#red hood fanfiction
mostly-imagines · 3 days
jason todd x reader
aka sober thoughts and all that
warnings: intoxication
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Jason has a thing about drinking around you. He’d kind of skirted around it for a while when you were first dating, but after a while you’d noticed he never really has more than a drink or two regardless of how much you had. The only times you ever see him drink more is when he’s downing whiskey as a pain mitigater when he needs stitches. You’d initially assumed he just wasn’t a big drinker, but eventually you’d come to realize it was more of a matter of not wanting to lose his inhibitions around you. 
You know he’s still working on trusting himself, even sober, because he’s terrified of accidentally hurting you. But you have a hard time imagining him losing control like that in any state and you’re nearly certain he’s just being hard on himself.
You’ve been falling in and out of less than peaceful sleep for the past few hours, having trouble easing yourself while your boyfriend is still out. You at least attempted to get to bed earlier tonight because for once he isn’t out fighting crime and risking injury, though you haven’t found much more luck than usual. 
You lie on your back, half ready to give up and turn on a movie while you wait.
You’re momentarily startled to hear Dick bellow out your name, no regard for the fact that it’s nearing three in the morning and you have neighbors. He’s not much of a shouter so you’re instantly on alert, worried that he or Jason are hurt.
You fumble out of bed and rush to the living room, surprised to find your fire escape empty. You turn, proceeding towards the front door, opening it cautiously. 
“Dick? What—” You don’t need to finish your question because the second you take one good look at the two of them, the state of them is immediately clear. Dick, who’s barely standing upright on his own, supports your boyfriend's weight via Jason’s arm slinged around his shoulder.
“Hey!” Dick grins at you, far more lively than he has any business being this late at night. “Sorry, couldn’t remember which apartment was yours.”
You nod pensively, “Well the perspective’s different than when you’re coming in through the window.”
He continues on past that without thought, “I’ve come to deliver,” he says, gesturing up to Jason with a bit of a strain. You’re pretty sure there were supposed to be a couple more words at the end of that sentence but you understand well enough anyway.
You nod, eyebrows raised and try to hide a smile. “Thanks, Dick.” He shifts your boyfriend off of his shoulder to lean him up against the door frame, where Jason places a majority of his weight.
You eye him warily, not confident in his steadiness. He seems to hold well enough against the heavy door though, his eyes drifting around the tiled floor. Your attention shifts to Dick, who’s clearly satisfied with a job well done and ready to go.
You tilt your head, seeing him turn away. “You good?”
“I’m great!” He calls out with a thumbs up. You watch as he staggers away, nearly missing the exit.
You look back over at Jason, who’s already staring at you with a soft gaze. “You’re pretty,” he fawns, irises blown out and flickering all over your face.
“Oh you’re drunk drunk.” You grin, watching him stumble forward a bit.
He shakes his head, looking a bit dizzy after, “Shoulda seen Tim.”
You pause mid laugh, “…Who drove you here?”
He falters at that, gaze falling to the floor. “Uh…” He winces, “Damian…”
You nod slowly, eyes wide, “We’re gonna talk about that tomorrow.”
“He’s better than you’d think.” You’d hope so. 
Well, at least he’s spending time with his brothers.
You sigh, straightening your posture in preparation for the job to come. “Alright, come on big guy,” you pull him up from his slant against the wall, hauling him into the same position he’d been in with Dick—though you’re struggling significantly more to hold him upright. “You gotta help me out here, Jay,” you grunt, trying very hard not to fold under his weight. You swat the door shut behind you, making peace with the fact that he’ll scold in the morning for not locking it.
He presses an uncoordinated kiss to the side of your head as you try to shuffle him along, not interested in the least in easing your labor. His self discipline isn't quite gone, but his awareness of how big he is sure seems to be. 
You wobble from the heavy weight of his arm around your shoulders, holding onto him by his waist. You manage to get him to sidestep your cat, narrowly, though Salem hisses at him all the same. Jason takes no notice. You stumble into your bedroom with only about 30% of his usual balance aiding your effort.
He collapses onto the bed the second his legs hit the frame, pulling you down with him. You lie, somewhat awkwardly, on his chest as he holds you tight—probably tighter than he would if he were sober. It feels nice though.
You lie your cheek flat on his chest, relaxing against him. “What’d you guys do? Thought you were just having an easy night.”
He takes a deep breath before answering, “Raided Dick’s liquor c—” he stops, mulling over his words. “...Bruce’s liquor that was in Dick’s cabinet.” He annunciates every word in that sentence very carefully.
You squint speculatively, “Didn’t take Dick for the stealing type.”
He grumbles, “He’s not. ‘Less it’s Bruce.”
You can’t help the smile that breaks out on your face, “Aw, you really do take after your big brother, don’t you?” 
He scoffs at that, “I don’t. I’m the one who gave him the idea.” Yeah, that sounds right.
He taps on your cheek lightly and you pick your head up to find him looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
“What’s that look for?”
“Can I kiss you?” his eyes drop down to your lips, “I really wanna kiss you.” He’s nearly whispering and you feel your heart skip several beats at the feeling of his eyes on you like this.
You press a light kiss to his lips and he practically purrs.  
You pull back, admiring the serene expression on his face. “You taste like whiskey.”
“I like whiskey,” he says honestly.
You smile, nodding. “I know. Don’t know why, but..”
He leans in for another kiss but you parry, only letting his lips meet your cheek. He frowns grimly, attempting to chase your lips. 
“Lemme kiss you,” the pout on his face is adorable and while you hesitate to deny him, you retreat, resting your chin on his chest.
You smile wistfully, tracing his cheekbone, “You’re drunk, baby.”
“‘M not that drunk,” he tells you, though everything about him says otherwise.
Your hand falls flat on his shoulder. “Your eleven year old brother drove you here.”
He shrugs, “He can drive the bat…batcar? Bat…”
“Batmobile,” you finish.
“The batmobile.” he nods, as if he was seconds away from remembering. You suspect he wasn’t. 
“Bruce lets him drive it?” you question, wholly disbelieving.
Enough said.
“You’re gonna be hungover as hell in the morning,” you mumble, taking in his uninhibited demeanor.
He nods that off, “‘S okay. You’ll be here, right?”
You tilt your head, observing him chalantly. “Where else would I go?”
His arms snake tighter around you at that, giving you a little squeeze before relenting. 
“I wanna marry you,” he murmurs, brushing your hair out of your face and tucking it neatly behind your ear. 
You blink rapidly a few times, “What?” You push yourself up on his chest, sitting up on his abdomen.
“Wanna marry you.” He repeats, eyes lidded as he breathes easy under you. “You’re m’favorite person…want you t’be my wife.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat. “..You want me to be your wife?”
His lips are slightly parted and his pupils are wide as he stares up at you, taking in your features carefully. “‘Course I do.” He brings his fingers up to your cheek, touching you softly with all the wonderment of a little kid. “You’re so pretty.”
You’re quick to return, “So are you.” Especially right now.
He shuts his eyes momentarily, shaking his head morosely, “You gotta stop bein’ so nice t’me,” he lets his hand fall to rest on your thigh. “Don’t deserve it.”
“Shut up,” you lour, “You deserve it more than anybody.”
“No. Not more than you,” his hands knead at your thighs like it’s an instinct. “You deserve everything.” He closes his eyes, tilting his chin up as his head sinks further back into the pillow. “Think I’d do anything you wanted.”
He continues on, “Want you t’be happy. Wanna make you happy.”
Your face falls into an expression of dazed awe, “You do make me happy.”
He dwindles at that, “No, really happy. Take care of you. Build you a house, give you babies. Wha’ever you want.”
He paws at your thighs, trying to get you to come closer again to him. You lay back down on top of him and his hand instantly buries itself in your hair, stroking softly. “You’re just…you’re so perfect…” He turns his head to mumble against your forehead, “Feel like I dreamed you, sometimes.”
You breathe deeply against the crook of his neck, eyes feeling glassy. “I love you.” It’s all you can get out, and it’s not enough, but it’s all of it. 
“I love you,” he says like he’s trying to turn it into gospel. “So much. I love you so much, so fuckin’ much.” His words start to get lost in his weary babbling.
Your chest feels full and you can distinctly feel every beat of your heart against it. Or maybe it’s Jason’s heart. But what’s the difference?
You press a tender kiss to the nape of his neck. “You’re really sweet when you’re drunk, you know that?”
He hums lowly, head lulling against yours.
You still for a second, finding his breathing has slowed and his hand has seized its movement in your hair. His soft breaths fill the air as you press a kiss to his collarbone before settling in completely. “You’re gonna love when I tell you about this in the morning,” you whisper, letting your eyes shut too.
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💗 likes are the poor mans reblog 💗
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spidernuggets · 2 days
jason todd who comes back from a patrol/mission and just lays flat on you, dead weight, likely just stays there til he falls asleep with you running your hands through his hair because this is the only way he ever feels safe 😭
You're lying on your bed, reading Jason's annotated Jane Austen book. You hear the window creak open, your body remaining still, knowing it's already your big boyfriend coming back from a late night patrol.
His armour is already gone, stored separately in his safe house, and he trudges the few steps it takes to your bed.
He falls limp, but not due to any open wounds he couldn't clean up himself like on occasional nights. No, he sprawls out on top of you, barely moving unless to take heavy breaths because he's just so tired.
You smile at your exhausted lover, carefully putting the book down and running your fingers through his slightly sweaty hair.
He reaches his hand up, attempting to stop you.
"Wait.." He mumbles against your neck that his head is buried into. "Dirty... need to take a shower first.." He says, barely audible.
You ignored him, pushing his hand away and continued to caress his tired little head.
"It's okay, sweetness. Shower tomorrow, hm?" You whisper back, placing the softest kiss to his head and he hums in response, shifting himself so his arms are fully wrapped around your waist.
"Love you, sweet thing," he mutters, letting his fatigue get the better of him and getting some well-deserved sleep.
"I love you too, Jay."
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guess who's back for a short hc 🥳
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sanguineterrain · 1 day
Hello! I recently found your blog and bruh I'M SMITTEN by your works.
Would it be alright if I requested Jason Todd x gn reader (also vigilante but only works on small cases and in safer places... Jason wouldn't let them anywhere else after a heavy injury they sustained in the past)...
Maybe they're searching for clues in one of the alleys and reader finds a baby there and takes it home (or maybe they fall upon a tired-looking woman throwing her baby over the bridge, reader manages to catch it but when they get back up the woman is gone)? Just overall how would Jason react to his partner finding a kid and bringing it home and what would happen after.
I made myself laugh bc I thought Jason would be like "good thing you went home and not to a bat cave, can't handle another sibling, the last one is already a living hell.
And I wanted to ask if it would be alright if I requested more than just one thing? Completely fine if not.
This is a super cute prompt!! Thanks for sending it in. And yes feel free to send more than one request 💓
Jason Todd x gn!reader. Abandoned baby, established relationship, Jason being a cutie patootie.
You find the baby in a grocery store basket stuffed with blankets behind a Walmart.
She's a tiny thing, with fat cheeks and a permanent wrinkle between her brow. She's frighteningly quiet.
You take her home.
Home has become synonymous with Jason's apartment. At some point, it just made more sense for you to move in long-term. Jason had gingerly brought it up to you one night and kissed you hard when you'd said yes.
You pick up some formula on the way home and a few other things. The baby starts to cry after a bit, to your relief, and after feeding and changing her, you sway her until she falls asleep.
You're content to hold her until you get a crib. You fully intend to do so.
You hear the first lock turn, then the second, then the third. There's no worry that Jason will wake the baby; he always enters a building like he's casing it.
You have the TV turned down low, channel switched to some late-night sitcom. Jason comes in and closes the door with his foot. He takes off his helmet, revealing his messy curls. You smile.
"Hey, Jaybird," you say.
Jason glances at you as he walks to the bedroom, unzipping his vest as he goes. He grins tiredly.
"Hey, sweetheart. Hello, baby."
You watch him disappear into the bedroom. The baby is still fast asleep. You adjust your legs to get more comfortable in the chair.
Jason backs out of the room a moment later, gear still on. His vest is half-unzipped.
"That's a baby," he says.
You nod. "Yep."
Jason pulls a face like he's doing calculus in his head. "Did—do we have a... did I...?"
"How would that even work, Jason?"
"Look, there's many ways that can happen! Y'know how many freakin' clones are in this city? My freakazoid brother could get you a genetically engineered baby in twelve hours."
"She is an organically produced baby not related to either of us. Okay?"
"Oh. Sure, yeah." Jason starts to turn, then comes back. "Wait, no, I still have questions. Why do you have a baby?"
"I found her."
Jason squints at you, then at the baby. "You found her."
"I don't think that'll hold up in court, sweets."
"Relax, Jason. I'm ninety-nine percent sure she was abandoned. I found her behind a Walmart. I know I could've dropped her at the hospital, but I just..." You look down at her sleeping face. "She's just so little. And she needs human contact. Nurses are already overworked as it is. What harm is in taking her home?"
"Yeah, y'know what that is? A siren song. Pretty soon, you'll be fitting her for a domino mask and dressing her like a traffic light."
You roll your eyes. "Don't be silly. I wouldn't dare try to take Damian's title. Plus, traffic light color palettes are so outdated."
Jason pouts. "Are not."
You carefully stand, baby in your arms, and walk over to peck Jason on his cheek.
"Are too. Wanna hold her?"
Jason looks at her like she's a bomb. "I dunno. I might... what if I... hurt her?"
You frown. "You wouldn't hurt her, Jaybird."
"I might hold her wrong or make her cry, and then I'll have to throw myself off the roof."
"You are such a drama king. She's sleeping like a log. You won't wake her unless you scream in her ear."
Before Jason can reply, you're unloading her into his arms. He jumps into action, arms and hands awkward but trying. You smile gently.
"Put her head in the crook of your elbow. Yeah, good. Support her butt. Both arms. Yeah, good! Good job, honey."
You pat his arm. Jason looks spooked for a second, then seems to relax when she doesn't stir. She's cradled in his arms like she was made to fit there.
"Isn't she so cute?" you whisper.
"She is really cute. So small. God." He watches her for a moment, mouth downturned. "I was a small baby too."
"I bet you were a cute baby," you say, tucking a curl behind Jason's ear.
"Oh, sure. People came from all over the world to have a gander at the cutest baby on the planet. Looks like she's taken my title."
Jason starts to sway lightly, holding her like she's gold. You feel your face soften.
He must feel your eyes on him, because he looks up after a moment like he's expecting you to correct his posture. "What?"
You shake your head. "Nothing. Just... I'm just really in love with you, Jay."
Jason's cheeks turn pink. He bites the inside of his cheek.
"Oh. I'm, uh, really in love with you too."
You kiss him properly for that, and Jason hums into your mouth, then pulls back slightly.
"We can't keep the baby. Y'know that, right? I gotta marry you properly first," Jason says against your lips.
"This is the twenty-first century, buddy. People keep babies all the time, unwed or not."
"Yeah, I know. Still wanna marry you first."
You look down at the baby and give her an air kiss. Then you look up at Jason, putting on the saddest face you can muster. He sighs.
"Well," he says, gently touching her fingers. "Maybe we can keep her for a little while."
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hanasnx · 5 months
Riding on the back of JASON TODD’s motorcycle gets you incredibly hot. Everything from the way he put your helmet on and gave it a pat-pat to make sure it was nice and snug and safe; how he coached you to lean with him when he made turns; how you sat on a vibrating vehicle with your cheek nuzzling the cold leather of his bike jacket and your arms wrapped securely around his thick torso; and during stop-lights he’d reach behind him to rub your thigh, checking on you, making sure you’re okay. You wore the little black dress he likes, the one that rides up a bit high on your thigh, but he told you he wants people to stare at the hot piece of ass on the back of his bike. Now he’s parked the cycle, got his jacket unzipped and his helmet under his arm, running a hand through the hair he hasn’t cut in too long. All you can think about is giving him the most offensive head of his life. “What are those fuck-me eyes for, baby?”
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luv4jason · 20 days
I feel like boyfriend!jason would love watching you do your nightly routine, specifically when you go about your skincare.
He’ll lean on the doorway, broad arms crossed and bulging against his tee. His plump lips curl into a tiny smile as he watches your reflection in the mirror.
After cleansing, you apply your lengthy lineup of serums and toners. You didn’t use them every night, but every so often you’d go all out. Jason’s emerald eyes glint with a look of fascination. He adored seeing your natural, stripped-down self; a version of you not many people got to see. He felt special that he got to.
Jason may have been a bit obsessive with making sure you were taken care of. So he loved to see you taking some time to pamper yourself with your little skincare routine.
“You takin’ care of that pretty face, baby?” He pushes off the doorway and moves behind you. You feel his large hands slide up your arms to rest on your shoulders. Jason starts gently massaging, thumbs pressing into your muscles.
You sigh at the comforting sensation, and meet his gaze in the mirror. You can’t help but smile. “Mhm. You like watching?”
“You know I do. Love seeing you spending time on yourself..” He pecks a kiss to the top of your head. “Look at you, you’re glowing.” He trails kisses down your neck and you squirm in delight, his lips tickling your skin.
“Jason!” You squeal. He pulls back reluctantly, going back to watching you with a smile of content.
As you finish up your routine, a sudden idea pops into your head. You turn to face Jason with an excited grin.
“Can I use my skincare on you?”
Jason watches your eyes light up at the idea, and immediately he’s fucked. He can’t say no to you.
He laughs, “Why not.”
You’re then perched up on the counter, preparing your favorite hydrating serum and moisturizer for Jason. He stood in front of you, hands instinctively resting on your thighs as you lifted the dropper of the serum. Jason’s whole body relaxed, eyes fluttering shut, feeling you gently work the serum into his skin.
“Mm.. feels good, sweetheart.” He hums, opening his eyes for a second to look at you before closing them again.
Your fingers worked in circular motions as you went in with the moisturizer, being careful around any newer scars.
Jason’s heart swelled with emotion, skin tingling where you touched him so tenderly. Nobody ever went out of their way to care for him like you did. He felt he didn’t deserve you. You were too good—too sweet.
He was always so worried about making sure you were cared for, he sometimes neglected his own needs. But, you were always right there to remind him he deserved love and care too.
Under his closed lids, Jason felt his eyes water at the thought.
He knew right then—he was never letting you go.
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jayswhorex · 22 days
"men suck," you say plopping down on the couch and putting your legs on jason's lap. you leaned back into the plush seating, trying to find some form of comfort in your mind. you had another bad date? that's only the 3rd one this week. this one had spent the whole evening talking about just himself, and god was he boring.
jason's eyes didn't bother looking at you and instead, he helped you peel off those wrenched heels you had worn. "we don't all suck" jason with a snicker, you could just feel the smirk on his face. he never liked any of the guys you went on dates with and he always told you, you had a better option right in front of you but he. he said placing your heels on the floor next to the couch.
"your feet are going to hurt like hell in the morning, let me help you make em less sore princess" softly he grabbed the base of your foot and gently kneaded it into your heel, massaging at the red, bruised skin. at first, you felt the need to pull away from his touch but you slowly began to relax into it.
jason's calloused hands moved from your feet up towards your ankle and then towards your lower thigh, you saw no harm in this.
"jay are you sure-"
"shhh, i've got you, sweetheart, just relax m'kay?" he was only helping you and you didn't want him to stop, at least not now. was it crime to want a bit more, to yearn for more of his touch.
you couldn't help but gasp at the warm feeling of his hands so gentle on your bare skin, under your skirt. "mmm, jay again please…" the two of you had never crossed a line like this and by now you knew you should have told him to stop but you couldn't.
not when your breaths were heavy and you couldn't help but let out estranged moans from just his touch. "fuck, more jay, more!" and with just those words your skirt was bunched up against your stomach and your panties had his full attention. you know what you wanted and he knew too.
he changed his position and began to massage your upper thighs. he leaned against his forearm beside your head while his other hand parted your thighs. he leaned and whispered into your ear, "where is it you want me to touch you, baby?"
without a second to waste you guide his hand to your panties, gently pushing them aside. "here please" you whined and he caved. he didn't hesitate to remove his pants not did he hesitate and sink his thick cock into you. "too much jay, wait wait" allowing you a moment to take in his length and near cum from just the feeling.
his thrusts were slow but we were rough and deep like he had been. waiting for this and he couldn't wait any longer. your legs folded around his waist, bringing his body even closer to yours. this was pure sex and it was exactly what you needed, jason knew that. he could tell you were pent up and tired and he didn't mind doing all the work, he just need you to let him fuck you till, he's the only man you'll ask for.
you won't spend your nights on useless dates but instead spend them on his cock, taking in every inch and piece of him possible. he couldn't help but kiss yours while his hips stuttered against yours, his thrusts becoming softer. you bit at the lip, thinking more when he tried to pull away.
your hands dug into their back, still, you managed to yearn for more. "jay, god I think i'm-" you said, digging into his back once before reaching your release and falling back into the couch. you closed your eyes and then you heard him ask, "what are you thinking about sweetheart?"
there you were on the couch, legs on jason's lap while he massaged the bottom of your foot. nothing had happened, well nothing that you wanted had happened. you could fantasize about what those hands could do for you.
"just how great a full body massage would be…"
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k2ntoss · 4 months
*in mid-mission with jason as a partner*
jason: you know, i'd die to pin you against a wall right now and have my way with you.
y/n: jason... *in a warning tone*
jason: *now whispering into your ear* i know you won't even try to push me away, you would enjoy it like the good little slut you are being taken in such a place.
jason: bet you're already getting needy, i know if i slide my hand under your pants i'll feel you starting to get w-
barbara: *through the speakers* jason, i think you forgot to turn off your microphone...
barbara: and i think you owe part of us therapy, it would be damian, tim, steph, cass, duke and me...
jason: wait, what about bruce and dick?
barbara: they're taking notes-
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fwibblefwobble · 7 days
Jason Todd loves a lazy Sunday morning.
He wakes with his cheek smushed against the pillow. Blinking slowly, he lifts his head to assess his situation. The first rays of morning peek through the weave of the curtains, dousing the bedroom in a soft glow. The comforter bunches around your bodies, insulating your shared warmth. His left arm dangles lazily from your midsection. Your slow, even puffs of breath warm his chest through the thin cotton of his sleep shirt. He tilts his chin to look down at you, and relaxes. You're snuggled close and safe in his arms, right where you should be. His head falls back against the pillow and he closes his eyes. For once, he allows himself the indulgence of falling back asleep.
The second time he wakes, the clock face reflects 10:36. You begin to stir from sleep, slipping your hand from his back to rub at your eyes. He yawns, exhaling the funk of morning breath right into your face. Your nose scrunches and you feign offense before doing the very same right back at him. He recoils playfully, swatting at the air in front of his face.
The two of you lay in bed for another five minutes before he pulls you up from the bed and into the bathroom. He smiles at the way toothbrushes lean against each other in their container. It's the first thing he looks for in the morning, small but tangible proof of the life you've built together. He needs them, sometimes - reminders of the life he's living, the reality he has trouble trusting. Little pinch-me's litter the bathroom: his razor next to your face wash on the counter, two pairs of bathroom slippers tucked neatly against the wall, the mingled medicine cabinet. He smiles at them all as he brushes his teeth next to you. The two of you make eye contact in the mirror and exchange sleepy grins, sudsy mouths and all. He hums contentedly when you rope him into your morning routine, dutifully rubbing in the various serums and creams you dab onto his face.
He follows you into the kitchen afterwards to perform your respective morning tasks. It's a mutual compromise: Jason decides food, and you decide beverage of the morning. Today calls for tea, you think, reaching for the tin of lapsang souchong in the pull-out drawer. The pan sizzles softly behind you and you turn, interested. The sight of Jason, bedheaded and domestic, makes your heart squeeze in your chest. You can't help but walk over and press a kiss between his shoulder blades on your way to fill the kettle. He turns, gesturing at you to kiss him proper before going about your way.
A comfortable silence hangs between the both of you as you eat, intermittently broken by the scraping of silverware and sounds of eating. Diffused sunlight warms your skin to a glow, swathing your body golden against the shadows of the apartment. Jason admires you over the tilt of his coffee mug. He loves you like this, tousled and swallowed by your sleep shirt. He loves watching you eat the food he makes you. It helps him reconcile with the hands that made it, that they’re still capable of loving and nurturing despite the brutal take, take, take of his night job. You catch his stare and slow your chews, swallowing.
“Nothing. Just lookin’ at you.”
“Something on my face?” You brush off the sides of your mouth.
“No, dumbass. I just think you’re pretty.”
You blink, your brain lagging in a response to dumbass and pretty said in succession.
Your face reflects your hesitation, and he laughs. He takes the opportunity to reach for your hand, kissing the inside of your palm and cupping his face. The display warms your heart and numbs your retort. You exhale through your nose, quirking your lips. It’s impossible to be miffed at him when he blinks slowly at you with those stupidly gorgeous eyes, blue and gleaming with mirth like burnished sea glass. He flutters his eyelashes at you, and all your remaining fight acquiesces.
“Was there anything you wanted to do today?”
He hums, considering. His head shakes no.
“Lazy day in, then?”
His head tilts, interested.
“What do you have in mind?” he asks.
“Well… we could finally do that read-a-thon thing we’ve been wanting to do for a while.”
You pause, considering. “I read your favorite, you read mine, and we can live react to each other?”
His face splits into a wide grin. “Deal.”
The rest of the day is spent on the couch with his head on your lap and a book in his hands. You mirror him in an upright position, fingers threading lazily through his hair in between flipping pages. Every so often, you look down at your hulking lap cat of a boyfriend to check in. Each time, you find contentment resting soft and easy on his face. Your heart squeezes with affection, proud of the little slice of heaven you’ve carved out of his day off.
Peace looks good on him, you think.
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jaysgirlx · 16 days
imagine this jason todd coming home from a hard day and being embarrassed to ask for cuddles
i think about this daily because he doesn't want to seem needy or codependent but he needs your touches and affection because what else does he go out every night for?! who else is he making this city safe for?!
jason doesn't hate nor love what he does, but he does it because he has to. he has to be ruthless when others won't and he has to protect the weak. and it exhausts him. tonight especially because he had to do something he hadn't done in a while, kill someone. so when he gets back to your shared apartment, all he wants to do is hold you. he just wants to have you in his arms and never let go but he doesn't know how to go about that. you always asked for them and you didn't seem to want them right now. thats what he thought at least.
he sits down next to you on the couch, gently placing his head on your shoulder, hoping you'd do something but all you did was kiss him on the cheek. "how was patrol tonight, jay?"
"it was…difficult," he said quietly, he didn't want to project the way he was feeling onto you. he just wanted to hold you in his arms y'know? and never have to even think of you being hurt.
"do you need anything? i could make you some tea" you say getting up
but he pulls you back down by the waist and clears his voice before the big ask, "no no…i just want cuddles…"
"jaybird i can't hear you-"
"jesus woman, i just want to hold you"
jason would've felt a lot better about yelling that if you hadn't burst into laughter. this felt almost like you mocking him even though he knew you weren't trying to insult him. you didn't have to laugh in his face though.
"you want to cuddle?"
you lay your head on his chest and warm your arms around him. he relaxes and pulls you close, taking in your scent. there was no better feeling they having you in his embrace, even if he was embarrassed to ask.
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mostly-imagines · 2 months
Guard Dog vol.I
jason todd x fem!reader
aka don’t fuck with jason’s girlfriend
4 in 1 blurbs
warnings: mildly creepy guys, standard protective bf methods
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Jason’s good at shutting people up very quickly. You’d almost call it a talent.
He shuts you up with a kiss when you get stuck in a rant, or with a hug to calm your worried rambles.
And when you’re in an incorrigibly teasing mood, he’ll throw you over his shoulder and carry you back to your bedroom to really shut you up.
With other people though, he has…different methods.
You sit atop your kitchen counter, trading lazy kisses in between giggles with your boyfriend. He stands in front of you, hands massaging your thighs as he leans in for another. You happily oblige.
You break off the exchange to lay a series of sweet kisses on that spot under his jaw.
His head tilts back, letting out a groan so low you nearly miss it. “Sweetheart…” he warns.
“Sorry…” you resign with a sheepish smile.
A knock at the door bursts you out of your shared reverie. You press a kiss to his knuckles and hop down to start setting the table.
Jason gets the door, greeting the pizza guy with a nod as you shuffle around the kitchen. The delivery guy hands him a receipt, asking for a signature.
Jason uses the door as a surface to sign, giving the delivery guy an apt view into your apartment, where he sees you getting out plates in the kitchen. More noticeably, he sees you in your boyfriend's shirt, which rides up just a little bit when you stand up on your toes to reach the top cabinet. The lift of the shirt exposes the bottom of your underwear, though it falls back into place again just as quickly.
Now, lucky for this guy, Jason’s facing the door and does not see him checking you out in your own home. Unlucky for this guy, he has wildly misread the vibe of your relationship. Or at least your boyfriend.
“Man, how do you get anything done around here?” He jests.
Jason looks up at him, and the pizza man’s eyes tear away from your legs to meet his hard gaze. It does not take him long to realize his mistake.
“Try again.” Jason behests, arms crossed in front of him.
The pizza boy’s eyes go wide and he shakes his head, stuttering. “I—uh, I said have a good night.”
“Mhm.” He grumbles.
The pizza guy hands Jason the box with shaky hands and scuttles back down the hallway.
Thankfully, you didn’t seem to notice the exchange, but even so, your boyfriend still glowers down the hallway after him.
His attention snaps back to you, demeanor changing instantly. “Yeah, baby?”
You’re sitting in your usual spot at the table, his chair empty and waiting just around the corner from you.
“Come sit.” You say, with eyes that might as well be hearts.
He gives a reassuring nod and kicks the door shut behind him.
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You and Jason are sitting on the floor in his old room at the manor, your legs thrown over his. You lean up against his bed, asking him about posters on the walls and trinkets on the shelves.
His knee is propped up and your arm dangles across it, his hand in yours. He plays with your fingers and periodically leans forward to leave a kiss on them.
You’d just woken up less than an hour ago after spending the night post-gala, and it’s a peaceful, if not unusually quiet morning.
Dick shouts your name from another room, audibly booking it towards you. Yeah. That’s more like what Jason remembers.
He grumbles some annoyances, dropping his head against your intertwined hands.
Dick bursts into the room, clearly incredibly excited.
“What’s up, Dick?” You ask, calm as ever. Jason lets an unseen smile creep up, head still down.
Dick’s practically jumping up and down, “You gotta see the shit that Tim just found in the cave!” His face drops as he directs his gaze to Jason, “You’re not invited.”
“Thank God.”
Dick ignores him and grabs your wrist, yanking you up from the floor. This is one place where he differs from Jason—he’s not always quite so aware of his own strength.
His grip doesn’t hurt really, but it’s firm enough that you imagine there’ll be bruise marks there later.
“Hey.” Jason calls out, nodding his head to where Dick is holding your arm. “Ease up.”
Dick follows his gaze and immediately loosens his hold, apologizing to you before pulling you along once again (this time much more gentle).
You grin at Jason as he tugs you out the door, him returning it with an endeared smile as he watches you go.
Fuck he loves you.
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Jason had a decent break from his night job for once, and was happy to let you drag him out to a bar for a little date. You’d been linked at the hip for most of the night, his hands maintaining their ever present home on your waist with yours rested on his thighs as you told him about your hectic day.
He’d usually prefer to stay in bed with you for as long as possible when he gets time off, but you’d looked so excited asking him to go out with you—he never stood a chance.
You look up into the mirror as you wash your hands, a strand of hair falling into your face as you do. You push it back behind your ear and smile to yourself, recalling the several times Jason had wordlessly done the same throughout the night as you rambled.
You make your way back to the bar, smile immediate on your face when you see your boyfriend. It gets replaced rather quickly though, when a man slides in front of you, cutting off your view of him.
“Hey there.”
You have to take a step back because of how close he decided to stand to you. He looks sober (enough) but wildly overconfident in whatevers about to happen.
"Let me buy you a drink, pretty thing."
Jason calls you pretty thing sometimes. It makes the blood rush to your cheeks and an inescapable smile creep up on your lips. When this guy says it, it makes you literally frown.
"Oh no, I'm okay, my—"
"You seem like a dirty martini kinda girl." He expertly ignores you, clearly trying and failing to make some kind of innuendo there.
Jason's sitting back against the bar, watching the interaction carefully. You still can’t see him, but he’s close and you can rest comfortable knowing he’s looking out for you.
With that reassurance, you don’t play this out quite as carefully as you would if you were alone.
"Look, I don't want a drink from you, thanks."
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say to him because his face contorts quickly to mock-disgust that you figure is really just embarrassment.
“Hey, don’t be a bitch just ‘cause—”
You try to sidestep around him, thoroughly done with this interaction, but he grabs your upper arm harshly, pulling you to an abrupt stop.
Jason stands up real quick, yanking the guy backwards by his collar before you can even process what's happening.
Now, you know that Jason is an objectively intimidating guy. There's not many people that will come face to face with that absolute unit of a man and still decide to keep on trying him. However, you tend to forget that when you're so used to your gentle giant that only ever speaks to you kindly and touches you softly.
But his intimidating status becomes very apparent when the guy spins around, looks up at Jason, and immediately takes four steps back. He actually almost bumps into you in the process, not doing anything to tame Jason’s acute distaste for this man.
"Listen to me—back the fuck off before you get hurt."
“I don’t give a fuck. Leave.”
The guy hesitates.
“Now.” Jason adjusts his posture to stand at his staggering full height, clearly with no qualms about putting him back in his place.
That does it for him, the man stumbllng away with half-committed mumbles of “whatever” or “something something lame anyway.”
Jason watches him until he walks out the door, before turning back to you.
He delicately takes your upper arm in his hand, pulling your sleeve up to search for bruising. But as harshly as he had grabbed you, it didn’t have the time to cause a bruise before Jason intervened.
“What’d he say to you?” Jason asks, brow furrowed as he inspects your arm.
“Nothing very interesting.” He looks at you mildly.
You smile and comb his hair back from his forehead, “Don’t worry about him. I’m good.”
He lets your arm go, and exchanges it for holding the back of your head, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You take his other hand and guide him back to your seats.
“Besides,” You look over his shoulder and let out a little shocked gasp. “Guess who just walked in.”
He gives you a questioning look before his face slacks, eyes widening in realization.
“No…” And you smile so brightly it almost makes up for what's coming his way.
You redirect your smile over his shoulder and give a wave to the door. Jason swigs down the rest of his drink, hand finding your waist once again.
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Jason’s still exhausted from patrol last night but he’d insisted on going with you to the bar to meet your friends. You’d tried to convince him that it was okay to stay in and rest tonight, you’d be fine. But it was a losing battle.
You suspect it has something to do with him not liking when you go out in Gotham at night, especially when you’re drinking.
So he hangs out in the background of the buzz, with you sat in front of him, in between his legs.
You’re talking it up with Roy, who’s been making jokes about how Jason’s “moody ass” tricked you, “the ray of sunshine” into this relationship somehow.
You laugh, taking a sip of your drink. “Right, ‘cause you and Kori were in love at first sight.”
"Oh, fuck off." Roy jeers.
He doesn't say it with the cadence of a joke, but it is.
You know he's joking, he knows he's joking.
Jason, who very well may have been tuned out of the conversation up to that point, does not seem to know he's joking—or he doesn't care.
You don't need to look behind you to know that your boyfriend is in defensive mode, though the look of regret mixed with amusement on Roy's face gives a solid hint.
You hold your hand out to block Jason his path as he moves forward. He lets you stop him, though you're certain he could get past you without so much as blinking, no problem.
"Right. My bad, forgot your guard dog was here. Don't fuck off." Roy backtracks, hands up in front of him.
Jason just rolls his eyes, slouching back down. You reach behind you for his hand, giving it two squeezes. You know he’s tired, so much so that he almost punched his best friend for making a typical joke.
“Five more minutes, okay?” You say softly over your shoulder.
He nods at you blearily, and ducks his head down to rest on your back. You adjust your posture a little bit to make it more comfortable for him and continue on talking, his hand still in yours.
If he hadn’t fallen asleep so quickly, five minutes would’ve been five minutes, but instead it became something more like fifty.
He goes through patches where sleep isn’t always so welcoming, a phase he’s been in for the past couple of weeks. You’d been waking up to find the bed half empty, your boyfriend resigned to doing research on cases in an attempt to at least be productive while he’s awake.
You can’t protect him in the same ways that he protects you—you’re not a fighter or necessarily “intimidating.” But you can protect him like this, in these little ways. Letting him nap on you, making him close the case files and rest with you, holding his hand throughout the night so that when he inevitably has nightmares, he knows immediately that you’re still with him. That he’s safe.
So if he can get some much needed sleep while only costing you a stiff back tomorrow, you’ll happily take that deal as many times as he needs.
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spidernuggets · 5 months
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‼️Nsfw‼️ Minors DNI
It's not even your fault. It's JASON'S fault. If he didn't work out so often, his arms wouldn't have become so huge.
It was literally supposed to be an innocent stay at home movie marathon date night. You were on your bed, watching on the small TV that sat on your desk, which was in front of your bed.
Your back was against Jason's chest while his arms were securely wrapped around your torso. One of your hands rested on his forearm, your thumb caressing it every now and again, while your other arm just laid limp on the side. Your head was awkwardly laid on his bicep but was still comfortable, nonetheless.
You honestly couldn't help the thought.
It was just that every time Jason would lean his head over to your temple to give it a light kiss or when he'd snicker at a scene that was playing, his bicep would slightly flex, and you can feel it under your head.
You just wanted to know what it felt like if his whole arm was wrapped around your throat, putting you into a headlock.
Fuck it, it's fine.
You gave his forearm another comforting rub of your thumb before moving his arm, moving it higher on your body.
"What are you doing?" He asks, his focus still on the TV.
"Just getting comfortable," you say, trying to act casual in which Jason shrugs it off. Jason moved his arm the rest of the way, right where you wanted it. But Jason didn't know your actual intentions. Not yet, at least. So he just gives your shoulder a slight squeeze before giving you another kiss to your head.
And you felt it. When he gave your head a kiss. You felt his bicep flex, feeling his muscles choking you a little.
And you wanted more.
You tried to push away the feeling, but Jason let out a strained yawn, and his muscles tightened around your neck. You tried so hard to push it down, but the tiniest little whimper escaped right through your teeth. And you prayed Jason didn't notice.
But he did... But not in the way you expected it.
"Shit, did I hurt you, sweetheart?" Fuck sake, him asking if he hurt you just turned you on more.
You shook your head. "No, Jason. I just..." You were getting needy. But Jason seemed clueless and was getting worried.
"Just what, love?"
You groaned in frustration and gently rutted your ass against his crotch. And fuck, how you loved his reaction.
He groaned and tensed up, making his muscles tense up, too. You let out another whine, both your hands holding onto his arm that rested around your neck, pushing it impossibly closer to your throat.
"Jesus- that's what you wanted, baby? Wanted me to put you in a headlock? Wanted to be in a fucking literal chokehold? Could've just asked nicely, my love," Jason says, his cock becoming semi-hard.
By now, you're dragging your already sopping, clothed cunt along Jason's thigh, whining for more.
Jason laughs. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he denied you the satisfaction?
So, Jason uses his free hand to move your right leg, spreading your limbs apart, and also giving him easy access. He flexes his arm, and in return, your back slightly arches, tightening your grip, your nails digging into his skin, which he doesn't even notice, while you're crying for his touch.
"Shh, it's okay, my love. You'll get what you want," he whispers as his face is buried in your hair, his large, calloused hands caressing your thighs.
You remove one of your hands from his arm, grabbing his free hand that was feeling up your thigh, and you moved it over the wet patch of your sweatpants and made Jason's hand apply pressure to your throbbing pussy.
"Jay, please!" You cry, throwing your head back onto his shoulder. Jason smiles, kissing your cheek.
"Anything for you, princess," he mutters. He slides his hand past the waistband of your sweatpants, pulling your panties up, letting go of them quickly as you slightly yelp at the fabric slapping your skin.
"Jason, please... please touch me.." You begged.
Even in the moment, Jason's heart melts at your pleads. "You're so polite, my love. Just lie there and let me gratify you," he says as he finally slides his hands past your panties, his middle and ring finger pushing inside the folds of your cunt while his thumb gently massages your clit.
Your back arches even more, crying and whimpering at his touch. Jason groans at the sounds of your moans, especially when your voice jumps an octave every time he tightens his arm that is around your neck.
"Fu-fuck.. You look so pretty right now," he stutters. "A moaning mess, just for me. And for what? Just because you wanted my arm around your tiny neck?"
You started to babble, incapable of forming actual sentences. All you can spit out are strings of 'yes, yes!' and 'ngh- feels so good, jay'. Which, without a doubt, makes Jason's ego skyrocket.
Of course, there's the build-up of tension and straining in Jason's pants right now. He'll get to that later. Right now, he wants to make sure the love of his life is fully satisfied from trying to make her desires become a reality.
Which it has, by the way.
my first nsfw thought piece, how'd it go?
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
how about Jason with the prompt "text me when you get home"? the one time they forget/fall asleep before sending the text and Jay loses hid mind. rushes over expecting them to be dead but they passed out on the couch as soon as they got home
really superbly SCRUMPTIOUS prompt Aud. I love protective jaybird 🥰‼️ thanks for sending something in 🫶
jason todd x gn!reader. worried protective snuggly jason. no warnings really, ya boy is just paranoid and madly in love with you 💓
request something! I rb all fics to @sanguinelibrary
As soon as you get out of your last class of the day, your phone rings.
You answer it, wedging the phone between your ear and shoulder as you fish in your bag for a couple of bills. You're already walking to the train station.
"Hi, snookie bear," you say into the phone, slightly delirious with hunger and sleep deprivation.
Jason snorts on the other end. "That's a new one. Hey, baby. Y'heading home?"
"Indeed I am."
"Need a ride?"
You wait and listen. Eventually, you hear the sounds of hitting and grunting in the background. You roll your eyes—only Jason would be in the middle of a fight and then ask if you need a ride home.
"No, I'm okay. It's not dark yet. Plus you sound busy."
"I'm never too busy for you," he says immediately. "And it's gonna get dark in an hour. Are you sure—"
"Yes, Jay," you say gently. "I'm sure. Don't worry about me. I'm going straight home."
You're already at the station. There's a good amount of people, students and workers alike. The university is in a relatively okay part of town, especially during the day. You're not worried. It's not like you traipse through Crime Alley on your downtime.
"Okay." Jason takes a deep breath. "Just—just be careful. Text me when you get home."
You note the hint of worry in his tone. Maybe this week has been particularly saturated with crime. Jason tends to get a little overbearing about your safety when he's had a tough week. You know he had go down to Blüdhaven and help his brother—with what specifically, you don't know.
Most of the time, you're sure you don't want to know.
"I always do," you say. The train pulls up to the station. "Ooh, train's here! I'll talk to you later. I'm thinking of ordering takeout. Too tired to cook."
"Okay, sweetheart. Be safe. Love you. Lock your door."
You roll your eyes fondly. "Yes, Jay. Love you too. Bye."
You hang up as you step onto the train. You pull your headphones out of your bag and shut your brain off during the ride. By the time you get off the train, you've lost hope that you'll be doing any work tonight. You're absolutely wiped out after three back-to-back classes.
It's still light when you get home. You lock the door after you get in, the habit ingrained into you, and dump your bag onto the couch.
Takeout is a no-go. You're hungry now and about thirty seconds away from passing out on the couch.
You change into your home clothes, eat a granola bar, and call it a day. You'll eat more later.
You turn off your phone to bar any annoying notifications and fall into bed, eyes closing immediately.
The sound of your deadbolt being teared off its chain wakes you up. You flinch and jump awake, trying to blink through sleep. Your mouth is dry from how hard you slept, and your eyesight is slightly blurry from the sudden flood of moisture.
Your bedroom door swings open, and suddenly you're pulled into warm, heavily muscled arms. You hug back on instinct; you'd know the feel of your boyfriend anywhere.
"Jay, h—"
"You didn't text," he says, voice shaking. "You said you would. I was—I thought you were—"
You tense, guilt knocking into you.
"Shit. Jason, I'm so sorry. I meant to, I was just so tired..."
Jason pulls back to look at you, hands still on your shoulders. His expression is stern.
"I'm gonna pick you up from now on. When are your late days?"
"Jay, no, GCU is across town. You can't possibly pick me up three days a week. That's too much! What about patrol?"
"Somebody else is out at this time," he says stonily. "Crime Alley can wait an hour while I get you home."
His eyes blaze green, a side effect of the Pit. You can tell he's putting every effort into keeping a lid on the worry and fear and anger over your silence.
"Jason." You cup his face. "Honey, I'm safe. I'm sorry I didn't text you. I'm sorry I worried you. But your adrenaline is spiked right now, Jay. Everything feels magnified. I don't need to be picked up. I was perfectly safe coming home. Okay?"
He shakes his head, holding your wrists. "Anything could've happened. I was so—fuck, baby, I was so scared. I-I checked the station footage and the traffic cams, and I didn't see you after you cut through the park, and I thought—I was sure you'd—"
Jason pulls your arms around his neck and buries his face into your shoulder. He supports you by the backs of your thighs, tugging you into his lap. Then he clings tight.
"Oh, Jay," you murmur, petting his curls. "I'm alright. This end of Gotham isn't so bad. And I know you'd have found me even if something had happened. But nothing did."
"Can't lose you," he chokes out.
"You won't lose me, honey," you say. "You keep me safe."
He trembles in your embrace. You kiss the shell of his ear and continue to pet his hair.
"Let me pick you up tomorrow, at least," he pleads. "We'll get dumplings at that place you like. You barely ate anything when you came home."
"Okay, Jay," you say, because you know he needs that reassurance. He won't relax without it. "That sounds good."
You keep stroking his hair. "Y'wanna order in now?"
"In a minute."
Jason lays you both down on the bed. He throws a leg over yours and pulls you into his chest. It's now that you see just how much tension is locked in his shoulders. He's exhausted.
"Jus' wanna hold you for a bit," he says, lips resting on your shoulder.
He's drowsy, the adrenaline finally ebbing. You close your eyes and snuggle into his arms.
"You can hold me for as long as you want," you say, threading your fingers with his. "I'm not going anywhere."
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hanasnx · 5 months
Hop hop 🐇 strutting around Jay's apartment in nothing but panties and his leather jacket that's still warm from his body 🐇 hop hop
-doe 🐾
JASON TODD shirtless and in gray sweatpants and a thin silver chain around his neck, manspreading in his seat as he annotates on some blueprints. The Bat left quite an impression on him, including his knack for being thorough. The cap of his sharpie sits between his teeth, the soft squeaking of the marker scribbling on parchment filling the room. Even though you got laid this morning, you should be good, but instead you’re especially needy. He’d gotten back a little bit ago from picking up those blueprints, and the leather bike jacket he wore on his motorcycle ride had been thrown on the bed haphazardly. Crawling out in just your undies, you were chilly, so you put the jacket on. It sat on your shoulders like a curtain. Heavy, and huge, and stiff. Still warm from his body heat, it provided enough protection to pad out to see him.
It takes him a second to notice you, and when he does, that famous grin stretches onto his lips. Hopelessly attractive with defined dimples and smile lines that could kill, crookedly smiling at you with that cap in between his pearly white teeth. “What’re you doin’ over there, baby? C’mere.” He snips the cap from his mouth between his fingers like a cigarette, and you obediently come to his beckoning hand and inviting lap. You sit on his thigh, and the rigid material of the jacket stands up on its own. He snickers at you. “Whose jacket is that, babycakes?”
Timidly, you concede, “My Jay’s…”
It amuses him further, giving you a soft look with a flash of his raised brows. “Yeah? S’your Jay’s?” he mimics your melodic response in a twinge of a mocking tone out of endearment. “It’s, uh, little big for you, huh? Your Jay a big guy?” He wasn’t gonna let this go, and you fidget with your hands, looking up at him with those glossy doe-eyes. While he talks, a single finger moves aside the leather to get a peek at your bare chest.
“Huge.” you tell him with stars in your eyes, gesturing size with your hands, and it makes him laugh again, particularly inclined to adore you with a kiss on your cheek.
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xxrougefangxx · 2 months
Jason Todd x Reader fic recs
This is originally made for @marinas-trench , but anybody can use this. Will update as I find more
Added little notes in pink to specify some stuff
Anybody who does use these recs please try to reblog works- that's the Tumblr algorithm likes don't do anything- to help the authors out <3 (no pressure tho)
Authors because I can't pick a favorite work:
DC Masterlist by @sanguineterrain - The works speak for themselves.
@jasmines-library - Includes lots of platonic batfamily x reader and the hurt/comfort is just *chefs kiss*
@morverenmaybewrites Ao3 link- Her works are just godsend. She portrays Jason in such a beautiful way and acknowledges his trauma as well.
@minnieearsposts Ao3 Link - Jason works are 10/10, but she also has many other fics that connect with each other. Definitely recommend
@xxgoblin-dumplingxx - All of the au's are just magnificent! There's no master list but you can check the works out using tags.
Batfam masterlist by @book-place - All works are platonic
@writersfailure - Honestly a gold mine, check out their dc master list and other fics as well!
@wh1sp3rr - The jackpot at the end of the rainbow. That's all I'm going to say
Series :
love is not designed for the cynical by @thenyoumightaswellwrestleangels - The thoughts and emotions are portrayed SO BEAUTIFULLY!!! And while Jason is just spectacular, I also recommend the other series as well.
What we want by @sophiethewitch1 - It's with all the batboys
Crimson Red by @ravenna-reid - Has multiple parts all located on the master list.
Guard Dog by @mostly-imagines
Girl!DadJason by @in-som-niyah
Reaction to you letting go of their hand by @gay-dorito-dust - Its paired up with both Dick and Damian
Existentional Crisis by @millyhelp
College student!Jason by @orchidsangel
BabyDaddy! Jason fic idea by @kuromitos
Unnamed by @aldryrththerainbowheart
JasonTodd x Fem!Reader by @spidernuggets - reader gets stuck in a time loop to save Jason
sickly sweet romance of u & jay by @wh1sp3rr
Unnamed by @millyhelp
tired and touchstarved!Jason by @indulgentdaydream
A Spoonful of Honey by @stararch4ngelqueen
Golden by @orionremastered
Reader who likes Superman more than Batman by @spidernuggets
Reader who prefers Superman more than batman (different fic than above) by @gay-dorito-dust
Rescuer by @kimberly-spirits13
graceless by @udiudijaye - platonic batfam x batsis but love the fic and had to recommend
Take care by @batsycline69
Forensic Psychologist Reader by @ravenna-reid
What are you doing here? by @a-reader-and-a-writer-for-all
What a night by @batboysandgirls
call me your fool by @jasonsmirrorball
18+ Works MDNI
Til Death Do We Part Brings Us Together by @luvf4ngz - I love the au idea!
Jason distracting you from studying by @millyhelp
Slumber Party by @dollwritesarchive - Includes Dick
Thoughts on Jason being rough by @midnightorchids
jason 'don't run from this dick' todd by @killakalx
BabyDaddy!Jason by @hanasnx
Say Sorry by @dancewithdeath11
Jason fucking reader in the Batmobile by @martiniluvr
Series 18+
guns and roses masterlist by @jayswhorex
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beautysamour · 8 months
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟒: 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞
—𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐝 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
“Nice dress, hun. It looks good.”
You turn around wrapping your arms around your man’s neck, “Thank you, my love, it’s new!”
The soft smile already settled on Jason’ face only got softer, “Looks really good.”
You smile as he wraps his arms around you, melting into his embrace as he rests his forehead against yours. “I bet it’d look even better on the floor.”
He laughs as you lightly hit the back of his neck, “It better not end up on the floor, Jason.” You use his first name hoping he’d take it serious, only to have done the opposite.
He tilts his head up, making sure to make eye contact with you as he plays with the piece of fabric keeping your entire dress together. You internally curse yourself for your knees suddenly feeling weak, almost as if you would’ve fallen to your knees had he not had his arms around you.
“Jason,” he tilts his head to the side as if he had no idea why you were using his first name, “This takes a long time to take off.”
He pushes his thigh in between your legs, silently telling you to sit on it.
“I can wait. Take your time taking it off,” he eyes your body up and down, “I won’t go anywhere.”
His hands travel to your waist, pushing you down so you’ll be on his thigh. Your hands go from his neck to his broad shoulders as you feel his thigh muscles.
Jason Todd is a hot man, anyone given the chance to fuck him is lucky.
And fortunately, he only has one heart, and you own it.
Jason doesn’t let any time go to waste as he picks you up bride-style, “Jason!” You giggle as he shoves the door to your shared bedroom open dropping you on the bed.
You put a hand on his chest as he begins to get on top of you, “Ah—Ah,” you tut, “This wasn’t the deal, Jason.”
He stays still for a moment, dropping his head when he remembers the words he spoke just one minute ago. He falls onto the bed, “Right.”
You stifle your giggle at his disappointed tone. Pushing yourself off the bed, you wait until Jason sits up, “Excuse me, baby,” you move his arms out of his lap, setting yourself on your boyfriend.
You tsk as he tries to hold you waist, “No touching, my love, wait until I’m ready.”
He looked at you with a raised brow before nodding, settling his arms behind his back.
You smile.
He nodded already looking at your breasts that were being supported by your dress.
You smile again, seeing his dick painfully strain against his pants. So cute. “Can I use you for support?”
“Whatever you want.”
Happily, you grab onto one of his shoulder and your other hand travels to the back of your dress. You let your hand roam for a second before grabbing onto the ribbon that kept your dress from unraveling. You lightly pull on one of the ends of the ribbon, sighing at feeling the cool air hit your warm ish skin.
Your dress loosens as you undo the ribbon, each side of the dress falling to either side of your body. Jason watches as you slowly pull the right right side of your dress of your body; exposing the bra you worse under it.
Jason’ hips jolt under you, he acts like a victorian man seeing a women’s ankle.
You let the right side of the dress trail down your body as you start to pull the left side off your shoulder, letting the entire dress drop down your upper body exposing your entire chest to your boyfriend.
He watches with an open mouth, “You’re—“
“Shh,” you hush, “I’m not even done, my love.”
Jason gulps, forcing himself to look at your eyes. Your head swells as your practically see hearts in his eyes. You lean in letting him feel your lips against his—and he reciprocates immediately—you grab onto his hair with one of your hands and pull him away from you.
“Be patient, Jason, or else I’ll get up.”
“‘m sorry,” he says sweetly, staring at your breasts again.
“I forgive you,” you press a kiss onto his forehead then slightly push yourself up, pushing your lower body on his chest as you rest one of your knees on the bed, “Can you help me, baby?”
He looks up at you, lust fully filling his eyes, “Hm?”
You laugh, practically mocking him for his stupid question as you grab his hands and rest them on your waist when the rest of your dress stopped falling, “Can you take this off of me?”
He hesitates, and rightfully so. He was seconds away from ripping that dress off of you—the only reason why he hasn’t is because he knew that would upset you.
He rubs the tip of the dress as he gave you a nod.
“Thank you,” you say sweetly.
Slowly and carefully, he starts to pull the dress down your body. You lift your legs, pushing more of your weight against his chest as he drags it off your legs.
“Good jo—“
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your body onto the bed as he reverses your positions, leaving him on top, “I’m sorry, my love, but I can’t hold myself back anymore.”
You chuckle at his “confession.” “Really?” You question feigning surprise.
“Yeah,” he confirms again. His hand travels down to your clothed pussy, he presses a knuckle against your folds enjoying the way you gasp, “Can I please have you now?”
You want to pout, you want to tease him more but with the way he was playing with your pussy already…you weren’t sure you could wait anymore.
He calls out your name.
“Yes,” you breathe out, “You can.”
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k2ntoss · 3 months
currently thinking about dad!jason having a little bit of a dad bod......... i would literally jump at him like fr, he wouldn't let himself go all the way dad body but just get a bit thicker and slightly chubby i'm foaming at the mouth i just mmmmmmmm
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