#robin jason todd
shewolf-sinclair · 2 days
so when bruce is raising his kids. they go to school. like they legally have to its a thing. its mentioned some in wfa too. a lot of people say jay was a theater kid, i as a theater kid and jason relater agree, and it’s even mentioned in titans. as is his love for rock/metal
so hear me out. jason took lifting because duh… but i think he also took a dance class for one of his gym credits. like. dick, the og, was a trained acrobat and utilized those skills on the streets. jason wanted to be like him and wanted to be able to move like him so he took dance as one of his gym credits so he could learn that skill and also exercise outside of training. It teaches great muscle control, patience, creativity and expression, its relaxing to get lost in. its likely how he got recruited for high school theater (headcannon).
Asshole kid 1: Look at Todd, dumbass takes dance. Must not be athletic enough for a real sport.
Asshole kid 2: Fucking fairy.
Jason: Fuck you. *breaks the kid 1’s nose with a high kick, 2 goes to punch jason who does a fancy spin out of the way whilst kicking his feet out from under him. all with his arms in first position never wavering*
Jason: That takes more skill, coordination, and strength than you’ll ever have. bitch.
also his favorite musicals would be rock-like JCS(hehe jason is a jesus character), School of Rock, Sweeny, TLT(greek myths->titans… jason def ate as luke/ares…), etc.
inspired by: this post
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Fic Idea:
Pre-Robin Tim reads about Matilda (maybe this was the one story his parents read to him and it therefore became his favourite one) and about her powers. And decides. Weirder things have happened in Gotham, before. So why can’t this? 
And so, he tries and tries and gets Matilda’s powers, perfecting his use of it & experimenting not long after.
After becoming Robin he doesn’t use it often (he’s overwhelmed about being Robin & has a lot going on and forgets about it /OR/ he fears Batman won’t allow him to stay since he’ll think Tim is a meta (he’s not, Tim has checked multiple times, but Batman might not care what the tests’ say) /OR/ something happens and it traumatizes him /OR/ he uses it secretly and successfully hides it from B and never uses it in the field because what if there is a life-death situation but he can’t use it ‘cause B won’t allow him to keep Robin, so Tim has to become good enough that he doesn’t have to use his power)). 
But, years later, it’s a situation far beyond ‘dire’ and using his power might be the only way out. Time is ticking, and so he uses his special ability.
Or the same thing but it’s Jason, with tweaks to fit his story and personality, of course.
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borderlinegerard · 3 days
i think the reason jason's character arc didn't work well was because he didn't have the chance. he was robin for such a short amount of time, there was no character to develop him into. there was a lack of clear motive, the writers didn't have enough time to figure out what that motive would've been.
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mirailenkun · 2 days
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You know, I know a lot of people say that fathers don't play favorites… but I think Jason is that baby in Bruce's heart. Just think that when Jason was Robin, Bruce had a closer, more paternal relationship with him than he did with Dick, Tim and even Damian.
Jason is this child who was able to love more freely, because unlike John Grayson, Jason's father was not a good person or father. Bruce had a freer way to be Jason's father without that guilt underneath of replacing a parent.
It was that time when Bruce felt …. so human, closer to Robin than ever and when Jason died… I feel we all lost that Bruce Wayne who held the hand of a little girl who was afraid to die, that man who hugged his friends, the man who understood criminals, who could still be happy despite the tragedy that happened in his life.
Those who lose a child we call them orphans, those who lose a spouse we call them widowers. But those who lose a child …. has no name… because that is how great the loss of a child is.
Losing his parents, hurt Bruce in the deepest, but losing a son…. the biggest pain a person could suffer… that broke Bruce and I don't think any writer has dealt with it in a good way in the official comics. Because I feel like they don't give it the importance that they should.
… it just makes the relationship between Jason and Bruce even more tragic… because in the end, Bruce never got his baby back and Jason never got his father back.
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72stars · 2 days
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another Red Hood: Prometheus sketchbook dump + one non-sketchbook doodle set. I hit the upper limit of pages so I had to start another one <:) doodles include: Alan face design adventures, Alan ‘n’ Jay cuddles, Dick face design adventures, Talons, a smoking bird and rough designs for Willis & Catherine Todd with a teeny Jay, and the “covers” for the digital sketchbooks for fun
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theaceofarrows · 2 months
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violet-catsarelife · 5 months
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Leather jackets are cool okay 🥺
also Dick has unknowingly opened the door to little birds stealing his clothes from him lol. It's a love language 😌
Inspired by ↓↓
that time Discowing wore a leather jacket:
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and this precious panel of baby Jay:
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shyjusticewarrior · 5 months
Dream Jason assuring Tim he'll be a good Robin
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Real Jason in the nightmare realm assuring Tim he is a good Robin
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white streaked jason todd 🤍🖤
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mylifeingotham · 2 months
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in-som-niyah · 2 months
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Jason Todd has abs you could grate cheese on.
no i will not elaborate
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mikakuna · 2 months
jason as a child looking to bruce with so much love and trust is extremely important to me
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gbirrd · 1 month
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If brokenness is a form of art, I must be a poster child prodigy
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thumb-taks · 1 month
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oddly familiar. isn't it?
Do you think when Jason was beating to Tim at himself he only saw his own bloodied corpse? Metal against skin. A familiar sound.
Do you think he felt sympathetic...? or maybe he felt like Tim should know what it felt like.
based on this panel ;)
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applejuicebegood · 1 month
Jason Showing his Love for You
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Sharing. Sharing his jackets, his cologne, his food - he loves sharing the intimate material aspects of his life. You'll mention being thirsty whilst you guys are walking through the park and he's already uncapping his water bottle for you. You complain to him that your workplace doesn't have proper heating for the winter month and he's already packing one of his hoodies and some hand-warmers in your bag.
Big 'Act's of service' kinda guy. Adores making you dinner and memorising your favourite recipes (you have bought him this red apron from the local farmers market with a robin feather on the front pocket and he immediately asked you if he could have your ring size). Has a small box under the stove of both of your favourite meals written on small cue cards.
Carries your bags if you're out shopping or if he's walking you home from work.
If you're feeling tense or overly exhausted, he always offers a massage. He finds it that much more intimate and loving. To dip and press his fingers into the knots tightening your soft flesh and to hear your groan and sigh in relief, it's a reminder to him that his body doesn't always have to be used for violence and the installation of fear. It can be used as a source of comfort and release - as evident when you pull him down against your chest, after he's put away the lotion, to lay on top of you like a big weighted blanket.
He'll take pictures of flowers and sunsets over water and send them to you randomly throughout the week with the fallow up text being something like 'reminded me of you' 'it looked like your eye-colour'.
Besides that, his camera roll is mostly just you. Pictures of you asleep on his chest or in the middle of the biggest fit of laughter. He's got a few polaroids stashed in his wallet of you that he pulls out on week-long missions with his brothers. To remind himself that he's got something to get back to.
He'll always tie your shoes if the laces come undone or helps you stand up in heels. He's always worried about you if the two of you are at one of his Dad's galla's (for many reasons not included) and your in heels - because he knows how painful it can get. Once you guys get back to your house, he would sweep you into his arms after you've kicked off your heels just so you wouldn't have to stand and stumble for a second longer.
Helps take off your jewelry and makeup as you help him out of his suite.
Listens to your playlists and favourite albums so that you guys can sing along together during late night baking attempts.
You guys have a shared record collection that you started when for your anniversary you got him a record player. He likes to be supper corny some nights and dance with you as one of your favourite albums plays.
He'll be very casual about how extraordinary he treats you. He considers it expected instead of the exception. Because you were able to love him back to life, so why shouldn't you deserve only the best from him?
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72stars · 6 months
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I forget why I originally drew these but they still entertain me whenever I see the file so I finally got around to coloring them. Bruce ‘n’ Jay
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