thingswedontunbox · 22 hours
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maviyenot · 1 month
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stutterhug · 5 months
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A measured five year plan..
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life-spire · 2 years
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See more quotes.
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theambitiouswoman · 4 months
Success Requires Discipline To:
Exercise & eat healthy
Manage time better
Invest money wisely
Maintain good relationships
Set & achieve goals
Stay organized
Control emotions
Chase personal development
Continue learning
Wake up earlier
Be consistent
Keep focus
Face challenges
Not give up
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: natal chart indicators for high ambition
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Various natal placements that signify a strong drive for ambition and achievement. These placements often manifest as a relentless pursuit of goals, a focus on authority, and a determination to overcome obstacles.
🪐 Saturn in the 10th House: Saturn's placement in the 10th house gives rise to the classic authoritarian attitude, with a relentless focus on ambition and achievement above all else. Individuals with this placement are driven to climb the ladder of success, often displaying unwavering perseverance and discipline in their pursuit of goals.
🪐 Pluto Conjunct Midheaven: When Pluto is conjunct the Midheaven, it adds an obsessive and relentless quality to Saturn's perseverance in achieving its goals. This aspect intensifies the individual's drive for power and transformation, leading them to pursue their ambitions with unwavering determination.
🪐 Capricorn or Fixed Sign Midheaven: A Midheaven in Capricorn or a fixed sign indicates a strong inclination towards cultivating a particular set of goals and sticking to executing them. Individuals with this placement are known for their steadfastness, determination, and resilience in pursuing their ambitions.
🪐 Saturn or Pluto Aspecting Angles: Any aspect between Saturn or Pluto and the angles of the chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC) further emphasizes ambition and drive. These aspects intensify the individual's focus on career success, authority, and long-term goals.
🪐 Sun Square Pluto and Sun Square Saturn: Sun square Pluto and Sun square Saturn aspects indicate ambition as an overcompensation for restrictions (Saturn) or past experiences of being put down (Pluto) while growing up. These aspects fuel the individual's desire to overcome challenges and assert themselves in pursuit of their ambitions.
🪐Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, or Pluto in the Tenth House: These placements suggest a strong emphasis on career, reputation, and public image. Individuals with these placements are driven to achieve success and recognition in their chosen field. They may possess leadership qualities, ambition, and a desire for authority and control.
🪐Sun, Mars, or Saturn in the First House: This placement indicates a strong sense of self and a proactive approach to life. Individuals with these placements are assertive, ambitious, and often take on leadership roles. They project confidence and may be seen as natural leaders or initiators.
🪐Sun or Moon in Aspect to Mars or Saturn: Sun or Moon aspects to Mars or Saturn can indicate a dynamic tension between personal expression (Sun/Moon) and action/drive (Mars) or responsibility/limitations (Saturn). These aspects may manifest as a strong drive to succeed, but also challenges in asserting oneself or facing obstacles.
🪐Mars or Saturn in Aspect to the Ascendant or Midheaven: Mars or Saturn aspects to the Ascendant or Midheaven suggest a significant influence on one's personality (Ascendant) or career/public image (Midheaven). These aspects can indicate drive, ambition, and discipline in pursuing goals, as well as potential challenges or obstacles to overcome.
🪐Sixth, Tenth, or Eleventh House Stellium: A stellium in these houses suggests a strong emphasis on work, career, and social aspirations. Individuals with this configuration may be highly focused on achieving their goals, whether in their profession (tenth house), social networks (eleventh house), or daily routines and responsibilities (sixth house).
🪐Capricorn or Saturn Dominance, or Scorpio/Aries/Mars Dominance: Capricorn or Saturn dominance indicates a disciplined, responsible approach to achieving goals and ambitions. Individuals with this dominance may be methodical, ambitious, and willing to put in the necessary effort to succeed. Scorpio/Aries/Mars dominance suggests a more assertive, passionate, and sometimes intense approach to pursuing goals.
🪐Cardinal Dominance, Indicating a Proactive Approach to Achieving Goals and Ambitions: Cardinal dominance suggests a proactive, assertive, and ambitious approach to life. Individuals with this dominance are often initiators, leaders, and go-getters who are driven to achieve their goals. They may thrive on challenge and are not afraid to take risks in pursuit of success.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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classycookiexo · 4 months
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hanelizabeth · 2 months
Hollyhock ~ Ambition 🌟
- a recreation of Lily Chen’s flower card -
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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expulence · 4 months
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thingsinlife990 · 9 months
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In my own world 🤍🍸🧾
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
When I was a child I believed everything was possible. Sadly, I was met with adults who told me I should grow up and be responsible. They said fairy tales aren't sensible.
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For a time I listened to that, thinking their worldview was reliable. When they told me my dreams and ambitions were unattainable. But then, I grew up and came to my own senses...how some adults are abominable.
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Adults…many of them see in children what they’ve allowed to die inside of themselves. I know now they are very much ashamed of themselves. For that reason, they’d rather no child grows up to be happier or nobler than themselves.
I’m sure it must be envy.
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I’m now a grownup, too. But unlike them, I haven’t died; not really, no. Even better, now that I’m older, I’m going to see all my dreams and ambitions come true.
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And one day, when I have a child of my own, I’ll teach them to fight for their own fairy tale.
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When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults and they enter society, one of the politer names of hell. That is why we dread children, even if we love them. They show us the state of our decay.
— Brian W. Aldiss
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studyblr · 1 year
Take a deep breath, let go of what's out of your control, and trust that everything will work out in the end. It's easy to get caught up in worrying about the future, but remember that the only thing we can control is the present. Focus on today, and trust that the future will take care of itself.
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
I will be all that I am capable of being.
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
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thesirencult · 7 months
One pattern I noticed in successful people :
They make decisions and act out of WANT and not from a place of NEED.
When you make decisions out of a place of need you are prone to being more illogical and have short-sighted vision.
Distinguish your wants from your needs. Needing can indicate trauma bonding with people and ideas.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
You don’t need to make announcements. Work on your dreams until you become too big to ignore.
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