girlmagicfr · 2 days
I am committed to my own growth and transformation, naturing my mind, body and soul to radiate an internal glow that lights up my path.
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svdaily · 11 months
Do yourself a favour and start believing you deserve everything good in life and that nothing is out of reach for you.
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
The people who have accomplished the things you want are not better than you. They are not more skilled than you are. Their mindset is simply different. Their mindset inspires new habits and attributes that contribute to a strong sense of self-belief and enables them to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives.
Fortunately, this is something you can work on and have complete control over.
If you want to change your life, these are some of the things you should be working on within yourself.
Self-awareness: Successful people have a clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals. They are aware of who they are and what they want to achieve.
Positive mindset: They maintain a positive outlook on life and view challenges as opportunities for growth. They focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
Resilience: Bouncing back from failures and setbacks quickly. They see failures as temporary and use them as learning experiences to improve and grow.
Self-motivation: You need to be internally driven and have a strong sense of purpose. Successful people set goals for themselves and work persistently towards achieving them.
Confidence: They have confidence in their abilities and believe in their potential for success. They trust their judgment and are not easily swayed by others' opinions.
Adaptability: They are open to change and embrace new experiences. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone and take risks to pursue their goals.
Discipline and consistency: They practice self-discipline and maintain consistency in their actions. They set routines, establish habits, and follow through on their commitments.
Emotional intelligence: They possess a high degree of emotional intelligence, understanding their own emotions and the emotions of others. They can manage their emotions effectively and maintain positive relationships.
Growth mindset: They believe in their ability to learn and develop new skills. They see setbacks as opportunities for improvement and are open to acquiring new knowledge and experiences.
Self-care: They prioritize self-care and well-being. They recognize the importance of taking care of their physical, mental, and emotional health, which helps them maintain a positive mindset and stay motivated.
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
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I am worthy of all the good things that are happening to me
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femalegeniuss · 12 days
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elicathebunny · 1 month
You are your only competition.
"Unhealthy Comparison (to others) is the thief of joy"
(suggestion post)
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You are your only competition.
Don't compare yourself to anyone.
You don't know their starting point, you don't know how long they took to get to their position, and you don't know exactly what they did to get to their position despite what they might be telling you (referring to online influencers who show end results but never the journey). You are not them, you are YOU.
Your body is different, your brain works differently and you are different from anybody else. There is nobody who is an exact copy of you. So why beat yourself up for not being like someone else when you physically can't be. There is only one of a being in the world, don't be a carbon copy of someone else when you can be the best version of YOU.
Comparing yourself to someone different to you in many ways is just straight-up self-bullying. Compare yourself to you, you are the only person who has your brain and your body. If you want to improve, don't compare yourself to someone else, compare yourself to yesterday or the week before.
Example: So you want to run faster? Compare your times to your previous ones and train hard to beat your previous PERSONAL record, not somebody else's. What is the point of trying to beat somebody else's time when you can't even beat your own? You don't know how long they have been training or how much effort they have put in to run as fast as they are. So the only logical reason is to compare yourself to someone who you know how much effort they have put in because you are experiencing every single amount they attempt. That person is you. You have lived in your body, you know your body best so you know how to push yourself and how far you can test your limits. Basing this off of someone else is just being cruel to yourself.
Learning to be the best in terms of your own personal achievements. Beating your own personal best, your own personal streak. Don't celebrate your achievements based on if you did better than xyz solely. Celebrate the fact that you did better than you did before and continuously aim to be better than you are today.
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st4rtar0t · 7 months
Money and success affirmations
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"I am worthy of abundance and success."
"Money flows to me easily and effortlessly."
"I attract wealth and prosperity into my life."
"I am open to receiving unlimited sources of income."
"My actions create constant prosperity."
"I am financially free, and money comes to me naturally."
"I believe in my ability to achieve financial success."
"I am a magnet for wealth and opportunities."
"My bank account is overflowing with money."
"I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer."
"I am a money magnet, and I attract abundance."
"I create wealth and abundance in every aspect of my life."
"Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and richer."
"I release all negative beliefs about money and invite positivity into my financial life."
"I am grateful for the abundance in my life and excited for the wealth that is on its way
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anitainthegym · 6 months
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lifeiswaitingforyou · 6 months
Success story time- manifested my dead uncle to come back to life!
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positivepostoffice · 1 month
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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awhkacey · 8 months
𝑀𝑦 𝑠𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒~
Oh my actual god, i’ve seen so much success ever since i’ve actually gone hard core on my sc, i used to argue with my partner multiple times a day and get triggered by every little thing they did. NOW, he treats me wonderfully, we haven’t argued since. i hardly get triggered and if i do i go straight to regulation and reaffirming my sc.
And honestly my whole life had changed since i’ve dedicated myself to changing my story.
I used to do a few days of hard core affirming and get my sp to the way i wanted him to be and then go back to being my old triggered self and then yell at him for ‘not changing’ when it was me who was committed to not changing?? How do i expect the results when i was so committed to being the person who had no results?
You can’t have it both ways, if you want the change, you have to first show the mirror the change so it can reflect it back to you.
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svdaily · 6 months
It's three things I don't play about:
(1) me
(2) my time
(3) my money
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
Success Requires Discipline To:
Exercise & eat healthy
Manage time better
Invest money wisely
Maintain good relationships
Set & achieve goals
Stay organized
Control emotions
Chase personal development
Continue learning
Wake up earlier
Be consistent
Keep focus
Face challenges
Not give up
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
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I am always being guided to the right places at the right time to receive the best opportunities of my life.
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femalegeniuss · 11 days
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