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Loki Babysitting Peter
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I really want a fanfiction where there's a baby Peter and all the avengers look after him while Thor is too scared to touch him because he thinks loki in disguised and it can potentially turn into another snake since loki done it 5 times in the same day.
Credit/ to the artist obviously /
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Hidd3nstare 52051 Light Sprite Tricktrouper crown 5k gems Sunchaser jewelry Electricians powerpack Metallurgists forgetools Spells roll Boneyard tatters Eroded crystalhide Fugitive shackles Windbound plumage Threshers flatfins Naturalist adornments Thank you!!
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2013-2014 GIVEAWAY… by me, raye, and advertised by my beloved mae. 13 winners!
call me roundsey, but with less frustration hopefully.
light sprite
sunchaser jewelry
electricians powerpack
metallurgists forgetools
boneyard tatters
eroded crystalhide
fugitive shackles
tricktrouper crown
windbound plumage
thresher flatfins
naturalists adornments
5000 gems
proof, so this isn’t a waste of your time is worn by she.
reblog with your fr username and id number, and your order of prize preference! follows appreciated but not required, likes don’t count. thanks!
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so salty. But it's Been tagged No Salt....
What killed your festival was the fact you had a fourm to sgine in to be on the ping list rather than people posting in the thread. Cause any well planded out event wouldn’t have taken this laying down like yall did. With out 20 peopel requesting to be on the ping list, thus bumping the main thread hub to be constently on the top of the page, no one is going to be looking out for your thread.
To all other festivals make note, you gotta milk that free advertizment for people to give a damn about what your doing. 
And if you say that “oh but it’s so much easier just to have a google doc ping list”
I’m just going to sit in my chair, grab my speakers and crank this song up to 11.
because this shit’s my life fucking matto as an artist and a general “community manager” esk role in a lot of stuff I do outside of FR in IRL.
Im looking forward to Wind’s festivities and hope you don’t do what Shadowflight did. My birthday’s right on your holiday and I cant wait to see what comes this year! =D
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If you're reading this...
go write three sentences on your current writing project.
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You could donate it to your flight treasury?
Leaving the game...how to cash in?
It’s been fun. But I think I’m ready to be done w/ the game.  I’ve done a lot, moved flights a couple times, made a g1 lore lair, nuked that, made a themed lair, completed it, and nuked that. I’ve been in the game for a long time, have all sorts of year 1 sprites and apparel (non of the really good ones tho), but I’m just…meh. Not even in a bad way, just ready to move on.  To that end, what do with all my dragon cash? I’d like to turn it into something tangible, but I know all that sort of stuff if a no-go on site. 
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..... You know that if they are on the AH they are fair game? And also if you’re that picky you should’ve named them first imo. Also if their on the AH you aren’t giving them away, you’re selling them....
i and several others give you kudos for name-dropping yourself when you name drop my friend. Well Done
I am so annoyed right now. Someone bought my dragons off the AH as fodder because the price rose while I wasn’t looking. They were siblings. They named them the same thing, “Shade.” I, being picky about offspring lists, commented on their wall asking if I could buy them back (I was trying to give them away to noobs). It disappears. I assume it was an error posting it and try again. Gone. I send them a message offering to pay for the dragons in full, explaining I was going to find them good homes. I said if they didn’t feel like doing that, I could send them a renaming scroll so my offspring list is all good. No reply. I wait a few hours and attempt to PM them again, in their profile they said that was fine. I was blocked. I wasn’t harassing them, this was over the course of a few hours, and now I’m stuck with this in the list of one of my favorite dragons:
Thanks WildFlora.
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I made this to annoy my mom when she asked for christmas music
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So my first question. What makes you think its ok to just share the threads from the private forums with all the world? My second question. Why didn't you say you had a problem with our forums when you were here? Then you possibly could've had input into any reconstruction.
callout post: light vs shadow
hi – im a shadow member who moved over to light. i am personally curious as to light vs shadow in terms of structural differences; for that i turn to the comparison between the two flight’s forum experiences
—– general discussion—— shadow: 6 threads, including 1 obligatory mod-intro thread. stickies:
a note on necro-ing threads.
shadow’s link hub. 
newbie introduction thread
shadow-themed resources (art, banners, etc)
psa about dominance 
light:4 threads, including 1 obligatory mod-intro thread. stickies:
an address to newbies & transfers.
light’s link hub (addressed as services/guides)
light’s registry to ping users with certain roles.
—– sales —— shadow: 6 stickies.
art club thread (gathering for artists)
familiar collectors.
food kitchen
lair expansion initiative.
an adoption center for dragons
rent-a-l25-derg service.
light: 7 stickies.
familiar collectors.
baldwin mats trading
food kitchen
swipp’s user swap item stand; looks like there’s freebies?
rent-a-l25-derg service.
free leveling service
raffles psa thread
—– dominance ——
shadow: 8 stickies.
fodder sales hub
dom mentors
teams assignment thread
battlestone bank
dom101 thread
militia hub
dom101 thread, but for newbies
light: 4 stickies.
dom archives (rly neat guys)
dom101 thread
fodder sales psa
op notes:
sticky count: shadow has more, and imo a few of these stickies are redundant or may be merged together for more cohesion/cleaner forums. light’s stickies are shorter, neater, also their emphasis goes to sales forums (they’re cash oriented, after looking around for a bit. i can see that)
liveliness: shadow feels kinda dead, where light is more active. goes w/o saying that light has more active members, but also even if shadow has a bunch of active members too, they’re definitely not talking much
general discussion: re shadow, i dont think posting in a 750-page intro thread is very homely/friendly, and there’s no official greeting thread/message for new members which makes it feel unlived in/uncontrolled, also the newbies intro thread kinda feels like a link hub as well, which feels kinda strange imho – for light, they’ve got a psa to newbies and transfers, i especially like the social section that explains and links the slack/irc, clean gd also helps emphasize on the discussions happening w/ users
sales: re shadow, i personally dont know why the l25-rentals are there, nor the art club – i especially like the lair expac initiative, though whether its to be stickied in the first place is debatable – sales is more light territory though, baldwin mats trading is new with the intro of baldwins cauldron, and swipps stand feels like a nice easy way for newbies to experience trading and/or having a bit of pocket change in their hoard – really like the raffles psa thread
dominance: no clue why shadow has 8 stickies, good job on dom mentors + battlestone bank, very concerned at the dom101 threads (why are there two of them? the one targeted towards newbies doesn’t really address how the dom system works in shadow (teams vs militia vs lone wolves) while also disjoining newbies from more experienced users, which may feel degrading? also the other’s header is changed to recent dom psa’s, so its not even a dom101 from a glance) – light’s small number of stickies also helps in emphasizing events made during dom, which are always [tagged] (i appreciate that) and the dom101 thread really communicates the flight’s goals and aspirations, absolutely lovely
more notes, but now more personal and not based on forum stickies:
im a big fan of light’s ping registry honestly, because it’s a really easy way of signing yourself up for knowing what the community is doing and it works for nearly everyone and everything in the community because it’s targeted for everyone (and everything) in the community – great job light
while i personally understand the adoption center’s role, idk if i’d put it under sales in shadow’s terms, especially stickied
there’s actually a lot of things in shadow’s forums that don’t give off the feeling of dom-oriented (which is okay! its definitely not the way to go if the flight wants to go in a more-dom-please direction, and its not very efficient either because at this point i cant tell what the flight wants to do – it might as well be plague’s wasteland lorewise)
treasury wise i dont know how much shadow has, but i know what light is doing (kudos!) which makes the system very transparent – i really like how you guys have an investor, the existence of their position + efficiency is personally my favorite part about joining light
s/o to shadow’s mentor system because having a personal mentor is good help – id definitely suggest cobbling together a definite dom101 and a centralized dom strategy plan though
also what is up with teams vs militia hub vs lone wolves? the latter’s images are broke btw
light users asking for how they can help out in the dom community gets a bit of helpful replies, while on the rare occasion that shadow has them there’s only a simple paragraph + direct answer at best – the thread is ignored at worst, i am personally worried about that – re shadow, your mentors can also reply to them to give advice btw
deep respect to two of the dom sticky threads in light that were made by the same person because it shows that you guys either have a committee dedicated to dom or you are all really active – both of which are great
its quite confusing for shadow to know what is happening in their dom weeks, at best team hubs and lone wolves are more active – in light there’s a designated thread (with a tag!!! also a standardized naming convention) for conquests, and it makes everything so much easier to read up on
also shadow keeps remaking team hub threads so uh thats a thing
light actually has chats for buying/selling fodder and im personally very impressed im in love with your organizational skills
light knows what they want (money) and they’re structurally organized for it, which makes their spirit unconquerable and infectious, so kudos to that!
if shadow wants to change from being the one pitied/picked on, they’re definitely going to have to go through structural changes (and stay organized!!! please) the more accessible and transparent information and organizations are the better it feels to be working with them
also focusing on a thing that defines shadow is good to building a flight reputation – light has their money, arcane has their world building, lightning has their spreadsheets – if all shadow has is edge, look to the future and rock that edge hardcore! 
tl;dr: op pokes holes into the organization of light vs shadow’s forums, light is a dope flight because they know what they want and build their flight’s lifestyle around getting what they want, shadow needs to start from scratch, come together and ask themselves what they want, and what it is that shadow can offer that is unique to shadow. and then go for that. after cleaning up their forums.
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Ah, Shadowling here.
A member of my flight that doesn’t use Tumblr would like me to point out they donated 10milT to the Treasury. We aren’t as broke as y’all seem to think we are.
This isn’t meant to be drama, just a genuine question. Is Light/Plague ever going to be dethroned as ultimate dom powerhouse? I know Earth can beat em because of their size, but I mean any other flights. Light probably has more money in their dom fund bank alone than all the money of all shadow flighters combined.
In reference to the NOTN dom debacle, I see a lot of people saying Shadow should just work for it (and I myself even said that), but there’s 0 way they could ever beat light. (though I’m also not sure if the light thing and notn thing are connected. does light usually take notn dom?)
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Original replyer, were you here when we fought Arcane this year? My personal coffers are still recovering. Did you see, how hard we were trying? several people stayed up for over 12 hours accepting dragons from OOFers. We do try!
second replyer. But that attitude right there is why we don’t win. BC we ARE in to Dom. But everyone moves to Shadow to get away from DOM. and when you have a dom team of maybe? not even 10% of the Active players, let alone those that only log in to feed their dragons once in the 2 weeks before a battle (and they get marked as active bc theres been activity in the account) its hard work.
I remember when I first joined in April 2014, Shadow got Dom Whenever we wanted it. Now, bc of attitudes like that, and the perception that “we just aren’t into DOM” we can’t. its damned near impossible. But we keep trying.
I DARE YOU to come here and join our DOM team for 6 months. then tell me to my face that we dont try.
this is why we never get dominance my dude
it looks nice when we want to win it fair and square but uhhhhhhh
if we really wanted to win dom that bad we would and this would never be a thing but no one in shadow even cares that much??? maybe light is right 🤔
idc if everybody “gives” us notn dom because I want my flight to have dom please and thanks
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I’m Hidd3nstare on FR, feel free to drop me a pm or something... Or if you want to talk directly to a Dom head try Redwillia?
re: http://dramarising.com/post/165678701764/i-love-shadow-i-like-the-flight-i-like-the
same?? id actually love to give feedback, because as a shadeling looking in i still think its semi inaccessible?? but like comments said itd be best if feedback is forwarded to applicable parties –
who are they
do other flights also have a designated feedback thread or something? 
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heya, shadeling here
Just wondering what exactly the problem is you have with our dom?
I just want to understand, bc in the 3 years ive been on here ive seen it change from a slap-dash thing to having leaders, to having said leaders almost overthrown, to being a mostly well oiled machine. if you have suggestions please tell someone that you have things you want to see done?
again, just trying to understand, because then we can try to make it more appealing to people
I love Shadow. I like the flight, I like the community, I like the aesthetics. But I have a serious problem with Shadow Dom. In fact, it annoys me so much I was considering switching flights. But at the same time I feel like I shouldn’t, because as I said, I love the community and the aesthetics of Shadow.
The saddest part is it doesn’t look like Shadow Dom will ever change. Sometimes there’ll be chatter about changes, but then it dies down after a while and nothing ever seems to change.
No salt towards Shadow, though. I can see we’re all trying our best. But it’s really frustrating and disheartening when things don’t seem to change ever.
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It’s less a battle and more an internal hashout of whos best
Dear Plague & Earth
Dragons are 10G on the AH. Update your PB prices please. No one is going to buy a 10G dragon from the AH, level it to 5 and send in for 10G. I thought this was a dom battle? Where’s the battle part? 
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Bro. It’s Sunday. Literally the First Day of the Push. Chill
Is the the worst Dom battle or what?
More salt about PvE. Lame ass. And has Plague even been at the top of hte board? I thought they were all salty Dom? I saw there are former Plague Dom people in Earth now. What’s that about? No OOF and cheap shit payouts. Anyone mercing to them? I always thought Plague was a decent enough Flight, but I predict an implosion if they can’t make this a fight.
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2 dogs
Why can’t we all just hold hands?
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