yiling-fengshui · 8 years
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The Importance of Everyday Fengshui Knowhow
A few days ago, I got a call from a client whom I helped with his fengshui setup.
He just bought a newly-built condominium unit near the city centre.
After the setup, everything went smoothly. Yet in recent months, everything seemed to go downhill: the couple started to quibble frequently, his children preferred to stay out rather than concentrate on their school work, he was always tired and moody while his wife became ultra-sensitive and temperamental.
He insisted that he did not change any of the setup I arranged for him.
I took a look at his Bazi reading for this year, which did not give any indication of such phenomena. I felt I had to check it out personally.
  When I walked towards his apartment, I saw a messy pile of shoes outside his front door, some of the children's shoes still had socks strewn all about. The owner opened the door to let me in, and I saw another pile of shoes on the inside.
I was then greeted by an odd odour. The couch was filled with a massive pile of seemingly washed clothing. On the dining table, there were a cap, some bscuits and some plastic bags. There was coats hanging off the back of two chairs. On the railing of his balcony, there were some mats that were hung outside to dry.
In the kid's room, the bed was piled with numerous teddy bears. The desk was covered by school books and a glass of water.
The window in the master bedroom was firmly shut, the curtains drawn up to keep out the sun. On the bed laid a set of pyjamas where as the bedside table was covered by bottles of oil, vitamin pills, beauty products and a phone.
Outside the bathroom was an overflowing laundry basket, surrounded by dirty clothes.
When I walked towards the kitchen, I was greeted by another pungent odour from a pile of wet newspaper and wet towel - which the owner claimed was used to toilet-train his puppy.
The kitchen sink was similarly filled with glasses, one of which half-full with milk, presumably from the morning.
The reason for his malaise was obvious: but I had to find a way to tell the family while saving them the embarrassment.
To enjoy good Fengshui, apart from a good setup, you have to create a good environment for the flow of Qi.
A good Fengshui setup is closely linked to the creation or increase of positive Qi, which is allowed to flow smoothly in your house, thus generating health, happiness, harvest. One has to CONSTANTLY ensure the environment is CLEAN and TIDY, so that positive Qi can flow.
The aim is to let your family step foot in your house, enjoy the fresh air, good mood and clean environment. Conversely, dark, gloomy, smelly environment filled with trash and debris block the flow of positive Qi that a good Fengshui setup helps to create.
Fengshui is the marriage of tradition and logic. Thank you for your support all these years by reading my blog about Bazi and Fengshui. I hope through my writing, you too can appreciate the intricacies of the Art of Fengshui.
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yiling-fengshui · 8 years
My Trip to Beijing
I received the invitation by my Beijing client CEO Mr Jiao, who told me a friend of his needed my advice.
Actually back in June, he has already invited me to his wedding but I couldn’t make it then. As a result, I had to rearrange my schedule to make it to Beijing this time round no matter what.
An incredibly warm reception
As like the previous times, Mr and Mrs Jiao have not only waited for me at the airport, but have arranged for my flights and accommodations, and they have even prepared a face mask for me (the air pollution in Beijing has reached frightening levels).
That evening, the first thing Mrs Jiao did was to give me a big hug. It was an incredibly warm reception. Mrs Jiao works in a foreign investment company, she speaks fluent English, she is not only charming but also very pretty. A great match for Mr Jiao.
In less than two years, Mr Jiao moved to a luxurious residential district in Beijing and his car changed from a Chinese-made wagon to an expensive Audi.
I felt happy for him - that he went from a bachelor to a happily-married husband while his living standard soared. His case was indeed the miraculous result of a great Fengshui set-up.
On the other hand, his diligence and great personality aided him a lot as well. He is known as a very caring son among his friends. His mother happened to be visiting him that time and she too was a very aimable old lady. She even gave me a huge package of dates that she grew in her hometown to bring back to Singapore.
Apart from helping me to fix a schedule in Beijing to look at Fengshui, Mr Jiao took me out for meals where he invited a few friends along. They were all very respectful and addressed me as Master, never by name. Having offered them some advice, they immediately pass me a sizeable red packet.
The quality of life in Beijing nowadays is very high. Mr Jiao very kindly organised the meals in different restaurants so that I could taste the different regional cuisines of China, such as top quality Mongolian lamb and beef as well as typical Yunnan dishes. Mrs Jiao would also explain the origin of the dishes, to my great delight.
Respect and gratitude are key to the rise of China
One day before I left Beijing, Mr Jiao took me to a renown Chinese physician for a check-up. He also knew that I always visit the largest local Buddhist temple whenever I visit a foreign country. That day he brought me to the one on a mountain outside Beijing.
In recent years, Chinese tourists flock to many destinations around the world, and they are considered as high-spending tourists. Very few had actually considered the reason why: of course the economic opening of China depended a lot on the decisions of the Chinese government, but a lot also depended on some features of the Chinese culture: respect for elders and teachers, humility, sincerity and gratitude.
Because Mr Jiao treated me with respect, trust and gratitude, it is a course of nature that I too will reciprocate with all my knowledge and efforts.
A Successful Person possesses both IQ and EQ
Comparatively, I have had clients who succeeded after my advice - they grew arrogant and ungrateful. This has only repelled their friends and family away.
A successful person must possess both IQ and EQ.
My Beijing trip concluded with great success.
Me with CEO Jiao and his lovely wife
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Me with Mrs Jiao
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Left to right: Old Mrs Jiao, renown Chinese Physician, myself
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yiling-fengshui · 9 years
Bazi Classes
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Due to popular demand, we are now organising classes!
The first season of classes will focus on the Art of Chinese Bazi (Eight Characters) Reading. Please get in touch with us on our Yiling Fengshui Facebook page to know about the course content and fees. Do it soon, as places are limited!!
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yiling-fengshui · 9 years
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Testimonial by SL
Master was my secondary school classmate.  I have lost her contact since 2006. We met again at our old friends gathering when I visited Singapore last summer. Master has shared with us some of her Fengshui experiences, and I personally felt she is a sincere person who has a great passion to her profession Fengshui knowledge.
After my return to the USA for a month, I found out I have made a huge mistake at work. I was panicking, felt a surge of anxiety, and I was not sure if I will lose my job if the mistake was too difficult to fix.
I called Master, asking her to do a reading for me regarding a job problem I have. Without me telling her any details, Master was able to point out a few very specified details, such as who made the mistakes, the parties involved, and the situation I was in. I was shocked and impressed by her ability to point out all the key people and facts.  Master instructed me what to do to help reduce the level of anger and complaint I may get from my boss and client.
My testimonial is to let you know that Master did an outstanding job helping me get through my job crisis. Not only did I not lose my job, the mistake I made at work turned out to have no impact to the project, and most important my boss was not harsh with this case.
I will definitely recommend Master to my friends who may need help in their personal life or career.
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yiling-fengshui · 9 years
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We have moved!
Hi everyone, we have an exciting news to announce: we are moving to larger premises starting 2 November! We are still in the same building, just a few units down from where we were:
11 Sin Ming Road, Thomson V Two, #B1-11, Singapore 575629 (instead of #B1-23)
We are also now accepting bookings for calculations and readings for 2016 - Year of the Fire Monkey ( 丙申). Please make your appointment now so that you can make the necessary adjustments in time.
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yiling-fengshui · 9 years
Fengshui Case Studies
Fengshui is not superstition. It is the use of tao to observe objects and phenomenon in order to understand nature.
One has to understand the principle stated in the Book of Yi Ching: "That which is Above Form is the Tao. That which is Within Form is the Chi" (形而上谓之道、形而下谓之器) It means: The understanding of the intangible - philosophy - is of equal standing as the understanding of the tangible - physics.
Tao is formed by Yin and Yang. While both are opposed to each other, they are also one and mutually dependant. Yin cannot exist without Yang while Yang cannot survive without Yin (独阴不长,独阳不生)
Here are 3 case studies which may be of interest to you. Try to look at the photos and see if you can spot the indications that are telltale signs of the situations.
1. The Slave Entrepreneur
I was looking at the fengshui of the warehouse of a beauty products company in the north. Upon entering the office of the boss, I noticed this note that he has written. It was a clever pun in Chinese on the different types of bosses. However funny, it was more revealing about his state of mind, and his view of the business. It is a small scale operation but he never got to expand his business. Ironically, the boss (him) is more like the worker slaving away. Remember, every word counts in fengshui, so one has to bear in mind never to slip into a defeatist mentality.
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2. The Japanese Restaurant
This Japanese restaurant in the centre area has very good business. The place is always full and customers have to queue for a table at any given time. Yet at a glance, I could tell that the boss faces problems with staff shortage and low staff quality.
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3. The Declining Business
This is the balcony of a private condominium in the east. It belongs to an old client of mine, who since last year, complained about their declining business. I am very familiar with this property as I have worked on it before. But one should remember, fengshui is in a constant flux of change, there is no truth in the saying that a good fengshui can last for ten years.
Looking at the bamboo growing in the east and southeastern corner of the property, they seem to be growing well, just like their owner's business. But at its peak, its growth was blocked, as you may discern from the photo.
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I hope these case studies have been useful for you. Remember: everything is in a constant flux of change, the only way to face changes, is to change.
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yiling-fengshui · 9 years
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June Trip to Indonesia
During the June holidays I took my kids to Indonesia, when I was also invited to visit a factory owned by a Singaporean client as well as a local three-storey travel agency.
My kids have always been very curious about my work and have repeatedly asked me to teach them. I never really took the time to do that, but I made the exception on this trip to try to bond with them too. It turned out to be a great opportunity, because the hotel where we were staying had incredibly good fengshui! We not only stayed in a prosperous location but also gave me good teaching material, which I am now sharing with you.
Pictures One and Two: The Hotel Lobby
I told them the hotel fengshui was really not bad. The lobby was "a circle of heaven and earth" and the two bridges sealed the wealth within the location.
My daughter was able to pick out other few important details about the business:
This hotel chain has 3 bosses
Each boss is in charge of one hotel - they may have different opinions but speak with one voice. Based on the reading from the three pots of plants, she accurately described that the business and financial acumen of each boss.
This point was not picked out by my kids: there are a lot of returning customers for this hotel.
We verified our readings with the counter staff, much to the delight of my daughter.
Picture Three: We were warmly welcomed by our Indonesian hosts who accompanied us for a visit after lunch. We accidentally discovered a 'wealth guard-dog' formation of this hill.
Picture Four: Shopping Mall. This mall certainly had its fengshui done by a professional. It was well-done, clearly amassing wealth and attracting a lot of business.
Our trip was such a rewarding experience: we saw great fengshui and the kids learnt a lot. They were even asking me to organise classes soon!
Best wishes to all of you.
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yiling-fengshui · 9 years
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How to enjoy good fengshui?
It has been some time since I last wrote. Wish everyone a good Year of the Goat!
The end of last year was quite hectic for me: I was busy conducting Bazi readings. The beginning of this year, I was busy helping clients with their fengshui, and these clients came from all sectors you can imagine. The interaction with these entrepreneurs really deepened my knowledge about the different ways of running a business, the different business philosophies and the different management cultures. But there was only commonality: the goal of making it big.
In today's society, it has become commonplace to engage a fengshui consultant like me to alter or structure a business'  fengshui in order to improve one's business. But really how many of them can actually enjoy good fengshui?
Some may ask: Why is it that with the same fengshui consultant, one business has immediate effect while another doesn't seem to see any positive development at all?
The answer: The success rate of your fengshui is directly influenced by the strength of the person's character.
As an entrepreneur, one should possess not only true capabilities, mature thinking, decisiveness, industriousness, strong will, but also the most crucial element of a superior magnanimous personality with an awe-inspiring charisma.
Conversely, if as a boss, one does not treat his workers well and argue about the nitty-gritty, or not able to reward employee efforts, or not appreciate friends and family - why would anyone want to help this person? This, is called 'ren he' - harmony among men.
To benefit from good fengshui, the harmony with all three - the heaven, the earth and among men - are essential. Remember, to succeed and to gain wealth, you have to be kind towards friends and employees. Even after you are successful, you have to remember to be grateful - by cherishing and sharing what you have.
I wish everyone a fruitful year of good fengshui!
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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Testimonial by Mr and Mrs Guo
Dear Master Ong,
Words cannot fully express how much we are grateful to you during that especially difficult crisis we had to face which took only 2 days to solve with your help.
Thumbs up to you! You are so awesome!
With sincere thanks,
Mr & Mrs Guo
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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Your success is my success
This afternoon, my long-time client Angela asked me to go to her office to deal with some employee problems.
After working together, she told her staff to prepare some coffee and snacks for us to enjoy over a chat.
She said: Since three years ago, under my encouragement, she went against all instincts and bought this company that organises beauty pageants. As the fengshui consultant, I advised her on every aspect of her business - from the company name, to the logo design, the namecard design, the office layout, stage design, lighting etc. She listened and accepted every single piece of advice I gave. She also made the necessary and big changes to the business. The revamped business won her many praises.
Within the span of three years, the company organised numerous national and international pageants, from Miss, Mrs, Parent-Child to Mr. She was also invited to co-organise various international events, not only neighbouring countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Hongkong and China, but also in the US. This exposure built up the company's worldclass repute and brought in huge profits. Angela's social circle promptly rose, which is something worth congratulating!
As we chatted, I gave her more ideas about how to further expand her business.
The snacks tasted extra delicious as I digested the good news and her gratitude.
Angela's success today, is due entirely to perfect fengshui accommodation and her dedicated professionalism. Fengshui gave her a push, to help her further her ambitions.
Angela, your success makes me proud. Your success is my success.
I wish you lots of good fortune and great beauty.
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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The Calm will come after every Storm
Last month, a few of the white-collar clients of mine all found employment. I feel contented having been able to help all those who have supported and trusted me, to find a new start in life.
After a quiet two weeks, I made a trip to Orchard Road to observe some of the stores'  fengshui, also to help concentrate on myself.
Case 1: The Case of the Missing Document
Last week, I got an urgent phonecall from Mrs Guo while I was in the car. She told me that her husband had a crisis at work. He is working in an important department in one of the Ministries situated somewhere along Shenton Way. Two days ago, a confidential document was found missing and that sent the whole office into chaos. Lots of meetings and finger-pointing. To cut the long story short, her husband would be the first to take the blame. If it were to be his fault, he would not only be fired, but also be prosecuted in court.
I stopped my car immediately and promptly took out my equipment to calculate a Gua reading: the document was taken by someone else, who wanted to put the blame on Mr Guo. 
I asked for more details about her husband and the office, then came up with a solution for them: To place eight stones on himself to help calm the situation down. In addition, the guilty party will hand over the document by himself so long as he places more attention on the east, where there are trees and where there are security guards.
The second day, Mr Guo himself gave me a call: someone placed the document on the table of the security guards on the first floor. 
After a whole night of excitement, I was relieved the whole affair was over.
Case 2: The Case of the Difficult Bureaucrats
When I was strolling down Orchard Road, my client Jasmond, Boss of Nuts & Co gave me a call: his production plant in Indonesia has not been able to get their certification from the country's food department. The officers were making things difficult. Without the documents, the plant has to stop production and is not able to export the stock that is piling up. 
I made a Gua reading and came up with a solution for him: Place 3 plants with green leaves in the southern corner of his plant. Within 5 days, he should have his certificate.
Sure enough, Jasmond came to my office with a box of mooncakes his company produces. Once the plants were placed, the certificate came within 5 days. The products from that plant is selling like hotcakes so much that he is not able to meet the demands! 
This was a huge success for me and it truly called for a celebration!
Case 3: My daughter got into the secondary school she wanted
I was thrilled when I got an SMS from my daughter last evening, when I was checking the fengshui of a client living in the East: She got accepted into the secondary school of her choice!!
In the beginning, I wanted to use her musical classes to help her get into the school, but they do not play this instrument there so it would have to be based purely on her results. She was above average in her grades, but never at the top.
She was invited to the first round of test organised by the principal. After the test, she came out looking upset, saying that that she did not have enough time to answer all the questions.  I did a Gua reading for her: It's true, her chances were not great at the first round. 
Over the next few weeks, her classmates got a reply from the school one after another, just not her. Seeing that she was quite concerned, I took out the Gua and read it all over again: I got a huge crystal ball and placed it in the west.
Two days later, we got news from the school: She was invited to the second round for an interview!
My daughter wanted me to do another Gua, which I did. But I did not tell her it would be a success because I did not want her to be over-confident. Before the interview I reminded her again that she could do it. 
Now that we have the official confirmation from the school, I cannot stop feeling touched and excited. Like how I tell my children, myself and my clients, we should remain calm even in moments of joy, so that we can also maintain that calm in moments of crisis.
Life is always fluctuating between gain and loss. There are some things that can be changed, other that cannot. We should welcome those that can be changed, but walk through those experiences that cannot be altered with all the courage we can muster. 
There is always calm after a storm, the dawn always comes after the night.
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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Testimonial by Siow Leng Neo
Thanks Angeline for your advices n consultation! Your constant effort on getting in touch and checking updates on me is very much appreciated. Well, I can only say I am just too lucky to be able to get to know you, one whom do way more than she is expected . 󾌵 As per your advices, I have finally switch n settle down into my new job. Thanks once again!
Posted in Facebook
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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Testimonial by Mr Chen
I got to know Master about five years ago. She was introduced to me by my then-girlfriend, who became my current wife.
My parents are both retired teachers, so we were brought up to believe geomancy to be a form of superstition.
Because I wanted to please my girlfriend, I agreed to meet Master for the first time, with an attitude of disbelief.
I must admit that I was surprised when I saw her: why is Master not an old man but a pretty young lady? This even worsened my attitude. If my girlfriend had told me clearer I wouldn't have gone.
Master saw me and within in short amount of time recounted the events that happened to me in the past few years. She analysed my character and both of flaws and strengths. I was really taken by surprise. She even pointed out secrets that my girlfriend did not know about, and that made me very embarrassed although completely convinced by her abilities.
Later on, she asked for my license plate number and calculated that my car has had accidents both in front and at the back, and that it needed regular repairs and the engine was problematic. That was indeed very true! My car has always been a huge expense for me! Master was really amazing!
Later on, I switched to a second-hand car and before purchase I paid her to help me calculate the license plate number. She analysed the number and told me  about the car's engine performance and it could have been impacted before. I'd rather pay for this consultation and save hundred times the costs of constant repairs.
Now, I have purchased a brand new BMW and based on Master's advice, I bidded for a very pretty licence plate number. Even the date of collection was calculated by Master.
My testimonial is to let you know that Master is really a Master! But your attitude has to be right and she will help you even more in other aspects of your life. I am now fully convinced by what Master can do!! 
But remember, your 'angpao' has to be enough! Master cannot live on air and she is not a god even though she can help you like one. The more you give, the more 'advice' she can give you!
Because of the great experiences I've had with Master, I introduced a lot of friends to her for her services. I feel really grateful towards Master and at the same time, I am helping my friends. 
Master: "From a stranger to a complete believer in geomancy, what Mr Chen wrote was really touching. It's true that Master is also human and I need to live to survive - I am really touched he added that line. I have always insisted that I am not a halfgod but a translator: I translate the language of things and events into the everyday language that you can understand. Mr Chen's new company is also assisted by me throughout the year: I helped pick the office, set up the fengshui there, looked at the company name and logo as well as design of the namecards, and gave advice on the employment of staff. From small to big things he has always given me the right amount of remuneration. From that first day until this testimonial, I have put in a lot of time and effort to  make sure things work for him. His letter makes me feel that my energy has not been wasted! To be able to set fengshui and make I-Ching forecasts and at the same time work on the person's attitude towards life and gratitude, the effects are naturally enhanced. I wish Mr and Mrs Chen lots of love and lots of success in their career and lives!"
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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Testimonial by H
H is a client of mine for many years, although he is currently living in Europe. He has been through some ups and downs in his career and I tried to help him to get back onto track. I am happy that he has not only carried out my instructions, but has only grasped the philosophy behind fengshui and I-Ching: Change is the Only Constant.
Ever since I lost my job three years ago, I seemed to have lost my direction in life. Before that, I always thought it is easy for job seekers. You lose your job you find another one. But no. Especially when most people lose their job under awful circumstances. When they lose their job, there is a psychological damage that some ruthless employers inflict on them that pushes them into a deep dark pit of self doubt. In many cases, people are simply not able to rein in their expenses, like mortgage and their kids' university course fees, not that they do not want to. 
Or worse, it lands them at the other end of the spectrum: they think they cannot possibly have been fired because they are too good for anyone. Which was my case. As a Singaporean, I have had stellar results all the way from junior college to university. I won a scholarship that landed me up in a prestigious Masters programme here in Europe. Many of my classmates are now in director or board member positions. I had a salary that doubled the average wage of workers in this country, and had a fat pension plan waiting for me. This sense of entitlement is so Singaporean, we were all brought up to believe we are better, especially when you were sent to an elite kindergarten all the way to an elite JC. So when I was fired, I thought: Screw you, I will look for another job that pays even better, because I am worth it.
But no. 
The world has evolved but I have not. Everyone now has either an MAM (Masters after Masters) or a PHD. Because the job market sucks so badly everyone stays in school for as long as they can. These new grads are much younger than I, so they are cheaper. So cheap, and so talented, that employers suck them up like vacuum cleaners, and who cares about job experiences since you can mound them like plastecine.
I tried so much, every day and every night to look for a job, prepare my interviews, write my cover letters, do my research, to no avail. I was seriously busier than when I was working!! I landed up in depression and hid myself in my room. I felt useless, old and poor. So this is how people end up being homeless. Shame on me for assuming they were simply lazy. Thank goodness I did not dabble drugs or alcohol because that would just speed up the process.
Then in came Angeline.
She listened to my situation, and did not judge me or give suggestions like what tons of friends did. She simply listened, and I felt a big load off my shoulders because I found someone who could simply empathize. We traced the history of my downfall and we actually found out when and why it happened. Of course, things did not happen on their own, but it all started when I moved. 
I gave her the floor plan of my home and Angeline explained to me why the property was not good for me. But I was not able to afford to move, even if we could pinpoint the trouble to my home. She pondered and then gave me some strict instructions on the placements of certain items. Under no circumstances should I move them. That lasted more than a year.
Then a miracle happened: I got a temporary job for six months. The salary sucked but it was a first, after two years of searching!
When I told Angeline, she said: Here's your window of opportunity. Now move!!
I saved whatever I could in the first two months then got a moving company and moved. Before moving, I gave Angeline the floor plans of all prospective properties and she approved one of them. Which is where I live today.
Then another miracle happened. I found a permanent job with a good salary, just three months after moving! I was elated!! Angeline was really happy for me too, because this proves that she really is a great Master of Fengshui and I-Ching!
My new job does not pay me as much as the job from which I was fired. But hey, I am more than happy to have got it. Money isn't everything in life: good colleagues, stress-free work environment, good work-life balance. I had a high salary but I had to deal with politics every single day for a decade. 
The experience with Angeline taught me three things:
Everything takes its course: Angeline worked on me for nearly three years. Having fixed the fengshui did not mean I would get a job immediately. It simply helped to change life's course of flow, very very slightly, so that it opens up an opportunity which I could seize and open up another route for myself. Fengshui is not a quick fix, it takes time and human will for things to happen.
Change is the Only Constant: It seems defeatist at first that I 'settled' for a job with less pay. But if you look at it, I have simply adapted myself to the current state of the world. Thirty years ago, the one driving the Mercedes was the one with a university degree. Today, the one in that big expensive car is the plumber, because so many people wanted a degree that no one wanted to become a plumber, so the plumber can now charge exorbitant prices and live the high life. Unless I become a plumber, I have to accept that the world is no longer the same for people with many degrees.
Fengshui is real. My partner was reluctant to play along but having to endure my depression was more difficult. If Angeline had not come into my life, I would have ended up being a beggar somewhere, and the irony is that I would not be the only highly-educated beggar around judging from how the world is evolving. If Angeline had not helped me with my previous flat, I would not have had my window of opportunity. If she had not helped me with my current home, I would not have had a new opportunity to lead a decent life.
Last but not least, looking at the low prices she charges and compared to the changes she brought about in my life, it was a steal. I am more thoughtful, less rash, and I try to spend more time on understanding things before judging the situation. She has not only brought me a new career, but a sense of calm and peace.
Thank you, Angeline!
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
Positive words bring positive energy!
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I have been driving past this spot for several months now. Every time I do that, I always both knowingly and unknowingly sing praises of the slogan, which says in Chinese 'Happily you come to work, safely you go back home'. These words are extremely positive, people who work here feel secure, there are no accidents and the work will finish as planned. This morning when I drove past again, there was a new signboard in red: 'Celebrating 8 million accident-free manhours'. I stopped my car to take the picture. Remember: positive words bring positive energy!
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
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The Story of Lynn
Lynn is a young, pretty and dedicated mother. In order to take care of her kids, she gave up a stable job with a high income. Lynn has been a longtime customer of mine and she trusts me 100%. I am very happy to be able to assist her and share her worries. Also because she is polite and grateful, I use all my ability and my knowledge to help her and other grateful people like her.
Dear Angeline,
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your valuable advices and reassurance during the time when my younger daughter was sick. Below is my testimonial to you.
Seeing is Believing!
My younger daughter had a severe stomachache and was vomiting non-stop on the 1st the doctor gave her a jab immediately to stop the vomiting. After a few days we went to the GP as she was still very sick and had no appetite at all. Her condition did not improve. I called Angeline for help. She did a calculation and told me to remove any red objects on my daughter’s study table. The red objects causes fire in my daughter’s stomach. I should also make yellow chrysanthemum tea to quell the fire: Earth consumes Fire. Without any hesitation, I removed a pile of red packets on her study table. Surprisingly, she recovered the next morning. I was so touched after I knew that she actually started work early because of helping me. 
In April, my younger daughter was down with high fever. She had to miss school for five days. Her fever did not subside after seeing the doctor and I felt so helpless and worried. Once again, I seek Angeline for help. She replied promptly despite in a hurry to go Indonesia for her Fengshui trip. She advised there was “poisonous gas” in her stomach (毒气在肚子). She had to eat papaya and banana and to defecate all the “poisonous gas” so that her fever will subside. After taken the fruits, her fever subsided and she was back to school the following Monday as what Angeline had predicted.
In May, my younger daughter was down with sore throat and high fever again. Although Angeline’s prediction was superb accurate I did not approach her 
immediately. Despite two visits to the doctor, her fever did not subside. It came back every three hours and her throat was so sore that she felt painful when drinking water. I was panic-stricken. I seek Angeline for help. She advised to boil barley water for her to drink as her body was too heaty and put two gold coins in the Northeast corner on her study table. Miracle did happened! My daughter’s fever subsided overnight. 
I am extremely grateful towards Angeline for her help. Not only is she a professional Fengshui Master (we also engaged her in our house Fengshui). She is friendly, approachable and tactful. Her sincerity and personal touch exceeded her professionalism! 
Yours sincerely,
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yiling-fengshui · 10 years
Fengshui case studies
Below are a few of the cases that I have handled recently. I am sharing these with you to help you understand some of the important points to look out for in fengshui.
Case study 1: Incredibly bad architectural feature, which augments negative energy. The owner now faces serious financial difficulties.
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Case study 2: Beware of this fenghui pitfall at the workplace: Random decorations may incur unnecessary troubles. The photo shows how the client places children's artwork at the office and that brought about office politics.
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Case study 3: From the company's logo, one could decipher the gravity of the organisation's situation, which was especially bad in 2012.
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Case study 4: I was helping my client fixing the fengshui of their house. This was a 'sha' (negative energy source) that they had to face. Without fixing this 'sha', the lady owner was extremely bad-tempered and difficult to live with.
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Case study 5: An obvious case of 'sha'.
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Case study 6: When confronted with unexpected roadworks, my client's business had completely stopped, even when they are located in the city centre. After fixing their fengshui, not only has business returned, they are now so busy that the workforce cannot cope with it!
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Case study 7: In an apartment I was fixing, I could tell that the lady owner once had a foreign romance that she is not able to forget...
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Case study 8: This family's child cries whenever midnight approaches. Through the recommendation of a friend, they found me and asked for my advice. When I arrived, I immediately spotted the source of the negative energy here. Every property's fengshui is different, so the way to resolve its problems has to be different. Before placing the deposit on a property, it is crucial that you get a professional fengshui consultant to survey both the exterior and interior of the property!
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