youngphantompizza · 5 months
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youngphantompizza · 5 months
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youngphantompizza · 8 months
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(click for better quality)
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
So I’m working on this post about all of the non-romantic aspects of Markus and North’s canon relationship and I’m slowly coming to realize just how much fandom influences what you see and how you react to things in media because… like… I don’t think people are ready for this but…
Markus and North’s partnership is just as well-developed as Hank and Connor’s is.
And this isn’t an exaggeration in the slightest. These two have maybe one less conversation with one another than Connor and Hank do, and that’s probably because Markus and North just meet up at a later point in the story and have less time together for such a conversation to occur. But if you do look at their lore, and see how seamlessly they work together, and how close and vulnerable they allow themselves to be with each other, and how that all exists completely outside of their potential romantic relationship…
Like, it’s nowhere near perfect, but I also think that we need to acknowledge that the only reason that the Markus & North partnership isn’t as widely liked as the Hank & Connor partnership is is simply because this fandom looks at Hank & Connor through some very rose-coloured glasses while also being hyper-critical of the Markus & North partnership at the same time. Because if they weren’t?
Y’all might realize that Markus & North is basically just Hank & Connor with an extra Relationship Level that allows them to kiss.
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
It's really sad to see that, no matter the outcome of your Detroit: Become Human playthrough, all important characters will, at least to some degree, be traumatized. Except for one.
Even if Markus succeeds with his revolution (either peaceful or violent), he will always see some of his people die in 'Freedom March', no matter if you select 'Run', 'Stand your ground', or 'Charge'. Either Carl dies or Leo will be injured, but either way, he will always bear the burden of it being his fault. He will always have to kill people or watch his friends get hurt (e.g. Simon in the Stratford Tower) and none of the player's choices is capable of preventing that.
The same goes for Kara. Even if you choose not to move at all in 'Stormy Night', the shock she would experience during her last moments would still shape her perception of the world, even if it didn't last long. Alice will never experience a childhood that is entirely free of abuse and neglect, and Kara will always carry the burden of how it felt to be on the run all the time, possibly even ending up in one of the recall centers.
Machine Connor can, at least partly, avoid this. There are a few events like finding Simon and reading his memory in 'Public Enemy' that can traumatize him but there are many ways to avoid this and other scenarios to happen where he ends up feeling emotions.
It's kind of sad to see that the only way for Connor to achieve his "good endings" is by feeling terrible about himself and blaming himself for the things he's done, which is also something that Markus can relate to, while Kara is, with a few exceptions, completely innocent.
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
All Amanda's orders and my theory on why Connor can evade things without breaking his program (cuz everything is part of his program)
I don't care if someone already did that, i just wanna let my shit saved somewhere public.
and it's big like my dick
First of all Connor is basically an autonomous android.
Wtf is an autonomous android in dbh (imo)?
The android can do whatever they want, choose and shift whatever they see fit as long as they stay inside direct orders from 'em handler. Be aware we got a whole false sensation of freedom with Connor cuz he indeed got freedom (in this sense), but he's manipulated and conditioned as a way of keeping him on the right track.
What deviancy really is for Connor?
I see a lotta people saying Connor was a deviant from the start, what i totally disagree based on canon. But we know this model got a interesting relationship with the meaning of deviancy: is deviancy in the sense he can fight/disobey a direct order or the fact he's starting to deviate from his original priority? Good luck finding out.
Secondly, be in mind Connor's only handler is AMANDA. She's the only one that can really order him and he can't disobey. He can ignore everybody else if he wants (by %) as long as he's authorized or she didn't say anything about this topic in specific (his programming let him do that - at a cost sometimes).
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So i gonna explain why Connor is inside his "program cage" THE WHOLE GAME UNTIL CROSSROADS.
⚠️ ANOTHER FUCKING WARNING: i gonna ignore all other options existing in the game. It's like the only path that exists is Connor shifting his instructions, i don't care what happens with other options in canon. I gonna use colors to explain what i got in mind and also symbols, as usual.
(red for direct order; orange for too vague; yellow for optional; green for train/line of thought; mission % calculation: f for failure, s for success)
Unfortunately i ain't got much details about The Hostage and Partners original orders, so my theory:
The Hostage: taking Daniel alive consequently saving Emma (obviously if Emma dies means Daniel also dies).
Partners/The Interrogation: my guess is his orders were to find Hank, find Ortiz's android and extract information about deviancy.
→ Waiting for Hank || On the Run
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Order: find out what's happening (related to deviancy)
It's totally vague. Connor is totally alone here. He knows he was assigned to the police to have access to the deviants files and powers as a cop (Hank to be specific), and he also knows he needs information so he can report to Amanda. Best way of gettin information? Finding deviants alive and extracting information from 'em.
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Why Connor can choose NOT running after Kara in the highway without breaking the program (both choices got equal weight):
He can be destroyed and doesn't catch Kara (decent f %);
Kara can be destroyed and he won't get anything (high f %);
Hank would start something if he didn't stay, making his job more difficult in the future (medium f %);
Nobody relevant ordered he had to chase Kara across the highway (only the opposite);
He got a priority that is getting the deviants alive (and extract information for report) so he got software instability boost from this. Not a huge boost cuz Kara could get destroyed anyways.
→ The Nest
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Order: Find the suspect (f or s) and extract information (multiple ways, "as soon as possible" not a specific time defined)
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Why Connor can choose save Hank without breaking the program:
Hank is a human and his pawn in the DPD (Connor can choose listening him if he wants, his program lets he do this);
89% is a high probability but the other 11% still exists, making his job more difficult in the future if he died (low %);
Not helping Hank (survived) could make his job difficult in the future (medium %)
They could find Rupert again later (decent %);
Nobody relevant ordered him to not save Hank, nobody said he can't;
But as consequence he receives a big instability boost cuz it's an urgent decision with low % of failure if he catched Rupert alive and Hank's 89% of survival is a high probability.
→ The Eden Club
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Order: Find Anderson and investigate the new case (case involving deviant androids, no confirmation if they're alive or can be reached in this particular moment), find information about deviants
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Why Connor can choose sparing the Tracis without breaking the program (both choices got equal weight):
Nobody relevant ordered him to destroy the androids;
Killing the Tracis wouldn't give any relevant information for his next report;
Connor needed the deviants intact if possible;
He can find 'em again later;
Again big instability boost cuz it's a urgent decision, had a low f % of his overall mission and Connor was in a dangerous position (absolute threat -> defend yourself).
→ Meet Kamski
Order: whatever Hank said they would do to get new information on deviancy (i don't fucking know, but if we judge by all orders we had so far Connor is again alone with an vague order)
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Why Connor can choose sparing Chloe without breaking the program (both choices got equal weight):
Neither Hank or Kamski are relevant in Connor's handler system. He can disobey both;
He can prioritize Hank's wishes if he just wants get out of this situation;
Kamski could be lying (medium %) and playing with him;
Nobody relevant ordered him to shoot Chloe;
Big instability boost cuz it's a no-escape decision (or u gonna shoot or u don't) and had a high s % in fiding something that could help his mission.
→ Last Chance, Connor || Crossroads
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Order 1: Find the deviants (wherever they're reuniting)
i gonna pretend we ain't got a plot hole here in case we don't probe Simon
It's a specific place;
High % the leader is there in the moment;
After this point the orders start to become more specific, where location and timing matters.
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Points of interest:
Connor found Jericho;
Connor found Markus;
He's next to Markus when he make the report;
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Order 2: Deal with Markus; need him alive = Catch him, stop him
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Why Connor CAN'T choose sparing Markus without breaking his program (both choices got equal weight if u have enough instability):
Amanda gave him a direct and specific order in that specific moment;
Connor is already too close to Markus;
There's nothing keeping Connor from approaching Markus;
There no ways or of evading this specific order or any external condition making the situation difficult;
-> Night of the Soul || Battle for Detroit
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Order: Destroy the leader of the deviants
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Why Connor can choose NOT fighting Hank (if they're friends) without breaking his program:
Won't make him fail his mission of destroying the leader of the deviants (cuz he knows Hank won't do anything if he's friendly);
There are multiple ways of "destroying the leader of the deviants" without shooting from the rooftop;
Connor is attached to Hank (a human) and can give him some sorta priority;
Connor is far from the leader and there's a relevant obstacle (Hank) in his way;
It's more efficient if he just get rid of Hank fast like this (or kill himself) than a whole fight (waste of time with decent % of losing sight of the leader);
Connor can still get closer to the leader and destroy 'em;
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Why Connor can choose sparing the Leader (failed revolution) without breaking his program:
It's literally over, doesn't matter if he kills the leader or not;
The army gonna find the leader and they gonna die anyway, and his mission gonna be complete in the end;
-> Other observations and doubts
I don't know why we got a option to not kill Markus during the speech (i don't remember if instability levels are a condition, probably not);
Not shooting Markus in this section is considered deviancy but Amanda interjects directly, right in the moment, trapping the current Connor in the garden and resetting everything (V). This proves the red wall is just a illustration for the player, it doesn't exactly happens;
Instability stop being relevant after Crossroads;
I don't know how and when exactly Connor starts getting attached to Hank. I used to believe he starts prioritizing Hank the more instability he gets (and that's why Hank's relationship status and instability levels are related to each other) but ain't exactly like that, I guess?;
If u read this til the end i just wanna let u know there are a lot of inconsistencies with this theory cuz i'm probably going against what the game really intended.
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
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series of screens for subscribers (2021)
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
Markus and Carl are frequently seen in the fandom as being one of the few relatively untroubled human-android connections in the game. Markus sees Carl as a dad and Carl saw him as a son, and Markus was happy.
If Markus is Carl’s son, then he’s a live-in son whose life is devoted to being a caretaker. He waits on Carl, sees to his needs, only goes out to do errands for him… Looking after an elderly relative is draining on several levels in the best of cases, and Markus has no choice in the matter. 
‘But OP, Carl is good for Markus! Carl makes sure he has hobbies, and he encourages him to be a person!’ 
To a degree, yes, but also…? Carl tells Markus to do these things while it’s convenient. If Markus starts dawdling or wasting time outside of the mealtime (like exploring the house while he’s supposed to be pushing Carl around, cough), Carl yells after him to come back and resume his duties. Carl encourages Markus to think for himself and plan for a day when he’ll need to protect himself, but as soon as that day arrives early, Carl tells him not to. Later on in the game, if Carl’s alive and Markus gets angry at Carl, Carl withdraws all approval and support and tells Markus he’s lost himself to hate, when… I’m pretty sure none of this is actually dependent on whether Markus is going pacifist or violent? It’s all about whether Markus is still softspoken about the literal slavery his people have gone through. (A slavery that Carl benefited from and, considering his new android, is still benefiting from, no matter how nice or kindly the situation is. Markus has those symbolic robot birds in a gilded cage for a reason.)
The there’s some of the ways Markus talks about his past:
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Check out Markus’ painting when you select ‘Identity, Prisoner’: 
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There’s no doubt that Markus also loves Carl despite all this, of course. Markus is distressed by the thought of leaving home, he cries and calls Carl ‘dad’ if Carl dies, and towards the end he always wants Carl’s advice and assurance, whether or not he’s even alive to give it. He loves Carl.
This just doesn’t cancel out the fact that Carl still owned him, and that Markus was his robo-servant the entire time, and that despite loving him, Markus felt this and was aware of it.
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
Actually I'm really curious, what was CyberLife's plans for the kind of scenario where they control the only leader of deviants (as Connor&Amanda)
Like, what are the "great things" they'll achieve together exactly?
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
Bryan's thoughts on AI voice edits, which is the reason why I will never reblog any that I see on here.
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
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Wonder Woman by Travis Moore
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
#3, but if you don’t have a screenshot, you could always write it out to the best of your memory.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Here, have a collection
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
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Nightwing 107 variant cover by Dan Mora
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youngphantompizza · 9 months
Restored the bugged "SECRET" dialog choice in Last Chance yesterday. It only never plays because of bad math, fixing it restores the choicegroup to its intended look with Connor able to ask 4 questions before Amanda scolds him for asking too many questions.
Connor is only able to ask this if he knows that Markus is an RK model. The sequence checks if bMarkusSeriesNumKnow returns true to determine whether to display the dialog option or not. Otherwise Connor canonically does not have the thoughts which lead to him asking her this.
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