#jason todd blurb
luv4jason · 1 day
Hello I love ur boyfriend!jason and I want u to know how happy it made me to read it 🎨
thank youu i’m so happy you liked it !! should i do more boyfriend!jason blurbs?? please feel free to send in prompts or scenarios for me to write about !
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katsumox · 11 months
something about jason todd with a touchy!reader s/o is literally so yummie.
You’ve got him on his stomach, regrettably, he thinks, as you watch the hills and divots of his muscles roll and flex as he gets comfortable. The scarred herculean expanse of his back is exposed to you as you sit on his butt.
“Dunno why I agreed to this,” he frowns, not bothering to move his head, unmuffling his musings.
He really doesn’t; ten minutes ago you two were having a very civil discussion (read: arguing) about something or other. Next thing he knew, he was in your bed, on his stomach, half naked and under you.
“Cause you like me,” you sing, breaking him from his thoughts, as you drag manicured fingers up his back, pressing into his taut muscle, deftly massaging each sore part of him.
“You like this. ‘S okay to admit it,” you add.
He gives a noncommittal noise that gets cut off by a strangled gasp when he feels your hands pressing into the upper muscles of his back.
There’s a deep discomfort that settles in his stomach; he’s never been touched so lovingly, not without hidden motives tainting said touch. He isn’t sure if he should push you off him or beg you to keep going.
You hum as you work his muscles, letting his inconsistent breathing and occasional gasps guide you.
You continue rubbing him down, occasionally pausing to apply more shea butter to your hands before resuming your work.
You reach up to his neck, as he sighs. You press just a hair harder, feeling a knot loosen at the pressure. Jason inhales, trying to steel himself from any possible reaction.
Regardless of his efforts, a low “Fuck,” reverberates through his chest. He internally frowns at the sound of his low whine, sounding like a wounded animal. He reddens as he hears himself, internally cringing at his neediness, at your willingness, and the intimacy of it all.
“That was pretty,” you murmur, teasing lilt in your voice. He’s fighting the urge to shut down this moment of vulnerability the two of you are sharing. You know he’s really pushing himself, so you try to keep the extra teases locked away for another day, another less intense moment.
You shut yourself up, instead focusing your attention to Jason’s expansive back. You press harder in the same spot, shameless in your attempt to illicit more noises from him as you whisper, “Give me another.”
He shudders, giving a shaky exhale as he composes himself.
“You’re evil,” he grumbles, despite almost leaning up into your touch.
“So evil,” You smile, “Totally evil.”
Not once does your touch on his back falter. He hums in agreement, softly smiling into a pillow.
“Incredibly evil,” Jason sighs. “Lucky I like your evil ass.”
“Aw,” you say, “Red’s finally going soft. I got you up under me and now you don’t know how to act. ”
Jason can hear the smile in your words. Choosing to ignore it, he closes his eyes and focuses solely on your touch.
“Yeah,” He mumbles, before pausing to consider his words, “Goin’ real soft, only for you.”
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batfams-posts · 3 months
Jason Todd is the type of boyfriend who loves to watch you get ready for the day or bed. Hear me out
He would totally love the girl that “goes to bed ugly to wake up hot” like crazy shower routine, 10 step skincare routine of the best products, heat less curls in, body moisturized head to toe in something that smells like vanilla or cinnamon, has a silk pillowcase/bonnet on, maybe mouth tape or retainer etc like not sexy lingerie but all the stuff the TikTok girlies use. Definitely sleeping in Jason’s sweats.
He would love to sit on the bed or stand somewhere in the bathroom and listen to you talk about your day or maybe he is getting ready for patrol while you are getting unready.
I think he would try to help you moisturize when you step out of the shower because he would just want to have his hands on you lol
And in the morning when he is still in bed/trying to sleep from a crazy night patrolling he would sleepily have one eye on you while you took off yours heat less curls or putting on your morning skincare and makeup.
If you styled your hair he would love to see the before and after before you leave the apartment and would get sad if he didn’t get a little ootd (outfit of the day” rundown from you. He thinks is silly but it’s one of the bits you guys have together.
My first post ever but it’s just a thought I’ve had after reading so so much Jason Todd content lol
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mxtantrights · 1 month
Boxer!jason is very intimate. Hand holding. Small touches on your back. Brushing your cheeks with the back of his hand.
If you ask boxer!Jason to put lotion on you he’ll do it. He’ll make a big thing out of it. Have like oils and a candle on. Tell you to relax and let his big hands take the lead.
When he finally lets you into his world, boxer!jason asks if you can kiss his gloves for good luck. He lets you pick which hype song he uses for the night.
Boxer!jason probably won’t let you go to sleep without telling you he loves you. Don’t even start him in getting into petty arguments. He won’t let you go to bed angry or alone. You could be on opposite sides of the bed but you’ll be sharing a bed with him.
All in all boxer!jason is the most intimate guy you know. And he probably only gets more intimate the longer he’s in a relationship with you. (Which is forever because by the six month mark he’s sure you’re the one he’s meant to be with.)
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gleasonlovesjasontodd · 3 months
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Imagine waiting for jason to come out of the shower after his patrol but you are already so tired from waiting up for him so you just pass out spread out all over the bed covering his side and yours. Jason walking out his hair still damped as he sees you and his heart melts he changes into his boxers as he moves you so carefully like a porcelain doll as he gets in and immediately you move towards him as you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck and he smiles before falling asleep cause he knows he has you with him
hehehe i hate this kinda but felt bad that i haven’t written something in a while
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k2ntoss · 3 months
*in mid-mission with jason as a partner*
jason: you know, i'd die to pin you against a wall right now and have my way with you.
y/n: jason... *in a warning tone*
jason: *now whispering into your ear* i know you won't even try to push me away, you would enjoy it like the good little slut you are being taken in such a place.
jason: bet you're already getting needy, i know if i slide my hand under your pants i'll feel you starting to get w-
barbara: *through the speakers* jason, i think you forgot to turn off your microphone...
barbara: and i think you owe part of us therapy, it would be damian, tim, steph, cass, duke and me...
jason: wait, what about bruce and dick?
barbara: they're taking notes-
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ivysangel · 9 days
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NOTES/CW - mild angst but it's short lived, porn with plot, mutual masturbation, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, shower sex, happy ending, the endings a little rushed, i think that's all?
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It was the early hours of the morning, and you had been "sleeping" restlessly all night. The worry of something happening to Jason loomed in the darkness every time you closed your eyes. Tiredness weighed you down, but it was no match for the sickening feeling in your gut that came around every time he was a little late coming home. It didn't matter how long it had been since you started dating him; you found that nothing eased the nerves or the ache when you started to overthink about what he could possibly be doing at that moment instead of being beside you. 
Hot water runs down your chest, and you crane your neck away from the heavy streams coming from your showerhead. Steam curls up and out of the shower, dampening the ceiling with tiny droplets of water. And the heat doesn't do much for your mind but it does ease the physical ache that comes with sleep deprivation. That's not what you needed right now though; what you needed were the thoughts of Jason dying alone, again, out of your head.
Your hand reaches for the knob and turns it the absolute farthest it would go, and you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to block out your surroundings and the familiarity of this space you'd shared with him so many times. 
Jason, Jason, Jason. Where was he? 
The jarring sound of metal sliding across metal invades your ears and is quickly followed by the presence of someone else entering the cramped space. "Did you hear me? I was calling your name."
There he was.
The feeling of his arms around your waist brings you back to reality. His voice could have just been your head messing with you, but this, him wrapped around you, this was real. "How was patrol?" You say carefully, trying to keep your words, even for fear that he'll hear the distress in your voice. "You're home later than usual." He noses at your neck, and he hums into the skin, water pelting his head and soaking his hair. You bring your hand up to his wet locks, rubbing gently, deciding not to ask again, knowing he wouldn't answer anyway.
His fingers knead at the flesh on your hips as you both just stand there in the scalding hot water. "I missed you." You say, feeling him exhale deeply into your neck and slide his hands further up your body. Large, warm hands find your breasts, squeezing lightly. He breathes in your scent, a comfort to him after a long night of taking out criminals, something to ground him the same way he grounds you. He pinches at your nipple, rolling it around and tugging lightly, and your breath hitches at the stimulation of the lewd action. 
"Did you miss me?" You sounded desperate, pathetic even, like you were begging for your life when you really were just craving his affection. He laughs wryly, head lifting from out of the crevice of your neck, and his lips find the space behind your ear.
He presses a kiss to the skin and brings his head down again to nip at your earlobe. "You always ask me that," he says lowly, the bass in his voice reverberating against your eardrum. "I just wanna know." 
One of his hands slowly drags down your chest, over the hill of your chest, and you moan at the warmth spreading through your body. "You're too..." he moves further down your torso, "in your head sometimes." Lower and lower, "but it's okay," until it settles between the wet heat between your legs, "I can fix it."
He rubs gently, pointer finger ghosting over your clit, while he presses his boner into you. You hadn't even realized how turned on you were until this very moment, until you were suddenly all too aware of how close he was to you, drenched in water and naked. His thumb presses the sensitive nub between your legs, the added pressure making your back arch into him, feeling his dick dig into the soft flesh of your ass. 
"You know I love you, right?" He asks, rubbing small quick circles into your clit, earning a gasp from you. "You do, right?" You swallow hard, nodding your head while one of your hands finds its way to your lonely breast while the other slips behind you to Jason's crotch. "Mmm, that's right, I know you do."
You feel around for his cock, the task made more difficult by the fuzziness clouding your brain from the thick finger that was slowly making its way into your cunt. The size of your hand was nothing compared to the size of his dick; his erection was heavy in your hand, radiating heat and weighing it down, but god, did you need it in you. 
You stroke from the base to the tip, using his pre-cum as lube, and he groans into the side of your neck. His thumb leaves your clit as his middle finger joins in on stretching you out. Two thick fingers sit deep in your cunt, curling into your sweet spot, the sensation sending chills down your spine. The pitter-pattering conceals the squelching sounds of Jason fucking his fingers into you and the pornographic moans escaping your lips.
Long, slow strokes of his dick become short and shallow as you jerk him off while his fingers continuously move in and out of you. You attempt to focus on the task at hand, getting him off, but your breath quickens, and you go weak in the knees as your climax approaches. The tingling of your nerves puts you on edge, and you have to refrain from squeezing his dick too hard as you get lost in pleasure.
The water's almost run cold by now, and every single drop should feel like a piece of hail on your skin, but it doesn't. The nearly ice-cold droplets don't compare to the temperature of your body when he's got you riled up like this. Your climax was quickly approaching, and you knew Jason's was, too, by the way his groans and grunts were becoming more frequent. He had started rocking his hips back and forth into your hand, and you were sure your fingers would be painted in cum sometime soon. "I'm sorry, baby," He mutters, "Sorry for what I'm about to do." it comes out breathlessly, and if you were facing him, he'd see the confused expression etching itself on your face. "But it'll be worth it. Promise."
His words are followed by an unwelcome emptiness, one that leaves you clenching around nothing, aching to be filled once more. He withdraws his fingers from your cunt with a pop that you can't hear but definitely can feel, and his hand grabs your wrist, stopping you from jerking him any longer. You turn to face him, ready to object, and plead, and beg on your knees if you had to, but you never get the chance.
His hands cup your cheeks, and he kisses you deeply, your mouths falling into a familiar synchronization. "Feel like I can't fuck you without kissing you first." You finally get a good look at him for the first time since he'd gotten home, hair wet and eyes green as ever, strong features looking especially intimidating in the dim lighting of your bathroom, and muscles earned from years of training littered with bruises he'd ice when you weren't around.
While you find yourself admiring his features, he takes your shoulders in his hands and gently pushes you up against the shower wall. Gripping your thigh, he lifts your leg up and aligns himself with your entrance. He pushes inside of you with a deep groan and stills himself for a few seconds so you can adjust to the stretch. It's a dull pain, an intense throb deep in your womb that leaves your legs weak and you more wet than anything.
He keeps your leg up and places his palm flat on the shower wall, bracing himself before drawing out of you completely and plunging back inside. His hips rock rhythmically, each pump of his cock leaving you holding onto him for dear life. His hand curls into a fist against the wall, and you know he's close, already having been wound up from fucking your hand earlier. He towers over you, wet hair hanging in his face, muscles tensed, as he loses himself in the feeling of you wrapped around him.
You bring your arm up around his neck, pulling him as close as you can without causing you guys to slip. His breath is hot on your face, combatting the chilliness of the water, and you're hard-pressed not to kiss him, but you couldn't, not when you were so close to release, not when you wanted to see his face when he came.
You bring your hand between the two of you, rubbing your clit, trying to bring yourself over the edge, and he lifts your leg higher and buries himself even deeper. A loud moan slips out of your mouth and echoes off the walls as he hits that soft spongy spot deep in your cunt again and again. Soon enough, the knot in your stomach completely unravels, and you tremble as your orgasm washes over you, his big arms keeping you upright as your eyes roll back. 
Your eyes flutter open just in time to see his face contort. Brows furrowed, and jaw clenched as his hips stutter, pace faltering as he's sent off the deep end. His grunts get louder, and he begins to sound almost animalistic until he lets out one final sound, long and drawn out as he fills your guts. 
The both of you stand there, catching your breath as the shower rains down on you, skin dripping and water pooling at your feet. Your chest heaves, and your eyes close to avoid drops of water getting in your eyes. He pulls out slowly, giving you time to adjust to the emptiness before gently letting go of your leg and helping you stand up straight. His hand finds the shower knob, turning until the water stops, and you admire him from behind as he steps out of the shower, grabbing a couple of towels.
"Do you get it now?" He asks, holding open a towel, waiting for you to step into it. "Get what?" you ask, using the wall to hold yourself up, legs still weak from Jason being so deep in you just a few moments ago. "Get that I love you?" 
His arms wrap around you, tucking the towel into itself before pulling you close and bringing his lips to your forehead. His lips are warm, and he smells nice, like a mixture of soap and gunpowder. Ironic because he didn't wash and will probably hop back in the shower when you're fast asleep. 
He looks down at you earnestly, waiting for a response to his question, and you would call him ridiculous, but you know he needs to hear this just as much as you need to hear him say that he loves you in the first place. "Yes," you nod. "I know that you love me."
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edited this for like four hours so if there are any typos and errors that's just what the universe intended.
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i-yap · 7 days
Jason thoughts with reader
unlike dick, he NEEDS PDA. just hold onto his arm, hand , ( may make a post on this specifically if u guys want?) . will randomly come behind you and place his head on your shoulder and glare at whoever stole your attention from him. will make u sit on his lap, will makeout with you ( but will hide you from public view Ex. have u pressed against a wall while he kisses you his tall frame hiding you from view) Refuses to leave you even for a second, hates being with other people when u guys can just be alone together.
wants to do childish stuff with you or likes it when u make him do childish stuff. acting like kids in love, running around being free and happy and together . he never rlly had all that before meeting you .
stares...a lot. after a long crime fighting night he is sitting on the kitchen stool watching u make your morning coffee and he just feels so warm and in love ...its like chocking on sunshine. He gets so overwhelmed by it he just needs to look away for a second to pull himself together. He wont ever tell you why he is staring ..may make a stupid quip like " just wondering why your face so weird" " weren't you just quoting me poetry on how my face rivals heavens last night jay?" "no shutup ur delusional".
Which brings me to - playful roasting. oh god he will roast u all the time but you can always tell he is joking. has that stupid smirk and even a small stutter sometimes. Cause he wanted to tell you he loves when u hug him and it may just heal him but instead he says " Le-leave me you si-silly uh MONKEY..yea monkey" but he is holding you so tight and blushing like crazy.
doesn't sexually tease you, straight up says the most vulgar things very randomly like " damn this dressing table looks nice, we could get a mirror too so that I can see your tits as I fuck you from behind on this thing " at a home depot. does not care where you guys are. does not blush, does not smile its like he is straight up listing facts.
Jason blushes a lot . catch him off guard and he is red as a tomato
you guys seem to really prefer jason over dick and the other characters..sad sort of I like writing dick a lot .
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jaybirdzi · 3 months
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2:49 am
warnings: none, fluff, cuddly jason after patrol :( i just wanna cuddle him despite how much i hate physical touch :(, smelly sweaty jason but in a cute way
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jason was exhausted, he had started patrol earlier than usual, he got roughed up but beat the bastards in the end. he was caught off guard, and was already having a horrible day. he climbs through the window in a huff, despite having keys to the front door.
and there you were, laying there prettily, arm around a teddy bear he had won for you with tickets from the arcade on your 4th date.
he takes off his mask, shrugging his jacket off and his gear, stepping out of his heavy boots. he moved the teddy bear from your arms, replacing the stuffed toy as you stir awake. "j-jay..." you grumbled sleepily.
"shhh babe.... just sleep" he brings you closer (if possible) and kisses your forehead, smelling a hint of your shampoo.
"mnnmm... you stink" you comment, your face twisting slightly.
"i know... bad day, just let me sleep... 'll take a shower with you in the mornin'." he sighs, relaxing against you. you sympathize with him, just accepting your sleepy, sweaty boyfriend.
"fine..." you mumble and relax against him. "we shower together"
"of course."
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short ikk but im tired :( work is after my asss
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alwaysmoncheri · 3 months
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and jason have a complicated relationship, but when you find yourself in a troubling situation, jason just happens to be your emergency contact
𝐜𝐰: female!reader, minimal swearing, sexual assault, cat calling, assault, violence, 1.5k, jason todd x reader
midnights in gotham city smell distinctly of blood. the dark streets are littered with corpses of victims who stain the rubble red. crime is high and murder remains rampant among the homeless people living on the streets. you know walking home alone at this hour alongside the hundreds of criminals that hide in the shadows is a terrible idea. but your shift at the library ran late tonight and you had no other means of transportation, hence the reason why you find yourself alone in a dark alley far from the comfort and safety of your apartment.
the faint footsteps of desperate strangers lurk behind you, the sound echoes through the night, and your skin crawls with anticipation of what’s to follow. nothing good comes from the situation that you’ve found yourself in and that’s what brings you to pull out your phone and tap on the first contact that pops up on your screen.
your relationship with jason is complicated. like most things in your life you suppose. but jason is the only one who’s almost always by your side. maybe that’s part of what possessed you to click on his name on your phone and bring it up to your ear with trembling fingers.
“hey, sweet—”
“jason, I think i’m being followed.” you breathe out quickly and you don't dare to peek so much as a glance behind you.
“shit. hang on, babe. just—”
jason's voice, laced with urgency, cuts through the tense night as the echo of your footsteps intensifies. the sounds of the desolate alley amplify, creating an eerie symphony of fear and impending danger.
“i’m so scared, jay,” your shaky voice reaches jason, carrying the weight of dread as if it were a tangible thing. in response, jason's voice becomes a soothing anchor, his words a balm to your frayed nerves.
“hey, it’s okay, sweetheart. tell me where you are,” jason's voice, steady and reassuring, breaks through the chaos. your breath catches as you fumble to provide your location, the darkness of the alley making every detail obscure.
“I don’t know, I think in an alley near the corner of 5th and main. I thought it would be quicker. jason, please hurry,” desperation seeps into your words, painting a vivid picture of the peril you find yourself in.
“just hang on, i’m on my way,” jason's promise becomes a lifeline, a lifeline you desperately clutch onto. the plea, "don’t hang up, please don’t hang up," echoes through the phone, the fear of losing that connection palpable.
“I won’t, honey. just keep telling me what’s going on, okay?” jason's voice is a steady stream of reassurance, a counterpoint to the mounting chaos.
your breath quickens as you confess, "there’s multiple, jay."
“multiple what? sweetheart, talk to me,” jason's concern deepens, the gravity of the situation reflected in the intensity of his inquiry.
“people, there’s multiple people. they’re still following me, and I can’t lose them,” your voice quivers, painting a chilling image of the shadows closing in.
“i’m almost there, okay? just hang on a little longer, can you do that for me?” jason’s words are a beacon of hope, urging you to endure the storm just a little while longer.
“they’re getting closer. shit,” panic infuses your voice as the chase intensifies. jason senses the urgency, a quiet determination in his response.
the abrupt cut-off and your distressed cry for help and jason’s call to you, "y/n!?" mark the harrowing turn. the phone, a lifeline moments ago, is silenced by a crushing foot, an audible confirmation of the looming threat.
“looks like your boyfriend isn’t going to make it, gorgeous,” a sinister voice taunts, the malevolence palpable in the dimly lit alley. the struggle intensifies, and your defiant words ring through the night.
“get off of me, you creep!” your voice is a mix of fear and defiance, a visceral response to the encroaching menace.
“watch your tone, sweetie,” a chilling warning hangs in the air as they pin you down. the confrontation takes a dark turn as you spit in their faces, a desperate act of resistance.
“such a shame that’s what you’re using such a pretty mouth for,” a sinister chuckle underscores the dehumanizing intent, leaving a bitter taste in the tense air.
“that’s alright, we don’t want you for your mouth anyway,” a chilling statement, a precursor to unspeakable horrors, hangs over the alley.
in the clash of desperation and violence, the air changes as jason, your vigilante savior, descends upon the scene like a guardian angel emerging from the shadows. the sounds of a fierce struggle ensue, muffled grunts and the scuff of boots on concrete. with a swift, powerful intervention, the men are knocked out and when they loosen their grip you sink to the ground with defeat and despair. you don’t even notice you’re crying until jason gently prys your hands from your face and rubs your tears away with the rough thumb of his leather glove
then, in one swift motion, jason's strong, reassuring arms envelop you, pulling you into an embrace that feels like sanctuary. relief washes over you, grounding you in the reality of his protective presence.
“it's okay, sweetheart. you're safe now,” jason's voice, previously a lifeline over the phone, now echoes directly into your ear, a soothing melody that erases the lingering echoes of fear. his words are a healing balm, mending the wounds of terror inflicted upon your psyche.
the dimly lit alley transforms from a nightmare into a haven under the watchful gaze of your friend. the tension in your shoulders eases, and the erratic beat of your heart gradually steadies as you bask in the warmth of his reassuring touch.
“i've got you, y/n. you're safe,” jason whispers, the warmth of his breath against your ear a soothing balm to the wounds inflicted by fear. the resonance of those words sinking deep into the recesses of your shaken soul. his presence is a shield against the haunting memories of the alley, a reassurance that the nightmare is over.
the shattered phone lies forgotten, a casualty of the struggle, as jason continues to shield you from the residual fear. he tilts your chin up gently, meeting your eyes with an unwavering gaze that speaks volumes of his commitment and protective instinct.
“let's get you home,” jason murmurs, his fingers tenderly brushing away a stray strand of hair from your face. together, you navigate the now-quiet alley, the looming threat replaced by the solid ground beneath your feet and the reassuring touch of the person who faced the darkness on your behalf.
as you approach the familiar comfort of your apartment, jason's protective hold lingers. “are you okay?” he asks, his voice a gentle murmur that eases the residual tension in your body. you nod against his chest, words escaping you as relief and gratitude flood your senses.
the apartment door closes with a muffled thud, shutting out the ominous whispers of the night. jason, ever watchful, guides you towards the bathroom. the soft hum of the overhead light bathes the space in a gentle glow, revealing the porcelain sink and mirror.
you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror – disheveled, eyes wide with residual fear. without a word, jason turns on the faucet, letting the water flow until it reaches a soothing warmth. his fingers graze yours, urging you to lean over the sink.
the splashing water echoes in the small room as jason's hands cup and scoop, the liquid cascading over your face. the feel of his fingers against your skin is both tender and firm, each touch a cleansing ritual that washes away the remnants of the night.
you glance up into the mirror, meeting jason's eyes. there's an unspoken understanding as his hands move methodically, the cool water providing a refreshing contrast to the heated intensity of the ordeal. the sensation is grounding, a simple act of care that transcends words.
as you straighten up, a vulnerability lingers in your gaze. you turn off the faucet, and the silence hangs in the air. the wet droplets cling to your skin, a tangible reminder of the shared intimacy in this simple act of cleansing. jason's hands linger on your face, his fingers tracing a silent promise. the air in the bathroom holds a charged stillness, the transition from fear to intimacy palpable.
the urgency of the night lingers in your eyes. “stay, jason, please,” the plea escapes your lips, a raw, desperate plea that echoes in the confined space of the bathroom. his gaze meets yours, and for a moment, the weight of the world seems to shift.
there's a pause, a heartbeat suspended in time, before jason's expression softens. his agreement is wordless, a nod that carries the promise of a shared refuge in the night.
the journey from the bathroom to the bedroom is taken in tandem, the touch of his hand on the small of your back a grounding force. the mattress welcomes you both, and the room is immersed in the soft glow of bedside lamps. the night unfolds with shared breaths and jason's hand finding yours.
“thank you.” you whisper to him under the sheets, the warmth of his body next to you radiating into your own, “thank you for protecting me.”
“i’ll always protect you, sweetheart.”
masterlist . jason todd masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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luv4jason · 14 days
I feel like boyfriend!jason would love watching you do your nightly routine, specifically when you go about your skincare.
He’ll lean on the doorway, broad arms crossed and bulging against his tee. His plump lips curl into a tiny smile as he watches your reflection in the mirror.
After cleansing, you apply your lengthy lineup of serums and toners. You didn’t use them every night, but every so often you’d go all out. Jason’s emerald eyes glint with a look of fascination. He adored seeing your natural, stripped-down self; a version of you not many people got to see. He felt special that he got to.
Jason may have been a bit obsessive with making sure you were taken care of. So he loved to see you taking some time to pamper yourself with your little skincare routine.
“You takin’ care of that pretty face, baby?” He pushes off the doorway and moves behind you. You feel his large hands slide up your arms to rest on your shoulders. Jason starts gently massaging, thumbs pressing into your muscles.
You sigh at the comforting sensation, and meet his gaze in the mirror. You can’t help but smile. “Mhm. You like watching?”
“You know I do. Love seeing you spending time on yourself..” He pecks a kiss to the top of your head. “Look at you, you’re glowing.” He trails kisses down your neck and you squirm in delight, his lips tickling your skin.
“Jason!” You squeal. He pulls back reluctantly, going back to watching you with a smile of content.
As you finish up your routine, a sudden idea pops into your head. You turn to face Jason with an excited grin.
“Can I use my skincare on you?”
Jason watches your eyes light up at the idea, and immediately he’s fucked. He can’t say no to you.
He laughs, “Why not.”
You’re then perched up on the counter, preparing your favorite hydrating serum and moisturizer for Jason. He stood in front of you, hands instinctively resting on your thighs as you lifted the dropper of the serum. Jason’s whole body relaxed, eyes fluttering shut, feeling you gently work the serum into his skin.
“Mm.. feels good, sweetheart.” He hums, opening his eyes for a second to look at you before closing them again.
Your fingers worked in circular motions as you went in with the moisturizer, being careful around any newer scars.
Jason’s heart swelled with emotion, skin tingling where you touched him so tenderly. Nobody ever went out of their way to care for him like you did. He felt he didn’t deserve you. You were too good—too sweet.
He was always so worried about making sure you were cared for, he sometimes neglected his own needs. But, you were always right there to remind him he deserved love and care too.
Under his closed lids, Jason felt his eyes water at the thought.
He knew right then—he was never letting you go.
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hoodzgyal · 10 months
𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 loves to watch you ride him. something about the way your nose scrunches up and your eyes roll back when his dick hits that squishy part inside you. something about the lazy bounce of your plush brown hips, up and down on his cock. he loves the way you whine, pawing at his chest like you always do, slurring, “s’too big, daddy… gettin’ tired.”
he lets out a breathy chuckle from underneath you, looking up at you through dark lashes.
“you’ve taken it before, haventcha? you can take it, ma,” he lazily smiles, rubbing small circles into your hip.
his pupils are blown wide with the sight of you in front of him, plump brown body bouncing on his cock as your greedy little pussy sucks him dry. your eyes are low and unfocused as your fingers come up to tweak your nipples, feening for stimulation.
“look at you, huh? already cockdrunk and you’ve only been up there for a few minutes,” he teases, big hands coming to rest on your hips to guide your infrequent, lazy bounces toward something quicker. he keeps one hand guiding your pace as the other comes forward to play with your puffy clit. though he’s made you cum twice already, you moan in delight, bouncing with renewed vigor at the idea of cumming again.
“you like that shit, huh, mama,” he taunts, thumb rubbing your clit in tight circles, “you like it when i play with that pretty pussy?”
your two toned lips part, letting out little moans and whines of , “yes, s’ so good, daddy,” and “please, wan’ cum.”
he bucks up into you, letting out quiet groans and growls as his hand continues to play with you. “go ahead, doll,” he hums, “cum f’me.”
idk man jason’s just a whore for seeing you get what you want. total pleasure dom vibes. anyways !
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millyhelp · 4 months
It all fell Down.
Jason todd x reader
warnings: mentions of death, blood, sad jason. read at your own risk. Angst shit.
Notes: I cried writing this. good luck. and yes, I wrote a super cute smut a few hours ago and now this puddle of sadness. Maybe I should continue?
please comment.
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"Stay with me, stay with me..." Jason's fingers passed over your face affectionately. Thick tears of fear left his face.
You were bleeding. Your wound was deep, a bullet hit you.
It was supposed to be the perfect day. Your wedding. Your white dress was now red across the entire length of your chest. Jason's white suit blouse was in the same situation.
You lost blood quickly.
"It's okay." Your voice was weak and you coughed. The bullet hole had pierced one of your lungs, making blood fill it.
"There's nothing okay. Just stay with me, okay?" Jason sobbed and held you tightly against him. "Don't leave me..."
"I won't. I'm with you, right there." You placed your hand on Jason’s heart. His voice was low. Your lips were turning purple. "Jay..."
"Don't talk, save your breath. Look at me, please" Jason had never cried so much in his life. "Where's the fucking help?!"
Jason shouted, his voice broken by crying. The entire Batfamily was trying hard to control the chaos that was happening. No one had understood where the attacks came from.
"Jay..." You called him again. his eyes were heavy. You knew you couldn't take it anymore. "I love you..."
"Don't! Don't say that!" Jason shook his head. Childish sobs left his lips. "Don't do this with me!"
"Kiss me..." your blood-stained hand went towards Jason's face.
Jason would deny it. But he couldn't. Inside him he knew his end was coming. He was just being selfish.
His lips kissed you with tenderness and pain. Fear. afraid to lose you
Your lips were cold. A heavy sigh left your lips. Your heart stopped.
A scream of pain left Jason's lips.
"No! No! NO!" Heavy tears were left, loud sobs and screams. "DONT LEAVE ME! No..."
Jason shook your freezing body.
"Wake up! come on! wake up!" Jason caressed your face "My love, my princess. Come on, you have to wake up. Let's get married."
Jason went into a state of delirium. He wouldn't accept it. No. The only one who loves him the way he is, the only one who wasn't afraid of him. You were just sleeping.
"You chose such a beautiful dress for me, huh?" Jason's voice was broken. The tears didn't stop falling. "I can't wait to fill our house with kids. We want three, remember?"
Bruce, Dick, Barbara, Tim and Damian had managed to stop the attack. They did not identify who sent the shooters. But that didn't matter now.
A tear left Barbara's eyes when she saw Jason kneeling on the floor with you in his arms.
Dick, Tim and Damian knelt in respect.
Little Damian let a few small tears fall. Tears that no one thought he would ever drop.
Bruce walked over to his son. He placed a hand on Jason's shoulder.
"Jason..." Jason ignored him and continued talking to you.
"Come on love, wake up. I promised to take you to London! We have to catch the plane in a few hours!"
"Jason." Bruce spoke more firmly.
"You're going to love Paris! You told me it was your dream to see that big tower! My French is terrible, by the way!"
"Jason!" It was Barbara's turn to call him.
Jason looked at her. Barbara shook her head.
Jason didn't want to believe it yet. He ignored her.
"Jason! She died!" Damian's voice was loud and tearful. Broken.
"No... not for me..."
For Jason it was just a nightmare that for him, he would wake up like every other time. But this time, it wasn't a dream.
you were gone. you died.
and Jason can't save you.
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mxtantrights · 1 month
Four times Red hood blushed because of you, and one time Jason Todd blushed.
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The first time it happens you don’t notice. How could you when he wears that mask on his face all the time? It’s the two of you on a rooftop. You just raided a warehouse filled with scarecrows fear gas and made sure it didn’t land in the wrong hands.
You were coming off a high. That’s why you offered to get a bite to eat with Red. Red. That’s what you call him because you two are coworkers. You get the job done and have a few laughs, and part ways.
When he hands you a taco in silence you thank him in a stupidly wild accent that can't be real. And he chuckles. You hear it. You know you do, but you can't believe it. You made the Red Hood laugh!
It felt good. You wanted to make him laugh again.
What you didn't know was that he actually found it so cute. And was blushing underneath is mask.
2. The second time is an incredibly inappropriate time. The league had called on you to help them with an investigation. Which you were kind of feaking out about but trying to be cool.
You couldn't really be cool when Superman literally said your vigilante name out loud. You tried your hardest but you couldn't contain your excitement. You turned to Red hood and jumped up and down as soon as the meeting was over.
He laughed and told you yo calm down. But you started yapping about how Superman was the first hero you looked up to and how much of an honor it is that he knew who you were and acknowledged you.
Red Hood tells you that you remind him of the Robin that used to love Wonder Woman. Which makes you laugh and agree that that Robin knew what he was doing because he's right.
3. The third time is completely by accident. You're going down the zip line trying to get across from one building to another. And Red is waiting for you on the other side. It was your first time.
You scream the entire way as the speed picks up. Then before you know it, it's over. It's over and you're on top of another building but you can't quite find your footing. So you go crashing into the only thing there in front of you, which is Red.
He grabs you by the waist as the bath for you go down. You land with a groan. He cradles your fall entirely.
When you let out a breath and pick yourself up a bit, you're really close to his mask. The closest you've been to him since the two of you met.
He clears his throat and asks if you're okay. To which you nod, you're not about to go use your words when you know your tongue is heavy and you don't even know the alphabet. Red is tough and lean underneath you. You're aren't sure what you were expecting.
You pull yourself up quickly and offer him a hand to get up. He takes it and once again the two of you come face to face. Or, mask to mask. If he could see you now, fully he would see how hard you are flushing.
4. The forth time is rightfully earned. You just closed a case all on your own. No help from anyone. You did the investigation, you did the recon. And you got the perps into the hands of those who would deliver justice.
It was a pretty blood scene so you're a bit covered in it. Your suit is laden with blood stains and it got over some of your mask and face. You thought it would be better idea to shower in one of the safe houses rather than drag all the evidence back into your own home.
Red was there, cleaning his weapons like he usually does. And you walked in with all of that on you. It's like something in him just kickstarted. He looked at you, took you in, and all he could say was 'Hi'.
You gave him wave and told him you were going to shower the night off you.
As soon as you get into the bathroom, Jason smacks himself in the forehead.
5. It was a normal day. It was laundry day. You had a lot of shit to wash because honestly both your jobs keep you busy and you weren't about to send your things off to the cleaners.
You're in the local laundromat in great sweats and a blue hoodie. Your headphones are over your ears as you read through some threads online about Red. Not the ones trying to dissect his identity. The ones that are giving him credit for cleaning up the city.
So you're distracted when someone taps on your shoulder. You don't scare easily, and you know that if you're in trouble you can handle things. You turn around to see who it is and what they want.
A tall guy with a tuft of white hair amidst his dark brown hair. And his arms are practically poking out of his muscle tee. You haven't had a decent date in a while. A while being like a year now.
You remove your headphones.
"Can I help you?" you ask.
He nods, "Yeah, I'm sorry but I think you might have taken a piece of clothing into your dryer?"
He points over to the dryer. And there in the tumbling wad of clothes you try to decipher which piece of clothing is not yours. You can see a jacket you don't own. And a shirt that doesn't have any graphics on it, which means it's not yours.
Your eyes widen, "Wait seriously? I'm so sorry."
"Don't sweat it, I just wanted to know if I could pay you back sometime?" he asks.
You look at him then. Tall. Hot. Does his own laundry. Gotham is a cesspool but this guy is probably one of the good ones. Why not?
"Yeah?" you ask.
He looks away from you then for a second. His hand coming behind him to scratch as it his neck. And you see it. A very faint but still present blush dusts across his cheeks and down his neck.
a/n: based on this comment I got on a post! I hope he's bbg enough for you!!
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gleasonlovesjasontodd · 4 months
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Jason is just the sweetest boyfriend who helps you put on your jewelry. Buys you anything you want and notices when you like something and he secretly buys it. Gives you the sweetest kisses. Reads you poetry in the softest voice. He loves playing with your hair. When he comes home he is always very careful not to wake you up. Sleeps closer to the door. Gives the best forehead kisses. Loves to rub your hand with his thumb. Always ties your shoelaces for you even when you say you can do it. Helps you zip and unzip your dress when you need help. Learns to tie a bow for you. Walks closer on the sidewalk for you. Wipes your tears away and gives you the biggest hug. Lets you wear his jacket no matter how cold he is
he would just be the best boyfriend ever
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k2ntoss · 2 months
currently thinking about dad!jason having a little bit of a dad bod......... i would literally jump at him like fr, he wouldn't let himself go all the way dad body but just get a bit thicker and slightly chubby i'm foaming at the mouth i just mmmmmmmm
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