yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
Hey if you’re schizophrenic/psychotic I just want you to know that you’re a wonderful person and that you deserve so much better than the demonization, marginalization and stigmatization you face in this society.
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
How about some dad Roguefort and Walnut
I rather see this more than that ....ship , have rougefort be a parent or sibling to walnut and i will forever be happy
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This is a lil sad moment here kinda didnt want to post it but
Its about time i post angst a bit more
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Im just not good with dialouge this was kinda a draft heh idk
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
Roguefort & Walnut (parental)
(https://archiveofourown.org/works/24686080/chapters/66373003) The Operation Timeguard just started but I needed to write this idea. P.S.: THIS IS PARENTAL ROGUEFORT, NO WALFORT SHIP. They desperately needed that heirloom, it was already bad enough that it had gotten auctioned away but they were grateful for Timekeeper’s help as they got closer to finding out where it was. They finally got to it, hands reaching to grab the priceless object when a wormhole opened, a small but high pitched yelp making it through as the familiar little detective went through. Timekeeper growled, a displeased frown upon his face. “You again little nuisance?!” He said before opening another wormhole, this one leading to… oh no… Roguefort’s heart sank as he saw the burning village, accompanied by the sudden stench of dead corpses and a mighty roar from the legendary red dragon. They could see from their position how Walnut’s eyes widened in realization soon followed by pure horror, understanding that if she went through that wormhole it would mean her death. They saw how he grabbed her by the neck, ready to throw her to her doom. “NO!” Roguefort shouted, ignoring completely the priceless heirloom they had fought so hard for as they ran towards the other two cookies, Timekeeper seemingly having forgotten about them as his eyes widened before he was tackled, making him lose his grip on Walnut who landed close to the wormhole which was starting to try and suck her in. Her terrified shrieks only boosted Roguefort’s adrenaline as they rushed to pull her away from danger, holding her close to their chest just as the wormhole closed, their body rolling on the hard floor.
She was safe. They had saved her.
They loosened their grip over her, checking her for any injuries. She had none. “W-Why?” She asked, her body shaking as her mind still processed all the fear and stress it had suddenly gone through, tears accumulating on the corners of her eyes. “No matter how many times I steal, I won’t allow a single life to be lost. Not again…” Roguefort said, moving slowly to hold her again who accepted the hug and started sobbing on their chest, tiny hands clinging to the dark clothes as she let her feelings flow free. The thief she had chased down for so long had just done something her parents never did when they were still around.
The thief had cared for her.
Timekeeper growled, knowing he had lost a valuable ally as he opened another wormhole and escaped, leaving the two cookies alone. Roguefort knew they had to get away from there, to get the heirloom and escape, but they also knew they couldn’t leave Walnut here alone. The few encounters they had made the thief care for her as much as a daughter, that much they knew. So with a sigh they picked her up in their arms, a soft parental smile on their lips when they saw her confusion. “Let’s go home.” They answered her silent question, a small but bright spark appearing on her eyes as they left the place. Roguefort could always get the heirloom back another time, right now they had a newfound treasure to take care of.
A new daughter.
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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Get Yo’ Fuckin’ Dog-
It don’t bite
Yes It Do!
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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Just thought it looked cool
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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chapter 5-24
birthday time!
read from the beginning / read on tapas / read on webtoon / my art blog / art instagram / heartstopper merch / read the next update early on Patreon!
Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more…?
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st.
I really appreciate reblogs and shares - please help me spread word about this comic! I’m so excited for people to read it!
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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Kloktober Day 20: Partying or Working
The glue holding Dethklok together
text-less version under cut
Keep reading
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
Hey there! I just wanted to say that your writing is great and you make my day with these super creative stories~ so.. might I request either an Ananas x reader or a Leek x reader? Thank you!
Leek was sitting in a nice cozy coffee shop, drinking some green tea. It was the afternoon and he slipped inside to get out of the harsh summer rays. It was always warmer in these cities compared to the forests he typically ventured through, but no matter. He merely pulled his hat down further as he looked out a nearby window, allowing himself to get lost in thought.
“Hey,” a soft voice startled him from his thoughts, hand impulsively going towards his sword’s hilt. “Is this seat taken?”
Leek glanced around to room to find that other tables had people occupying them, most chatting rather loudly. “No…”
“May I sit here then?” You gave a small smile, “I promise I won’t be noisy, I just want to do my work.”
Leek nodded, giving a smile, “of course, but if I want to talk to you?”
“Oh- Uh-” you smiled faintly while sitting down, putting down your books and binders. “I wouldn’t mind that I suppose.”
“Do I get a name to match the pretty face?”
“Y/N,” you smiled, “and yourself, pretty boy?”
Leek grinned wider at that, “it’s a mystery, but you can call me Leek, Y/N. May I ask what you’re working on?”
“Only if I can ask why you’re here,” you hummed.
Leek nodded and gave a confident smile, “of course, I’m off to a tournament. I plan to win.”
You nodded with a shy chuckle, “I suppose that is a fair reason to carry around a sword in a coffee shop… I’m studying for finals, my roommate is too loud for me to properly focus but I’m starting to think everywhere I go is.” 
“I know the feeling of dealing with a loud person while doing something of importance.” He nodded sympathetically, “perhaps an investment in headphones would be something to look into?”
“Most likely.” You gave a small smile, glancing over your work. “What’s the tournament about?”
“It’s like a round robin style one, just dueling with what you have.” He shrugged, “perhaps you’ll hear word of me after I win?”
“Perhaps,” you giggled, “awfully confident, huh?”
“Well of course!” Leek grinned widely after finishing the tea left in his cup, “no one wins by doubting themself.”
“Of course.” You nodded. “But then there’s also over-confidence.”
“I have the skill to back my claims.”
“I’m sure you do.” You offered a faint smile before attempting to do a few more practice questions.
Silence overcame the two of you, just sitting at the table peacefully. It was like that for a few more minutes before Leek broke the silence.
“Y/N,” he hummed, “good luck with studying, perhaps after I win I’ll come back and tell you the tale.”
“Really?” You gave a small smile, “you’ll remember me?”
“Of course, a face of a good scholar and conversationalist is often hard to forget.” He winked before standing up. “May our paths cross again soon.”
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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happy days with the training trio!
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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togami colour practice
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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gonta & kirumi butlers!
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
Moceit is just this tall slim gothic vampire looking man sitting in a fancy arm chair having tea with this round ray of sunshine sitting in a cute arm chair
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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This is a X-post from r/chemistrymemes and r/politicalcompassmemes. It’s also very accurate.
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
literally every child needs and deserves positive reinforcement lol
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
One time I was cooking with a girl and we were both bilingual but we didn’t have a language in common so we were just sitting by the fire doing prep work quietly and I was peeling little garlic cloves to mince and she put her hand on my arm to stop me and demonstrated how you’re supposed to press on the clove with the flat side of your knife to break the shell off all at once to peel it and I was like oh! And I imitated her and she nodded in approval and we went back to quietly peeling and mincing the garlic and I don’t want to be hyperbolic but in that moment I was like wow I truly understand the universal thread of human love and connection inherent in our souls or whatever
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
Elvaid: Are you calling me dumb?
Olivia: No.
Olivia: I'm just saying you could be so much smarter.
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yourlocalfrenchie · 3 years
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We stan an artist
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