young-daydream-comics · 11 months
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Look, accurate depictions of what would happen if Bruce fought any of the other founding members of the Justice League.
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Young Justice Mary Marvel Zatanna & Doctor Fate
Young Justice really went downhill from the first season which was great, but the arc that was probably the worst was Mary's (it was Zatanna's arc but I'm focusing on Mary here) with them choosing to go with the whole addiction to power and Black Mary arc which are the two most ooc characterizations of Mary there are with the comics it came from being one of the worst cases of character assassination there is (to some extent even for other members of the Marvel Family as well).
But what I found most interesting in that whole arc is that if the show chose to go with a more comic accurate Mary rather than the version that was straight up character assassination, she actually would have been a pretty ideal candidate to become the replacement Doctor Fate for Zatanna's father, more so then either of the Zatara's or Traci, not in terms of skill or knowledge but instead due to characteristics, lore, backstory, and supporting cast (obviously we all know who is going to end up being doctor fate in the end but for this arc and what the show gave us, my statement still stands).
This isn't to say she would be the best choice, nor the strongest or most effective, but given Mary's history with Shazam she would at least be a good one especially if you use some more of her pre n52 character traits. She's incredibly strong willed and can be quite reckless yes, but she also has a strong moral compass and often acts as a voice of reason being the best at using the wisdom of Solomon and is the most creative with her powers (often times not really thinking about whether she can do something or the technically part of doing it but thinking 'what if I do this' and the powers just let her. ex, healing supergirl). In the golden age, Mary Marvel and Mary also were more similar to the og captain Marvel who was separate than Billy even if for Mary that separation wasn't as major.
Another thing to note is that Mary's main motivation isn't power but instead a genuine desire to help people and taking responsibility for why they were given the power of Shazam in the first place. If Zatanna was up front at the beginning than Mary most likely would have helped her and would potential have been willing to just replace Zatanna's father permanently if given a good motivation for it even if she didn't really desire the power. And Nabu may have even agreed given Mary's connection to the power of Shazam (which even though no where near his level, is still a very unique power and the show could connect the wizard to the lords of order)
Young Justice could have still done the whole Zatanna's Students plot and even have Mary stop saying Shazam but instead of it being an addiction to power have it be the opposite. Have Billy, Mary, and Freddy share the powers once more and have one of the boys get injured while Mary is using the powers causing her to blame herself and believe using them would put the other two in more danger than necessary.
Have Zatanna plan be to make them all share the power of Fate but she only came up with the idea after taking on students with the show highlighting her teachings becoming more and more about being worthy to Nabu's. Make it so Mary who already was a powerful magic superhero question and butt heads with her with both having valid points. This is turn could cause some of the others to have doubts in Zatanna which could cause Zatanna to treat Mary unfairly and send her off.
Then Zatanna could make the same sharing the power deal but it backfires. This could result in Mary taking up the full mantle of Doctor Fate to proctect people she cares about and Nabu accepting this because of Mary's connection to Shazam. She spent years avoiding her powers out of fear she would harm her family only to be forced to take up an even greater power and responsibility to save her friends.
For Zatanna she took students under her wing to try and be reunited with her dad only to tear other families apart in the process (have Doctor Fate cause issues for the other students as well making them be at a low point). After Mary takes up the mantle, Zatanna could once again aim to continue teaching the others but this time with the true goal of helping and guiding them (as she originally planned), growing into and showing how she is a great leader and mentor in the process.
You could also take inspiration for Mary's backstory from the PoS and parallel it with Kent Nelsons story allowing for the next Doctor Fate to see why Shazam is a superhero adventure and Doctor Fate is a horror story which they can use to make being Doctor Fate better (not the word I'm looking for).
It could be a nice way to mirror each other as well as show the selfishness of both of their actions which would original be viewed as selfless (both wanting to protect their family). The biggest problem with this I think would be I wouldn't want Mary to have a super long run as Doctor Fate, just long enough to help her overcome her fear and insecurity, learning to embrace her responsibilities with the power of Shazam while also moving towards her desire to have a life outside of it (which despite enjoying being Mary Marvel, not necessarily wanting the powers and wanting a life outside of it which jas way more backing in comics then her being addicted to power).
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I don't think anybody has a greater misunderstanding of a character than the young justice writers did of Mary Marvel
That really sucks because if they stuck to a more comic accurate/ longer comic characterization of Mary rather than her character assassination storyline, she would have been a better candidate for dr fate then Zatanna, her father, or traci. Not in terms of skill but instead in terms of characteristics, story, lore, backstory, and supporting cast (having both the wizard and they could also bring in kid eternity if they wanted).
Plus they could have used PoS as their basis for her and parallel her and Billy's backstory with kent nelsons. Have the next dr fate use that to create a better way to go about the role.
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DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #2 (2022)
Writers: Alex Paknadel & Matthew Rosenberg Penciler/inker: Pasquale Qualano Colourist: Nicola Righi Letterer: Troy Peteri Editor: Ben Abernathy
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Mary in Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil
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DC should be banned from giving the members of the Batfamily other heroes powers. I don't want to see Batman with any color lantern ring, or super stregnth, speed, intelligence or anything else. I don't want to see Cass with the powers of Shazam (especially since Mary was still present in that story) and I definitely don't want to see Alfred as the spectre.
Having heroes claim one of these titles every once in a while in a meaningful way is fine but just keep the bats away from any of it.
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I've never really liked Supergirl and Stargirl is a character I like but is far from being my favorite, but there relationship in this was amazing and Courtney's sacrifice was so well done.
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I just don't get why so many people in fandom pair Billy's with moral grey or bad characters (Constantine, Zatanna, or any villain besides Harley which sort of makes sense due to some comics) when Mary is already paired with so many of those types of characters (though mainly in elseworld stories) and has the same or similar dynamic with them that they want Billy to. Like I swear, though not as extreme as some characters it feels like some people want a more powerful, homeless Mary instead of Billy, at least when it comes to his team ups, adoption hc and his relationship with their powers (wanting to define themselves outside of their superhero ego and being a voice of reason or being a little gremlin like Mary was in the magic of shazam).
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Mary calling John skipper is just adorable. They remind me of that chaotic annoyed older parental (but not really) brother figure and overly happy younger sister dynamic.
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The genius of Dan Mora!
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One of the things I dislike about the Narnia movies is that it made a lot of fans think that Lucy is only a healer and doesn't fight which if you read the books it's very clearly stated she was a fierce warrior and even lead the Narnian army in the horse and his boy (and I get that in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe as well as Prince Caspian she does really fight but she was also only like 8 and 9 in those two books and these book were written by someone who experienced war with Lucy being based off someone he knew and cared for). I'm pretty sure it was Susan who didn't like fighting in the books which was part of the reason she earned the name gentle.
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I love Mary in DC Bombshells so far. How she got her powers from important biblical female figures as well as how mentally strong she was depicted before getting the powers, especially in such a crisis. She came across as a champion of humanity more than a champion of magic which I really loved and I wish she was depicted as such more often.
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Then just how naturally she used the powers, casually waving aside the Jokers Daughter's magic. She was pretty much a straight up deus ex machina in this scene, but one done right.
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Then this panel with her and Mera and the one with Mary, Zatanna, Raven, and Constantine are two that I just loved.
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