Love is stupid.
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My first Tinder experience....
I was a mere 19 year old girl living and working in Orlando and being on my own for the first time when I heard about this new app called Tinder. It didnt have the best reputation but I figured....why not? I decided to download it and see what the hype was all about. After a few days I wanna say I came across this guy who was the first one who seemed like he wasn’t a serial killer. Ryan was my first idea of what I wanted in a guy. He was young, smart, attractive, funny, he had a job, a car and his own place. We talked for a what probably was two days before we decided to meet up. I was sooo scared because I was meeting a stranger from an app and I had no idea what to think. We met in a very public place which made it a little easier for me because I was so nervous. We walked around for a little bit, we talked, we had common interests, eventually we went to have a drink (well he did, I wasn’t old enough yet) We still were bonding and after a little chit chat we left and I remember standing outside the bar and he grabbed me and kissed me. I was at a loss of words because I had never been kissed like that and the way it felt was amazing. I remember walking to his car thinking “Holy crap, this is so awesome, I like this guy!” When we got back to my place I remember standing outside his car because I lived in a gated community he couldn’t come in, but we were standing outside his car and I just remember him grabbing me and kissing me and kissing me til finally I had to go (even though I didn’t want too) I walked home on a cloud. I remember telling my mom a little bit about him and I distinctly remember now she told me “to be cool as a cucumber” (thanks mom). A few days went by, we texted a little, I was eagerly waiting for him to ask to see me again, so when he finally did I was super stoked. We went back to the same place we met for the first time (boring, I know) walked around of course, talked a little. Finally went back to his car where we just sat and made out for a little bit which was nice. I remember reading in my diary about this night and how when he was driving me home he put his hand on my leg and just held it there and as childish as it sounds to me now......I thought it was the best thing ever. After that night, we texted a little bit more, we even made plans to go out but swore we were gonna do something else. I remember the day came and I asked him something along the lines of “Hey what are we doing? or Hey when are we gonna get together?” and it pains me to say that this was the first time in my life that I was ever ghosted.....I was so upset and mad because we had hung out twice and had a good time when we did so where did I go wrong? Or what did I not do? Because I mean I was ready to have sex with him (he would have been my first) but it’s a little hard to do that when you share a room with someone. BUT, anyways I let it go, I may have dwelled on it for awhile but this is where it gets good. I’m gonna say lets fast forward about 4-5 months, I was working in Epcot at Food & Wine at the Ireland booth when I look up from my register and who do I see in line to order something? IT WAS HIM!!!!!! I was honestly so embarrassed and my face was so red. He came up to my register, ordered whatever it is he did and here’s the best part.....HE ACTED LIKE HE HAD NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE. I was honestly at a loss for words. I couldn’t believe what had happened like I remember just thinking I wanted to yell at him “WHY DID YOU GHOST ME?” But i’m a lady so I didnt but trust me I really wanted too. Let me go ahead and wrap this up though, after that encounter I never saw him again. Honestly I was fine with that, but he did pop up on my facebook under the “people you may know” and I think that only happened because I had his number saved in my phone or maybe he looked me up but I just left it that I wasn’t about to send him a friend request just for him to probably decline it since he was too much of a coward to tell me he wasn’t interested in the first place lol. 
But man if I could go back to 19 year old me and tell her everything now.......well lol I think I would be a whole new person lmao.
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A memoir
I’ve been thinking a lot recently and looking at my past I made some serious fucked up decisions. Some that ultimately I will not forgive myself for but also I’ve been thinking about all the guys I ever gave my time too and had sex with....is this what being in your mid 20′s is like? Anyways I’ve decided to use this as a chance to express all my thoughts and feelings about everything. I’m pretty sure this will make me feel better. So stay tuned.
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