#dc beacon
spicy-apple-pie · 3 months
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nothing is more fun than skipping class, hanging out with your friends, and using your father's credit card to pay for your ice cream.
Don't worry, Goliath got a treat as well (and only mildly traumatized the ice cream shop employee)
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Commission Info / Kofi
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camo-wolf · 9 months
I want to draw out and design the team I have for Damian at some point
Tai (yes I know it’s alternate universe no I don’t care)
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baambastic · 10 months
I’ve started a Chris Kent-centric fic, with the first chapter being Kathy Branden’s POV!
Having recently acquired a Phantom Zone Crystal during an adventure to the planet Bgztl with her best friend Maya Ducard, Kathy Branden connects it to her portal plug in order to peek in on the Phantom Zone. However, when the portal experiences a power surge, it pulls a kid out of the Zone, a kid named Chris. A kid who claims to be the foster son of Superman.
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dc-megatournament · 1 year
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DC Mega Tournament
Round 1
Please vote for who you think would win between the 2 characters and not who you like more.
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r3ynah · 4 months
Jack Fenton, dialed his younger sister's phone number as he gazed apologetically at the family of bats, that was hanging around in his living room. he impatiently waited for the other party to pick up.
The Bat family remained stoic as they observed the man, they had or Batman had ordered to put the call on speaker, if ever the phone was answered, Robin had stared at the doorway leading to the kitchen there stood Jack's supposed oldest daughter Jazz. who only stared amused at her father's antics much to Robin's confusion.
finally after a grueling 10 seconds wait, the call was finally answered.
Robin held his breath awaiting for the voice he was expecting for.
"Yes, Ahki?" Talia's voice resonated, from the phone. making everyone's eyes except the Fenton family widen.
'what? mother never told me she had a brother.' Damian thought as he took a peek at his father's face who was scrunched up in confusion. same for the rest of his family.
"Talia, my dear ukht, I've heard from a few birds and bats that you have taken my son. on his fieldtrip." Jack said, his nervous and outgoing personality vanishing and what took place was a serious and angry tone of a father as soon as heard the caller's voice, making everyone in the room shudder at the sudden cold atmosphere while the oldest daughter remained composed and unbothered as she watched.
Silence came from the other side of the phone, before answering "It seems i have." Talia answered back, you can here the voice of a boy in the background asking if it was his dad.
"Stop with this false innocence of yours, bring my son back immediately, partly alive and safe." Jack stated, much to the Bats and birds confusion.
Silence once again, as the phone remained quiet seemingly put down on a table with a few whispers and shuffling. before it was picked up once again.
"Nu uh." was the only thing Talia said as she hang up.
everyone paused.
"The fuck you mean 'Nu uh'?!" Jack yelled, at his phone. While his wife walked their daughter's side who was laughing her ass off, confused she looked at the bats then at her husband and then just sighed.
"Dinner's Ready." she only said as she retreated back at to the kitchen.
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ameba-from-space · 3 months
I need people who think batman is morally grey to please stop writing batman comics
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 24
Jason can feel himself being drawn somewhere in the Midwest. He’s busy with his own bs to deal with it. It’s only when he hops on a motorcycle and starts riding that way he admits it may be a concern.
One things for sure he’s not telling Bruce.
Cass, Tim and Damian show up asking him if he feels it to. They all agree it’s turned more into a pull now.
The four say f it and go off to investigate. Jason has his guns, Damian his sword, Tim his paranoia and Cass is just Cass.
Meanwhile Danny in amity park is freaking out that apparently he was the new ghost king. So many ghost had popped through to meet him. They just wouldn’t stop coming. Claiming he was calling them to greet their new king.
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rad-batson · 1 year
Kathy: Why do you keep letting Damian “kidnap” you? Can’t he just invite you over?
Jon: Oh, that’s just his enrichment.
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Grant Morrison's Dick Grayson is essentially "The One Man that The Joker Can NEVER Defeat".
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Sources: Batman (1940) #682, Batman and Robin (2009) #12, 13 & 16.
"I love that...Dick Grayson is just happy. Just, NOTHING depresses him. His parents died and he fought back. He's been a superhero since he was 10 years-old and— THAT guy; you know, who was in the Teen Titans, who KNOWS everyone, he's Superman's pal, he's Jimmy Olson's pal, he's THAT guy, you know?" -Grant Morrison
Dick is Mr. Laughs-in-the-Face-of-Danger. He out-laughed the freaking Joker (and continues to)!
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beacon-lamp · 2 months
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hey. dont cry. two ducks in the reflecting pool ok?
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lolottes · 9 months
beacon of distress
Danny had joined the Justice League (although he hung out with Justice League Dark more during meetings) though he still only stepped in outside of Amity Park if it was a big deal because he was officially a guardian spirit (spirit ~ ghost and it's not false that he keeps his city so the name is not so misleading) of his city which had woken up a short time ago, unofficially the Dark for the most part had that he was a halfa even if some didn't know what exactly that term meant.
He had negotiated that no one enter his city, especially without an invitation, in exchange for carrying a communicator -on- in him at all times, his communicator containing, among other things, a beacon of distress which is automatically activated in various situations. He hadn't been thrilled with the compromise but it was the same deal Batman had so he couldn't quite complain (actually Batman modified his own communicator, not that it was public knowledge).
DeFinally his beacon activated; he was tied on a table in his basement, opened by his parents who had pulled out various things that he stored in him, such as the League communicators that his father fiddled with before starting tried to dismantle him
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spicy-apple-pie · 5 months
Listen. I may have only read the wiki for them, but Maya and Kathy should kiss
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Honestly, I should make a team like TT or YJ with Damian, Jon, Maya, Kathy, Mia, and Nika. They would be cute I think
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leninille · 11 months
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my piece for @jdsszine
happy i got the chance to draw these guys together ❤💚💙💜✨
thanks to the mods for having me 💫 and make sure to grab a copy while the leftover sales are still open! 🤗
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cer-rata · 4 days
Vandal Savage Makes an "Uh-oh"
Vandal: …You know, allowing you to speak before we torture you is a courtesy, one that I have no problem rescinding. 
Damian, sitting in a cell, thinking very hard: …Damn, Savage, I don’t know if I can save you from this one. This may very well be the end of your immortality.
Vandal: What are you talking about? You think I fear your mother? Your father? Even if he wasn’t a gnat in my grand design, he would never be willing to do what needs to be--
Damian: Yeah no, who even IS afraid of Batman at this point? And you know, I’ll give it to you, you’re a big fish.
Damian: ...Which is actually the problem here, because that means they’re all going to feel the need to come at the same time.
Vandal: The Justice League? I have enough fail-safes--
Damian: Nooo no no, they’ll be here before the League would ever, and I’m certain you didn’t prepare for most of them, half haven’t even gone public yet.
Vandal: ...You’re wasting my time, I see that I have to--
Damian: Then let me just break it down real fast, because you need to know this.
Damian: Me? Not going to kill you, I don’t do that anymore.
Damian: Superman? He--no, not that one, the one that should be at the club--I can almost feel his anger from here. It’s flattering, really...so he’ll want to, but won’t.
Damian: Nobody? Will want to, but won’t…unless you do something really stupid, but I don’t think you’re the type.
Damian: Abuse? Would never, but will want to break every bone in your body. He will succeed. 
Damian: Robin? Free space, the 'Good Egg,' she’ll just want to take you to jail. 
Damian: …But that’s when the problems start.
Vandal: …What problems?
Damian: If Beacon decides she wants to kill you she’ll do it in a way we can’t prevent or prove. It’ll be a stroke or a brain hemorrhage, maybe even literal ego death--
Damian: And let’s face it, you’re old as shit and everyone hates you, so do you really think they’ll  bother to investigate any of that? 
Damian: Apostate won’t kill you, but only because he will have something much nastier in mind. Truly a fate worse than death, disturbing as hell, kid has issues. If you have a choice, I recommend picking the ‘ego death’ instead.
Damian: Star Sapphire...well you broke my arm so he's definitely going to try to kill you, your best bet is that ‘Bi-Panic Superman’ stops him in time.
Vandal, flinching at a distant explosion: What the--
Damian: Shit! You distracted me, I didn’t come up with a way out for you.
Damian: Oh no!
Damian: Anyway, if 'Flashlight' makes a mess, he’s filling out the report, I’m not covering for him again, he knows how much it upsets me when he loses his temper and disintegrates people.
Vanda, angrily pressing buttons on his device: Why aren’t my men responding--
Damian, wincing at another, closer explosion: …Heeey, can you do me a favor and just...stand a little farther away, so I’m out of the splash zone?
Vandal: What!?
Damian, aggressively gesturing to his fit with his good arm: Look at me! When you start wearing white, it is very important to keep blood from getting all over--
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chopshajen · 2 months
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Nine of Eight
Finally executed on a concept I had at the beginning of the year :D Our party’s lizardfolk cleric, Sikkuhl, is normally the one doing the resurrecting, but he was slain during the BBEG boss fight - so he had to be brought back by an NPC, who just barely cleared the DC of 8 with a roll of 9, represented by the vertical stars in the image. And Sikkuhl sacrificed his left eye during our adventures, so it’s all ~connected LOL I love doing these lithograph print-style drawings so I should really do more
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camo-wolf · 1 year
Gamer Jon kent headcanons
He prefers Xbox but does use multiple platforms
Does gameplay’s and reviews on YouTube for fun
Sometimes he invites Kathey and Damian for some multiplayer think like markiplier and that’s how their videos come out
He collects consoles and controllers and is super proud of them
His favorite kind of games are fighting and story
Loves to look into BTS of how the games where made and scrapped ideas of those games
He’s working on his own game
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