“Terf is a slur used to silence us” dang bitch I wish it worked shut the fuck up
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Reblog for Good luck🙏🏼
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Glamour gives risky period advice, recommends dangerous sea sponges
Dr Jen Gunter
Of course I clicked when this tweet from Glamour came across my timeline.
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The article mentions the following four products: washable period underwear, washable pads, menstrual cups, and sea sponges. The first three are great, but menstrual sponges are not.
This is what Glamour said about sponges:
Yup, you can stop your period before it exits the premises by putting a sponge up there. Menstrual sponges like those that Jade & Pearl and Jam Sponge offer actually look a lot like bath sponges, and they work the same way. The only disadvantage is that they may be a bit cumbersome and messy to get out. But they are good for the environment and your wallet, since you only have to change them every six to 12 months.
This is dangerous advice.
Sea sponges aren’t “like” bath sponges they ARE bath sponges. Some people promote them as “natural” alternatives to menstrual tampons, except they are untested and potentially very unsafe. Oh yeah, they are also filled with dirt.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, twelve “menstrual sponges” were tested at the University of Iowa in the 1980s and they and contained sand, grit, bacteria, and “various other materials.” Another batch was tested by the Baltimore district laboratory and in addition to the sand, grit and bacteria they also found yeast and mold. One sample contained Staphylococcus aureus (the bacteria that causes toxic shock syndrome). As the FDA notes there is least one case of toxic shock syndrome associated with the sea sponge and another possible one.
The grossness of a debris and “various other materials” containing vaginal sponge aside there are real potential safety concerns. Bits could break off and become a nidus for bacteria, the sponge itself could have harmful bacteria, sponges may change the vaginal ecosystem promoting the growth of good bacteria, the inability to clean them adequately between uses may reintroduce potentially harmful bacteria that was breeding in the wet sponge sat drying beside the sink, and the sponge may cause abrasions during insertion and/or removal.
Menstrual products, sea sponges included, are regarded by the FDA as “significant risk devices requiring premarket approval under Section 515.” Basically, you have to study any products that is new and prove it is safe.The concerns about sponges were so significant the FDA contacted the manufacturers of menstrual sponges to warn them of the risks and to require they stop marketing and selling the products. Some closed down, others relabeled their products for “cosmetic” use. By they way there weren’t just a few businesses selling sponges, the FDA visited forty-one businesses that packaged sponges as well as 500 retail establishments.
One of the companies suggested as a source of menstrual sponges by Glamour is Jade & Pearl who received a warning letter from the FDA in 2014 about marketing menstrual sponges (if you read the full letter you’ll see that Jade & Pearl actually had a whole list of FDA violations).
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This is how Jade & Pearl advertises their sponges right now, but it’s pretty genius marketing to get Glamour to  tell everyone that your product is potentially not just for cosmetic uses! See FDA, it’s “just a sponge.”
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Sea sponges are potentially very unsafe.
Really, I can’t emphasize that enough. There are lots of very biologically plausible ways they could harm women andGlamour magazine should be ashamed for including them without the most basic of research. It makes you wonder if Google was just not working the day the piece was written or if it was sourced only from press releases.
I’m the expert and I say women should not use sea sponges in their vagina. They are potentially very dangerous. They don’t even have the most basic of safety testing. Glamour should know better and I urge them to print a correction and remove the offending paragraph.
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“Millennials are killing this industry!”
Nope. You’re a capitalist, and capitalism runs on supply and demand. Your industry not adapting to our needs or not providing anything we need or want is part of that supply and demand equation. Previous generations didn’t “kill the chariot” industry because cars became a more viable and faster way of travel.
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but seriously though i’m sick and tired of those masterposts that are like “here! A reference site on Greek mythology for all your needs! Look it has all fifteen Greek gods on it!” And I’m like. tHERE WERE LIKE HUNDREDS OF FIGURES IN MYTHOLOGY YOUR CRAPPY HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL BIBLIOGRAPHY SITE MEANS NOTHING TO ME 
if you want a basic outline of Greek mythology okay sure fine??? but like. if you want an extensive fucking reference site you are looking in the wrong goddamn places
as a self-declared greek mythology snob my reference site is fucking always this fucker right here. almost every single figure ever mentioned in a Greek text is on it, it has the most obscure gods, spirits, nymphs— it’s GREAT. You really wanna extend your mythological knowledge past the basic 12 and like four others? USE THEOI.  plus plus PLUS everything is cited so you can actually read the source material written about whoever it is you’re looking at.
fucking signal boost this. i’m so sick and tired of writer’s helpers blogs referring people to sites with as much information you would get from opening a third grade mythology book jesus chriiiiiist
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Thor Ragnarok casually glossed over the fact that the Hulk spent 2 years murdering people for sport
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plot twist: humanity learns from its history
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white people using their privilege to educate, a concept!
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so earlier i remembered how during one philosophy class, my professor asked us all to consider what we would do if we could be invisible for a day, because (as she would reveal to us later) she wanted to prove a point about observed accountability and situational morality. we all wrote down our answers, submitted them anonymously, and the prof read them back to us. about 95% of them were like “prank people”, “rob a bank”, “get in places for free”, “scare my best friend”, “spy on someone”, “sneak into closed off areas”, etc.
prof. read them all aloud so she could demonstrate how virtually everybody chose something they couldn’t morally or socially get away with if they were witnessed, and she was looking awfully entertained about how quickly the class proved her point until she got to one that just said “go swimming in the ocean.” 
she stopped, read it again, and after a short period of confused silence a girl piped up very earnestly from the class “because the sharks wouldn’t be able to see me.” 
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biggest mood ever
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Nicki Minaj is offering to pay tuition for dozens of her followers on Twitter right now, as long as they have good grades.
GOD I Love Black Celebrities making real shit like this 
#NickiMinaj #BlackPride
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Proud supporter of whitewashed movies flopping at the box office
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police don’t have the most dangerous job or even near it. cops beat their wives and girlfriends at double the rate of the national average.  cops killed over 1000 people this year alone and thats not even counting the “mysterious accidents” where say a black man magically shoots himself in the head while his arms were handcuffed behind his back. theres been so many police misconduct cases where officers violently harmed people that they’re being pressed to get their own liability insurance because the state doesnt want to pay for it. and despite all of this proof that cops are violent, violence against officers has been at an all time low. 8) but sure cops are innocent cinnamon rolls that just wanna protect people.
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Anyone else think something is fucked up about the fact that of a group of 12 randomly selected women, all 12 have been assaulted by men?
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Invisibility is Not a Privilege.
Invisibility means every person you come out to requires a vocabulary lesson.
Invisibility means the very nature of your identity is up for debate.
Invisibility means years feeling alone, broken, and unnatural.
Invisibility means you might not even consider the possibility that you’re anything but what society says you can be.
Invisibility means you have to find out about your own identity from strangers in small, distant corners of the internet.
Invisibility means being taught in school that your orientation makes you inhuman.
Invisibility means being told by educated professionals that your orientation is pathological, a mental illness, and Must Be Fixed.
Invisibility means taking an extra year to convince yourself that your orientation could even exist before you even beginning to accept yourself as what you are.
Invisibility means coming up with an arsenal of excuses for your lack of Normality, an army of justifications for living a life that makes you just a little more comfortable.
Invisibility means “acceptance” comes at the price of breaking up and stuffing away the things that make you you, and struggling to force yourself into a hole that doesn’t fit.
Invisibility means forcing yourself into relationships and acts that you don’t want because the alternative is taboo.
Invisibility means you can never really tell them who you are.
Invisibility means you can’t even feel pride in your community half the time, because the world is intent on destroying what little of a community there is.
Invisibility means facing a world of people who would have you bow your head and let them rewrite your identity for you; who demand your complacence while they redefine the things that make you who you are.
Invisibility means your suffering doesn’t even matter to those supposedly fighting to End All Suffering.
Invisibility means shame.
Invisibility means denial.
Invisibility means loneliness.
Invisibility is not a privilege.
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