yuanf3 · 1 month
2. chapter two — "heart-to-heart"
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A/N sorry everyone for the delay, got caught up with school - anyway, here's chapter two, hope you like it <3
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The sun bore down relentlessly, casting waves of heat that seemed to dance off the cracked pavement. Beads of sweat formed on my brow and I let out a breath but remained focused, my hands steady on the wheel of the 86’ Honda Civic. I sat patiently, my eyes fixed on the men across the street, their movements deliberate as they loaded duffel bags into the sleek black SUV. 
Come on, let's go already.
As they finally finished — thank fucking God — and climbed into the vehicle, I fired up the engine of my own car and reached for the burner phone, fingers dancing over the screen to dial Dom's number. 
"Four's on the move," I murmured into the receiver before hanging up, my attention shifting back to the road as I subtly tailed the SUV.
Minutes ticked by, the world blurring past as I kept a safe distance and weaved through the bustling streets, the black SUV never far from my sight. Then, like clockwork, I spotted a familiar 70s Dodge and beat-up Nissan idling at the intersection ahead, and I briefly glanced to my left, catching my brother staring at me. A sudden sense of realization crept into the back of my mind. I shook my head, scoffing. Our plan was working.
Another heartbeat later, and we split off in different directions, each of us playing our part. My heart raced, fueled by adrenaline cursing through my veins when Tej's voice crackled through the radio on the passenger seat, his words slicing through the tension. 
"I know y'all said they were consolidating the money somewhere, but, y'all ain't going to believe this."
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I stood under the scorching midday sun, squinting against its relentless glare as it beat down on the streets of Rio. The heat was oppressive, mirroring the tension that hung thick in the air around us. My eyes narrowed as I caught sight of the imposing building ahead, its stone facade gleaming in the sunlight — a freaking Police Station.
The irony wasn't lost on me, and I felt a wry smirk tug at the corners of my lips. Police officers bustled in and out, seeming oblivious to the criminal activity unfolding right under their noses. I wanted to scoff at the whole situation. Hernan Reyes, the notorious drug lord, hiding his ill-gotten gains right under the nose of the law. It was audacious, I had to give him that. But it also made our job that much more difficult.
"Well," Brian muttered under his breath, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "this job just got a lot harder."
“No kidding,” I chimed in, standing beside him and crossing my arms over my chest, my expression a mix of amusement and disbelief, “We’ll have to get even more creative.”
Rome's voice cut through the tension, his disbelief palpable. "If he's moving it into a police station, he's got some serious brass in his pocket."
"Looks like this is going to be a shorter trip than I thought," Santos said in Spanish, his tone heavy with defeat and resignation. Leo's agreement was swift and vehement, "Hell, yeah, we can't do this."
“'Can't'? You mean, 'shouldn't,'" Han’s words sliced through the conversation, drawing my attention. I turned to him, a flicker of surprise at his perspective dancing in my eyes. A small smile passed between us before I quickly turned away, squashing any flicker of conflicted emotion this man’s smile stirred within me. 
Before I could dwell on it further though, Dom's voice broke through the internal turmoil. "I say we stick to the plan."
"You say what?" Roman's incredulous voice broke the silence, injecting his trademark skepticism. His words drew my attention, and I turned to him, intrigued by his reaction. He looked at Toretto as if the man lost his mind. Couldn’t blame him.
"This just went from Mission: Impossible to Mission: In-freaking-sanity," he continued to exclaim, his frustration evident in his tone.
I exchanged a knowing glance with Brian, a small smirk playing at the corner of my lips. Roman's dramatic outburst never failed to entertain.
"Whatever, man. I ain't scared, I'm just letting you all know, going in that building is crazy," he finally declared. With a shake of his head, he turned and walked away.
My brother followed his suit as he muttered, "I got this.”
Aware of the moment of silence and a whispered conversation between Leo and Santos, I stepped closer to Dom, the midday sun beating down on us, casting harsh shadows across the pavement. 
"Don't worry about him," I said, my voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Pearce is a full-time drama queen, but he'll come around. Besides, we’ve faced crazier situations than this before."
Dom nodded, his expression still serious. "Yeah, but this time we're walking into the lion's den. Reyes isn't going to make it easy for us."
I couldn't deny the truth in his words, but I had to maintain some semblance of optimism.
"True, but that's never stopped you before. You've always found a way to come out on top,” I replied, my tone firm, injecting a note of reassurance into my voice that I hoped would bolster his resolve. 
"We gotta make sure everyone's on board before we move forward,” he said, his gaze scanning the scenery ahead of us. He seemed lost in his thoughts as if this job put more pressure on him than anything ever before but he’s been like that since I’ve met him. I guessed losing the love of your life had that effect on you. 
I’ve never gotten a chance to meet Letty. It was ironic actually because my brother met up with her quite often in our apartment during her undercover work to take down Braga but I was either out with friends or working. Brian sometimes shared a few stories about her from the time when he wanted to make a detective, how he always thought that Letty had seen right through him but she never said a word. Things would’ve been different if she did. That’s why in some kind of a twisted way, I owed her. 
"Agreed," I affirmed, crossing my arms on my chest and then shrugged, following Dom’s gaze. "No biggie. Just remind them of the 11 million they're getting."
My attempt at levity didn't go unnoticed. I grinned and watched as a brief crack in his serious demeanor appeared and a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Bullseye. 
It was good to loosen up a bit, especially during moments like this, so I liked to think that sometimes optimism was the best thing one could ask for in times of struggle. And I was here to provide it. 
Because God only knew how much I needed it.
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The dimly section of the warehouse cast shadows across our faces as we gathered around the table. Out of pure coincidence, I stood beside Han, my senses on high alert while the place seemed to shrink with every second that went by. I felt like I was sixteen again, having a crush on a boy who helped out in Brian’s garage part-time, only to find out he was gay and worked there to ogle my brother. Tough times. Learned my lesson, never again. 
That’s why irritation grew inside me like a parasite and the uncomfortable feeling of awkwardness washed over me as the scent of his perfume lingered in my senses and my attention was divided between the man to my right and the task at hand. His presence was like a magnetic force I couldn't ignore, even as I desperately tried to focus on Mia’s briefing.
"The beauty of public offices?” She leaned over the table, a roll-up in hand, exposing the blueprints of the Police Station we wanted to break into. I was aware of the fact of how ridiculous it sounded. “Public records."
Brian's finger jabbed at a point in the labyrinth of walls and measurements. "This is where he's keeping the money. The vault in the evidence room."
“Um. Uh, yeah. Can I get everyone's attention, right here, for a second?” Tej interjected, raising his finger. “We're talking about breaking into a police station.”
Silence fell upon us as everyone waited for him to elaborate. “Is anyone listening to those words? Anybody? Popo? Five-O. One-time. Pigs. People we don't like.”
He’s got a point.
"You know, police stations are designed to keep people in, not out,” Han spoke calmly, glancing toward Dom, who observed with a cautious and sharp gaze. I could almost see gears turning in his head like the man was coming up with a detailed plan on the spot. 
My brother nodded in agreement. "That's why it's a stealth mission. We'll be in and out before they even know we were there."
"Well, we'll need to get eyes in there,” I chimed in, already getting an idea of what we could use. Or rather who. “At least to find out the make and model of that vault."
"So the vault and then, so…” Roman muttered probably to no one specifically, seemingly lost in thought, making a sudden, weird gesture towards the papers. “It's crazy. Who's supposed to do all this?"
Without missing a beat, I exchanged a knowing glance with Brian before turning to Pearce. Another wave of silence settled between our group as the man in question looked around, bewildered by our sudden focus on him. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to realize what was going on. His eureka moment occurred a second later.
"What do you mean? Why me?"
"Because you got the biggest mouth,” I stated matter-of-factly as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. My smile was sweet as honey when I earned a scoff from Tej, a couple of snickers from the others, and a very offended stare-down from Rome.
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The sun cast hues of orange and pink across the sky as I stood alone on the rooftop of the warehouse, the wind whispering against my bare skin. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax, even if just for a second. It was moments like these that made me forget the troubles that constantly haunted me. 
Brian, Tej, and Rome had gone to the station to get an idea of what exactly we were about to encounter and it was nothing that we hadn’t expected already, so Santos and Leo had taken over to blow up a few pipes in the main bathroom. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see these two smiling like Cheshire cats when they heard what their job was. It was safe to say that I had my doubts but hey, gotta be positive, right?
Just as I began to lose myself in the beauty of the scene unfolding in front of me, my phone interrupted the moment with a sharp ding.
“There goes my peace,” I muttered to myself. Sighing, I pulled the phone out of my pocket and glanced down to see a text from an unknown number flashing on the screen. My brows furrowed and I quickly unlocked the screen, my eyes going back and forth as I read the message that immediately sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine.
Have fun in Brazil, love. I’ll see you soon.
The words hit me like a punch to the gut, igniting a surge of anger and panic within me. It was like the wind got knocked out of me and my heart sank as painful memories flood back, memories I've tried so hard to bury from a time when I had been naive and desperate. I never told Brian how badly I’ve struggled after I’ve moved to London. I didn’t want him to know about that part of my life where I made mistakes that almost cost me my life.
Those first few months after my move, when I was vulnerable and alone, struggling to make ends meet and juggling between studies and two jobs, were terrifying. My brother was gone, disappeared without a trace, I was hit with the enormous amount of assignments and I was about to be evicted from my apartment.
Then I met Owen. He appeared like a savior, dazzling me with his charm, his sophistication, his extravagant gestures that seemed straight out of a fairy tale. Back then, I had been naive, craving affection and stability in a city that felt alien and hostile. 
I thought I loved him. He had swept me off my feet with his lavish dates, his expensive gifts, his promises of a life I had only ever dreamed of. And as simple as that, I had fallen. Oh, how I had fallen, head over heels, straight into his trap. I hadn't even stopped to question the sincerity of his words or the intentions behind his actions. I was too enraptured by the illusion he had crafted around me, too desperate to believe that someone like him could truly care for someone like me. Someone so insecure and scared.
I didn’t realize who he was until it was already too late. The facade had slowly begun to crack, revealing the darkness lurking beneath the surface. And then, when I finally dared to confront him, to demand the truth I had been too afraid to seek, he’d shown his true colors. The subtle manipulation, the way he always seemed to know just what to say or do to keep me ensnared in his web. I was so blinded by the illusion of love that I never stopped to question the price I was paying.
And I’ve paid a fortune. I’ve paid in tears shed in the dead of night when I thought no one was watching. In missed calls from my friends, whose concerns were silenced by Shaw, and in the gradual erosion of my self-worth, chipped away bit by bit until there was almost nothing left. It was a miracle I’ve managed to leave him, but I wouldn’t be able to if it wasn’t for Hilly and Jessie. 
Now, a fury surged through my veins. I wanted to throw my phone against the concrete floor, to scream out in frustration and defiance. But instead, I took a deep breath and forced myself to ignore the message, to push it aside like I've pushed aside so many other reminders of my past. If he was going to try and get me, I’d welcome him with open arms and a gun pointed at his head. 
With a sharp exhale, I dismissed the text, refusing to let fear consume me. The hatred I’ve felt towards Shaw had reached a level that could no longer be described with words but with actions. 
As I stared at the vanishing sun, lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly startled by the sound of footsteps approaching behind me. Instinctively, my body tensed, ready to defend myself against any potential threat. But before I could react further, a familiar voice broke through the tension.
"Quite the view, isn't it?"
Han's voice was calm and reassuring, instantly soothing the frayed edges of my nerves. Slowly, I turned to face him, my heartbeat gradually returning to its normal rhythm. He had a small smile engraved within his stoic expression.
I nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yeah, it is."
"Brian sent me up here to find you,” he said and stepped closer, his presence comforting yet electrifying all at once as he stood next to me. “They're looking for you,"
Sorry. My crazy ex just texted me and almost scared the shit out of me. I felt like that would’ve been a conversation breaker, so instead, I sighed, tearing my gaze away from the horizon with a pang of guilt for disappearing without a word. Should’ve told someone I was coming here. "Well, you found me."
My gaze caught with his as his gaze lingered on me with an intensity that sent an unexpected shiver down my spine. There was a brief silence between us, but it was not uncomfortable. Instead, it was filled with an unspoken understanding, a sense that Han saw right through the walls I've built around myself, and at that moment, I couldn't help but wonder what he saw when he looked at me. 
I felt exposed under his scrutiny. It was as if he saw through the facade I'd carefully crafted, glimpsing the turmoil that lay beneath. Panic threatened to claw its way back into my chest, but I pushed it down, refusing to let it surface.
Swallowing the bitter taste that formed in my mouth, I decided to break the silence, my voice steady. "I just needed a moment alone.”
"I get it," he replied simply, his tone gentle yet reassuring. His dark eyes met mine, and a shiver ran down my spine. But beneath the surface, there was a tension, a hesitation that I couldn’t quite shake. This was dangerous. This… This whole situation was a disaster waiting to unfold and I couldn’t afford to let myself get too close. I burned myself once and I got a reminder of the consequences not that long ago. Fear gripped me tightly, twisting my insides into knots as I tried to suppress the memories of my past but I wasn’t brave enough to do so.
Instinctively, I step back, creating a safe distance between us. It's not that I didn’t trust Han, despite meeting him only a few days ago. I didn’t trust myself and there was something about our connection that both enticed and terrified me. 
God, I was a mess, wasn’t I?
"Come on," Han's voice interrupted my tumultuous thoughts, breaking the spell that bound us in this moment of uncertainty. "Let's head back down."
I nodded silently, torn between the urge to flee and the longing to stay. But as I took a step forward to walk past him into the warehouse, heading towards the stairwell, I fought to ignore the ache that spread in my chest.
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yuanf3 · 4 months
chapter one — "rat poison"
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A/N don't hold back on your thoughts about this and enjoy the first glimpse into layla's character <3
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This might have been the worst idea I’ve ever had.
And I had tons of them in my life, so maybe it was time to learn from my mistakes and realize that going against my brother’s advice was a terrible choice.
The hum of the engine echoed in my ears as I gripped the steering wheel of my black Honda NSX-R, parked defiantly at the starting line at King Charles Street. The neon glow of the streetlights cast an eerie luminescence on the wet asphalt, reflecting the drizzle that had been falling steadily for the past hour. The weather was tricky enough for me to almost stay home, but my dear friends didn’t know the meaning of a simple ‘no’, and that was why, as I stared ahead, the rhythmic thump of bass pulsed through my veins, matching the adrenaline coursing through my body. 
I almost sighed as I remembered how I ended up in this situation. I wasn’t even supposed to race tonight, but I couldn’t stand the sight of the British douchebag harassing Hilly, one of the friends who dragged me to the race. She knew how to handle herself, period. However, that asshole has been getting on my nerves since I moved to London and found its street racing community out of boredom. Alex, that was the asshole’s name, was simply a spoiled, little brat with enough daddy’s money to attend the meets. And his existence wouldn’t bother me if he wasn’t focused strongly on making women miserable. Including me. So, ignoring every fiber of my body trying to change my mind and the ‘no swinging first’ rule I got from my brother, I snapped. 
The atmosphere was charged with clear excitement, but there was an undercurrent of tension as well when I finally glanced around. Hilly and Jessie huddled nearby, talking to a group of people I had recognized from past races. They were pissed. Not at me, but at Alex. Everyone knew he was an entitled kid from a wealthy family, flashing his sports cars every chance he got, ruining the sentimental experience of the street races that were often filled with modified rides, not the ones straight from the salons. I couldn’t recall how many times he lost and then proceeded to act like he owned the place as if nothing happened. He needed to be taught a lesson sooner or later, anyway. Might as well be from me.
The crowd's roar on the right intensified as the revving of the engine pierced through the ambient noise, and a silver Porsche 918 Spyder rolled up beside me. Alex sat behind the wheel, his smug grin sending a wave of disbelief through me. The deal was if he lost, Ethan — who organizes most of the meets — would make sure he’d never show up at another race without losing his teeth, and he was still smiling? This guy was definitely dropped on his head as a baby because there was no way someone could be that stupid. 
His car was surrounded by a pack of sycophantic friends, their cheers reaching a fever pitch as he revved the engine, the noise almost drowning out the thumping music. I shook my head, slightly amused with his childish behavior. Show-off.
I glanced over at him, his smirk illuminated by the neon lights. His gaze, filled with overconfidence and arrogance, met mine briefly. He blew me a kiss as he revved, the sight almost causing me to throw up. Raising my eyebrows at him, I turned my attention back to the starting line with disgust.
“You can kiss my ass,” I muttered under my breath, adjusting myself in the seat.
One of the showgirls, adorned in glittering costumes, strutted to the front of our cars, carrying a makeshift flag. She stepped forward, her sequined outfit catching the light as she signaled at my Honda.
"Ready?" she called out, her voice barely audible over the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd. I responded by revving my engine, a defiant growl that echoed through the night. 
The girl then turned to Alex, “Steady?”
He revved the Porsche, the throbbing sound of the V8 causing goosebumps over my body. It was a shame that such a nice car was driven by such an idiot. 
I felt the anticipation in the air reach its peak as the showgirl raised her arms high. My heart pounded in my chest as the fabric rippled in the wind, fueled not just by adrenaline but by a burning desire to put that asshole beside me in his place. 
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I closed the door shut behind me, the adrenaline from the race still pulsating through my veins. As I tossed the keys to the Porsche, they soared through the air, landing perfectly in the decorative bowl on the console table in the hall of my flat. Alex wasn’t happy about losing his daddy’s precious ride and being banned from the meets, but hey, that's how it goes in our world when you act like an asshole. 
Exhaustion kicked in as soon as I indulged myself in the comfort of my flat. I kicked off my worn-out Vans, letting them drop haphazardly by the door, and peeled off my jacket. I was a sweaty mess. It had been a hell of a race, and even if it was almost 3 a.m. I still hoped for a good night’s sleep or else I’d be a zombie for the rest of the day.
I made my way through the dimly lit living room, with the city lights casting a soft glow through the large windows. The walls were adorned with framed photos and glimpses of my old life in Miami before I moved to study in London. Lots of them showed me and Brian, my brother, but there were also ones with Hilly and Jessie, either during a party or the races. I met them at one of our classes when they asked me if I knew what the hell the professor was talking about — spoiler alert, I didn’t, so maybe that’s why we clicked almost immediately and stuck with each other since then. 
Sauntering into the kitchen, my fingers automatically reached for the fridge door. I pulled it open and grabbed a cold bottle of water, the condensation dripping onto my hand as I twisted off the cap. 
Just as the rim of the bottle met my lips, the phone I left on the kitchen island erupted into sound, shattering the silence. The screen lit up, displaying an unknown number. I frowned. Normally, I would’ve hung up within a second because of the telemarketers, but there was no way it was them, obviously, so my curiosity was piqued. To be honest, I had no idea who it was. Could've been Hilly. She often called from people’s different phones whenever she was out since she never took hers with her, believing it could get stolen or something. I loved her to death, but boy, did she often ignore everything we've said with Jessie about this like it wouldn't save her life someday.
I stared at the phone for a second or two and after a brief hesitation, I swiped to answer, holding the phone to my ear. Curiosity won. 
"Hey, Lay," Brian's voice crackled through the line. Oh my God. 
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and grinned to myself, silently grateful it was my brother and not anyone else. 
“You scared the shit out of me, old man. You realize it’s like 3 in the morning here, right? Or are the time zones getting the best of you again?” I teased, leaning against the kitchen counter, calming my racing heart. It wasn’t unlike him to call at this hour since he often mixed the time differences, but it was weird he was calling from an unknown number.
My brother chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. Listen, uh, I'm with Mia and Dom in Rio-”
My frown deepened at his words and the confusion washed over me as I interrupted him, "Rio? What are you doing there?"
I felt him hesitate for a moment before he replied, “It’s a long story. We're pulling off a job, and we could use your skills. You in?"
“Spill the details first. What do you need me for?”
My confusion deepened, listening to Brian quickly filling me in on the plan or at least a really short version of it. My mind raced with the possibilities of the trouble he got himself into as I twirled the water bottle in my hands, waiting for him to end his rant.
"Alright. Count me in," I said after he finished explaining who they were bringing. Out of all the names, I only knew Rome and Tej, whom I hadn’t seen since we moved with Brian to Los Angeles after I finished high school almost four years ago. 
"Great. I'll fill you in on the rest when you get here. And pack light, we're on a tight schedule."
After a few more words and assurances that I really was up for this, we hung up. I quickly downed the last of the water and tossed my phone back onto the kitchen island, making my way to my bedroom to pack.
It looked like London was about to get a bit less rainy.
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The humid air of Rio de Janeiro hit me as soon as I stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac, the warm embrace of the tropical air enveloping me. It was a nice change from the rain-soaked streets I left behind, but it made me regret choosing to wear jeans instead of a sundress. The black tank top I had underneath my leather jacket was a god-sent solution though. It’s been a while since I’ve been anywhere this hot and it made me miss my time in LA or Miami. London just hasn't felt like home for a while now. 
I navigated through the Galeão International Airport, my senses alive with the unfamiliar sights and sounds. The Portuguese chatter of the locals filled the air, creating a symphony of voices around me.
Once outside, the sultry breeze carried the scent of the ocean and the distant sounds of car engines. Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I approached the cab stand, the sun casting a warm glow on the yellow taxis lined up like soldiers ready for duty. I locked eyes with a friendly cab driver, his smile genuine and welcoming. He spoke to me in Portuguese, his words flowing like a melodic rhythm. It had been a while since I last spoke to a Brazilian, but the language felt like an old friend inviting me back into its embrace.
"Boa tarde, senhora," he greeted me with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting the sunshine.
"Boa tarde," I replied, and despite being exhausted from traveling almost six thousand miles and not getting enough sleep to function around people, reciprocated the smile. I slid into the back seat, longing to get away from the heat outside. The heat would take a minute to get used to, that's for sure.
I leaned in and told him the address Brian had sent me, the unfamiliar street names rolling off my tongue with a sense of ease. He nodded in understanding, and as he pulled away from the curb, I pulled out my phone and checked the time. I was only two hours late, which was a miracle to me, considering my flight was a last-minute decision and it was delayed from the start. 
The car weaved through the streets, each turn revealing a new facet of the city's charm. I observed the bustling streets, alive with the rhythm of life, from the market vendors selling tropical fruits to the laughter of children playing in the squares. I pressed my face against the cool window glass, captivated by the kaleidoscope of colors that painted the city. The vibrant hues of the buildings, the lush greenery, and the azure sky all merged into a stunning panorama. However, I knew to never judge the book by its cover. In cities like this, there was always something that kept up the beautiful facade, but deep down was completely rotten. It was why I was here after all.
As the driver descended into the heart of the city, I felt the pulse of Rio's energy coursing through my veins, keeping me awake. The streets became more crowded, alive with the rhythm of daily life. Street vendors peddled their wares, and the aroma of street food filled the air, sneaking through the car's open window and causing my stomach to growl, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten much since I left my apartment in London. The plane meals were fine, but I was always nervous about flying alone, so I didn’t want to risk throwing up. Now that I thought about it, I should’ve eaten the damn food.
When the cab finally arrived at the destination — an old, abandoned factory — I raised an eyebrow at the sight in front of me, questioning my brother’s sanity and the size of the problem he was facing that resulted in him hiding in such a hideous place. 
Nevertheless, I paid the driver with a grateful smile and stepped out onto the sidewalk, the streaks of the sun brushing my olive skin, almost blinding me. Another thing I forgot was sunglasses. 
I sighed, running my hand nervously through my wavy, chocolate hair. Hoping I made the right choice coming to Brazil, I stepped into the shadows of the huge building.
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In the dimly lit warehouse, the first thing that hit me upon entry was the scent of gasoline and the distant hum of revving engines that filled the air. The sound of the creaky door closing behind me, followed by my Vans hitting the floor echoed through the cavernous space as I took it all in, slightly horrified by the state of the roof that looked ready to collapse any minute. I figured it was the right choice of a safe house if someone was wanted, like my brother, who I spotted sitting by a brunette I could’ve recognized anywhere. The reason for Brian’s downfall as a cop and the rise of his life as a fugitive — Mia Toretto. 
A mischievous grin that I couldn’t contain spread across my lips as I slowed down my steps and landed my gaze on my older brother, who was engrossed in a conversation with his girl. 
“Could’ve mentioned over the phone to bring rat poison, you know? This place is giving me creeps.”
At the sound of my voice, Brian turned to face me, his piercing blue eyes meeting my identical ones, a hint of a smile breaking across his face. "Look who decided to show up," he teased, standing up and leaning over the rail of the platform. "Took you long enough."
I sauntered over to him with a playful glint in my eyes. “Had a bit of trouble back home."
“Told you London traffic can be a nightmare,” he shot back, walking down the stairs with Mia on his side, who had a subtle smile on her face. 
I rolled my eyes, feigning exasperation. "Well, aren't you just a barrel of laughs today." 
He chuckled as I dropped my bag on the stairs and opened my arms wide inviting him to envelop me in a hug. His arms wrapped securely around me, almost crashing my ribs, but despite that, I nestled into the comfort of his embrace, realizing just how much I missed my brother. Ever since he went rogue, we didn’t have a chance to talk, much less to have moments of peace like this, so I appreciated every second of it.
Our hug lingered for about a minute before he released me from the embrace, his right arm dropping on my shoulders as we both watched Mia and Dom, whom I already knew all too well, approaching us with warm smiles, and enveloping me in a hug one by one.
"It's so good to see you," my brother’s girlfriend said, her voice filled with genuine affection, her hand gently patting my back. Mia was the friend every girl wished for. She was an amazing listener, always helpful with her advice, and quick to help whenever I needed her. There were things I went through even Brian didn’t know about, but his girlfriend did. 
“Right back at you,” I grinned at Mia, stepping back from the embrace and turning to look at the older Toretto. Truth be told, I wasn’t as close to him as I was with his sister, but he treated me like family and I wasn’t going to complain about it. 
"How’s my favorite troublemaker?” Dom remarked and pulled me into a bear hug, showing a protective side that contrasted with his tough exterior. My laugh was muffled by his white T-shirt. It was nice to see that he turned my past mischief into something optimistic, such as a new nickname, and the collection of them was growing.
My gaze shifted to an old friend from Miami, Tej, who strolled over with a playful grin and arms wide open. “London's finest in our midst. Ready to bring a touch of class to this hellhole?”
This time it was my turn to let out a chuckle, pulling away from the quick hug we shared. "Always. Someone's got to keep you guys on your toes."
“Look at you, Lay-Lay! All grown up into a fine woman. Time has been good to you, sweetheart, that’s for damn sure.”
The atmosphere shifted as a loud, amused voice boomed behind me. Tej stepped aside, scoffing and I turned around, wholeheartedly expecting the one and only Roman Pearce sauntering towards me with the same stupid smirk that meant no good. I guessed some things never changed then.
I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the oh-so-predictable comment, and crossed my arms. Instead of letting it slide like I always used to, I shot back with a sly smile, “Well, Rome, it's amazing what four years of avoiding your nonsense can do for a person.”
My response was met with snickers from my brother and Tej, causing my smile to grow wider. Rome, feigning offense, narrowed his eyes at me. 
"No respect around here, I swear," he muttered, placing a hand dramatically over his heart.
"Man, you're just upset because Layla's immune to your bullshit now,” Tej chimed in, clearly unable to resist the opportunity to poke fun. 
Pearce shook his head, staring at us in mock astonishment "Alright, alright. I see how it is. I'm surrounded by a bunch of comedians."
As I observed the usual banter between the two of my friends, I didn’t miss how Brian placed his hand on my back, leaning into my side, “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the rest of the crew.” I nodded, letting him move me through the makeshift garage.
First I’ve met Leo and Santos, who only greeted me with nods and smiles, talking quickly in what I think was Spanish and loading up a truck with bags filled with drilling and electronic equipment. I also noticed a few explosives, but remained silent, already getting an idea of what kind of a job this would be. Hell, I can only imagine we were going to need a whole lot more of these if we were about to steal millions of dollars from a drug dealer that controlled this city. This was next level, no doubt.
Despite finally feeling tired with each passing minute, it was only when we reached the quiet corner of the warehouse that my interest really piqued and the exhaustion from the flight slipped away as fast as it washed over me. 
Brian nodded toward a man hunched over the engine bay of a silver Nissan 370Z. Tools clinked together, and the rhythmic beat of a wrench tightening echoed in the space as my eyes narrowed. I eyed the subtle flex of the man’s muscles beneath the fitted black T-shirt and the subtle chest tattoos peeking out under the fabric. My gaze lingered on the faint scar that traced the line of his neck, right under his jaw. A souvenir from a knife maybe? 
"Hey, Han! Got someone I want you to meet," my brother called out over the ambient noise, pulling me out of the circle of theories that dwelled up in my mind from just the mere sight of that scar. It reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly. “This is Layla, my sister.”
My eyes snapped ahead as Han looked up, his expression calm and collected as he shamelessly stared me up and down before setting his piercing dark, brown eyes on mine baby blue ones. I felt a tingle down my spine at the sight of his dark hair falling effortlessly across his forehead. 
He straightened up, wiping his grease-covered hands on a rag. His gaze lingered on me for a moment longer than necessary, his eyes tracing the contours of my face and I bit back a snide remark that formed on my tongue. I was no stranger to intense gazes, but there was something about Han's that was different — calculated, almost as if he were sizing me up. It irked me.
Breaking off the eye contact first, I shifted my attention to the Nissan. "Nice ride you got there," I remarked, ignoring the sudden change in the pace of my heartbeat. "Mind if I take a look?" 
I stole a glance at him, awaiting his response. He stepped aside, gesturing toward the car, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Be my guest."
“Ah, shit.” I heard Brian’s comment as I circled the car and observed the intricate details, my eyes keenly scanning the engine, suspension, and exhaust system, comparing the mods to the ones I’d installed on my NSX-R back in London. Pretty much the same, besides the obvious Nismo additions, like the body kit and the turbonetics turbocharger, just like the one Brian had in his Skyline a couple of years ago. I would’ve paid a good amount of money to see how it acted on the streets. 
"Impressive setup you've got here," I noted, my fingers running over the smooth lines of the silver wrap. "Dual intercoolers, custom exhaust, and I bet those injectors are pushing some serious fuel. Are you running a modified ECU?"
My brother couldn't hold back a snicker and I felt the satisfaction building up in the depths of my mind as Han's stoic expression cracked into a small smile, his eyebrow rising. "You know your cars," he replied, his tone revealing a hint of approval. "Not many people around here know their way around imports like that."
"Well, Brian taught me a thing or two about them. He's not as clueless as he looks," I shrugged, casting a mischievous glance at my brother, who was grinning like a proud teacher. I couldn’t recall how many hours we’ve spent together at the garage he and Rome opened after the job they did on Carter Verone. I’ve made some pretty good memories there.
The blonde chuckled. "Yeah, she was always the one fixing my mistakes back in Miami."
I opened my mouth to say something, but Dom's voice boomed across the warehouse, "Brian! Get over here."
My brother nodded and looked at me when I leaned on the edge of the car, my eyes roaming around the modifications. "I'll be right back. Play nice, okay?"
“I’m always nice,” I stated, causing him to scoff as if he couldn’t believe I just said that. Rude.
Out of the corner of my sight, I saw how Han watched Brian as he made his way over to Toretto, leaving me alone with him. The intensity in the man’s gaze returned as he shifted his attention back to me, but, I remained silent. 
Until the moment my brother was out of earshot and I couldn't help but express my thoughts.
“It’s a beauty, but I'd have gone for a different camshaft setup to optimize torque delivery. Not to mention the suspension-”
“You’re not holding back,” Han interrupted me, standing on the other side of the engine, gripping the car’s hood with his hands to lean on it, his eyes leaving mine for a split second when a sly grin spread on my lips. 
“Would you?”
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yuanf3 · 4 months
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A/N frustrated about there being not enough fics with this man, so i took matters into my own hands
PAIRING layla spilner (oc) x han seoul-oh
TW/TAGS soft, sometimes a little bit of angst, mature (cursing, blood, 18+)
FIC SUMMARY layla spilner is brian's younger, half-sister, who is dragged into her brother's world filled with fast cars, reckless driving and people that just can't stay dead.
chapter one — "rat poison"
chapter two — "heart-to-heart"
chapter three — (coming soon)
182 notes · View notes
yuanf3 · 3 years
are you dominant or submissive?
I’m tired
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yuanf3 · 3 years
writing should be fun.
make oc playlists. spend hours on moodboards that have no purpose. write self-indulgent fluff that’s never going to be published. scribble three lines of poetry in the back of your history notebook. draw fanart of your own characters. write stupid dialogue that your publishers might hate. start new wips that you might never finish but write those three chapters that make you happy because if you don’t write them, who else will?
writing shouldn’t always be about “will publishers like this” or “i have to reach this word count” or “how do i get the most likes”.
have fun with your writing.
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