yulisong-blog · 4 years
Full Name: Yuli Song
Nicknames: Li Li ( given by his mom & lil sister ), Puppy ( his older sister ), Gumby ( given by his asshole brothers )
Age: Twenty-Six
Sexuality: Pan-sexual
Date of Birth: October 12th, 1994
Place of Birth: Seoul, Korea
Gender & Species: Cis!Male, Werewolf
Current Location: Shadow Valley | His family moved to the town when he was six after his father died. 
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Languages: Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, English
Religion: Agnostic
Education: B.A. in Creative Writing
Occupation: Freelance Writer / Barista at The Ugly Mug
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: Drinks occasionally, doesn’t smoke or do drugs. 
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Likes: Coffee, Black Tea, Hiking, Bonfires, Camping, A good book, Wandering in Museums, The smell of rain, fall nights. 
Dislikes: Too much sugar, overly hot days, talking about himself, his older brothers, small talk { he’s not good at it }, people bending the bindings of books
Bad Habits: He chews on his nails/cuticles when he’s nervous, fidgets when uncomfortable.
Secret Talent: He can sing and play the piano
Hobbies: Cooking { he likes to try really complicated dishes }, Collecting vintage records, Gardening
Fears: Having his heart broken, Being alone in the world, Spiders and Large Snakes.
Five Positive Traits: Compassionate,  Flexible, Imaginative, Protective, Trustworthy
Five Negative Traits:  Aimless, Clumsy, Naive, Predictable, Socially Awkward
Tattoos:  None
Piercings: One Ear Pierced
Parent Names: Jowoon Song { mother } |  Daeseung Song { father, decease }
Parent Relationship: Yuli is pretty close to his mother. She tends to baby him a lot more then she does his older brothers. Its both annoying and endearing all in one. You could definitely say that Yuli is a mamma’s boy. He wanted to make her happy and proud. Though he knows that sometimes he’s not an easy son to have for her. But his mother rarely scolds him. As for Yuli’s father, he doesn’t have a lot of memories of the older man. Though the ones that he does are always happy. So he figures that is a good thing. 
Sibling Names:  Hyoseo, Minjae { older brothers } |   Yina { older sister } | Chaeyun { younger sister }
Sibling Relationship: For the most part Yuli get along with his siblings. Probably more so with his sisters then his brothers. His brothers tend to be a little harsh with him. Which he figures is normal but a bit exhausting if he is really being honest about it all. Both of them are the complete opposite of him. As his mother says that are “manly” and Yuli is “sensitive.” He’s sure she means it as a compliment but it feels like a insult and that is exactly how his brothers throw it at him. His sister are far more agreeable to him and he loves them to pieces. He may not be overly “manly” like their older brothers but he is extremely protective of them. Some of his rare moments of aggression as been in the mitts of sticking up for them. 
Other Relevant Relative:  Dasim Rhodes { maternal aunt }, Alex Rhodes { uncle by marriage }
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yulisong-blog · 4 years
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yulisong-blog · 4 years
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