yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
As soon as she spotted the familiar figure through one of the windows, her heart did this crazy thing where it sped up only to completely stop. Or, that’s what it felt like. It went a billion times faster than normal and then.. Nothing. The familiarity of his stance, the way he walked and moved was enough to reduce her to a 14 year old. Who was the lucky one of them? She had heard and read that Hyojong was the fortunate one, he hadn’t even debuted yet and still had snagged THE kpop queen but she would argue against that. It was the kpop queen that had somehow gotten lucky by finding someone that she could be herself with and that was worth more than anything else. The entertainment world was so fake and what they had was so real.
”Hi,” she breathed when her boyfriend slid down next to her. The way he made her shiver by simply sitting next to her was priceless. All she wanted to do was straddle him right there and then. Ugh, she’d have to wait until they had reached their destination before she could allow herself to act on the sluttiness that was reserved for her partner. Unless he was up for a quickie on the plane..
”Yah,” she playfully scolded him and gently gave his arm a slap for the comment about her face. Another thing she loved about him, how playful he could be and how easy it was for them to tease each other. After signaling for the driver to start the journey toward the airport, she focused all her attention on the wonderful man next to her.
”I missed you too,” she murmured and scooted a tad closer to him so they could speak a little more privately. ”I’ve done something crazy,” her eyes widened to emphasize the word ’crazy’. ”I can’t tell you yet because I want it to be a surprise but I’m whisking you away and we’re not going back here until our shitty company is giving us what we deserve.” She had to take a deep breath and her hand found his, her fingers tightening their hold in a squeeze and what could be read in her eyes was the confidence she had in them both. She hadn’t told him that she had threatened the CEO to walk out on them if they decided to get rid of E’Dawn but she’d tell him that later. He had to know that she was on his side, that she wasn’t going anywhere without him. Even if they ended up getting kicked out or if they decided to leave and end up in different companies, she would still love him, still cherish him, still stand by him.
”So we’re sort of running away,” she continued and pursed her lips although the mask covered up the expression. ”You can of course turn back around if it’s too much but I’m going.” Hyuna knew he’d go with her and the knowledge of that thrilled her, still she wanted to leave the option of staying open. She didn’t want him to feel trapped or forced to go with her.
”All I can say now is that we’re going on a short plane trip. To Japan. But what we’ll be doing in Japan or rather, where we’re staying will be a surprise.”
Hyuna shifted slightly in her seat, threw a quick glance at the driver to make sure he was focused solely on driving and then she grabbed a magazine someone had left behind from a previous ride, opened a random page and held it up in front of them so it’d cover their heads. ”Now kiss me before I go bananas here!” she whispered, tugged her mask down enough and puckered up her lips.
1. Run away with me
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
[Self-Para] He stays or I’m out.
She had picked CUBE over 4minute even after having experienced their shitty management for years and the only reason for that was the gratitude toward the founder since he was the one that had brought her back into the entertainment business. After she had left Wonder Girls due to her health, she had thought she'd never be able to perform on stage ever again. Then she signed with CUBE and a whole new future opened up for her. She had endured countless of nasty rumors. For some reason people had a hard time warming up to her. They had all speculated about the reason for her departure from Wonder Girls - some said she had been pregnant and had had an abortion, that the kid had been Kikwang's, some said she had battled anorexia and some said she had been kicked out of JYP because she was a slut. None of which was true. Happiness wasn't something she took for granted. She loved standing on stage, she adored her fans and there was nothing else she wanted to do. Being an idol was her life. It was the only thing she knew. Until Hyojong came along. The people she dated over the years never seemed to be able to keep up with her. It had been hard to find someone that was compatible with her, it had been impossible. Not many had been able to keep up with her flirty nature. Maybe she hadn't been ready to settle down either. A part of her had always sought freedom while at the same time she wanted to find her soulmate. Conquest after conquest, it all became sort of dull. Then she got to know Hyojong. He took over Ilhoon's part during one of her promotion periods and they got to know each other. A trainee was perhaps a risky thing to focus so much attention on. He had been a nobody while she was already an established bombshell. He was, however, a risk worth taking when he proved to be able to keep up. And now? After over 2 years together, she still hadn't gotten tired of him. She wanted to world to know that he belonged to her. The company had of course wanted them to hide their relationship. She just didn't think that was fair. Not to them or the fans. So she talked it over with everyone. Hyojong, Pentagon, the management, the CEO. They all said it was up to her. The desition was an easy one. She penned down a confession on instagram and that was it. It was all out in the open. The backlash had been expected, just not to that extent. She stood her ground, however. It was all words. The people that threw their hate at them were losers anyway. Her fans were more accepting than his. Which also had been expected. Girls were crazy. And CUBE was a weak company without a backbone. "You do NOT pull Hyojong out of Pentagon, you hear me?" "We might have to." "That's a lie and you know it. We are changing the damn world with these news, people have been shipping us since day one and now suddenly they can't handle it? He's not theirs. He's mine." "Hyuna, they want to hear it from him and he's not saying a thing. They can't forgive that." "They can and they will. He wasn't even supposed to be a part of Pentagon but you all changed your minds and gave him a chance. If you pull him out, it's your loss." "He'll be without group and will have to go back to being a trainee." "So you're just gonna pull the carpet from underneath his feet?" "That's not--" "You know what? I quit. Cancel my contract. I'm starting my own company and I'm taking him with me." "You can't do that!" "Of course I can. I've been here for YEARS, I have all the experience I need. I can run a company better than you can." "Listen, maybe we can come to a solution.." "Hyojong's staying. Or I'm out." Hyuna stared hard at the man behind the desk. She saw how his Adam's apple bobbled when he swallowed hard and she crossed her arms across her chest. She'd take them all down if she had to. Hell, they had agreed to cut Triple H's promotion short, what more could they ask for? Dammit. When the CEO gave a short nod, she turned on her heels and strode out of there. They all knew better than to argue with her. She gathered information, picked up bits and pieces here and there, and she could throw it in their faces if they crossed her. Her nature could be forgiving, but it was easy to anger her. Sometimes she even liked to argue just for the sake of it. It was a thrill at times. Now however, it was a question of life and death. No one went after Hyojong on her watch.
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
Hyuna stared at her phone, refusing to advert her gaze from it. She needed to hear from him and she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't turn her down. But he probably didn't think she was serious with her request. To run away with him was all she wanted to do. To a place where she could take care of him and they could just.. be. Be themselves without having to worry about crazy people trying to tear them apart. As soon as the device vibrated in her hand, she tensed up but only to relax a nano-second later. To hear from him always soothed her worries. >kkt: And I you. And I'm serious so you better start packing, only bring necessities. Maybe some warm clothes. I'll pick you up in 30 and I'll handle everything else. Love you! >kkt: Oh! Wear a disguise, especially cover up that blonde hair of yours! After hitting send, she wrote a quick message to her manager where she threatened to have him fired if he so much tried to stop her. Perhaps she was being mean and selfish but didn't she deserve to be so every once in a while? She told her manager that she'd be away for however long it took in order for them to put Hyojong back to work and that was it. Screw them all. She stood by her man in every kind of weather. It didn't take long for her to throw some clothes into a bag along with hygiene products and contacted her mom so she could care for the dogs while she was away. Her little darlings. They were all rescue dogs and she loved them to bits, and it hurt to be away from them but she knew this was something she had to do. It was time to think about something else than just her career. The cab she ordered arrived shortly and donning a mask over her face, loose fitting clothes, and her hair up in a messy bun, she knew no one would recognize her. It was what she looked like whenever she went out shopping and it wasn't often at all she was approached. Especially when she wasn't wearing any makeup. Thirty minutes later, the cab pulled up in front of Pentagon's dorm and her heart nearly beat out of her chest. This was it. It was the craziest thing she had ever done, to just up and leave.. What she wouldn't do for love. No, scratch that. What she wouldn't do for him.
1. Run away with me
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
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Liars, all of you
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
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after knowing that hyuna and edawn have been dating for 2 years….this is so cute.
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
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cutest couple award goes to…
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
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after their first time on stage as a public couple 💞 
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yourqueenhyuna-blog · 6 years
1. Run away with me
What kind of bullcrap was Cube pulling? Hyuna slammed her front door shut so hard it startled the dogs that came running to greet her. So what if they were dating? Nothing had changed except that people now knew. For crying out loud, they had been screwing for 2 years already. This was her first so called dating scandal, for 11 years she had kept her boyfriends (and occassional girlfriends) a secret. And now when she was finally happy, when she had found someone that accepted her for who she was, they wanted to destroy that? Fuck them. Hyuna toed her shoes off and with a tail of dogs following her, she went into the kitchen to pour herself a drink. God knew she needed it. Why couldn't they just let it be? Their relationship was theirs. It wasn't anyone else's business. But they wanted them to stay away from each other to let things cool down. Cool down? Were they that stupid? They were pulling Hyojung out of schedules. For what? It was freaking ridiculous. With her throat burning from the soju, she went to grab her laptop. She had to do something to save them. They couldn't stay cooped up in their dorms doing nothing just to please the company. What about their love? Their feelings? Their needs? Typing away on the keyboard, she browsed several sites until an add caught her interest. A house. In the mountains. In Japan. Okinawa to be exact. Chewing on her lower lip she clicked on it and was brought to another website. After spending a couple of hours reading through all the information and even calling the real estate agent she had made up her mind. Even if Hyojung wouldn't be up for a little retreat, she'd have a place to hide at when things became too much. Some would call her crazy for buying something without having even seen it but right then and there she didn't care. Only one person was on her mind. Picking up her phone, she pursed her lips and typed a short message to the man that was embedded so deeply in her heart. > kkt: baby boy, run away with me.
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