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a Nose for Chaos
Think you've got a wild side? Let's see if you do. Simply answer a few of these questions. No, not out loud, just be honest with yourself. Okay, one... how do you react when you see the full moon? Does your heart jump? Do you have an intense desire to stop what you're doing and just look? Okay, question two. This one is more sensitive, just so you know. After staring at the full moon do you ever find yourself in a disheveled state, sleeping under a bush with a dead rabbit in the morning? If you said yes to both of these questions then you are not only wild but you are without a doubt a werewolf. You probably need to turn yourself in to show that they're real after all. Or you could dress your friends up as werewolves and show them what the wild lifestyle is all about. Start where it counts with a vicious werewolf nose!
Product Details
This werewolf nose is made of a molded latex to make you look like your face is wrinkled in a snarl. The dog-like schnozz can be applied with spirit gum. The package has more instructions on how to perfect your look. One thing's for certain, this werewolf craze is nothing to sniff at! 
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Extra, Extra, Spin All About It!
Are you extra? Do you want to be? If there's ever a time to be extra, it's at a costume party. You know that old quote by Coco Chanel, "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off"? Putting together a costume is completely different. You want to come up with your basic look and then add on plenty of fun and flair. Details can be added with costume jewelry, hairpieces, gloves, and hosiery. But let's not forget about adding literal flair when it comes to throwing on the fun and twirl friendly tutu!
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This tutu is ready for you to have a good time. It has a comfortable, stretchy band so you can stay comfortable while wearing this for hours on end. A soft satin material make-up the surface for a gorgeous finish if you're wearing this look solo. The lightweight, striped material has plenty of curls and curves and is layered for plenty of bounce. 
Over and Under
This skirt can easily be worked into your costume wardrobe. Throw it under short costume skirts to give your costume extra sass. Wear it solo for a different take on a circus clown costume. What you do with this skirt is up to you, just know that any time is a good time to tutu!
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Remember when you were a kid? You’d spend hours playing outside, and then come inside for a tasty snack. You’d creep back into the kitchen to see what kind of treat awaited you. On lucky days, you’d find a nice tall glass of milk and a plate full of cookies waiting for you on the kitchen counter. Sweet delicious cookies, followed by the cool, mild taste of milk to wash it down… what a delight! On not-so-lucky afternoons, well, you’d find a few stalks of celery and some peanut butter. Ugh! What a total bummer, right?
Well, now it’s time to relive the delicious memories of those cookies and milk kind of days with this photo-realistic costume. This Get Real costume has a soft foam tunic top designed to look just like a glass of frosty cold milk, fresh from out of the refrigerator, since it has a printed image on the front. It has a hole in the top and bottom for your head and feet, along with openings in the sides for your arms. That makes wearing this costume easy peasy, since you can just slip it on over any clothes to achieve a great look. Of course, if you plan on heading out with your significant other, or your best pal, then you’ll want to pair this costume up with any of our cookie costumes, but heading out solo is also a great way to wear this outfit. It's way cooler than a celery and peanut butter costume!
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