yourminerva · 3 years
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@kindofdefinitelymaybe-blog1 @autopicked23-blog @hepbilindikq-blog @dalukane2 @la-mare-aux-canards @burntpanda14 @inyaface13 @get-sleazy-4-ron-weasley @anemicandsweett @robertacsus @xthehalfbloodprincessx @cowvinland @xmydiaryblogx @iliveseeingyoursmile-blog @kittenxcuddlesxoxo @pervertedandproud @lawebdelperrete @keithdiego @pumpkinbi @calibrispirit @chakra-colors @korncutie89 @thedark-l0rd @yosoymadiana-blog @moonkitten94 
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yourminerva · 4 years
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Patches, Embroidered Hats and Pins, by Starseed Supply Co on Etsy
See our ‘patches’ tag
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yourminerva · 4 years
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yourminerva · 6 years
Venus Signs & Stereotypes
Aries: All you ever hear is that you’re unfaithful and frisky, but people fail to forget how protective and loyal Aries Venusians truly are. You are meant to bring fun and passion into the lives of your lovers. You encourage your interests to experience everything with you. You are like an adrenaline rush after feeling down for a long time. Embrace it.
Taurus: So, you’re supposed to be all about money, a dull lifestyle, and boring commitment. Well, they’re getting it all wrong. You give sensual affection to your lovers and bring them to concerts, movies, museums, or help perfect their works or art. You are careful and steady, making your partner feel comfortable and loved. There is nothing ordinary about your stimulating romance.
Gemini: Unfaithful? Distracted? Unattainable??? More like upbeat, curious, and fun-loving. Though you require space, you enjoy time spent with your partner, especially if they can surprise you with adventures and a broad intellect. You’re more unfaithful to your plans and your tasks than to your relationships.
Cancer: Manipulative, clingy, and passive aggressive. Interesting how those words are tossed around. Anyone can possess such traits, but not everyone is as loving, nurturing, and caring as you are. Your romantic expression is often mistaken for something it’s not because others are not so used to softness and delicacy. Just because you are more sensitive than others does not mean it’s a front for something sinister.
Leo: Everywhere you look, you see pages upon pages claiming how high maintenance and selfish you are. Little do they know that royalty expects royal treatment and you will never ask for what you cannot give back. You will do anything for a lover that treats you the way you deserve to be treated. You would love to spoil and indulge your romantic interests.. Only if they do the same for you. Virgo: You’re not as demanding and critical as you’re made out to be. You would never push someone to be someone they are not, you simply aim to help your partner achieve the goals they wish to reach. If your partner wants to lose weight, you’ll be their coach. If your partner wants to quit a habit, you’ll stand by them through it all. You’re never appreciated for how much perseverance and patience you have in love. Thank you for being so helpful. Libra: Promiscuity and lingering lovey dovey eyes plagues your reputation but your devotion and sensuality towards romantic partners doesn’t. You would do anything to make your partner feel beautiful, wanted, and equal. You may be obsessed with the idea of love but you still know when you’re in love because you will put all your effort into a lover.. As long as you also feel worthy and loved by your interest. Scorpio: You’re often romanticized for your passion, your sexuality, and your emotional depth but when people you love get to see the real you, you’re often met with shock, abandonment, and rejection. For this reason, it can be so hard for you to open up but someone who will understand this and be patient with you will help you accept your romantic feelings. Don’t ever let others degrade you for something they do not have: sympathy, passion, and true love. Sagittarius: Others claim that you’re chaotic, wild, and unstable in love but really, you’re just searching for someone who will tag along with you on adventures and match up well with your changeable nature. You crave a relationship full of fun, excitement, philosophy, and passion. If someone cannot offer you this, you’re quick to run away. You’re not as complex as you’re made out to be, you just need someone as active as you in love. Capricorn: It urks me how little information is given about Cap Venusians. All that is known is that they are ambitious, dull, and all about their finances and career when this is such a large stereotype. A better description would be that they provide well for their lovers and will do anything to bring comfort and stability into their lives. They are extremely thoughtful and pay close attention to the little things about their partners for future reference. They are not boring or cold-hearted, they work hard to prove their love and devotion. Aquarius: Often deemed as unable to settle down, emotionally distant, and rebellious, Aqua Venusians are very misunderstood. It is with their style and self expression that they cannot find stability or normality, not their relationships. Their fashion and interests are ever changing and always quirky. Their love, however, is full of compassion, support, and encouragement. They will enjoy having a partner who is different, even encouraging their individuality and making them feel special. They are kind, sympathetic, and stimulating. Pisces: There is much more to them than meets the eye. Though they are soft and light hearted, there love and affection never is. They love and express their affection intensely and enjoy making their lover feel comfortable. Their moodiness and passive aggressive behaviors can make them seem manipulative but they are truly sensitive beings who take everything to heart and never mean to instigate. They need someone gentle and understanding to deal with their variable emotions.
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yourminerva · 6 years
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yourminerva · 6 years
you can never protect people, you can only make them strong  enough to protect themselves
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yourminerva · 6 years
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Super Blood Moon by Reuben Wu
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yourminerva · 6 years
You can discover your favourite band when you’re in your late twenties. You can meet your best friend when you’re in your thirties. You can finally accomplish a life goal when you’re in your fifties. Your youth isn’t the only time frame where amazing, life-changing things can happen.
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yourminerva · 6 years
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Taking Centre Stage, Bluebell Burst & Rise Into Bluebells by Steve Cole
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yourminerva · 6 years
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Maui, Hawaii | micahphoto_
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yourminerva · 6 years
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yourminerva · 6 years
If you want to see your 1st house: Find a reflection and look into your eyes, look at the masks you hang on the back of your door. Reflect on the sense inside that feels wrapped around a tiny pulse, the one that has always been with you and never leaves, the one that responds to hearing your name out loud or validation of your presence. What is going on inside your mind? there is the chattering of thoughts, but who is the one listening?
If you want to see your 2nd house: Look at your bed and furniture, your clothes and decorations, your bank account and wish list, the book you are reading, cuisine you are enjoying. Listen to the sound of your voice, touch every soft curve and harsh angle in your body like you are reading a musical about yourself. Look at your art room and creations, your wine fridge, your garden and flowers, hold your gold, gemstones, or crystals. Look at the assets that reflect the quality of your hard work
If you want to see your 3rd house: Write a blog post or flick through your articles of interest, talk to your neighbour or message your sister. Look at your schoolbooks, look at the way you have arranged your immediate environment to make it stimulate and interact with you. Take a drive to your favourite cafe or the tram to your little hangout where you like to amuse yourself. Think of your first day of school, ask the first question that comes to your mind out loud
If you want to see your 4th house: Go to the physical place or place that your mind knows as home. See where the flow of your solitary fantasy takes you. Look at your parents and grandparents, your photo albums, old journals, and comforters you have kept hold of. Write down what you are feeling, read or start a dream journal. Imagine a golden umbilical cord that comes from inside your core and leads into space. Look at the personal touches you leave on every house you make a home. At the end of the day, what is it that truly matters? the 4th house reflects on these deeply conditioned values
If you want to see your 5th house: Lose yourself in your child's imagination, look at your romantic partner, look at the source of your pride and accomplishments. Think of a day that was made to celebrate you like your birthday or wedding. Let spontaneity flow through you and write a song, poem, or grand story of your life and dream. Look at your dress to impress, the things you post on your blog, your make-up, your special charm, the items that keep you amused and entertained, your school and sports awards, your unfinished grand schemes. Play with your deck of cards, enjoy a wine under solar light, make a bet with yourself
If you want to see your 6th house: Look at your daily planner, make an appointment, look at your your medicine box. Look around your home at all the quirky innovations and constructs that make it more personally efficient. Look at your pet, look at your obvious or irregular patterns of order, the way you left your shoes at the door, and the way you left reminders for yourself. Do something intricate with your hands. Think of something that gives you butterflies, think of the new skills you have learned on the job, get your work prepared for the next day
If you want to see your 7th house: Look at your partner, your loved ones, your relationships, your first love, reflect on their great value and necessity, think of that mystical rare spark or cosmic crackle that romantic encounters can ignite, think of the sister that peeps out from inside you when these people are around. If Cupid could grant your wish, what would you envision your ideal relationship and partner to be? Look in the mirror and turn off the light. Play the opposite day game.
If you want to see your 8th house: Look at your inheritances, photographs of your ancestors, look at your intimate partner, and look at the resources you have grown together. Think about the time you confronted one of your greatest fears or survived something you didn't think you could. Go to the place you hide things, unlock your top draw of concealed desire, open your confidential files, look at your tax return, imagine you were to go to sleep and never wake up. Reflect on the way that people would describe your energy or legacy after your spirit has gone home
If you want to see your 9th house: Look at your degree or certificates, look at your passport or desired travel destinations. If you could go anywhere or study anything what would it be? Look at your heavy textbooks and reading material, your holiday photos or blog, read your horoscope or mythology. Try to remember the first way you managed to think about or describe God. Reflect on an extraordinary experience, sense of joy, or oneness with nature and the world around you. Think of the one question you would ask the universe if it could give you a direct answer.
If you want to see your 10th house: Look at the personal success story and badges of honour you have collected for yourself, you may be looking at things like your academic credentials and awards, your children, your profession. Look at your online profiles, your resume, and your followers. Think of what you wanted to be when you grew up, and what you still want to be. Reflect on what the definition of success is to you. If you could give your 10 year old self a message or piece of advice, what would it be?
If you want to see your 11th house: Style your appearance like you would if you knew you were not going to be judged, labeled, or receive unwarranted attention. Reflect on the times when you have felt a life to be heaven on earth, or you have experienced an out of the ordinary position of consciousness. If you were to be accepting your dream on a stage, who would you thank for supporting you to get there? Look at your friends, your online groups, your devises around the home. Play with, or support your team. If you were a leader what would your one major political policy be?
If you want to see your 12th house: Hide under your blanket, lose yourself in a book, shut your eyes and go inside, read your private journals, realise the moment between sleep and awake. Listen to a song that is emotionally inspiring, hypnotising, or transporting. Meditate, pray, create or daydream. Turn your devices so you won't be disturbed, soak your feet, take a swim or bath and submerge your ears, let your imagination run wild, observe how you feel and spend your time when nobody else is home
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yourminerva · 6 years
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Couples in New York City 
Ike Turner & Tina Turner in Central Park on July 2, 1971.
John Lennon & Yoko Ono on 73rd St and Central Park West on April 2,1973
Sonny Bono & Cher on Lexington Avenue on May 5, 1973.
(Photos by Bob Gruen)
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yourminerva · 6 years
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yourminerva · 6 years
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yourminerva · 6 years
Girls like hearing men moan during sex
Girls LIKE hearing men moan during sex
GIRLS LIKE hearing men moan during sex
GIRLS LIKE hearing MEN MOAN during SEX
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yourminerva · 6 years
not to be nsfw but i want someone to finger me and eat my pussy
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