zanythingrunaway · 2 years
My injury at the office and attorney help
The last few weeks exposed me to various situations that I had never seen in my life. On a fateful day at the office, I slipped over the stairs causing an injury to my hips. Even though this looked like a small accident, it could have been easily avoided by the construction company that was working on the office renovation project. The construction workers had dumped some material on the stairs, and this caused the fall. The company where I was working offered initial help and rushed me to the hospital to get the treatment.
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Medical expenses and loss of livelihood:
The medical expenses turned out to be huge, and it was beyond my health cover plan. Some friends and relatives helped me with the expenses, and the company where I worked offered some small help. However, things were not going in the right direction, as this meant that I would be out of work for at least a few months. Considering all these things, one of my friends suggested I get in touch with a personal injury lawyer Santa Ana, to get suitable support. This was an eye-opener for me as it pulled me out of the mess within a short duration of time.
Support from the lawyers:
One of the biggest help that I got from the legal team was that they made me realize that the accident was not due to my mistake in any manner. The construction waste had no place to be on the stairs at that time, and there were no warning signs indicating the presence of such harmful waste on the office premises. In this way, I realized that it was the responsibility of the company where I worked to provide a safe working environment, and they had to pay more compensation than what they offered to pay initially.
The company, however, tried to pass on the blame to the construction company, saying that they had nothing to do with the everyday activities of the renovation work. Due to this complication, I was not getting compensation from both the concerned parties. After consulting my injury lawyer Santa Ana and explaining the situation, I filed a case in court against both the construction company and my office management.
The Evidence:
The lawyers got suitable evidence from the security cameras and other witnesses who were my colleagues. After this, they sent notices to the concerned parties about the case. I was completely surprised by the amount of work done by the legal team to prepare the case. Looking into the details of the case, the court said that it was the fault of the construction company that was handling the renovation work. The construction company was asked to pay the entire compensation that covered my medical expenses and also the loss of livelihood for the next few months.
Apart from that, the company where I worked was also asked to continue my services or pay adequate compensation for the loss of livelihood due to the accident as they were also partially guilty of not providing a safe working environment for the staff members. In this way, the entire situation was dealt with professionally with the help of my attorneys.
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