yubyubarellano-blog · 5 years
What if you had the opportunity to make your most incredible dream come true, to actually achieve the success you have always dreamed of for yourself? … But it comes from great for many others? Or at the collapse of an institution our reality is built on? It’s coming anyway, would you still take the opportunity and benefit if you cannot stop it from happening?.
After watching the movie "The Big short" turns to be 2015 Oscar winning film and Academy award nominated for Best Picture, Best support actor (Christian Bale), Best Director, Film Editing and Adapted Screenplay. It begins when four outsiders saw the glitch on big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had this idea The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything. The Big Short  is giving the audience a behind the curtain peek at the events that led up to the scandal that rocked our nation to its core and spotlighting some of men were responsible for this economic meltdown. Adapted from the book by Moneyball's author and starring a powerful cast and we already know who are they and also it is all about the four denizens of the world of high-finance who predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid 2000, and decided to take on the big bank for their greediness and lack of foresight about the glitch in the market. "The Big Short" is not the first movie to reckon with fraud and stupidity that brought the world economy to the brink of collapse not so long ago and that continues to exact a heavy toll in social misery and political alienation. A side effect of its author's smart, breezy, plain-spoken style was that it offered readers the i illusion of retroactive prescience. You could see the insanity of bundling subprime mortgages into highly rated investment products and think. Well, of course that was a recipe for disaster. Of course a drop in the housing market would bring the whole thing crashing down like the Jenga Tower that Jared explain to use what happen to the housing market. It focuses not on the financial establishment but on the few investors who saw in advance that the mortgage securities market and derivative financial products were unsustainable who knew that the system would crash. If you knew all of that and short bet against that market well you could make a lot of money. This Movie tells the saga of these investors and how they won their bets.
Let's talk about the cast of "The Big Short"  lets start with the antisocial guy Dr. Michael Burry also happens to be a fund manager who stays in his office with blasting death metal and beating on his table with drumsticks. But he discovers in year 2005 that U.S. housing market is extremely unstable. It is based on subprime loans of high risk and providing fewer and fewer returns. He also predicts the market to collapse in around 2007 and decide to profit from this situation he happens to develop a short selling investment strategy and bet his client's money on financial catastrophe on the unstable housing market. Which catches the attention of  Mark Baum and the stockbroker Jared Vennett. Mark Baum is a temperamental hedge fund manager who always angry and sees a similar wager as the perfect expression of his contempt for the big banks. When he finally convinced to have a conversation with a banker who unconcernedly reveals that the potential risk was much larger that he could imagined, Mark instructs an underling to short everything that guy has touched. He walks off abruptly and completely shaken by the danger of the world economy and his role in bringing the crash closer. there are the 2 young indie upstarts on trading, Jamie Shipley ad Charlie Geller, college buddies with a small office called "garage band" they started funding themselves using their own money and wants to play in the big leagues of trading. When they want to apply the bigger company which they cant because they need to trade and gain a higher amount of money for an instance like a half million then they saw the papers made by Jared who also believe the markdown of the housing market then they can see the glitch too then they try to find or gather some data about all of this then come up with an ally Ben rickert, is a legendary financial guru who is already so disillusioned that he has left the industry and grows in his own food. Two young trades need his help about the bubble but need help getting access to financial market convince him to lend them a hand. The young traders become elated about their prospects for success, Ben Rickert calmly lays out what success would mean. "Don’t they know, he asks, that they are making a bet against the US economy?" If they are right, people will be losing jobs, homes, and pensions. Many will suffer, so those who profit should have their spirits saddened, not lifted.
I think the author gives us or what Adam McKay wants us to be enlighten and anger the public with his portrait of those who profited from the 2008 financial collapse. Becoming aware of an upcoming catastrophe, the only  human think to do is raising the alarm but they actually scarce in a world of competition, profit, fraud and greed. Eventually all of them profit extremely. Almost nobody involved in the creation of the Collaterized Debt Obligation (CDO).
Humor can play a powerful purpose in life, a very difficult film, in this film we need to see and use to open our eyes to each our situation. so we don’t get blindsided in our own worlds. Yes, this movie made me distrust the banking and financial system. but more so, it made me sceptical of other controlling groups in our world today. We don’t have the banking system that the United States has, but we have other systems that control us and our future just as much if not more. Thank You For Reading...
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yubyubarellano-blog · 5 years
1. Are you deluged by data?
2. What happens when you disconnect with your devices?
3. Do you suffer from infobesity?
4. Do you think you need a digital diet?
Deluged by data when I'm watching this documentary i was shock because of the changes that happen in our society today i didn't know that there is a big change today so to start my reaction paper lets answer the question 1 by 1.
1. Are you deluged by data? Well for me I'm not really deluged by data cause I'm not into social nowadays like Facebook, Instagram but unfortunately trying myself to cope up with millennial. Deluged by data begins with an expanding digital age that has swamped us under incoming emails, tweets, texts, alerts, photos, Facebook posts and now, new bio feedback data that peeks deep inside our personal life. But are these the tools for a happy new technological era or weapons of mass distraction like smartphones. This documentary is an eye opener to everyone and also an entertainment because there are equal numbers of data lovers and data haters with opposing visions. One of Freed says, “A growing army of data-addicts” loves all this data and believes it will revolutionize our lives and bring us happiness through numbers salvation through information.
2. What happens when you disconnect with your devices? for me i felt alone and bored device is important to me because it gives me happiness and help me to find individuals that i want to chat with for example friends, family, special someone.  But many former data addicts are burned out and bummed out. They think we’re suffering from data overload and Infobesity and it’s time to go on a data diet.
3. Do you suffer from infobesity?  Sometimes i suffer infobesity when i consume more information like they talk in the film they cast a humorous movement of so-called data sexual, they seduced and obsessed by the allure of raw data. Their new data-collecting devices are both fascinating and mind blowing.  But in the film Freed talks to former data freaks who’ve learned to take regular digital Sabbaths and even go to special retreats for a digital detox, DELUGED BY DATA visits a gathering of devotees of the new movement known as The Quantified Self who believe in self-knowledge through numbers. They measure everything from their computer keystrokes to exactly how many minutes they spend with each person every day. They use devices or apps to measures heart rate, brain waves, calorie intake, sleep rhythms, menstrual cycles, stress levels, and “galvanic skin response” then graph it against their moods searching for a lifestyle the formula for happiness. For better or for worse, we’re bombarded with information in today's digital age. Is this flood of data a blessing or a curse a new way to understand our lives or just a way to miss out on living them, can we learn to control our data, before it controls us?
4. Do you think you need a digital diet? I am one of the people who struggles with screen addictions or social media addictions to the point that it is adversely affecting their lives it is so hard to control myself because you can find your happiness in social media, digital diet I mean all of my friends are just as obsessed with their devices as I am. Everyone I know always checks their Instagram feed constantly, keeps 50 Snap Chat streaks alive every day, watches YouTube and Netflix for hours on end. I am just like everyone but I can't blame myself I really love it.
For my reflection on the documentary we must control ourselves about the data we used and no be abusive and before we use that data we must know the behind the scene of that data like asking where that came from who made it so base on the documentary they talk about the data on different types of data and one app consists of millions, billions or even trillions of data so i am so amaze on how they explain the scenarios on how the collect the data and the types of data and the word that caught my attention is the infobesity i think i already possess this because i can't make myself comfortable when my phone is not close to me and all my entertainment is on my smartphone it is really hard for me to live without phone or any gadgets. Taking back again to the title deluged by data yeah i am deluged by data because I'm too exposed on social media accounts even send message through online i think i do really digital diet but it is too hard for me to adjust because i can't help myself think about games, it is my passion i love school but i can see my potential about video games. Deluged by data is about the information who holds data like us people everything we do in application are consist of data that only computer know but the help of experts we can measure our data like heart rate, blood pressure etc. but in this documentary, they explain detail by detail on how the data works and the technology they used. So it is a little bit amazing right now cause we can play through hologram but sometimes it can lead to data overload or information overload that can lead us in to dangerous symptoms like being dumb sometimes memory loss or making you crazy that can make you addicted to it so you won't stop using it but before it will get us we must need to control our self by going outside,
I do hope devices must be gone just for one day then evaluate people on what they feel because this is too abnormal that everywhere and anywhere you go all people always watch their phones even hanging out with friends always watching his/her phone all I can say is we need an electronic break explore the reality.
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