#batfam crack
strange-birb · 7 months
Based on og bost by @thethirdtriplet
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Order left to right pic 1 lolz
Damian, cass, dick, duke, Tim, Steph :)
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akuchi-nya · 4 months
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a fast draw of jay kissing roy atfer the gitar solo, i really think they would be a wild couple on the stage hehe
this beautiful au is from @strange-birb I love her!! and all this "the secret band"
ps: I love to think that in this UA they are not vigilant so that every time Tim hangs on stage Bruce will have a heart attack hahahahah
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vixfern · 5 months
Does anyone else think that the batkids would be snooping around the internet and accidentally/on purpose find fanfics of Batman? They’d probably find Batman x Bruce Wayne, Batman X Superman, and a whole lot of others. I feel like they’d be really surprised and disgusted at first but then they’d totally be into it and it would become a running inside joke between them!!
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wypascalis · 2 years
Wayne Family watching Frozen:
Dick: crying because of he relates to Elsa
Jason: laughing at dick crying
Tim: wondering how Anna could be stupid enough to trust Hans
Damian: enjoys the music
Bruce: wondering what the fuck is wrong with Dick
Barbara: comforting dick
Stephanie: explaining to Tim that Anna “loves” Hans
Cass: like Damian, enjoys the music
Duke: here for the food, also confused at why dick is crying
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crii-sis · 4 months
This was for @wait-whos-batman Valentine’s Day DCU Event!
If Steph ever stayed it was always with Cass, the two of them inseparable, and Bruce was always sure to give her the same treatment, after all his favourite version of Stephanie was while she was asleep.
One morning Steph would mention it offhandedly.
“You’re really nice, when you think I’m asleep.” She said through a mouthful of waffles at breakfast.
“Hmph” Bruce sipped his coffee, not engaging.
“I feel like it’s because you like your girl’s unconscious.” She was reaching for more syrup and she spoke.
Selina had to grab the kitchen island’s counter top as she doubled over from laughing, clutching her stomach. Dick snorted through his cheerios, as he placed a hand on Selina’s back to help her regain composure.
Even Alfred tried to hide a smile as he put down a plate off eggs.
“Close your mouth while you chew, Stephanie.” Bruce put his newspaper down as he called her out, exasperated.
Steph complied, snapping her mouth shut as she continued to eat. Bruce stood up, kissing her head briefly as walked past her.
“Can’t help it that your cuter when your mouth is shut.”
He would leave her sputtering, the annoyance in her tone not really making it to her eyes.
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kbirbpods · 4 months
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 17 minutes, 14 seconds | Original Work
Batfam: Tim Drake centric | Not Rated
Summary: that one fic about the trix yogurt
Notes: i cannot explain this. it is pure chaos.
Part 1 of [podfics of] vox nihili et in gotham ego
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comatose--overdose · 1 year
Batman hisses at YOU
He's bringing ME his robins one by one and setting them in my lap, trusting me to be gentle with them. He's purring very loudly.
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I just vividly remembered the time my brother refused to get up (after like 3pm late) so I threatened to give him a Sternum Rub (he got up pretty fast after that)
For those of you who dont know. A Sternum Rub (when done correctly) is a very painful but not harmful technique done by EMS to try and get a patient responsive.
ANYWAYS- long story short, I thought to myself "God thats so batfam coded" and now I have to create a scenerio so I can add this in my fic ASAP.
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dizaryswrites · 1 year
Batfam as things my brother & cousins said over Christmas:
Dick: "If that ends up tasting good, I want to try a bite."
Jason, cooking: "Yeah yeah I know, the troll toll."
Damian: "Who's your favorite?"
Dick: "None of you, you don't deserve my love."
Tim: "So all those movie nights meant nothing?"
Dick: "They meant something but not enough."
Bruce: "If you watch a zombie movie, Tim won't be able to sleep tonight."
Tim: "I was thirteen!"
Damian: "Look at this picture of Titus. Isn't it adorable? Here's another, you can see how big he's getting. And-"
Jason not looking up from the food he's cooking: "I love you so I'm going to be honest. I do not care."
*watching the movie*
Stephanie: "He's baby girl material."
Duke: "But he's just standing there??"
Tim: "I hope you know if he dies, my mental health will spiral."
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sid-posts · 8 months
Non-super batfam au where they have a tv show like the kardashians
obvi this is crack but like
keeping up with the waynes
bruce being desperate to save face for some reason or another and lucious is like
"i have an idea but you're not going to like it"
dick thinks it's hilarious and absolutely steals the show whenever he can
jason could really care less. maybe appears twice a season and always has great jokes. he's a fan favorite.
cass was annoyed by the camera crew at first but then she befriended them and they leave her alone for the most part
tim finds the whole thing hilarious as well but only because Damian Fucking Hates It
Damian Fucking Hates It
duke is like. just chilling.
no one really knows why steph and babs are there so often??? but they're cool so it's whatever
alfred pennyworth is never seen by the cameras.
no one believes he exists.
the batfam all talk about things he does in interviews so seriously but no one has ever seen him
and no one ever will
bruce pretends to be annoyed by it all but he secretly thinks it's funny
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strange-birb · 8 months
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I had too… I just had too
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devil666132020 · 1 year
Robins meeting their past selves
Robin!Jay: Well that's not fair! how come you get to be tall? Red Hood!Jason: It's not as fun as you think it is. Robin!Jay: Yeah well it's better than being my height! Red Hood!Jason: Yes, but you have to be a lot more cautious. Trust me, little man, it's not worth it- Robin!Jay: The fuck did you just call me Goliath? Red Hood!Jason: ....I know you did not just call me Goliath you leprechaun! Robin!Jay: EXCUSE ME!? I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME THAT! Robin!Dick: Nah bro! Nightwing!Dick: Oh boy it's about to go down! Robin!Steph and Batgirl!Steph: 🍿 Robin!Tim,Robin!Damian, Red Robin!Tim and Future Damian: -_-
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akuchi-nya · 4 months
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so i get hung up on the fact tha roy is the only who calls jason jaybird? yes! and i don´t sorry heheh
birds ua:
roy can shoot energy arrows
when the robins are small, their wings are yello but when they grow up their feathers change color.
roy and dick are freinds! jay play whit them sometimes
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surenschompychompers · 4 months
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wypascalis · 2 years
Me, patiently waiting for Batman: Wayne Family Adventures to come back
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Lore Olympus:
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mistergreatbones · 26 days
Duke: hey I’m gonna go visit my mom
Bruce, used to Cass’ relationship with Shiva and Damian’s relationship with Talia: don’t forget to bring extra knives
Duke, lives in Gotham: ‘Kay let me go grab some
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