zairacetin · 2 years
If you had choice to go to a party with your friends or stay home with food and good movies, which one would you choose on Friday night?
“Is that... a trick question? There are people who prefer staying home like that when there’s a better option?”
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zairacetin · 2 years
Red Moon had been recommended to her a handful of times since arriving in Wolford, and Zaira was finally giving it a shot. Literally. There were three lined up on the bar in front of her that she downed in quick succession, plus a beer waiting at the end. It was loud, at least, though not nearly as big as Zaira would have liked. She liked near-cavernous spaces with too dark lighting, a flash of neon, music loud enough to drown the world out. But she’d known it would be a hard push to find anywhere like that in a town like this. So far, Red Moon seemed like an okay alternative.
The beer was gone in the blink of an eye, so she raised her hand to corral the attention of the bartender. “Hey, you - I’ve got a challenge for you. If you’re up for it.”
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zairacetin · 2 years
Zaira didn’t spend much time at her trailer, truth be told. It was sparsely furnished, entirely devoid of charm or personality, and almost perpetually in darkness. If she was there, she was usually outside on the tiny deck, seated in an old folding lawn chair that probably needed a good clean a decade ago. People watching was a good a pass time as any in Wolford. The first time she’d taken up her spot there a black cat had appeared and kept her company for a while before slinking away, and then again, and again, staying longer and longer each time. At some point Zaira bought treats and would offer them out until the creature came close enough to touch. Befriending an animal wasn’t one of her greater exploits, but it was satisfying in its own way.
One day Zaira decided to follow it home. She stayed far enough back that it wouldn’t spook at her footsteps, and eventually found herself stood in front of another trailer. Idly she wondered if anyone was home, though the possibility didn’t phase her from approaching the windows to peer inside. The concept of personal property (or space) had never made a lasting impression on her. The cat hissed at her then, and her head whipped round to frown at it. “What’s your problem?”
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zairacetin · 2 years
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zairacetin · 2 years
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NAME.  Zaira Cetin
AGE.  36 (appears 30)
BIRTHDAY.  November 20th
SPECIES.  Vampire
OCCUPATION.  Unemployed; con artist, grifter.
NEIGHBOURHOOD.  Ace’s Trailer Park
PERSONALITY.  Adaptable, Confident, Observant, Reckless, Selfish, Hedonistic
FC.  Selin Sekerci
Zaira and chaos have always gone hand in hand. As a child she was a handful and forever in trouble, refusing to follow the rules or play nicely, entirely beholden to her own whims. To the dismay of her mother she never grew out of it. Instead she found herself at eighteen packing her bags and hitting the road, leaving the family that she held little affection for behind in search of greater adventures - and true freedom.
On the road she sustained herself with petty thievery and scams, which she had always had a talent for. Through that she met her best friend and partner in crime, the only person Zaira had ever met that was truly on her wavelength. They became inseperable and together wound up in New York where they decided to stay a while. A lifestyle that suited them was to be found there; parties and drugs other people whose only purpose in life was fun. Over the years they left a few times but always returned, glad to have found a place that they could consider a sort of home - though truly, their only homes were with each other.
It all came crashing down one night, a particularly rowdy night, on which Zaira made the mistake of wandering off alone. With all the things she had done it's not surprising to know she had a few enemies, and that was how she found herself lying in a dark alley, feeling the life slip from her with each passing second. If not for the vampire who happened upon her at just the right moment, her story might have ended right there.
The vampire took her away and when Zaira awoke to her new life she struggled to adjust. Nothing felt right. Her sire tried to help but she never truly listened, and instead decided the reason it all seemed so wrong was because she was missing a vital piece of the puzzle: her best friend. Don't do it, her sire had said, you can't do it. But Zaira had never been one to listen to other people.
A year and a half after her 'mysterious disappearance' she managed to track down her former partner in crime, and showed up on their doorstep with an offer. In her absence they had been shocked into a more stable rhythm and had abandoned the lifestyle they and Zaira had once shared, though that didn't put her off. Just a little convincing, that's all. They were hesitant but she talked them into it, excited at the prospect of continuing their fun for all time.
Nothing really went to plan after that. The transformation gave her best friend an immediate crisis, and they decided they wanted to do something good with their immortal life rather than squander it. No partying, no travelling, no fun. Instead they decided to return to their hometown of Wolford, Tennessee, where Zaira followed, intent on getting her right hand back to enjoy the undead life properly. And failing that? She's always been good at making her own fun - especially at the expense of others.
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zairacetin · 2 years
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