zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This is a picture of a girl sitting on the edge of a high ledge. It looks as though she is balancing herself perfectly, however, in the next photo after this, you can see a man is supporting her. I don’t think the maniulation was meant to be noticed in the first picture, however she revealed it in the second photo which played nicely into her caption of “If you fall, I’ll be there – Floor, 2019.” I think the manipulation was an aesthetic choice, if the man was visible in the frame the picture wouldn’t look as nice.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This is a picture from 2002, showing former President George.W.Bush, apparently holding a book upside down. The image was doctored, in the original image, Bush is holding the picture right side up. The manipulation in this photo wasn’t meant to be noticed, the manipulator wanted the audience to believe that Bush was incompetent and couldn’t hold a book upright. The choice to manipulate the photo was a deceptive one; the person who manipulated this photo tried to portray George.W.Bush as incompetent.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This is a photo taken in May of 2003, showing former President George.W.Bush giving a thumbs up to a crowd of people. He’s standing on a US Navy ship, with a banner in the background stating “mission accomplished”. The mission he is talking about is the military operations in Iraq. This photo was staged, and the Iraq war raged on for 12 years after this photo. The manipulation of the photo wasn’t meant to be noticed, the audience is meant to believe the war is over. I believe this choice is deceptive, as the government tried to lie about global affairs.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This is a screenshot of a BBC News article, documenting the Syrian civil war. The image shows bodies in lines, and the caption says “This image - which cannot be independently verified - is believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial.” BBC News claimed an activist took the picture, however, the picture was taken by a Getty Images photographer. The picture was taken Israel, years back during the Saddam Hussein regime. The photo was initially meant to show the mass amount of death during Saddam’s reign. BBC News tried to show the Syrian war worse than it was. BBC News took down the article and apologized. I believe the manipulation of the photo was meant to be noticed, as BBC tried to pass it off as pictures of the Syrian civil war. I believe the purpose of this manipulation was deceptive, as the BBC tried to portray the Syrian war worse than it was.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This image compares two newspaper covers, depicting a mugshot of O.J.Simpson. He was apart of a highly publicized murder case, and the reason that it was publicized was that he was a huge celebrity at the time. The Time magazine cover shows OJ much darker than the original photo. This angered people as the case was already laced with racial tension. I believe that the manipulation of the photo was meant to be noticed, as the editor of the photo said he wanted to change the mood the photo gave off. The editor believes that his manipulation of the photo was aesthetic, but I think it was deceptive. The editor tried to deceive the viewer into thinking OJ was darker than he truly was, fanning the flames of the already heightened racial tension.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This picture was my attempt at freezing. The first picture that I took, I kept the shutter speed at 1/500, and it worked well in freezing the motion of the ball. However, the image was far too dark. So I then turned on the flash and it instantly made the image brighter. Freezing was something I wanted to try; the reason was that all my previous pictures included motion blur. I wanted to try something different and create motion without blur.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This is a picture of my friend Maya. I told her to wave her arms fast. I took it with my phone and after I took it, I added the long exposure effect. Before the long exposure effect, the picture only had some blur on the tips of her fingers. After the effect, all the motion is captured and her whole body is covered in motion blur. This makes it seem like her arms are moving faster than they are.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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I took this photo with my phone while waiting for the bus in the morning. While i can’t control many aspects of the camera in my phone, i still made sure to keep my hand stable and stood a good distance back from the street to show enough motion in my photo. The motion blur around the car helps to convey motion in the image. If i was too far away, then the car’s movement wouldn’t have been conveyed. The shutter speed was 1/30. This low speed helped alot with increasing the brightness of the image, as it was a dark early morning when i took the picture. 
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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This was my second attempt at panning. I went outside to take this shot and the surroundings were clear so I could stand directly parallel to the direction that Shalini was running. I kept the shutter speed the same, however, I lowered the ISO and changed the aperture from f/4.5 to f/10. I also changed the lens from 32mm to 20mm. All these changes combined made the image a lot nicer. Decreasing the ISO but increasing the aperture balanced the amount of light in the image. Moving the camera with Shalini's movements was the hardest part but after a few takes, I got the hang of it.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
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I took this image while the boy’s gym class was doing circuits. After learning about what panning was, I wanted to recreate it since the images looked so amazing. I played around with the shutter speed, starting at 1/30. I moved up, and this image was taken at 1/50. Its a decent first attempt, considering I had 0 prior experience with panning. I could have gotten his legs and head a little bit more in focus, but his body and back leg are completely in focus. I also could have been more parallel to him, however there were circuit exercises happening near the walls of the gym. The panning effect in this photo made it feel as though the environment was moving around the subject, which I thought was pretty cool.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
Summary notes:
The technique of panning keeps the subject in focus, but creating motion blur around them.
Find an area with a lot of motion, like a busy street corner.Angle yourself, so that the motion of your subject is parallel to your lens. This helps to keep the image sharp and in-focus.
Start with a shutter speed between 1/30 - 1/60.
If this is too much exposure, you can add an ND filter.
Dial in your aperture. Start with an aperture of f/16
Make sure to nail the focus on your moving subject.
Move your camera at the speed which your intended subject passes in front of you. 
Pick your subject before its close, then follow with the viewfinder. After that, release the shutter once you have the desired framing.
Darker times of the day make cool effects with car headlights.
Practice makes perfect. Don’t be discouraged by mistakes.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
Summary Notes:
Get close with your subjects.
If you are close to the action, it makes the viewer feel apart of the action. Taking a picture from the side just makes the viewer feel like a bystander.
Use wide lenses
Don’t go past 50mm because you will lose all context of the shot.
Points of View
Standing with the other photographers will give you similar images to them. To stand out, move around and get creative.
When compiling images into a series, keep similar focal lengths together, it helps the viewer connect better.
Same goes for post-processing.
Frame your shots before something happens. By preparing, you have a better chance of capturing an amazing moment. 
Images dont have to be candid; By staging, you can get a lot more meaning into your image.
Patience is key.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
Summary notes:
When composing a concert photo, compose as though you were looking at it through the eyes of the musician.
Don’t obscure the face in the picture, make sure it’s visible. It will usually be visible between phrases or when taking a breath, or even when hitting a loud or high note.
Think of the musician’s instrument as an extension of themselves. Make sure that the whole instrument is in the picture. If it is a customized instrument, give it special attention.
Compose your image loosely. It’s better to have a loose composition that you can crop, rather than being too tight and the image being unusable.
Since a lot of your images will look similar to photos from photographers at the concert, you have to be creative.
Move around during the concert and shoot in as many different angles as you can. 
Try different lenses and flashes. 
shoot silhouettes, spotlight shots, use front and backlighting. 
Mix up the composition.
Constantly try new things and do different things while taking pictures.
If the event is sponsored, try and get pictures of the performer with the brand in the background.
Stop down your lens aperture to increase depth of field to get the performer and brand in focus. 
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
I like this picture because it feels like an example of the opposite of panning. When you are panning, the subject is in focus while the background is blurred, it’s a very good way of showing movement. However, this photo has the subject blurred but the background in focus. There is a lot of motion blur in the image, which makes it feel like the man on the bike is moving very fast. This is a type of image I want to recreate.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
This is my favourite picture out of the three that i reblogged. I wanted to recreate it, but i didn’t have enough time to go to a subway station as they are all far from my house. Subject is sharp and in focus, but the train in the background is very blurry. The composition of the image makes the person stand out from the rest of the background, even though that the background is a moving train (you would think that would be more interesting). The colour of the image makes it feel old, the graininess of it makes it feel like it was taken in the 90s. It is a really nice picture.
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
This photo is very interesting, I like it a lot. It almost shows phases of the dance that the subject is performing. She started at the top but then a move later, she was squatting. All of that movement is shown in the picture. There is motion blur on her dress and face, but her face is still focused enough that you can see her expression. The amount of motion blur suggests that she is moving very fast. 
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Herbert Matter Photography ‘Indian Dancer: Study in Motion’ 1948.
“The artist who seeks to interpret movement in space through a two-dimensional medium such as a painting or photograph deals, necessarily, in illusion of some kind: his subject must seem to move or suggest movement,since it is actually flat and stationary. This photograph by Herbert Matter resembles Edgerton’s study a pole vaulter in that it shows sequential images to denote motion, and it is similar to Brody’s ‘Traffic Trails’ in utilising time exposure to trace an ongoing path of motion.”
(via eBay)
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zuhairaqeel · 4 years
Summary Notes:
Shutter speed is one of the components in light control in you camera.It, along with aperture and ISO, control the amount of light coming into the camera.
It is the amount of time that the shutter inside your camera, opens and closes. When the shutter is open, your sensor is exposed to light.
The longer the shutter speed, the brighter your image will be.
It also controls how motion will be shown in your photo.
The longer your shutter speed is, the more motion will be captured by the camera.
If the speed is long, you will get more motion blur in your image.
If the speed is short, you will freeze the movement in your image.
Using a shutter speed above 1/1000 is great for fast motion and freezing. Really nice for outside.
1/250 is great for indoors, where you may not have much light.
Any speed slower than 1/60 will introduce more motion blur. To adjust for this, use a tripod or stabilizing your camera.
For very dark settings, like outdoor night time photography, longer shutter speeds can create some cool effects.
There are two types of motion in photography
The first motion is the motion that happens in front of your camera.
The second motion is the movement of the camera itself.
A long shutter speed can create blur in either of these motions.
Changing the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed can make a big difference in your image.
If you change one thing and get an undesired side effect, the changing of another setting can compensate for this. 
For example, if you use a shorter shutter speed, you won’t get any motion blur. But the shorter shutter speed makes the image darker. You can compensate for this by increasing the ISO, which will make the image brighter.
A faster shutter speed will freeze motion but make the image darker.
A slower shutter speed will make the image brighter, but there will be more motion blur.
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