schizoetic · 6 months
I've decided to love my own body because I'm going to be in it for a while.
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larimar · 8 months
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the-musicsoul · 2 years
am i really this hard to love or am i not deserving of it anymore?
- i am tired of fighting to be loved
- a desperate shout into the void
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divinefem333 · 1 year
It's okay to rest. Be kind and patient with yourself.
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topgirlstudio · 2 years
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By Top Girl Studio.
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mgasulatnihoney · 6 months
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Life is too short for long term grudges. - Elon Musk
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eatclean-bewhole · 9 months
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With it being National Suicide Prevention Month, I want those of you struggling with depression to know that you do not have to struggle in silence, and there are many tools available to help you. I am privileged to have a partnership with the best wellness center out there, Aspen Valley, which is full of other amazing health practitioners. Many of which are therapists that specialize in depression and anxiety. We also offer other tools to further support your mental health like neurofeedback and oxygen therapy. And if you don't know by now, what you eat significantly impacts your mental health. (That's where I come in). It's why you often hear me say "food becomes mood." Please know that you are not alone. You are supported. You are seen. You are loved. #youmatter
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I love going and sitting by the ocean. It's soothing and regulating to my nervous system. I always get visited by the local ravens, coming to see if I have a snack to share. ❤️ Follow @cptsdwarrior_pokingholes Follow my Blog and Subscribe to my YouTube channel at the link in my bio @cptsdwarrior_pokingholes Sharing my healing journey so that you feel seen, heard, held and supported. You're not alone! ❤️ Don't forget to heart, comment, share and save this post for later. ✌❤ #nature #cptsd #childhoodtrauma #complextrauma #complexptsd #developmentaltrauma #relationaltrauma #cptsdwarrior #thebodykeepsthescore #somatichealing #innerchildhealing #nervoussystemregulation #healingjourney #cyclebreaker #mentalhealthadvocate #traumainformed #selfcare #selfcompassion #selflove #selfpreservation https://www.instagram.com/p/CmLawEKLcvm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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piyusha30 · 1 year
Remembering Heather Armstrong: The Legacy of a Pioneer Mommy Blogger | Dooce | HeatherArmstrong | MommyBlogger | BloggingPioneer | MentalHealthAdvocate | LegacyOfInfluence |
Heather Armstrong, a popular mommy blogger known as “Dooce” to her fans, has passed away at the age of 47. Armstrong rose to fame in the early 2000s with her blog, dooce.com, where she chronicled her experiences as a new mother and eventually became one of the most influential bloggers in the world. Armstrong’s blog was known for its humor, honesty, and relatability, and she was praised for her…
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View On WordPress
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shebringslife · 1 year
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Swipe 👉 to see how to cope up with bipolar disorder, be sure to share because this can help someone you know.
If you have bipolar disorder, it is best if you work with mental health professionals, and we could help you.
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khoridohidayat · 1 year
Aku memegang pundak ibuku hari itu. Rohku yang sudah memasuki fisik orang dewasa telah membuat rasa pegangan tanganku berbeda dari sebelumnya, ketika kecil.
Dulu, ketika kecil, aku ingat sekali bahwa lengan ibuku begitu besar. Bahkan dulu aku harus mengeluarkan seluruh tenagaku untuk memijit lengan ibuku yang sedang lelah karena pekerjaan sekolah yang sangat seabreg.
“Kurang keras Nangg” Protes ibuku karena pijitanku kurang terasa baginya.
Aku yang mendengar instruksi itu langsung mengerahkan segala otot-otot kecil usia 8 tahunan untuk mengerahkan tenagaku. Akhirnya, momen pijat tangan ibu lebih mirip kepada meremas lengannya ketika itu.
Hari ini, segalanya telah berubah. Lengan ibu yang dahulu besar sekali, kini terasa kecil. Berat badan ibuku turun karena dimakan usia, sedangkan fisikku terus menguat karena bertambah dewasa.
Walaupun menjadi tua adalah keniscayaan, tapi jika aku bisa meminta, aku akan memohon kepada semesta untuk tidak menuakan ibuku. Aku ingin bisa seumuran dengan dia, menjadi orang yang fisiknya semakin menguat bersama, kemudian menua bersamanya. Aku ingin seusia dengannya, agar aku bisa memahami bagaimana menjadi dia di waktu yang sama. Kami sering berbeda pendapat, dan aku menduga hal ini karena kami hidup di waktu yang berbeda. Maka, jika aku bisa seumuran dengannya, mungkin akan lebih banyak hal yang sama daripada hal yang berbeda.
Selain itu, aku juga takut kehilangan dia.
Bukan apa-apa, aku hanya tak yakin apakah aku bisa hidup tanpanya. Dunia tanpa dia sepertinya akan gelap dan berat. Doa-doanya tak akan menemaniku lagi. Support verbalnya tak akan lagi aku dengar. Kemudian, bagaimana aku bisa hidup?
Aku baru tersadar bahwa teman-temanku yg sudah kehilangan orangtua adalah manusia-manusia kuat yang perlu dikuatkan. Kok bisa ya mereka masih semangat ketika oratuanya telah tiada? Apakah ibunya telah menetap dihatinya? Atau karena memang karena mereka kuat sehingga diberi ujian yg berat?
Jika memang begitu cara semesta bekerja, aku lebih memilih menjadi orang yg lemah. Aku tak ingin kehilangan ibuku.
Aku bisa hidup tanpa saudara, tanpa teman, bahkan tanpa sahabat. Tapi aku tak yakin apakah aku bisa hidup tanpa ibuku.
Semoga kamu sehat selalu, Ibu.
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the-musicsoul · 11 months
i have lost so many versions of myself that only exist in the memory of people i know longer talk to.
how am i supposed to deal with so much loss? how do i grieve?
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abovegroundpodcast · 1 year
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Back again with a new episode !!! Check out this week’s battle in the ring(mind). Talked about thoughts and emotions moshing around in the mind. How it can be easy to let your thoughts dominate your emotions and dictate your reactions to events. Fight back! Work towards a balance of letting go and sticking to he facts…. Stay in the #wisemind my friends… listen on #nippertown #spotifypodcast #applepodcasts #googlepodcasts and anywhere you #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthwarrior #cognitivepsychology #brainhealth #letstalkmentalhealth #endstigma #stopstigmatizingmentalhealth #heal #growthwork #fear #doubt #emotions #strongertogether #peersupport #getwell #stayabove https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVxU6vsiS3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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topgirlstudio · 1 year
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by top girl studio
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ocrmeyer · 1 year
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Let’s talk because no one talks about how hard it is to be alive after an attempt at unaliving. Let’s talk because no one talks about the grief that comes along with setting boundaries and taking care of yourself first. Let’s talk because no one talks about how one minute everything you know can change in the best way and the worst way simultaneously. Let’s talk because no one talks about how hard it is to be okay sometimes. But in the same breath - let’s talk because the very good days are the days you are the most grateful to be alive. Let’s talk because medication CAN work and it CAN greatly improve your quality of life if you find the right dose&medication that works for YOU. And let’s talk because MENTAL 👏🏻 HEALTH 👏🏻 MATTERS 👏🏻 #BellLetsTalk 💙 @bell_letstalk #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthadvocate #itsoknottobeok (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn3OPtYLbqA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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