#mental health suggestion
Yearly reminder: do not stop taking your medications of any kind because you’re feeling better. You are feeling better because of the medicine and that’s okay! If you stop taking it you’ll feel worse again soon, so trust it to do what it needs to. If you have any other concerns ask your physician.
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recoverr · 6 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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lover-suggestion · 1 year
today i overheard a girl say "no, f*ck that. i will be lovely to everyone. maybe some people will remember they have a heart."
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slfcare · 1 year
The positives of ‘putting yourself out there’ are worth it. Having a great conversation with a stranger will be worth the awkwardness of starting that exact conversation. Joining a small community of people you will see regularly is worth having to get through a scary first day. Getting your dream job is worth the scariness of chasing it. Don’t pick and choose experiences based on the level of ease now, but choose them based on how you want to come out of them.
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softdaisie · 2 years
maybe mediocrity isn’t wrong. maybe you don’t need to be the best at everything you do. maybe you don’t need to be the best at anything you do. it’s ok to simply do things because you enjoy doing them. its ok to not want to advance in your job. nothing has to be a competition. you don’t need to be better than anyone. you can do things just because they’re fun. you don’t need to read up on the history, and know everything about it. its ok to just exist. its ok.
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honeymooncupid · 7 months
Its okay if you need a longer time to adjust to new things than other people, its okay if you need a little more time to get used to new things, its alright if you take a bit longer to feel comfortable and familiar with new places, people and things. Dont rush yourself and take all the time you need to process everything. Sometimes the mind needs a little more time to take things in, and to let it sink in.
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moonlit-positivity · 3 months
You deserve a happy ending. No matter what the situation is, no matter how hard it is to survive and cope. You deserve a true genuine happy ending.
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scary-friend · 28 days
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
hi you! here's your daily/nightly reminder that:
your voice should be heard.
your health is important.
your pain is not insignificant or lesser than others'.
you are not on this earth to be "productive."
you are the only one who can define your experiences.
you are cared for, even if only by strangers. we care.
now go stretch, hydrate, nourish, and lay down (if you can). just do your best, and don't worry if other's think it isn't enough. it is, and im proud of you.
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noritaro · 5 months
oops forgot to post this here- a bday gift for @cartoonsinthemorning
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
You have to stop ruining things for yourself preemptively because you believe they’ll fail anyway. Give yourself a chance to succeed.
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recoverr · 9 months
i hope it hurts a little less. day by day. week by week. i hope the ache in your chest eases. maybe it won't entirely, maybe it will. may the thought of feeling joy again alone be enough to keep you going, even if for a while.
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inkly-heart · 15 days
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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slfcare · 27 days
one day you’ll yearn for the person you are now, to tell them, "hey, look, it turned out to be okay" and "i’m so grateful you’ve held on" and "things just worked out somehow". you’ll want to hold their hand and give them the wisdom that the future is actually better, and you know it because you’re living it. but you can’t reach through time like that. the only way to bridge the gap between the you of today and the you who’s doing better, is to hold onto the hope that they exist. 
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softdaisie · 1 year
your mistakes do not define you. the trajectory of your life is not ruined because of one slip up. keep going. do not let this moment fester in your mind forever. it can be easy to keep analyzing your mistakes and wondering where you went wrong. but fight the voices that tell you that you could have done better. you are trying your best 🌱☀️
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honeymooncupid · 1 year
Dont forget to always forgive yourself at the end of the day. No matter how many mistakes you made, no matter how strict you were to yourself, no matter how angry you were at yourself or upset you were with yourself, at the end of the day, never forget to make peace with yourself. You can do something wrong, hold yourself acountable, and still be gentle with yourself.
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