zimmyzz 3 days
have fun bro
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog鈥檚 will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad.聽
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zimmyzz 3 days
petition for a SECOND pride month in halloween month
rb for yes
like for yes
both for double yes
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zimmyzz 4 days
Bein a goofy goober with my bestie @zombie-catzz
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zimmyzz 4 days
Chapter Four: Honesty Doesn't Always Work With Lily
When the two were still in training, Lily made Zakaria promise to always be honest with each other and to never be angry about it. They always kept this promise. If the promise was ever broken, so was the trust. Neither of them wanted that.
Zakaria unlocks the door to their home. It was small, but it worked for both of them. They share a room, divided between the two of them. Lily plops on her bed, too tired to get ready. Zakaria goes to the bathroom to change and brush their teeth. When they come out, they sit on their bed. Lily sits up, looking over at them.
"Those demons sure were annoying." Lily recalled, her eyes droopy. "Especially the shark guy."
"I think I heard the other guy call him Chazwick?" Zakaria scratches the back of their head, wincing in pain. They were still bleeding there.
Lily stands up and walks to the bathroom. She gathers a few supplies and walks over to Zakaria, sitting by them on their bed. She begins treating the wound. After a few moments of silence, Zakaria speaks.
"Can I be honest?" Zakaria asks, their ears down due to the sting of the disinfectant.
"Of course!" Lily responds. She begins wrapping bandages around their head.
"The demon who you cut the arm off of?" Zakaria reminded. "He had looks to him."
Lily stopped in her tracks. She turns Zakaria around so she can look into their eyes. She puts her hands onto their shoulders and squeezes, shaking them back and forth violently.
"We can't say stuff like that about demons!" Lily shouted.
Zakaria grabs her arms and stops her from shaking them. They move her hands off their shoulders. They scoot back.
"It's fine! Nobody heard!" Zakaria tried to convince her that it was okay, but she refused to listen.
"Zak, you shouldn't even think about that!" Lily screamed. "Even after he manipulated you like that?!"
"That has NOTHING to do with his looks!" Zakaria objects.
"It has everything to do with it! He'll just manipulate you again with his stupid fucking demon powers!" She argues.
"So what if he does!" Zakaria crosses their arms.
"You know what? Think what you want." Lily moves away from Zakaria's bed and stomps over to hers. "I'm going to bed."
Lily lays in her bed and faces the wall. Zakaria's shoulders slump. They were still in pain. They got up and went to the bathroom to finish wrapping their head alone. Who knew the person who enforced the promise would the one to break it?
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zimmyzz 6 days
When ur bestie just complained YESTERDAY about people not answering but then she goes and does the same thing to you and you already feel bad for getting distracted yesterday so you think she's just doing it to get back at you.
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zimmyzz 10 days
going campin 2day so ill tag my trusted adults :P
@mcwentfandomtraveling @ask-crow-aus @zimmyzz
cya when i see ya!
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zimmyzz 13 days
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zimmyzz 13 days
Chapter 3: Demons
Zakaria and Lily walk through the forest to their mission. It was spring, so it was finally nice out. The two were studying their separate breathing techniques. Zakaria was studying Serpent, and Lily was studying Love breathing.
Soon enough, they reached the abandoned town. There were people's bodies lying around the dead grass. Windows were broken, and doors were wide open. It was like people had been massacred. Then, there was laughter.
"Can you believe our luck?" A raspy voice spoke. "A whole town with enough people to feed us for days! We can take some of these people home with us."
"Yes! We'll be fed for days!" Another voice spoke, louder and more excited.
Zakaria and Lily unsheathed their swords, walking closer towards the voices. Until, Lily stepped on a twig, making it break under her foot.
"They must've heard that." Zakaria whispered
"They'll approach any minute. We've gotta catch them first." Lily whispered back.
They begin walking closer to the town, looking out for the demons. Then, Zakaria heard their mothers voice.
"Sweetheart? What are you doing out here by yourself?" The voice said soothingly, like their mother when they were younger.
Zakaria's eyes filled with tears, freezing in their tracks. Lily looks at them. She grabs their shoulder.
"Zak, come on.." She begs. "Don't follow the voice. It's not your mom."
Zakaria pulls away from her touch. They drop their sword and run back towards the voice. Tears streaming down their face and their lips curled into a small, relieved smile.
"MOM! WHERE ARE YOU!?" They screamed. They looked around frantically.
Zakaria ran back into the forest. They finally see their mother in her green kimono. They throw themselves in her arms and sob into her chest. They feel her arms wrap around them. But then, claws began digging into their skin. They look up, not to see their mothers sweet smile, but to see a toothy grin. Blood seeped through their uniform. The demon raised his claws, ready to strike them, but Lily swooped in and cut off his arm with her sword. He scowled, turning back to Lily.
"Two of you, hm?" He snarls. "Good thing I brought a friend."
Suddenly, pink smoke surrounded the two. They looked around for a source. Suddenly, Lily dropped her sword and began acting like a lovey zombie. Another demon appeared. He was much taller, and he looked like a shark. Lily immediately ran over to him, getting onto her knees. The demon missing an arm rolled his eyes.
"Seriously, dude?" He put his hand, the one still attached to his body, on his hip. "Why do you have to use that right now?"
"It's my blood demon art! What else am I supposed to do!?" The shark guy argued.
The demon then regenerated his arm, turning his attention back to Zakaria. They lunged at him, but he caught them by the throat, throwing them into a tree and pinning them there.
"You react just like your mother." He recalled, running his bloody fingertips across their cheek, leaving a red trail. "She tasted good, too. Makes me wonder if it runs in the family.."
Zakaria's eyes brimmed with tears. They kicked their legs, trying to free themselves. The demon's expression changed. His smile had curved downwards into a disappointed frown.
"You're just gonna cry?" He growls softly. "That's no fun."
He hits their head against the tree once, then throws them.
"Chazwick! Let the blondie go. We'll spare them." He orders, making the shark demon groan.
"But she smells so good! And I'm hungry!" He whines.
"I don't give a fuck. We have more food. Let's go." He commands, and the smoke fades away.
The demons walk off, dragging bodies behind them. Zakaria puts a hand on the back of their head and looks at it. They were bleeding. Lily runs over and sits with them.
"Are you okay!?" She asks, checking for any more injuries.
"I'm okay." They reassure. "Let's just get back home, okay?"
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zimmyzz 14 days
Chapter 3-ish: Two Years Later
{It has been two years since they had met the old man from chapter two. He was trainer Sakonji Urokodaki. He trained them to become demon slayers, explaining that a demon must have killed Zakaria's mother and the girl, Lily's, big sister. They now strive to find the demons that killed the people they loved most. On the bright side, they had each other. They had become best friends over these two years they trained together. They had already gone through final selection, and now we're official demon slayers with their own swords. They were currently on a mission.... but you can wait for that.}
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zimmyzz 14 days
Chapter Two: New Friends
Sitting by the grave they dug for their mother, Zakaria's tears fall into the snow, freezing instantly. They ball snow up in their hands and throw it at a nearby, watching it explode into white particles in the air, then into a pile, adding to the blanket in the ground.
Suddenly, Zakaria heard a female's voice screaming for help. They stood up quickly, looking around frantically. The woman ran over to them, grasping their shoulders tight. Tears were streaming down her face. She had blonde hair and fox features, and a dark blue kimono, red splotches of blood on her hands.
"PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!" She shouted, tugging on Zakaria's kimono. "MY SISTER'S HURT!"
Zakaria's ears perked. They winced in pain. The woman's nails, more like claws, were digging deep into their skin, even through their kimono. They squinted their eyes and scrunched their nose, their body tensing.
"O-Okay, take me to her!" Zakaria blurts out quickly, even know they didn't even want to go help.
The girl dragged them off down the road, not too far off. She lead them to a blood spot in the snow, a body laying in the middle of it. This girl had similar features to the first one, but she looked older, and her hair was slightly darker. They ran over, checking the wounds and for a pulse. They sighed, their breath being seen in the air.
"She's dead." Zakaria informs her, grazing their fingers over the wounds.
The woman's knees buckled, and she fell right to the floor. Zakaria comes closer, wrapping their arms around her. They let her cry in their arms for a moment.
Suddenly, another set of footsteps were heard in the snow. It was an old man with short hair and a Tengu mask. It was red with furrowed black eyebrows and a long nose. They jumped slightly, the girl moving too.
"Girls." He rasped. "I'd like you to come with me."
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zimmyzz 15 days
Demon Slayer AU
Explanation: me and my best friend (@zombie-catzz ) have this helluva boss rp. It's oc x canon, so if you're not comfortable with this, then I suggest you do not read this. This is just one of the many (and I mean many) aus that we have created. This rp has been going on for over a year now, and we've worked on and built the story since it's started. This is the Demon Slayer AU, based on the anime. I'm the only one thats watched this. This is my ocs pov mostly, but I write in third person. Let's get on with the story!!
Chapter one: "Mom...?"
Zakaria steps through the forest, a paper in hand. Their ears were flat on their head, and their fluffy cat tail was wrapped around their waist, like a belt. They were puzzled. Their mom wanted them to visit, but they didn't know why. She told them she missed them in her letter and gave them an address, which was obscure.
"Mom's handwriting doesn't look like this," Zakaria realizes, their fingers digging into the paper. "It's much neater."
They began walking towards the house, the snow crunching under their shoes. They weren't from here. They lived in a different part of Japan. As the approached the house, they noticed things were different. The flowers she took care of year round were dead, which was strange. Winter had just started a few days ago, meaning she would've taken the flowerpots inside by now. Windows were open. Her mom hated bugs year round, so it was strange that the windows were still open. They grabbed the icy doorknob, turning it and stepping inside.
Immediately, Zakaria was greeted by an awful smell. They pinched their nose with their fingers, gagging slightly. The smell was horrible, like rotting meat. They could hear the buzzing of flies. They walked into the kitchen, opening the chemical cabinet and grabbing a bottle of air freshener. They sprayed around the kitchen, unplugging their nose and giving the air a whiff. It didn't help. The cirtusy air freshener only mixed with the horrible smell, making it worse. They felt like they were going to vomit. They walked out of the kitchen and over to the staircase. They walked up it, making sure to avoid the third step from the top. It had always been broken and creaked when you stepped on it. When they got to that step, it was much more broken than before. They raised an eyebrow.
"What happened to the step?" Zakaria asked themselves, stepping over it and into the second floor hallway.
The smell had gotten worse. They gagged once again, feeling like they were really going to hurl. They walk into their mothers room. The first thing spotted was their mother on the floor, a large gash in her stomach. Their eyes filled with tears, their body beginning to quiver.
"M-Mom..?" They whispered, mostly to themselves. They sprinted over, sliding onto their knees.
Flies and maggots surrounded her body. Her stomach, liver, lungs, and heart were missing, but pieces were seen on the floor near her. Her ribs had been torn out. They were on the floor, cracks all in them, across the room. She had been mauled. Maybe it was a bear or some type of animal? It couldn't be. Bears would be hibernating right now.
"Who did this to you?" Zakaria shouted to the air, the screams ripping through their throat.
Tears began filling their eyes, angry tears, but also sorrowful tears. Angry because they wished they could've been here. Maybe if they were, she would still be here, but sorrowful because they loved their mom. She would do anything for them, and they shares the same feeling. They took deep breaths, trying to calm down enough to speak. They touched her cold, limp hand, pulling it to their heart.
"I'm sorry I didn't visit earlier, mom.." Zakaria whispered to her, hoping to God she hears in Heavan. "I'll miss you."
Zakaria dragged her body down the stairs. They saw what looked like a blood handprint on the doorknob. Their eyebrows furrowed, touching it. It was already dry. This clearly had happened a while ago. They looked at the window closely. The window wasn't open, it was shattered.
Chapter Two will be called New Friends, so stay tuned!
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zimmyzz 16 days
Eldest child.
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zimmyzz 16 days
Ranting about my bestie on a gc bc I'm pissed, bored, and pissed.
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zimmyzz 16 days
If my bestie doesn't wake the fuck up and text me I'm going to off everyone in sight X333
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zimmyzz 17 days
Mrmrmp my step dad is saying stupid shit in the living room and I can't say anything nor rant about it to my bestie
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zimmyzz 17 days
The absolute BETRAYL when your bestie says they're tired and going to sleep but then you get on roblox and they're playing fucking adopt me. I feel so betrayed. /ov
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zimmyzz 18 days
I'm at my moms and can't be on my phone past the time she wants to go to bed. IVE TOLD YOU THIS-
need me a trusted adult 2 help transfer my adopt me stuff onto my main from my side, BUT NONE OF MY TRUSTED ADULTS ARE FUMKING AWAKE-
my trusted adults: @ask-crow-aus, @lucifermorningstar12345, @mcwentfandomtraveling
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