zoulcham · 5 days
ER hc: Demigods in Love
(TW its long. Long.)
If they had a big fat crush on you and fell in love with you, they wouldn't say it outright at first but there would be signs
He becomes more catty-chatty. He usually cloaks his feelings of extreme self loathing(leading him to believe he deserves nothing and distance himself from things that bring joy, fear of rejection etc) with a rain of sour quips and old age scoldings, a technique he would definitely utilize all the same(and fail horribly) to suppress new trifling emotions arising within him, feelings he dare not indulge in for his own sake and everyone else's.
But despite his harsh words and taunts, the fact is not missed on you, that he is there. He is there, and for all his talk of finding you so lowly, he bothers to address you and your 'meager flame'
"I see thee little tarnished," he will say "smould'ring with that wretched flame of ambition" he will repeat this often, but the emphasis on 'little' changes with time. It is those little things, those minute slip ups, that itches a part of your brain.
She becomes more stiff around you. She is already taciturn enough, but around you she becomes stiffer than every statue in haligtree combined. But in those rare moments when she does address you, her voice becomes more softer than usual. Sometimes you catch her head nodding towards you gently. Other times you find her standing guard outside your door, though she will refuse to admit it was nothing else but that. Keeping you safe is her love language.
She will also make sure to always have the most fresh med needles stuck in her before she ever steps foot into your vicinity. Anything to make sure you don't get even the slightest WHIFF of her rot...poor valkyrie. She really tries.
He becomes more...clingy. And by clingy I meant he stalks you (a mogh classic).
He isn't audaciously obvious with it, no he is never obvious with anything. But as I said, there are signs. Bushes and trees seem to rustle more than usual. Warm beverages left on your table with no owner in sight, roses blooming during the wrong seasons and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT??? Somebody who is TOTALLY NOT MOHG just healed your student rune debts?? Ahh! Good heavens!!! Who could have done this??? Definitely not the rich demigod omen who lives 2 broken buildings away that seemingly always knows when you need a heat pad hmmmm
Despite all this though, it seems this amount of clinginess is inversely proportional to the lines of dialogue he will spare you i.e. the harder he falls for you, the more he stalks and the less he talks (tldr of another hc post, that welcome guest speech of his is totally scripted and he can’t function outside said script). His confidence leaves him when he sees someone he cannot risk losing. He also love bombs you, with all intentions meant. Anything material, you have it. Its almost like he can read your mind (he is in your bloodstream).
He functions on the mindset that nothing in this world is selfless, and that love can only be bought and not earned. He 'bought' the love of his sanguine nobles through promise of power...he straight up kidnaps his 'doctors', who now love him(they are all mad with bloodlust). The albinaurics are there (for miquella). He is truly convinced that he cannot be loved without reason, so he does all this extra crap to cook up said reasons. Local omen has yet to discover consent out of the shunning grounds. Maybe u can change him 👍or make him worse.
He gives you golden privileges….Godwyn wouldn’t outright confess his love for you on first sight, but I imagine he would be the SECOND (Rykard being first) most forthright man in this sea of bashful tsundere personages. Aside from his flirtiness increasing by 10 folds, He will let you ride Fortisaxx. Must I even elaborate further? There are noble men in Leyndell who would sell their cock and balls for that opportunity, but he straight up goes “hey you wanna ride my dragon” wink. Fortisaxx is best wingman, drops hints to help his brother/friend/(lover?😏) out. Considering he has a whole lineage, and i really doubt the omen twins received any action in the lore, he is the most experienced when it comes to love, and he has learned the best way to deal with it is just be chill.
Bonus points if you catch him drunk, the comedy you would play witness to would be legendary.
He will let you touch him. …
Pre grafted Godrick:
would be a total tsundere straight up. He has 0 confidence in himself, and his old and wrinkly ass has only known rejection by that point to not have any qualms about confessing. Throw in an odd sense of aristocratic pride into the mix and you have got a noble who looks and acts like he is competing his way into a guillotine. He is quite rude, and if he is got a single talent up his sleeve, it is without a doubt his ability to drive anyone into a frenzy(no three fingers needed) with his snarky quips alone. He is physically not up there, but by words alone he could burn bridges (and he has). Perhaps he gets this talent from his great great great great great great great great great grand uncle who, rumors say, also rules over Leyndell! He is a small crooked paranoid little freekle frackle that clings onto what we would call Ancien régime mindset and lifestyle
Given this context, the first sign that something is awry is that he lets you be near his viscinty. He is still snarky, with all the thou-s and thee-s sprinkled in. But he lets you near him. Hmm that’s odd. You thought Ettiquette 6600038 stated no non royal was allowed to walk beside him-OH and he is staring right into your soul. Thats also weird. You thought he hated the commonfolk? Did he just hold your hand? Granted he was terrified by the lightening, but still…hm… and he just tried cooking for the first time?? Ended terribly he burnt the kitchen down. He did all that for himself he says…you hear a “yea right” from a very brave soldier of godrick, never to be seen again. He gives you a suspiciously customized hankerchief, embroidery of (insert your fav flower here) when you catch a cold. Never asks for it back.
Post grafted Godrick is mostly the same, but more crazy with a 10% increase in confidence. For one, its been 24 hours and he has yet to tear you apart from limb to limb which is something. “Unfit for grafting” he says. yea right.
He also shows you his gore Godfrey goon shrine, your quality of life depends on the tone of your laugh. He lets you bathe him (wow you touched him…or some dude’s entire torso which he stole.) and Gostoc doesn’t fuck with you like he does with others. Good. Good. He trusts you enough to complain abt some tantalizing trespasser omen loitering infront of his castle named ‘Margit’. Which sounds awful lot like Morgott. He hasn’t clicked the dots and he most likely never will.
He lets you ride Leonard.
Radahn is the type of guy who is beyond friendly with anyone, so when he does something which would so obviously be labelled affectionate coming from others, it is generally dismissed as an act of friendship. He remembers your birthday and holds a surprise party which is VERY COOL, but he also hosts birthday parties for everyone else….which is also cool… He suffers through the friendzone for a while with grace.
But when he offers you a ride on his dear Leonard, that darling steed of his that he treats like his heir apparent? Yup, that very horse, is when the gears in your mind unclog. His highness Prince Leonard has always been a boundary none dare cross, but here he is granting you a safe passage to jump right through. He lifts you up with ease, and places you on the saddle. And when you smile, he smiles even wider. Signs eventually bubble up to the surface. He laughs more often around you, completely at ease. When drunk he regails you with tales of bygone heroes and his own aspirations to be one. Reply with “but you already are one” and you will catch him lag for 5 seconds.
He keeps you close by during expeditions, and even during social gatherings. He uses his gravity magic to help you/your siblings indulge in some 0 gravity fun. And during less crowded evenings, he arranges fun getaways with friends, except its just you two this time...and here on out. Oddly enough though, the closer he gets to you the more you find yourself isolated at your job etc. You start finding your posts more empty. Which is odd since you did remember there were 2 other people assigned at this pla- AND its general Radahn with 2 roasted exalted flesh in hand! Wonderful.
One can only speculate how he uses his powers as head general...
Bonus point if you like cats. He will bring his cats for a wash to your house (another excuse to see you)
She spills tea.
This one is easy since we have in game canon content as reference. At first she is secretive. She introduces herself as "renna", and maintains a professional distance. But as time passes and she comes to warm up to you, that distance is chipped away by her own doing. She confesses to her many well hidden secrets, dark secrets like how she played a hand in the night of black knives or her more lesser secrets like stealing her mom's books, giving young Radahn a bobcut in his sleep, mischiefs with Rykard etc. Her trust in you, that you will keep her word between you two, is the sign. Anytime the topic steers towards anything remotely romantic though, she transforms into a bashful tsundere
"Noooo don't open that box from that chamber in this location you don't want to marry me noooo" (gives you the key to that box). Also "take not the ring from this place, the solitude beyond the night is better mine alone." Is code word for "please marry me I am very lonely".
Pre Snake Rykard:
He shows you his sex dungeon
Yea. The most forthright admirer award goes to! PRAETOR RYKARD! Rykard seems like the type of guy who has this very thick professional exterior, that betrays his true perverse nature. You sit down with him and think
"wow, what a well rounded individual! Yes he is rough around the edges, but he dresses nice, he speaks well, he looks lordly enough albeit dark circles, he is good with machines (he doesn’t tell you that he names them 'abductor virgins' 💀) hmm surely he isn't some perverted freak with dungeons and torture rooms in his house"
and then he offers you a tour of his house and peels off his skin like a snake fresh out of hibernation and every fibre of your being tells you to run as fast as u can. Think Tywin Lannister but it's obvious somebody's been slipping drops of mercury into his coffee. His stern facade hides a lecherous mind
It would go something like this. He is wearing his tywin lannister inspired drip, while riding his very high horse. He bothers to look down from his very high horse at which point he sees you. Double take. He approaches you with the confidence of an absolute slut, but its coated with enough regal varnish to make them barely acceptable in public. Something like "Good evening Fair lady/good sir, I see thou art unchaperoned this low in the evening. May we escort you somewhere safe?". You don't really understand what he is getting at first, until he offers to give you a tour of his beautiful rich and lavish manor. And like, he isn't lying. It's beautiful. It's rich. It's lavish. On top of a fucking volcano? It’s always the fucked up bitches with tastes like look at Mohg?! 10/10 (I had rank him second to Mohg in dripmaxxing). But the deeper you venture into his abode, the crazier the tour becomes. And then you watch this man peel his layers of civility strata by strata, with each new chamber easing him into his true self until ultimately what is left is a crazed man with a crazed look pointing at a literal dungeon with very suggestive toys. Tanith is there.
The pros though is that he is a good lover, and father. Stressing on Father, because you are gonna make him one. (Magic world if you are a male reader. Anything is possible)
Post Snake Rykard:
Ooooohhh togethhhaaaaaa we prossspeeerrr untuu eterniteeeeeeeee become fameeelee?
( he is giving you a choice which is a show of love. Choose your next words very carefully)
He lets you dress his scars.
He recognizes that familiar feeling of love, and his age and experience has taught him that fighting it will be more painful, so he just lets it be instead. Despite his bloodlust and barbarism, which resurfaces here and there, he is surprisingly courteous in casual settings. Being married to a goddess you find out, is a lonely existence. Is there any love between the two? Questions that will storm your mind as you do good on the honor of dressing his wounds. You can feel the eyes of his golden beast watching over you. Such an act had intimate undertones back in his homeland. Do you understand?
He doesn't 'slip' up any 'signs' no he LITERALLY stabs you with it(out of desperation), but you are still oblivious because he looks like your 8 yrs old baby cousin with a bug addiction(Those wings are real y/n)!He tries to appear his real age by snatching every opportunity provided to show the vastness of his mind and wisdom, but ends up giving young Sheldon vibes. He tells you straight to your face that he loves you like "no other", but he just gets swaddled in your lap like a baby. Not enjoying this experience.
Messmer: Don't know anything about him to write 3 paras (for obv) but the vibes he is giving right now is that he is less pookie bear than imagined, and impaling isn't just a hobby but his way of life. Going off of the trailer, I had say if he had a crush on you, he would be as straight forward as Godwyn, but with a more sinister bent. He would let you play with his snakes...maybe burn you deep to leave his mark...?
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zoulcham · 5 days
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zoulcham · 5 months
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ah yes the three evil alignments
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zoulcham · 5 months
Snoring contest
Choose your favorite and sleep well
P.S. Shadowheart doesn't have these sounds, so I guess she's lucky
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zoulcham · 5 months
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Raphael has idle dialogue before you enter the Devil's Den where he just, meows, at a distressed Kith'rak Voss of all people...
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zoulcham · 6 months
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Izzy Hands and Mohg costume swap WIP
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zoulcham · 6 months
Huh I can't access my dms at all, where are they displayed !?? Is it another weird Tumblr update thing (TwT✧) 💔 ???
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zoulcham · 6 months
A little girl died from hunger in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, despite being in the area where aid trucks are distributed. Another family in the north in Gaza city was forced to eat a donkey, which for many in Palestine is inconceivable culturally. Bisan says there isn't even water (clean OR dirty) for them to drink or wash with.
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zoulcham · 6 months
🔞 Contains NSFW 🔞
Hi I'm Zoul (he/they) , welcome to my blog !
comfort/selfship side blog: @ungalossimp
This is an anti-harassement space.
✧・ If you think sending death threats / hate messages to people over fictional characters... This is NOT the right place for you.
✧・ Please be respectful of others, and feel free to block/mute if anything in here makes you uncomfy (curating your online experience is valid af !) (^ω^✧) ❤️✨
✧・ DNI : Terfs, bigots of any kind, "antis" (people that send death threats over ships)
Have a good & fun day/night , stay safe y'all :3 !
Triger List below
✧・ Main Triggering subjects which will be explored :
• Politics
Talk about bigotry (sexism, racism, LGBTQ+ phobia, islamophobia ect)
IRL violence (war, hate crimes)
• Mental & Physical Health
Eating Disorders (pro-recovery)
Gender Dysphoria
• Problematic (sometimes Nsfw) ships
Talk about Illnesses
Mental / Physical / Sexual abuse
Non-con / dubcon
Problematic characters stan behavior ( ❣ Mohg ❣)
Unhealthy relationships
Note : I absolutely do not condone such things irl, all of this is purely fictionnal shipping - which helps me to cope as a CSA victim btw.
Therapist-approved ✨ ~~ 👈(◕‿◡✧👈)
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zoulcham · 6 months
This place is officialy a no minors place
⚠️ NSFW reblogs & posts, dark themes being explored ⚠️
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zoulcham · 6 months
Thinking about being a "no minors allowed" blog.
Exploring dark themes & adult subjects is what interests me the most in the fandoms I'm part of (mostly elden ring). I have lot of sexual &/or fucked up headcanons & a lot of them concern Mohg & Morgott. I want to start posting nsfw writing & art as well as headcanons.
I feel like restraining myself on what to post & what subjects to avoid smothered my passion & will to create quite a bit,
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zoulcham · 8 months
i'm in a permanent state of smug right now, but i think it's funny that whenever whatever weird interpretations anti izzy people have get disproven, they never acknowledge that it happened or that they spent a large chunk of their time insulting and facilitating the harassment of fans who had the correct interpretation.
like izzy and queerness for example. last year when it was still a bit more early in the fandom, it was considered controversial to suggest that izzy could be gay. got insulted for it, called homophobic, and harassed while people gloated about how stupid it is to think that he could be queer. over time that slowly fizzled out since there was, ya know, interviews with david jenkins and cast panels that repeatedly confirmed that izzy is queer, but even a few weeks ago you could still see posts saying how problematic it is to focus on izzy instead of any of the actually canon queer couples.
a bit adjacent to this, but it's the same energy where people harassed others for more than a year for saying that yeah, sometimes ed is violent and has trouble controlling his anger. literally only a week back, you could find posts saying that people thinking that ed was going to be in a dark place and hurting others in s2 were racists misinterpreting canon. turns out! ed was in a dark place and hurting others!
we said that ed was going to continue to be violent and dark, but that it would be portrayed sympathetically as part of his storyline around growth. yall said that he would never be violent, he's going to be soft, and thinking he'd hurt the crew was problematic. and yes, trying to kill your entire crew (and successfully killing half of them!) is violence, you fucking walnuts
we said izzy would have a sympathetic character arc where he will be integrated into the found family, not killed off or treated like a villain. yall said he was going to die within the first few minutes (apparently you said it enough that the creators even made a fucking joke about it in the show lmao) and if not he will be a villain the crew hates and will never accept. kinda a far cry from the crew straight up protecting him from ed, being referred to as part of their found family ("he's a dick but he's our dick") david jenkins saying that this season is about izzy and his growth as he leaves a toxic relationship, and stede and izzy having a friendship arc where izzy's training him lmao
just months and months and months of nonstop posturing and bullshit with a self appointed moral crusade to prove how other people were doing fandom wrong and that yall had a duty to correct them
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zoulcham · 9 months
The more I think of Astarion's love-hate relationship with heroic characters, the more I think of this quote from The Last Unicorn:
And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to? How dare you! How dare you come to me now, when I am this!
Now I'm unwell
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zoulcham · 10 months
Oh no...
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Astarion my love I'm so sorry
Why is Shabriri's Woe shaped like that 💀
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Bro looked like that Twitter guy 😭
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zoulcham · 10 months
Why is Shabriri's Woe shaped like that 💀
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Bro looked like that Twitter guy 😭
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zoulcham · 10 months
I just discovered what the name Mohg means : “slave, servant; serf, bondman” (From Old Irish mug)
Meanwhile Godwyn is litteraly named "God's Joy"
The "wyn" part probably comes from "wynn" (= "joy" in Old English)
Marika definitely had favorites (✧ಠ_ಠ) ...
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zoulcham · 11 months
Sorry for disappearing & being silent for so long. I'm trying to survive my transphobic family, and I reserve the little energy I have left to improve my situation / myself.
Though I think it says a lot that despite the physical/mental/financial abuse & bigotry I face everyday, I'm STILL happier than when I wasn't taking testosterone. Starting my medical transition was worth it and I feel super lucky I was prescribed it.
I've never felt so at peace in my own body & heart, and this feeling keeps getting stronger. It's not all sunshine and rainbows of course ; I still have to deal with numerous mental health issues & traumas. But i'm doing progress there too.
For the first time in a long, long time, I feel like there's a future for me in which I can be alive & happy (◡‿◡✧) ❤️✨
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