#brutalia au
underthestarlitsky · 1 year
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i’d like to think there’s a universe where bruce does marry talia and dotes on her exactly how he saw thomas dote on martha ♡
text below the cut ☆
[image 1: beloved. you know i can walk by myself, right?]
[image 2: sure. but wouldn’t it be easier if…
easier if?
what- bruce!!
bruce, put your heavily pregnant wife down!
“heavily pregnant” wasn’t a problem when you insisted on sparring practice yesterday.
oh— bruce! my shoes!
your shoes—whadd’ya need em for? i’ll be carrying you everywhere from now on, didn’t you get the memo?
they’re expensive, beloved.
we’re billionaires, tals. i’ll buy you as many shoes as you want. you shouldn’t be wearing high heels anyway.]
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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Bruce remains a single mom until further notice
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spicy-apple-pie · 25 days
I know you don't ship Brutalia, but will we see her again? I think if she knew Damian was with him she would go there immediately and just be a tiny ball of tears 24/ lol. She loved her baby so much 😭😭😭
Yes! Talia will return!!
Yeah, it’s true that I don’t really ship Brutalia, I ship them more in a divorce way. My ideal Brutalia dynamic is they truly loved each other at one point, but have since grown apart. But they still wish the best for each other, if not for the nostalgia of their younger years, for their son. They both mutually agreed that if it comes down to it, they would sacrifice the other to save Damian.
Also, if Talia’s in town, Selina and Bruce definitely make room for three in their bed if you know what I mean 😏
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soranatus · 1 year
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rubydubydoo122 · 24 days
Season 1 > Next Ok, so I got an anon about a Batfam Actor AU and now I can't get it out of my head. I'll probably make this multiple parts or something, but I'll go season by season probably.
The first season is basically The Batman 2022, except it's in series form and features an actor in his mid 20s. It also explores more of Bruce's training (in flashbacks probably), and the first season is more about Bruce becoming Batman. There's also a lot of noob epic fails, because he's literally a Baby Batman.
I also think they should go the Christopher Nolan route of having Bruce train with the LOA, that way they could introduce Talia and Ra's earlier. Give all three of them more of a history together, but the main villains would be the smaller ones, like the Riddler, the original Red Hood (so a goofy Joker), Clayface, Penguin and Catwoman (but there;s a lot of sexual tension and bantering between the two)
The cast of the first season would be Bruce, Alfred, Commisioner Gordon, Harvey Dent, Talia, Ra's, and obviously the rogues gallery.
What makes the show so popular are the ship wars. Brutalia and Brulena shippers are basically getting into fistfights, while Bruharvey fans are in their own world because the actor who plays Bruce kissed the actor who plays Harvey in an interview. The interviews with all four of them get so many view because the sheer amount of sexual tension between ALL FOUR OF THEM IS INSANE.
Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, and Ra's always have a tea interview every press season where they spill the tea on things that happened on set. (Bruce ripping the pants of the batman suit while doing a stunt goes viral)
Though a lot of fans felt like there was a character archetype that was missing....
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audhd-nightwing · 3 months
selina adopts dick au - details
- bruce and selina are dating when she adopts dick, and continue to date on and off. they get married after bruce adopts jason but still live separately because selina values her independence
- dick and jason (and later tim) have sleepovers all the time when they’re younger
- each of the boys has their own specific cat at Selina’s that they got to name. dick has a calico named Penny, jason has a tabby named Ernest and tim has a tuxedo named Mittens
- babs dick jason and tim went to Gotham Academy together (in this au it’s a K-12)
- babs & dick are best friends that flirt as vigilantes cuz they think it’s funny. they were friends as civilians first before revealing their identities which just made them even closer
- since selina is good friends with Harley & Ivy, and dick doesn’t work with Batman, they are basically dick’s aunties. him and harley do gymnastics together and she teaches him self-defense, ivy helps him with his chemistry homework and they often garden together
(he makes them promise not to hurt Batboy because that’s his little brother!! and so they usually just tie him up and put him in the corner while they deal with Batman lol)
- dick as Stray will often lead Batboy on chases to distract him when Batman fights some of his more ruthless rogues, because he’d rather have jason chase him and some priceless museum artifact than get hurt by a villain. he always lets jason catch him and return the artifacts in the end bc jason doesn’t call the cops on him lol
note: babs becomes Batgirl at 14 about a year after dick becomes Stray. jason (13) becomes Batboy when dick is 16 and babs is 17
- so: babs (17) is Batgirl, dick (16) is Stray and jason (13) is Batboy. tim (10) is not a vigilante but basically lives with dick and selina atp. they all know each other’s identities and go to school together
- babs (18) is shot by the joker about a year into jason (14) being Batboy. she becomes Oracle after teaching herself how to hack
- after graduating she moves to boston and goes to harvard law, but still helps Batman as Oracle
- dick (17) is a senior, jason (14) is a freshman, and tim (11) is in like 6th grade. dick continues to be Stray and jason continues to be Batboy until they graduate
- jason is 15 when he decides not to look for his birth mom (Sheila Haywood) and spends a few months living with selina before returning to the manor (mostly for alfred)
- when babs returns from boston after two years (she graduates early bc she’s a genius like that) she becomes a more permanent presence as Oracle and this is when tim asks to be her apprentice
- dick (19) went to college for a year before dropping out and enrolling in a paramedics program, which he is about halfway through (they take two years in NJ)
- around this time is when dick gives Stray to tim and instead becomes Nightwing (he read about the Kryptonian legend in an interview with Superman by Lois Lane), a vigilante that mainly does detective work and helps injured people instead of fighting criminals
- jason (16) is a junior and plans to leave Batboy behind when he goes to college
- luckily, this is when steph (14) as Spoiler shows up and basically forces Batman to train her. jason thinks she is hilarious and they become good friends. tim (13) is Stray atp and they end up having (another) Batman/Catwoman dynamic as Stray and Spoiler
- tim and steph do date briefly but decide they are better off as friends. the Cats are way less uptight about their identities so steph knows Stray & Nightwing are tim & dick
- dick still lives in Selina’s apartment with her and tim. he briefly dorms at Gotham University for the year he’s there but ultimately moves back (he misses his mom and his little brother and the cats)
- Spoiler helps out Batman when he needs an extra hand but prefers to patrol with Nightwing and be his crime-fighting partner while he helps the victims. they work really well together
- Stray and Spoiler honestly don’t cross paths very often unless they are purposefully hanging out together or both following Nightwing around
- jason helps train steph before he goes off to college and when he does, babs give steph the Batgirl mantle. she works more with Batman after jason leaves but still patrols with NW when she can
- jason goes abroad for college and later talia invites him to the League to be trained and tutored (talia and bruce are exes but ended on good terms. talia and selina are good friends and gossip about bruce). she also appoints him as her son’s bodyguard (she doesn’t mention that Damian is bruce’s… not yet at least)
- jason is also still sent to the All Caste cuz i think he deserves magic swords. in nanda parbat he is trained in martial arts and gets tutors for anything he wants to learn. talia basically adopts him as her own (selina is 100% aware of this and is happy for them, she and jason were never as close as her and dick or tim)
note: i changed this from jason’s original ending bc i wanted to include talia and damian
- tim is sent to boarding school by his dad and for a few months steph steps in as Stray. selina is eventually able to get custody of tim and bring him back to gotham, and he gets Stray back as steph chooses to become Spoiler again
- during the time tim is at boarding school, bruce finds and adopts cass. steph gives her Batgirl so she can sub in as Stray. cass happily takes on the role and loves working alongside bruce
(random side note: selina and talia have def hooked up before and talia calls both selina and bruce ‘beloved’)
babs (20) is Oracle, dick (19) is Nightwing, jason (16) is Batboy, tim (13) is Stray, and steph (14) is Spoiler
after that we skip a year or two. babs (22) is still Oracle, dick (21) is still Nightwing, jason (18) is off in college, tim (15) is still Stray and steph (16) is Batgirl
the next year jason (19) is with the League, tim (16) is at boarding school, steph (17) is temporarily Stray and cass (18) is Batgirl
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 9 months
“Hurry up, boy. We don't have all night."
Jason clutched the shovels to his chest and loped after his father. He wasn't afraid of the dark, he was a big boy – even if it was questionable at eight years old – but it was cold, he couldn't see an inch of his nose and only his old man had a flashlight to see where he was stepping.
Jason had to carry on and hope he didn't end up in some open grave.
"Dad, are we there yet?" he asked, hoping not to sound desperate. His hands ached, ungloved, and red from the cold. Holding the metal handles was making the pain worse.
"Not long now," spat his father, but Jason could hardly believe it. He bet that Willis too had no idea where to go.
The Wayne cemetery was huge. Some would say that was normal for Gotham's more ancient family. Jason thought it was creepy to build a house next to a cemetery, but everyone knew the Waynes weren't into it.
He tripped over something and landed on his face in the mud. Jason raised his head, spitting, as his father approached him, “Stupid! Do you want someone to find out?”
It was more likely that they would get caught because of Willis' screams than Jason's, but the boy had enough experience to know that he didn't have to talk back to his father or else it would be worst.
“If CPS wasn't after me, I would have left you at home, you little…oh. Look'."
The light now fell on the marble slab of the grave Jason had fallen next to.
It said BRUCE THOMAS WAYNE1677-1705.
“Come down!”
"Not even dead," the kid spat. He was poor, not stupid. Better to leave when he still had time.
But Willis wasn't a patient man. He stepped out of the pit with unexpected agility for someone his age, his expression leaving no doubt as to his intentions.
Jason tried to run away, but Willis was faster: he grabbed Jason's arm, squeezing until Jason heard the sound of breaking bone.
"Now you go down there and do your job."
"I don't want!" Jason screamed, trying to pull his arm away but failing. The man was much stronger than him.
"You've always been a waste of space. As soon as we get home…"
Jason didn't hear the end of the sentence. His attention was on the figure emerging from the pit.
Holy shit, Jason thought, as he recognized Bruce fucking Wayne's corpse.
Willis kept talking, unaware that a zombie was behind him.
Read more In the Shadow
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05ichasss · 5 months
Brutalia/rabru in merAU
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escapismisaddicting · 7 months
“I tore off my mask so as not to lose one of her tears... and she did not run away!...and she did not die!... She remained alive, weeping over me, weeping with me. We cried together!”
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“Too many years fighting back tears. Why can't the past just die? Wishing you were somehow here again, knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive, teach me to live, give me the strength to try! No more memories, no more silent tears, no more gazing across the wasted years. Help me say goodbye.”
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“No one ever sees the Angel; but he is heard by those who are meant to hear him.”
“He often comes when they least expect him, when they are sad and disheartened”
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baticorngirl · 2 years
Someday My Knight Will Come
Rating: General Audiences Fandom: Batman/DC Relationships: Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne, Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Characters: Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne (Heavily Mentioned) Word Count: 3,509 Summary:
“I’ve always wondered who my father is,” Damian blurted out. For a moment, she winced at the words. Her frown quickly deepened in even stronger thought— a quiet, wistful yearning, to be specific. Her eyes widened, instantly smoothing the small creases in their corners. She could feel her lungs pause in their tracks, yet this only lasted a second or two at most before her expression abruptly swapped. A smile, tinted only by a bittersweet glance to the ground, faded in. “Well, that’s a story in itself,” she remarked, “a beautiful story. One that I would’ve hated for you not to hear, Love." OR: Damian, a three year old prince, has simply gotten too bored of all the stories his mother's been reading to him. Therefore, instead, Talia tells him a much more close-to-the-heart tale, of the noble knight she once wooed and the loved escaped her heart— also known as Damian's own father. (For @brutalia-week, Day 3: Royalty AU)
Click here to read on Ao3 instead (which has an A/N, but it's optional) Click here to read Day 2 Click here to read Day 1
Talia stood, on a magnificently large balcony, with her silk gown softly brushed over all the floor around her; her feet themselves were close to the farthest spot of railing, letting just the tiniest bit of white fabric get blown right over it by a gentle wind. Her hands clutched the very top of the rail, leaning her weight on it slightly as she stared into the distant views. Rigid mountain rocks bejeweled their entire kingdom, piercing the area between each peasant's house. No remotely flat space wasn't occupied by a building. But she did not look to those dotted little buildings, rather much beyond them; her eyes gazed at the wide array of vivid colors filling the sky above, yet even more than that, she looked at the bright greenscapes below the rocks. Speckled grass appeared as abstract ground paintings, the tops of trees like small green clouds.
"Mama?" The voice was high-pitched, childlike.
Damian stood behind her, just a couple feet away, with his own sight reaching no more than her wide skirt. He saw the fabric clumping on the ground, and it gave him the overwhelming urge to grab it, to press the smooth material around in his hands gleefully. He leaned forward slightly, considering it, but then jolted his head off to the side in sudden restraints. Instead, he simply traced his feet around the outskirts of that dress, until he was directly in his mother's view, and her face in his own. A wide grin pressed at the corners of his cheeks, much more expressive than Talia's distracted, distant look.
Once she noticed the small child, though, her eyes lit up in a similar joy.
"Oh," she said, soft yet joyful. "It'll be time for your bedtime soon, won't it?"
"Hold on,"
He had put a finger up in front of himself, and in that slight moment, his grin quickly disappeared. The movement puzzled Talia, making her eyebrows furrow up a bit, but both expressions did not last long. His voice, now even squeakier than before, filled the room once again.
"My bedtime isn't until 8, so I still have plenty of time," he corrected, and then his grin came back even stronger, creasing his chubby cheeks. "Time for you to tell me more stories! I want ten of them, at least."
Talia could feel her own smile, though still much softer than his, get a tint larger. She spun around to face him directly, with her large gown sweeping the floors even more. A piece lightly thwacked the rail's lower poles. Golden gleams of sunlight spattered across her face until it could only reach around three-fourths of it, but where those streams failed, the reflected indoor fluorescents quickly took over. She reached out her hand, letting it get a taste of the sunlight as well, and lowered it down to Damian. Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed it. His fingers squeezed the soft skin of her palm.
"I'm not sure I'll be able to come up with ten stories for you," she admitted as they slowly walked back inside, still holding hands. Her head tilted in thought. "Ones you haven't just heard recently, at least."
"That's okay," Damian shrugged. "But if you can't come up with enough, I expect to be able to get to play a little more in return."
"I'm not sure about that," Her eyebrows furrowed again. "Don't you think a little more sleep might be good for you, Love? You really haven't been getting enough, no matter how early I make your bedtime, with how ungodly early you wake up some of these days. Besides, won't you be too sleepy to play after your stories?"
"Of course not," He shook his head, letting the smile collapse into a disappointed pout. "I'm not that weak, Mama. I don't run out of all my energy through just storytime."
"Oh yes, of course, Dami. I forgot that you never, ever run out of energy. At all."
A soft, light-hearted laugh came out with her words, and she squeezed Damian's small hand affectionately. The two meandered off to his room, going the rest of the way without so much as another word, yet their eyes communicated loving emotions to one another through each and every thumping footstep. Damian's pout dropped part-way, with his young mind easily distracted, and he jumped right back into the previous joys. They weren't too far from his room at this point, his eyes having dramatically lit up the moment he noticed his brown wood door from the far side of the corridor. A metal piece was nailed onto the front of it, with his name carved into the object in an elegant cursive font.
Once they'd arrived and swung open that door, Talia led him over to the small bookshelf of stories, made with a matching wood. The two instantly sorted through the books atop and, aside from the ones read yesterday or the day before, they grabbed almost every single one. Now, the books sat in a small pile at the end of his bed. Talia picked up the first and creaked its bind open, placing her eyes on the very first word of the first page.
Damian swiftly interrupted her, "I wanted to read the stories out on the balcony, where there's those pretty pinks in the sky before bedtime." His pout had returned.
"There's a word you're missing there," Talia commented.
Damian rolled his eyes sarcastically, but eventually sighed. "Can we please read them on the balcony? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" His eyes sparkled in such a hopeful, endearing way that Talia couldn't help but nod.
"Fine," she gave in. "But you have to carry the books."
And so, Talia plopped the stack right in Damian's stubby arms. Yet, seeing as she had no hand to protectively squeeze anymore, she then swiftly wrapped her arms around him and picked the entire boy up. She tucked her hands beneath his bottom and knees soundly. Aside from the ethical lessons, it completely eliminated the point of having Damian carry the books, but being a princess of knight-like training, the load strained her muscles very little. For this reason, she didn't truly mind; seeing as he was only a few years old, he didn't weigh much at all.
She carried Damian all the way, this time walking a bit faster than on their last trip. Damian watched the walls, made of dark blueish-grey stone, whiz by behind him. His head leaned on Talia's shoulder the entire time, letting the golden trim of his neckline rub against her upper chest. The stack of books barely stayed together in this position, and many of their colorful binds visibly stuck out the opposite way.
The moment they ducked under the doorway and took their first steps on to the balcony floors, Talia was quick to put Damian down onto the lushly cushioned bench. It sat in the right corner, pushed up against one of the castle's exterior walls. Just like the doors and bookshelf, it was made out of dark brown wood, yet in this case, that material was almost entirely covered by soft blue velvets.
"Give me one of the books," she instructed. "Whichever one you'd like to start with."
Hmmm. Damian climbed over to the other seat, which he'd rested the pile of books on. His eyes peered downward at them, and his hands grasped each one tightly as he sorted through the stories. A few had small pictures painted or drawn on their covers, but for the most part, all of their outer edges were simply one flat color wrapped around. He'd already memorized all of their coordinated colors at least a year ago, though, with how much she'd whisper them in his ear as he snuggled up under the covers. Hence, he had no trouble differienting.
In the end, he had two piles; one had ones he wanted her to read, and the other had ones he'd gotten much too bored of. The former consisted of merely a couple.
"I'm bored of most of these," he whined.
"We can visit the village bookshop in a few days to search for new ones if you'd like," she suggested, but the offer was paired with a loud sigh. "For now, why don't you just go play for longer, and then we can read only one of them a bit closer to bedtime, alright?"
"No," he said, and so proudly, too, as if it was the best word in existence. Fairly average toddler behavior, Talia knew, as exasperating as it was.
But this word was followed by no actions on his part; he didn't move a muscle, nor did he speak another word. The two sat in still silence, occasionally interrupted by a quiet gush of wind if nothing else, or the muffled sound of inside conversations. Talia's nose was scrunched up in mild confusion, and her arms crossed over chest as she attempted to sort out what Damian was thinking. For at least ten seconds, this stayed.
"Why don't you tell me a made-up story?" Damian suggested, still holding his pout on just as strongly. "Or one from your own experience? You never seem to do that anymore."
"Perhaps," she agreed, "I can come up with something."
To her delight, Damian's pout lessened severely. Only a couple seconds after her answer, his pout was completely gone, and instead replaced with another cheerful grin stretching from ear to ear. During those seconds, and several ones after, Talia pondered what kind of story to tell; she bit her lip, letting any hint of a smile droop into a small, thoughtful, side-ways frown. Her arms stayed crossed, and tightened slightly if anything.
"I've always wondered who my father is," Damian blurted out.
For a moment, she winced at the words. Her frown quickly deepened in even stronger thought— a quiet, wistful yearning, to be specific. Her eyes widened, instantly smoothing the small creases in their corners. She could feel her lungs pause in their tracks, yet this only lasted a second or two at most before her expression abruptly swapped. A smile, tinted only by a bittersweet glance to the ground, faded in.
"Well, that's a story in itself," she remarked, "a beautiful story. One that I would've hated for you not to hear, Love."
Damian giggled sweetly as she sat down beside him, nudging the books out of her way. He bounced up and down in his seat excitedly, with his princely uniform crinkling against the backrest behind him. Seeing this, Talia petted his head downward, ruffling his hair into a quite unsophiscated mess in the process. This action only made the child squeal and jump even more, to Talia's dismay. She wrapped an arm around his back to hold him there, which yet again, did very little to calm him. A sigh escaped her lips.
"Your father was a…" Talia paused for a moment, and then shook her head. "No no, I shall start this properly."
Damian nodded, fast and swift, urging her to get started either way.
"Once upon a time, not-so-long ago, in this very kingdom," she began, "there lived a young princess, just barely into adulthood. She had jewels, treasure, and wealth beyond many people's comprehension due to her royal heritage, but despite the luxurious life she lived, she was indescribably lonely."
"Was that you?"
Damian was staring at the many fancy jewels, so similar to what she described, sprinkled across her wrists and neck through lavish bracelets and necklaces. His eyes were wide and eyebrows pulled backwards, resting in delighted awe. In return, she petted his head affectionately again, and snuggled closer. Her mouth was already in close distance to his ear, so with her next sentence, she stuck her lips right next to it. Talia's mouth barely opened at all as she whispered the words.
"...yes," she admitted. "But don't interrupt the story."
Damian nodded obediently.
"As I was saying, the princess was lonely. She loved her family, truly, but the only person she hardly ever spent time with was her father. She was not an only child, technically, but both her siblings had already moved far enough away from the kingdom that she'd never even met them."
"I have aunts?" Damian asked, still wide-eyed.
"One aunt and one uncle," she answered, but then frowned. "You're not supposed to interrupt me, though."
"Right," he nodded again, and then closed his mouth– for the moment, at least.
Talia went on, "The people of the kingdom –or our kingdom, truly– were kind to her, but she knew most only did so due to obligations, and a fear of the powerful, merciless king that her father constantly proved himself to be. She never had a friend, not to mention any kind of husband or lover. Until one day, after getting kidnapped by an uncultivated bandit, she met a brilliant, noble young man."
Damian not only bounced as she said these words, but hopped completely out of his seat. He stood in front of her, still shorter than her even in this stance. As he skipped over, he placed his hands on her lap and leaned into his mother's face. Their eyes locked together, his wide and lit up in excitement while hers took over the same loose, exhausted wistfulness as earlier.
"Was that my father?" Damian clarified.
"Yes," Talia said, and that was it; she'd already fully given up on asking him to keep quiet.
Damian was pleased by this response, smirking at his own deduction skills as he nodded again. He shuffled back over to his seat and scooted onto it, pulling his legs up and hugging them to his chest. His entire body leaned on the side of Talia's torso, but her hands stayed in her lap; there was no point in hugging him, she found, if he was going to pop up again just as quickly.
Talia loudly cleared her throat before continuing. "This man had also gotten kidnapped by the bandit, she soon learned. It wasn't a particularly strong bandit, but it was certainly a surprisingly smart and courageous one. Nonetheless, they worked together to escape, and in the process, began to fall in love with each other— especially the princess who, as already stated, was lonely and thereby eager to get to know this mysterious new acquaintance further. She quickly learned he was a knight for another kingdom."
"Ooooh," he peeped excitedly. "A knight in shining armor?"
Suddenly, in a turn of events, it was her that popped up from her seat. She ambled off towards the railing, nearing where she stood earlier that evening, and rested her hands on the rails once again. Her eyes stared off into those distant greenscapes; the yearning inside was quickly increasing. Talia's eyelids drew over the eyes until all she was looking at was a seemingly small area of green, though much larger in reality, if she was ever to set forth there again.
"Damian, I'd… I'd like to say that your father was a knight in shining armor," she replied. "But frankly, I'd be lying. His armor was anything but shining. It was dull, dusty, and dark in color, like it hadn't been polished in much too long."
In bright curiosity, Damian now rose from his seat for the second time; he ran over and situated himself right next to his mother, or slightly in front of her to be fully in her vision. Then, quite rudely, he stuck his tongue out at the prospect of such matte steel. His nose scrunched up until it resembled a shriveled prune, displaying his disgust widely for her to see. Unsurprisingly, she side-eyed him scoldingly.
"It may have been a bit dirty, but in its own way, the darkness was beautiful, like a stunning midnight sky. It was his. It was unique."
She smiled bittersweetly again, and glanced upwards. The pinks in the sky had already begun to darken as sunset came to a close, replaced with the splendor of a deep shade of purple-ish blue. A few bright white stars began to peek out, as well. The stars reminded her of the dark knight's skin, always so bothersomely pale— or perhaps even the color of her dress, always spilling onto his armor whenever they'd embrace.
"The knight and princess exchanged addresses," she eventually went on, "so they could mail letters to each other, which they did, often. To her, it was an escape from the kingdom, and to him, it was an escape from himself and his grief— he'd lost his parents as a young child, and the pain of it still hurt even then. It hurts him to this day, I reckon."
"He's still alive?" Damian looked out into the distance with his mother. "Still out there?"
"Yes," Talia nodded. "But if you'll excuse me, I need to continue chronologically. Eventually, they decided that they were sick of bland letters, and decided to meet up. It went so well that it ended with a warm, gentle kiss, and so, they met up again, and again. Each time, these meetings became more and more regular and frequent."
She thought of these meetings nostalgically; she thought of the smiles she gave him every single time, and she thought of the smiles he'd give no one but her; she thought of the evening shadows cast upon her beloved's face, contrasted only by the bright blues eyes he let only her see; she thought of the moments they held, locked securely in each other's loving arms. Her smile had grown.
"Then why doesn't he still visit?" he asked.
Now, Damian wrapped his arms around himself protectively, sadly, insecurely; his hands rubbed himself up and down, as if shivering from the cold, but even the gentlest of breezes had ceased a few minutes prior. His eyes glanced towards the ground hopelessly, before completely shutting. Talia turned towards him, her eyes softening in concern. She gently put a hand behind his neck and nudged him closer to her.
"Well…" she explained. "Let's just say that through those visits, I learned a lot about him. I learned his full name, his age, how old he was when he got knighted, and so much more… Somehow, I even ended up learning of his soft, almost endearing snore— Only when he felt completely safe, did he let it out. But, near me, it seemed he felt so safe that I was able to memorize it."
"Get to the point," Damian urged.
"Yes, yes, of course," Talia agreed. "I learned a lot about him, but what I didn't realize was that the king he worked for was one my father absolutely despised. When your grandfather learned we were seeing each other, a fight broke out. It… did not end well."
The second she finished speaking, she cocked her head to the side. Damian was still standing there sadly, but now, it had painfully escalated into tears; sobs cascaded through the poor child's lungs, and his entire body was visibly trembling. Talia's mouth dropped open upon noticing this. She swiftly reached down and scooped him off the ground, now holding him tightly against her. As another sob fumbled out, she pressed her lips to the top of his head in a loving kiss.
"I learned I was pregnant with his child a month later, and I tried to contact him, but…" she sighed. "I'm sorry, Damian. I'm sure he would've loved to know you."
"Will I ever get to meet him?"
His voice was quiet and shaky as he stared up at her with teary eyes. Yet, only a moment later, as the moon rose higher in the sky, he let out a large yawn. His eyes fluttered partly closed, struggling to keep open with the heavy weight of sleepiness. His breaths were still fast, but beginning to calm down the more the sleepiness took over. Ignoring this, Talia shifted his weight to only one of her arms and picked the other one up. She pointed off, far into their view, right to that green-speckled kingdom.
"There," she said proudly, "is where he lives."
He looked out there, squinting, but it only took a couple seconds for his eyelids to quickly overcome his vision once again. His breathing was much calmer now, and the loud sobs had ceased, even if a few tears still rolled down his delicate cheeks. His head leaned its full weight on Talia now, and the muscles relaxed. Damian continued fighting sleepiness, but as he drifted in and out of consciousness, he was quite near accepting defeat.
"You'll… you'll meet him someday, Damian," Talia answered. "I promise."
With that, he fully passed out. As he did so, a small noise could be heard from inside his nostrils. It was a soft, almost endearing little snore. The sound was hardly audible, truly, but upon hearing it, Talia felt a tear escape from her eye and roll down her own cheek.
It was a soft, endearing, but also undeniably familiar little snore.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Haunted by gladiator! Bruce and consort Clark/Talia thoughts
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Do you have any Talia headcanons
YES YES YES I DO,TYSM FOR ASKING!!!!!!!(Will awnser your new dms once this is posted too!)
I'm a firm believer in trans woman Talia-Can't put it into words but it just fits
Unlabeled sapphic too!!
Autistic with ocd and psychosis
Joelle Jones does a pretty good Talia but i'd change her drips to be culturally accurate(Have not gotten to write for Talia yet because i haven't quite been read up on her long enough to but i'm excited to start :]])
Her favorite kinds of food are the savoury kind!
Talina is endgame in my verse because i love Brutalia but we need more sapphic content!!!Very much for Talia centric Brutalina too obvs <3
I think she would like some hardcore music actually?Not her favorite,she perfers the softer more melodic tunes but she loves a few of the ones Jason plays regularly on his phone/computer/etc
She takes over Lexcorp to turn it into Taliacorp,a foundation used for good across the world,in that mini Superfam arc she got and 'Taliacorp' is the title of her run
She knows flower and gem languages fr fr🤞🏼🤞🏽She studied her ass off to learn both and it payed off because she now has so much of it memorized
Has fairly good blacksmithing skills
And a lowkey accent that's not noticable if you grew up around a lot of poc
Adopted Jason in every way but legal and they are interracial adoptive familyisms BUT Jason is afro-dominican so brown and black bonding!Damian gets in on it too obviously
And may i add Stephanie,who's also blasian?Her and Talia were such a wasted opportunity within canon and i think they'd really love eachother and it's added on to by how Stephanie helped Damian be a kid!I call this au 'Bird Mom Talia'(just to the Dead Robins Club though)
I feel like she definitely likes makeup with subtle glitter in it and green kinds are obviously her fave
But she loves a splash of pink every once and a while in her life too
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butcherlarry · 6 months
Weekly Fic Rec 45
Mostly Superbat and Batfam again, but there are some additional ships as well, Brutalia and Batcat.
to lick your heart and taste your health by redlightofkryptonite (redlightofdawn) - Superbat, wip. This fic is a sequel to Heliotropism. It's an omegaverse fic, but only Kryptonians have secondary genders, not humans :))))))))
Known Unknowns by amyritter - Superbat, complete. A no capes AU where Bruce becomes a doctor instead of Batman. One of his patients? Superman! Some identity porn is sprinkled in as well!
Mission: seducing Superman by Speechless_since_1998 - Superbat, wip. More of the Battinson seducing Superman fic. Bruce has acquired a child. No, he will not give her (Cass) back.
IRIS Log #1548 by deadchannelradio - Batfam (with touch of JayRoy), complete. A transcript from the comms the batfam use. An incident happened during patrol one night. This transcript includes all the shenanigans and subsequent paperwork that followed.
One Small Step for (Super)man by frozenpotions - Superbat, complete. A missing (sexy) scene from the fic (Love) Triangles Have Multiple Centers. A very funny and very sexy fic :)
we shall be free; we shall find peace by mediant - Clark & Kon centric, wip. An update to the prisoner Clark fic. Kon met Bruce Wayne, and Robin helped him save the day. Every time this fic updates, I have to stop everything that I'm doing to read the latest chapter.
to the other side of truth by shipyrds - Superbat, complete. Some missing scenes to the fic from the inside of the wound, from Bruce's POV.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! More questions about Connor's parentage are had. Mostly, "How??"
love overgrown by maangoes - Brutalia, complete. A small AU where Talia stays in Gotham to co-parent Damian.
Cough syrup by Stardustwrites17 - Batfam, complete. Tim falls into Gotham harbor and gets sick. It takes him a while to get used to people wanting into take care of him.
Of Sense and Sensibility by Alatariel_Galadriel - Batfam, complete. Tim gets injured while stalking following the Bats at night. Luckily, his neighbors help him out :)
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. More of the creepy/cryptid Bruce and Clark fic. I absolutely LOVED in the latest chapter how hard alien Clark is trying to make his creepy bat husband happy.
The Seats of Stars by JUBE514 and SalParadiseLost - Superbat, Superfam, and Batfam, wip. More of the fantasy AU where the Supers are royalty and the Bats are centaurs.
Satisfaction by lurkinglurkerwholurks - Batcat, complete. Selina and Bruce get married. There is a scene that they share a quite moment together that I thought was absolutely lovely :)
Happy Reading!
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devine-fem · 2 months
(same anon from that long ass ask sorryy) i think it's really interesting to think about how it would change batman & co too, but in my head i'm just imagining a little genius damian running around with a couple of totally normal run-of-the-mill parents - i'm talking about the 10 year old who is capable of doing surgery and making the batmobile fly putting his brain to work on science fair baking soda volcanoes and demanding better rights for the class pet guinea pigs. i just want him to find some peace and quiet before he's thrown between batman and the league i'm sorryyy
okay actual question now: thoughts on batman beyond damijon?
I’m such an apologist for Batman and Beyond Damian al ghul that I made a com for him.
I know that the way he came about was problematic but cmon, hes the only canon damian al ghul, I have to unconditionally love him. Also, Injustice Damian is extremely problematic and Tom Taylor wrote him and openly hated damian but no one talks about that.
Anyway, in that au, Damian has a very codependent love with Jon thats giving very brutalia but like Damian wishes that his beloved superman would take him away from this life and show him he could be good. Ugh, I love them, I love talking about Damian al ghul, if you wanna know more than search “Damian al ghul” or “Damian al ghul posting” on my acc.
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boyfridged · 2 months
for the writers ask game!! <333
ask game
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
i wrote original fiction stories even as a kid, probably as early as 8 years old. i was also an avid reader of fantasy/ya at that point so it was a bit of a natural progression for me to start writing "continuations" of novels i enjoyed, as well as looking for other reader's version of them online as well. so i guess i've literally always been doing that. (*having said that, i obviously did not know english back then. i think the first work of fiction/fanfiction i wrote in english was when i was 18.)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
i have a list of jay-centric recs here, and out of these what the living do remains my absolute favourite... as of now, i would also add what dreams may come to that list. and for other characters-- solar flares is actually my favourite dick-centric fanfic (so thank you very much for sharing it with the world<3). my comfort series is, however, this clois au. and that's pretty much it for dc.
the authors is a bit of a more difficult questions -- but (and i'm being completely honest about it) the writers that i go back to are actually my mutuals.
also, just a reminder, that recs (including self-promo) are always welcome:)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
i mentioned it before, but i find it very amusing that brutalia never actually divorced, and i headcanon that they sometimes still refer to each other as husband/wife, despite the obvious pain it holds. but not without humour<3
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 1 year
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Part 1
In the Shadows, Chapter 2
Part 3
“Do you think it's my fault?” Bruce asked softly.
Alfred shook his head, "I don't know what to think. But I know one thing: your awakening is providential, despite the circumstances."
He scoffed, "Providential for what?"
“You, sir, will save Wayne's legacy.”
Thanks for every comment you will left
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