.
“Hey, love,” he'd speak into the phone, after the voicemail prompted him.” I know you're likely sleep tonight. But I wanted to at least call and tell you to sleep safe and warm. And to save space for me.” A chuckle would roll of his tongue, the wailing of police sirens in the background.
Damian Wayne's love language is also quality time.
Time is precious to him. His mother’s presence was unreliable. He, his father, his siblings tango with dead every silvery night. Each misfortune in his family reminded him of that.
Robin is not what Dick thinks. It's not just bursting into hideouts and knocking the crap out of villains. The peril is real, as well as the potential for failure—and failure in their line of work means death.
Oracle was paralyzed in a second, one wrong move and her nerves were shot. Jason’s life was quite literally put on a clock, killed by time itself. When Damian was an assassin, it merely took seconds to end a life, one of emotion and desires and opinions—gone at the stroke of a blade.
Time matters.
Damian would try to spend all of it with you, doing anything. Attending museums, painting you, listening to your playlists. Finding the child he was depraved of for so long. Being an angsty teenager and loving it.
“This is considered fun?” A dark eyebrow of his would raise teasingly. There you sat, at a sport's game, the roaring crowd trembling the stadium and stabbing his ears. The golden beam of the sun roasting both you, and the overpriced popcorn tossing and gurgling in his stomach.
But, deep down, the liveliness of the crowd intrigued him. Even he'd find himself screaming along with the masses on their feet, yelling out praise or curse words.
Damian's jade irises would slide over to you, the sheer glee decorating your features. A painting. He'd see a masterpiece in you; how that expression would translate onto a canvas.
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hanasnx · 19 days
PICS OF THEM IN YOUR CAMERA ROLL — bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, terry mcginnis, talon.
MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: personal face claims ノ suggestive content.
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sharksandjays · 1 month
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More deaged Tim stuff ft deaged Dami :)).
I hc that Tim also knows Arabic and Dami didnt know that so he always says nice things to Tim in Arabic (cuz he thinks he cant understand) and one day Tim just responds in Arabic and Dami is SHOOK.
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beebslolz · 2 months
While in civilian form, Tim Drake is shorter than Bernard Dowd. While in hero form, Tim Drake is taller than Bernard Dowd because of the boots on his Robin outfit.
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nightwolf14292 · 1 month
What I think the Batfam's love languages would be:
This is not necessarily canon, you can take this as the love languages of my personal versions of the characters if ya want-
Bruce Wayne -
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How does he show his love?: I think that if you two were casually going out, seeing each other on occasion for a date but not actually officially dating or anything, he would show his love through giving gifts. I mean, it's the billionaire thing to do—just dump a bunch of money on you and let you buy stuff. Then when you started officially dating he would continue to give you gifts, but I also think he would use acts of service.. Whether that be dressing up as Batman and beating up someone who threatened you, or being Bruce Wayne and making your boss give you a promotion. Then if your relationship got extra serious, like you were moving into Wayne Manor serious, I think he would finally start to warm up to physical touch and would slowly get more touchy with you over time.
What type of love does he respond best to?: Quality time. Just having you around while he's doing mundane things, you sitting with him in the Batcave while he's working a case, going grocery shopping together. Depending on his mood he'll also respond well to words of affirmation, but if you catch him in the wrong mood he'll get annoyed and upset by them because he'll feel patronized.
Dick Grayson -
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How does he show his love?: No matter what stage of the relationship, his biggest love language is always going to be acts of service. He's a people pleaser at heart, he loves doing things for others even if it's detrimental to him. If the two of you were casually going out I think that he'd use a lot of words of affirmation on you, just being really sweet to you in general. When you started officially dating he'd make an effort to spend as much quality time with you as possible and get a little more touchy, starting to get used to hugs, cuddling, sleeping in the same bed, etc. If you got extra serious he'd become much more comfortable with physical touch, and start to lay more heavily into his acts of service.
What type of love does he respond best to?: Words of affirmation—but only if you do it right. Dick, being the people pleaser that he is, lives for praise and being told that he's helpful and good. Words of affirmation in the sense of 'I'm proud of you', or 'You did great out there tonight,' work wonders for him. However, words of affirmation in the form of compliments about his physical appearance have an adverse affect if you're still early on in the relationship. After all, Dick gets his looks complimented a lot and most of the time it makes him uncomfortable. He'll feel like you're only looking at his body and not who he is as a person. However, he's more accepting to physical compliments when you get into a more serious relationship.
Jason Todd -
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How does he show his love?: Well to be honest if you're casually going out, he.. Doesn't- I mean that early on, he has no real reason to believe that he should. After all, he's never had any experience with this sort of thing, and why would you ever want to date a literal crime boss/murderer? He thinks that you're totally a spy and that you're going to betray him or something. If you manage to progress to the officially dating stage, he'll start to open up just a tiny bit. He'll become a little more protective of you, making sure his goons won't attack you if you're out in Gotham late and 'taking care of' anyone who gives you trouble. He might get you a gift here and there, pay for dinner, but he'll still stay somewhat distant. And if you eventually manage to get to the serious stage, he will become incredibly attached, lots of quality time, lots of gifts, lots of acts of service, and SO much praise over any little thing you do.
What type of love does he respond best to?: Physical touch, but only if it's serious. To get through the first part of your relationship you pretty much just have to stick around and not be an ass, because he'll be absolutely flabbergasted that you want anything to do with him, but he'll eventually get used to it and become attached because you're the only person(that isn't the Batfam) who's been with him this long. But if it gets serious, he'll love physical touch. Hugs, cuddles, sleeping in the same bed, putting an arm around your shoulder, massaging your thighs.. Just touching you whenever he can.
Tim Drake -
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How does he he show his love?: Quality time, and by quality time, I mean he stalks you. You won't know it, at least not until much later into the relationship, but if he actually likes you he'll stalk you from the beginning. Stalking your social medias, tracking your phone's location, watching you in the Batcave on the Gotham security footage. Maybe hacking into your security cams and watching you in your house/apartment if he's particularly lonely. Aside from that, early on he'll pay for dinner, buy you flowers, maybe get you some little trinkets that he finds cool.. As you start dating he'll start to help you with school/work, putting his smarts and skills to the test to help you out with things. He always seems to know when you need help, somehow? (It's the stalking). When you get serious he'll warm up to you fully and start just being his weird lil' self, no longer masking his odd behavior around you.
What type of love does he respond best to?: Physical touch(but usually only when he's sleepy), and words of affirmation. He doesn't mind physical touch usually, but it won't always do much for him except for when he's feeling sleep deprived, in which case he craves your warmth and touch. He especially needs the words of affirmation, because he's sort of lacking that in his life right now (Though, his family[-Damian lol] are trying hard to make up for that, they're working on it), and it makes him feel useful and wanted. And like his own person for once.
Damian Wayne -
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How does he show his love?: In the first two stages of the relationship he won't really show that he cares, he might be a bit less aggressive to you then everyone else, but he's still not exactly the nicest. However, if you manage to get to a serious relationship, you'll have proved that you're actually there for him, and you'll notice a more dramatic change. He'll become much more open, start smiling more often, get a little more touchy, shower you with beautiful art he painted of you.. You were the one who helped him learn to be less violent, so by extension he's willing to rely on you.
What type of love does he respond best to?: Words of affirmation, because he has an ego that needs to be stroked. Even when you get serious and he becomes more open, Damian is still at his core a pretty narcissistic and arrogant guy, and he still acts on impulse thinking that he's better and smarter then any of his enemies. So, if you want him to be all flattered.. Just compliment his fighting skills.. Or, y'know, tell him how much better then Tim he is.
Y'all can add the others if you want, I don't know enough about the other characters to do them yet :]
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melloollem · 3 months
Problem with your relationship|| Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: What would you say is the problem in your relationship with them.
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd.
(DC masterlist)
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Damian Wayne
Damian is the "you learned in books what love is supposed to be like". He's never experienced it before and he's afraid of making mistakes, so everything he does seems rehearsed (because it was), nothing seems genuine, even if it is. In the end, he's trying so hard to fulfill the expectations of love that he wouldn't really be loving you.
Tim Drake
He's extreme, if he was in love with you, you'd be one of his obsessions, but when another obsession (a very difficult case) arose he'd devote himself totally to it, and he wouldn't want to be charged about this "sudden lack of interest". So you'd have to deal with one hour being the most important thing in Tim's life and another being a nuisance to him.
Dick Grayson
This man is a born liar. Dick Grayson would break down sometimes, but he doesn't want to show you that side of him, he wants you to see him as perfect, so he lies and disappears, maybe for months avoiding you with some excuse or simply lying to your face that he was fine.
Jason Todd
He doesn't want you, he could be in love with you, like this man would give you his life, but he doesn't want that feeling. You got into a relationship and it still felt like he was rejecting you. He'd kick you out of some important part of his life, at the same time as he couldn't live without you, he'd probably hurt you a lot in the process (sometimes by intending to and sometimes he didn't even notice)
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thedevilundercover · 4 months
Tim Drake de-aging fic but everyone is just kind blown how that little monster is the Timothy Jackson Drake that they know.
He’s not even a gremlin, he’s just mean and knows a little too much about stuff than the usual rich brat.
Damian: tsk, you’re such a disgrace the Wayne name.
Tiny!Tim: yeah? And your mother should have swallowed, but we’re both here aren’t we?
Jason, thinking he could bully smol Timmy: you stopped so low that you replaced a dead boy! *emo edge lord noises*
Baby!Tim, having learned new slang words via duke and Steph who think this whole thing is hilarious: have you ever thought about just getting better?
Jason: ex-fucking-cuse me?
Tim, shrugging: dying really is just a skill issue ngl
it would be even more funny if he was like this only to Damian and Jason so everyone thinks Tim is such a smart, adorable little boy but the two of them are screaming at Dick and Bruce to get that fucking demonic child exorcised
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lightwing-s · 4 months
May I request hcs for batboys when their mute!fem!reader traced the words "i love u" on their backs before trying to spell the words to them?
the batboys when mute!reader writes 'i love you' on their backs
a/n: it's been a while since i last wrote one of those. thanks for the request! i had a lot of fun writing it ♡
Before you even finished writing, Dick would’ve already turned around and faced you, a beaming smile gracing his lips. He’d look at you, eyes probably watery, and wait for you to smile back at him to start plastering your face with kisses. In between each one of them a new ‘I love you’ sang aloud, ready to let the world know he reciprocated your feelings and that you too loved him, because if you couldn’t voice your love to the world, he’d do so for the two of you. Proudly!
Jason, however, would be more chill about it, but not less enthusiastic. When he realizes what you’ve done, he’d stop for a while, letting it all sink in. He’d smile to himself, the realization slowly warming your heart, before turning around to look at you. His eyes were warm, giving you a sense of comfort and certainty after you’d worried about what would be his response. Moving closer, closing the gap between you two, he’d softly whisper against your lips ‘I love you too’ before taking your breath away with a kiss.
In similar fashion, when it comes to Tim, he’d take just as long as his brother to let your words click into place. But differently, he'd ponder for a while if it was true or not. Eye to eye with you, he’d be serious while mouthing and gesturing to question ‘For real?’, something you’d reply with a simple nod of your head. Worry would flood your heart after his initial reaction, but it would all be washed out when the corners of his lips started spreading out in his face, reaching from ear to ear, in the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen. A gimmer in his eyes sparkled brighter as he’d ask ‘Can I kiss you?’ before you gladly allowed him to join your lips together, the butterflies awakened in both your bodies.
When he figured out the words you’d drawn on his back, our little Dami wouldn’t know how to react. He wouldn’t know if you meant it, if it was real or just you playing around. Was it a writing of truth or just for fun? What if he’d guess it wrong? Was it really “I love you”? Was he imagining things? Out of doubt, he would opt for not saying anything, keeping quiet until he got clarification, until he was sure what he thought was indeed true. He didn’t want to assume something and ruin your relationship. He also didn’t want to raise any expectations, afraid he’d end up getting hurt in the end. So he’d wait, he would wait until you did it again, or until you told him in any other way. Seeing your confirmation would leave him in a frenzy, blushing redder than Jason’s helmet, getting as crazy as Dick when he can’t find his cereal in the pantry. Honestly? Damian would run away, hide himself from the shame of not knowing what to do and the shyness of a love confession. And you’d laugh, because you truly loved that little dwarf and his apparent inability to comprehend your affection was just one of the reasons why.  
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strange-birb · 10 months
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Tim ❤️👀
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