creatingnikki · 13 days
come, sit here by my side a while. I’ll get you lemonade and a slice of cheesecake. tell me, what have you been going through? do you still hate being in the same room as your father? do you still ignore it when tears roll down your face at the thought of your seventh birthday? wait, let me wipe your face, you’ve got a bit of cheesecake on the upper right side of your smile. yes, I’ve been fine. the nights are easier when you actually lay your head on the pillow and close your eyes and sleep allows you in. no, it wasn’t the medication that helped me, it was sitting through the discomfort and difficult feelings. yes, they still visit from time to time but now I know how to manage them better. do you want a smoke? no, I won’t lecture you on the ill effects of smoking. yes, I smoke too now. when did that happen? oh, just something my mid twenties demanded of me, I suppose. go on, take that call, I can wait. is everything fine? tell your mum I say hi. no, I don’t have to rush. yes, we can take a walk in the park. what’s that? oh, you want to hold my hand? no, I’d rather you not. it took me three years after you left my hand the last time to be okay with the lack of warmth. I don’t have three more years to re-teach my body to be comfortable in its inherent state of isolation. but we can walk side by side and talk about life until you catch your flight. how does that sound? yes, I’ll let you buy me flowers.
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laracalm · 3 days
👊Happiness Blueprint: Key Motivation Insights
Be kind, be brave, flourish.
Courage's roar, defiance against odds.
Cultivate happiness, nurture inner peace.
Embrace vulnerability, cultivate authenticity, thrive.
Dream big, act decisively now.
Free Motivational Gift Awaits: Tap Here!😍
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ellemirth · 14 days
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Love yourself unapologetically, always. Accept yourself unconditionally now. Emotions flow, let go.
See lovely things, click here.
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livmoss · 14 days
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Practice gratitude, attract abundance effortlessly. Your flaws make you human. Invest in your growth continuously. Embrace vulnerability, it's strength.
Tap here, view aesthetic treasures.
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zoeylife · 14 days
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Chase passion, find purpose, thrive. Sunshine is within your smile. Serenity, the unwavering compass. Embrace self-love, find inner peace.
Click for stylish treasures, Here.
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beaclark · 14 days
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Fill each day with laughter. Trust yourself, navigate challenges gracefull.
Trust your journey, trust yourself. Your journey is a beautiful story.
Explore allure. Click and explore.
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Cinco De Mono
I was tagged by the man who puts the banana in bananahammock, @definegodliness, to answer 5 questions. Thanks!
1. A song I would like played at my funeral: Yngwie Malmsteen ~ Prelude to April. One, Malmsteen is my favorite guitar God. Two, Prelude to April is beautiful. Three, my birthday is in April.
2. A book I enjoy rereading: It should come as no surprise to those who know me here...Stephen King's IT!! Brilliance. The best-crafted book regardless of genre.
3. Last new movie that I watched for fun: Top Gun: Maverick...because ~ that's why. You can't judge me.
4. An old movie I enjoy rewatching: Tombstone! Nuff said!
5. A song I enjoy but doesn't fit my aesthetic: Tones And I ~ Dance Monkey
TAGGING: @noorshirazie; @vbkpoetry; @daisylongmile; @fantodsdhrit; @gracebriarwoodwrites; @heartofmuse; @justscribbledwords; @kristensnotebook; @lilysofthefield; @creatingnikki; @moderateclimates; @eternallycoilingserpent-blog
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lyd-fashion · 1 year
"Shameless people are everywhere. They will say what they have to say to get what they want out of you. Even if don’t mean it. Even if they know they don’t mean it.
Shameless people will do what they have to, to get what they want out of you. They won’t care about your well being. They will not care about your loss.
The thing is, their shameless-ness makes you feel ashamed if you don’t oblige with them. Because they are so persistent about what they want.
But that’s just messed up. So be shameless when you have to deal with shameless people. Be shameless about the fact that your time, your life, you are only yours. Not in a selfish way. Only while dealing with such people." via creatingnikki
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dg-fragments · 4 years
I never understood why people hyped long drives so much Was it driving aimlessly that gave them a sense of freedom? Or was it feeling the wind on their face and breezing through their hair that they loved? Perhaps jamming to their favourite songs that made them feel that life was one big party? But it was the day we met that it finally hit me - it's about the person sitting next to you. I never realized a long drive could ever be this meaningful, And a meal so fulfilling as the one that day, together with the sense of humor you brought, Perhaps even then it is indeed about the company. I have never been much of a talker but I listen and remember, For you see there's this fear in my sturdy heart, of saying the wrong thing, So I stay quiet and feel grateful for even the tiniest of moments I get to spend with you. But you...you talk in a way I could forever listen, With this passion and fierceness that I have not witnessed before. You strike me as a woman who knows what she wants and will not once fear going after it. But there's also this softness to your smile, to the way you carry yourself, A subtle grace, a lightness in your stride. And within this softness I melt, without realizing without meaning to either, Such is your charm that has caused me to be ensorcelled. With subtleness I wonder what lies ahead, what is going to come, For I know moments with you, I will cherish for sure. - creatingnikki & fragments-of-my-mind
A first time collab with the ‘daebag’ (awesome) @creatingnikki ^^
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autumnsunshine10 · 4 years
Sometimes when we aren't looking
We find the brightest things
Like a rainbow arching across
The sky on a dreary rainy day
Coloring the clouds, the gray
Bringing a smile to a streaked
Once downturned face; wide
Eyes of wonder lighting up
At the sight, delightful sign
Grand design signified
Meant to be in your life
And you in mine
Thank you for adding vibrancy
To my sky
@creatingnikki (Happy Holi!)
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wnq-writers · 6 years
What I would tell my teen self about mental health 1. Mental health will become a “trend” in a few years but nobody talks about it now. But you need to know it’s just a basic part of taking care of yourself. 2. Stop being a doormat/pushover thinking you’re being “kind” or “nice”. Listen, you can be at peace for a couple of years this way but at some point you are going to burn out and then become the opposite extreme. Don’t let that happen. Speak up. Be kind and be nice but first and foremost to your own self. 3. Love is whatever you let it be. Love can be jealous. Love can be possessive. Love can be abusive. Love can be whatever unacceptable shit you let yourself be subject to. People do unspeakable things on the name of love. Love has no definition. That’s dangerous. Whatever happened happened. But from now on know this, love is overrated. But freedom, joy and safety are not. 4. People say you’re the writer of the book of your life. Bull shit. There’s a lot we have no control over. We are not the writer of our life. However, we can be the editor. Whatever is handed to us, we can edit. That power is solely ours. Even if a chapter is so bad and painfully written, we can somehow salvage it so that it holds the book of our life together, so that we can get through it and still continue. 5. Their mental health is important. But so is yours. So you have the right to leave. It’s okay. It’s not selfish. But if you expect to get back in touch when you see them doing better, that is. Because then you leaving wasn’t for your mental health but because you simply didn’t care enough. 6. People apologize and do the same things over and over and over. They don’t need the benefit of the doubt after the 2nd time. Every other chance you give them is taking away a chance from you for living a better life. Don’t do that to yourself. 7. Don’t take everything you read/hear on face value. But don’t have your eyes on auto eye-roll either. Find that balance between ignoring and believing. 8. Just because you express and feel emotions more intensely than most others doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you or that you’re emotionally or mentally unstable. You’re just more capable of feeling, more aware of everything and more reactive to every word and sensation than those around you. It may seem like a drawback at first but it’s your strength, you’ll realize that in the long run.
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creatingnikki · 4 months
falling in love.
there are not many people I come across that impress me. few that amuse me.
amusement may spark an interest. but it takes so much more to brew love.
tonight I don't crave being loved. tonight I crave falling in love. and you know, you know there was not much I knew when I was fourteen but I knew one thing right — you cannot fall in love, the true kind of love, if in that equation you are not loved back.
love is energy. that energy is an exchange. it is not one sided. not the love you know soul-deep.
and tonight that's the love I crave. the man I will fall in love. whose existence will make my heart happy, my soul calm, and my mind eleated.
yes, that's what I crave. falling in love.
it's equal in its presence, in its intensity, in its gentleness. it's the meeting of two souls. that's what the spark is. and when those two souls stay? that's what the spark evolves into — true love.
I've felt the spark one too many times but it always flickered too soon and extinguished if I was lucky or charred everything around me if I was not.
when did the spark get to evolve fully? never, not once.
but now that is what I want. the evolution of the spark. the stability of love. the surety. the equality of love. the meeting of two souls. the building and nurturing of a language of the two souls; a universe only they know and in the presence of which they glow with peace and contentment.
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theprocast · 5 years
Things I’ve said under the stars
How do you exist so casually yet magically amidst all our chaos?
I want to live outside of this city.
Are you friends with the moon?
Do they look up and almost trip too?
I know the truth but I’m not ready to accept it yet.
Does the sun make you envious?
Okay. Let’s write some poetry.
Am I a fool romanticising everything unnecessarily?
It still hurts.
Can I borrow your acceptance for a bit? You stay where you are but never get restless.
What really is your name? Do you even care about humanly things like that?
How does it feel to be almost immortal?
Do you look down upon me after knowing all my secrets?
I miss her, can I reach out?
Is there any other planet we can escape to? Do we deserve to?
Is there anything in me 1% as bright as you?
Did Van Gogh get you right?
// creatingnikki //
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666angelwing · 6 years
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Sunset out back. It looks like a Hobbit's dream of the Shire. LOL
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bermuda-buttercup · 6 years
Your best is enough.
@creatingnikki it truly is xxx
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mycosmicbackyard · 6 years
Hi there ^_^ Happy Valentine's Day
Awww Happy Valentine’s Day!! And thank you so much This really warms my heart, indeed!
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