zaynsau-blog 10 years
I fixed all the links for anyone who still reads my fanfics and one shots on here lmao
But I write on talkofthezayn now and there's SMUT so go read on there thanks
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zaynsau-blog 10 years
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zaynsau-blog 10 years
hiii i just try to read liam one shot 'lucky' but i can't url have a problem could you check? thankssss xoxo
sorry, gotta change the 'zayolo' in the url to zaynsau
this is the link: http://zaynsau.tumblr.com/post/13189056835/this-is-a-liam-payne-one-shot
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zaynsau-blog 10 years
You. You started writing again! This, is the best christmas gift ever. I hope you don't lose interest! But, have a lovely christmas, and I hope to see you update soon!
HAHA yes! And I haven't, just didn't get to update the next chapter cause this past few days have been very busy!
You're so sweet, thank you so much and I hope you have a great christmas also. :)
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
I just moved to africa and my internet is mostly kind of on and off. So I was hoping you could maybe put your fanfics on fanfiction. net so I can download it on fictiondownloader that way I don't need internet to read it. I would truly appreciate it.
Hi I'm so sorry this reply is late, but I can try and do this, the thing is that I have a new computer and the entire IABND fic was on my old computer, therefore I'd have to copy and paste everything, which I don't really mind, it's just tedious, and I'm not sure if I can get to it. I'm really sorry. :(
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
Will you be updating so casually cruel anytime soon? Because its amazing and id really like to read more of it
I literally havent updated anything in almost a year and I don't have any intention of continuing to write One Direction fanfics. I'm sorry :(((
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
wait you're online, omg.
yes im always online haha
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
:) http://zayolo.tumblr.com/post/38786695938/hi-guys-i-wrote-this-one-shot-with-zayn-in-mind
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
What's ur name
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
Hi :) I'm sorry to bother u but masterpiece is one of my favourite fanfictions! You're an amazing writer! I just wanted to know if you'll update because I really miss masterpiece! Sorry if I'm being annoying by asking because I feel like you get this from a lot of people. Xx
I know this answer is really late because I've just let this sit in here, but I'm not going to update. I have no desire or even inspiration as to where the story would lead and I've sort of lost interest in One Direction.
Though I do have an idea for another fanfic, I've been slow to act on it because of the fact that I've started three fanfics and failed to finish them, so I'm just not sure, but thank you for this message, you totally were not being annoying or anything, it means a lot. :)
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
hey! so i have the same theme for my fanfic blog - my1dstories, but the font is so small! how is yours bigger? i want to change it, cause it's better to read them in a bigger font. can you please help me? x
I don't know how late this reply is or even it'll help you now, but if you look at the coding and hit ctrl + f then type 'font size' it should show up and you just need to change the number for each time font size shows up. i know it's tedious, but that's the only way, or you'll just have to find another theme!
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
hiiii. did you finish masterpiece? bc i cant find the rest of the chapters.. sorry for bugging you!
No I never did finish, I'm sorry, and it's not a bother. :)
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
Where are youuu
Not updating.聽
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
but you had one didn't you? and a personal one,secretjewsociety or something like that haha
Yes I used to have a one direction blog but I gave it away. I changed my url from secretjewsociety to maliadelrey so basically same blog and I still have it. c:
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
yeah, you could do that! like what his life is like after it all happened? if hes ever going to find love again or something like that?
Hmmmm, ok I'll consider it :)) Sounds like it could be really cute in a morbid way.
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
i just found your ff tumblr again! god i was searching for so long! what's your one direction blog's url? xx
I don't have one haha :)
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zaynsau-blog 11 years
Please continue masterpiece :'(
I want tooooo.
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