#med studyblr
medstudiees · 23 hours
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“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love for humanity.” – Hippocrates
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lacaffeina · 20 days
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4-5/50 days of productivity | 16-17/5/'24
just been picking myself up.
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gazagfmboost · 1 month
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Jbreel Farroukh- elderly diabetic woman
Vetting: Social media content going back to 2018, many highlights with others, mom & at work. instagram: Jbreel.f98 & fardousfarroukh & emjbreelfarroukh & company IG toptech
You can see how much love Jbreel has for his mother in all of his content with her, multiple members of the family reached out hoping for help with sharing their story. He is an ambitious young man who lost his company but has hope to save his diabetic mother & to help his sister escape to finish her pharmacy degree. UPDATE - GFM Froze their gofundme, & they're starting over from scratch! I hope that you will please consider helping them inch back towards their goal with any tiny donation to the updated fund or by giving a heart or sharing their story-
I appreciate you helping their family to feel seen & heard during these terrible times!
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* UPDATED Fundraiser link- Help Jbreel and his family to evacuate from Gaza gofund.me/a8ffe422
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studymoons · 3 months
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life lately is filled with lots of studying via practice questions and breaks filled with books and crafts and baking! i currently have a pleasant board exam study schedule that consists of a nice slow morning with a matcha latte and some reading, completing 160 practice questions, then relaxing the rest of the evening with the usual hobbies like reading, crocheting and knitting, cross-stitching, etc. recently i’ve read the idiot by elif batuman, berlin by bea setton, and now i’m reading either/or (sequel to the idiot) by myself and the thursday murder club by richard osman with my boyfriend. overall having a much better time studying for step 2 than for step 1!
i’m baking nonstop but the cake pictured is a vegan cardamom cocoa with star design inspired by earlygirl__ on twitter
my etsy
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xotrash · 3 months
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emgoesmed · 1 month
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Sunny mornings 🌤️ vs rainy afternoons ☔️
Taking a break at my local cafe, we’re moving next week so I’m trying to psych myself up for a cross-country UHaul trip. Lots of little things to do and I’ve been feeling overwhelmed even though I have no more med school stuff to do until graduation day.
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obakanosandoitchi · 9 months
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loving today's view ⛰️🌲
wish me luck being productive today 🤞🏻
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medstudiesandcoffee · 30 days
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some energy to finish reading this textbook would be nice
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likeshestoleit · 4 months
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a very low maintenance study set up 🙃
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stemcellee · 5 months
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january 8 2024
it’s been so chilly lately but at least the sun is setting a little later so I don’t go home in the dark anymore ¨̮
ig: @/ stemcellee
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medstudiees · 5 months
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holidays are made for endless reading sessions ❄️
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lacaffeina · 6 months
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55/100 days of productivity | 21/12/2023
late night dates w/ physiology. the classes are interesting though, and i'm feeling passionate. human body is so complex, capable and fascinating, subhanallah.
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cafeluv13 · 1 year
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giving it all for the last month of the semester!
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studymoons · 4 months
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life lately is gloomy days and early mornings. studying for boards is a bit more stressful than i’d imagined, not because of all the material i need to review, but more because im struggling to build up the stamina for an 8 hour exam (it’s been years since i last took one and im significantly more exhausted at this point in my life than i was then). but nothing i can do but continue working! still making time for art and friends to keep myself in a good mental space and continuing to try my best :-)
my etsy
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kalki-tarot · 8 months
Messages from the universe 💌
pick a picture. 1 - 2 - 3
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The images I use to select a pile are from Pinterest, I hope the readings will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun. Take only what resonates.
Tap on Masterlist for more !
Pile 1
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You'll be presented many new opportunities to earn money and gain abundance. Your life will be filled with positivity, you'll be very happy and content with whatever you receive. Just keep up with the positive attitude towards life and things will work out smoothly. You'll make rapid progress and you'll gain momentum. Sudden and rapid shifts will take place. Be ready and go with the flow. Bad times have already passed away, now it's time to rise and shine.
For your love life, if you are in an unstable relationship, or an on and off situationship, please leave this person asap. They'll drain your energy. Beware of the energy vampires. This person is themselves juggling between things and is unstable and they'll disbalance your life too. Do some self introspection. Know why you attract certain kind of people. And break this pattern. Take your time to realize things, don't hurry. Your creative side will bloom and you'll do much better at work as you'll let go of toxic things. Please take care of yourself, don't hurt or harm yourself by letting these kind of people stay in your life.
Pile 2
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Damn pile 2, universe can feel your excitement and confident energy. You're wanting to have some new, fiery adventures in life. Universe likes this positive and energetic energy of yours. You're diligence will grant you abundance in life. You're gonna get successful in whatever field You're from. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments and fights. Don't make people your enemies. I think something bad had just happened in your life. Things will start to calm down for you. You're moving towards stability in life now. Your sadness or disappointment will not last long, it will turn into something better and abundant.
Regarding your love life, there is someone at your work place or someone you collaborated with or will collaborate in future. They have an eye on you. This person is someone famous and well known by everybody. They're impressed by your work ethics or performance. They have great love for you. They think you both have that potential. They like your giving, helping and humanitarian nature.
Pile 3
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You're manifestations will come very soon. This is a confirmation for you. If you asked for financial stability or abundance, you're gonna receive it very-very soon. Your investments will come to fruition. You'll reap the fruits of your hard work. Please take some rest and time to relax. Your health might get affected if you keep exhausting yourself. Some shocking news in on the way. Something about the divine timing. You'll be offered something which will make you shocked.
For your love life, i dont know for how many of you will this resonate but I'm really sorry for this. We have the tower, the magician, 9 swords and strength. I get two meanings for this. First one is, you may get heartbroken or cheated by someone. And the second is, Someone new will enter your life to heal your traumas and past heartbreaks. This can a new love interest. Please take what resonates. Whatever the situation is, you cannot lose your strength. You can go through this, don't loose hope. This is not your fault. Karma exists for people who do bad. Take things or situations as a lesson to teach you something.
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emgoesmed · 8 months
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Scenes from a café date over the weekend 🥰
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