yienetic · 6 years
Someday, I’m gonna clean out this blog/theme
But today is not the day
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yienetic · 7 years
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█ ▌—  ❝ HAPPY HOLIDAYS ! ❞
  “ Be with people who knows your worth;            you don’t need to have many people to be happy,       just few real ones who appreciates you for who you are. “
AS usual, I have plan to do this even before Christmas but because of schedules and lots of things to do, the preparations took long enough to finish. You guys knew by now, that whatever I do; from replying to thread, answering inbox message and replying to chat from aim to IM, always took a while. From that, I apologize if you experienced waiting for my reply for quite so long and I owe your patience a great appreciation. Thank you so much for keeping up with me—  staying still and even wanted to interact… I promise I’ll do my best to be here as often as possible on the year coming. You guys have been a great part of my 2016 and hopefully I’ll get to see you at my 2017. No cheesy things anymore but anyways —   let’s all enjoy each other’s company and good luck to our future endeavors! Cheers!
MUN: I don’t normally post something like this since I’m too lazy to do one but this year it would be different I believe since I’d like to greet and thank everyone for spending my first Christmas as ‘SANA’. This might be late but BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS and ADVANCED HAPPY NEW YEAR lovelies~ I’m hoping you guys to have a fruitful year coming!
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yienetic · 7 years
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❝ I was thinking about what a lovely thing language is. We’re all writing using the same limited pool of letters and words, even, but no two people string them together in the same way. I often find myself reading a passage and thinking, dang, that’s beautiful or wow, how did they even think of that?! Foreignness will always carry with it a sense of wonder, I guess, but even so, that’s how I feel when I read all your words and stories, and take in a little piece of what you’ve crafted: amazed and inspired. A story can stand alone, but there’s also something intricately unique that emerges where they intersect. So without further ado, I have some thanking to do for those intersections:
I don’t know what this is exactly, I guess it’s a follow forever? My first one (and probably only) in my two to three years on-and-off with Sunmi (and who knows how many years since the beginning). It’s been three or so months since I changed Sunmi to Mi and went AU, and while I was wary at first, I’ve been so so incredibly happy writing and creating here. And that’s not an advertisement for everyone to go AU or whatnot! It’s just that, I know it’s only thanks to all you wonderful muns and your awesome muses, whether new or old, past, or elsewhere. So thank you, for your brilliant ideas and creative minds, for each of your ways with words, for teaching me a little something—no matter what it is, for friendships, for wanting to write with me and allowing your own muses’ stories to intersect with Mi’s. Before I ramble more, I’ll get to the specific thank you’s to those who have impacted me, but thank you all! Stay warm and healthy, I hope the new year ushers in new inspirations and stories for all of you in whatever shape or form—and new hopes; it’s what keeps us all going. (P.S. Don’t worry, I will not follow you to the toilet.)
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yienetic · 7 years
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As tis season is to be jolly, time for santa chae to spread some cheer! this is just a little gift to those who have followed me within the time span of one year and the one year anniversary of being chaeyoung! wow so great?! it is a token of my appreciation to those who have interacted with my muse even once, as I am extremely happy to have created friendships and relationships with people behind the scenes. and with new years right in the corner. It is time to make CHAENQ’s first follow forever! 
ps. thank you for the 1k! you are all wonderful!
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yienetic · 7 years
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Wow, I have never done anything like this before. I suppose this is pretty over due, but I am considering this also to be my late follow forever in addition to me being here for a little over a year and 1,000 + followers! 2016 has been one hell of a ride but hey, we all got through it and that’s all that matters. And I don’t know about you, but I am ready to start the new year with more wild and great adventures. Let’s look at 2017 as a new year to start fresh and hopefully, become a better version of ourselves. With the holidays around the corner, I wish everyone a very happy, safe, healthy Christmas. Over the past year and four months, I have gone through so much. There were numerous of people who came into my life and left, friends come and go but that’s life. So I want to specifically give a special shout out to those who have stuck with me through thick and thin. This is for you guys.
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yienetic · 8 years
“Can I boop your nose? Just a little boop?”
[ Things I’ve said while very tired {Sentence Starters} ]!!status: accepting. !!forward to: @jonghyuna
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」  His nose scrunches, face contorting comically. And              why would the older even wish for such a thing, and randomly at              that ? He had been sitting there, minding his own (actually, he had              been playing the latest Pokemon game) with full on concentration               when the older had abruptly interrupted the silence between them;               the request so out of the blue. “ What ? You want to boop my nose ? ”              Eyes finally look up from the handheld in his hands, it felt like hours               since he looked away from the small screens, and he does so much              as only offer the other a questionable stare. “ Is there something               there ? ”
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yienetic · 8 years
The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.
Joe Ancis
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yienetic · 8 years
Things I’ve said while very tired {Sentence Starters}
“You need to do the sleep. I need to do the sleep.”
“I don’t think that’s supposed to do that thing, is it?”
“Well, whatever floats your goat, friend.”
“This game tears families apart… I get to be the racecar!”
“I want one of those. I’ll ride it into battle.”
“It needs to not be cute. That’s not even fair. It’s not.”
“You can fight my face, then.”
“Stop laughing at my incompetence, that’s rude!”
“Yes, I just put the mayonnaise in the cabinet. Don’t judge me.”
“My hands stopped handing an hour ago.”
“Have you ever wondered about frogs? Just… frogs?”
“Sleep is for the WEAK! —- And I am the weak, apparently.”
“I’m not tired. YOU’RE tired.”
“I could wrestle a bear if I wanted to!”
“I’m ready to fight! I’m not sure who I’m fighting, yet, but — !”
“Can I boop your nose? Just a little boop?”
“Can I just sleep here tonight? Walking to my room requires effort.”
“I might be barely conscious, but I’m still the winner!”
“It’s three am and I’m making a bagel. Clearly, I have my life together.”
“Am I trying to science this show, again? I am, aren’t I?”
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yienetic · 8 years
Always defend your right to heal at your own pace. You are taking your time. You are allowed to take your time.
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yienetic · 8 years
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—— First of all… THANK YOU.
Today marks my second anniversary. It’s been exactly two years since I made the very first post on this blog, and I attempted some sort of interaction with other roleplayers. Forgive me if I get carried away in what I’m about to type, I’m being a little emotional right now and I feel like pouring out my feelings. I might have not been here for quite as long as some of you but I do remember the time when it wasn’t all about your excellent photoshop skills or how you format your replies, it was definitely more about the portrayal of your muse, polishing your writing skills, and simply fun. Good times, good times… I paid so little attention to what my theme was supposed to look like, I couldn’t care less about gifs and icons that I used to include in my posts. I also remember feeling so intimidated by literally everyone I came across - well, nothing has changed in this case, except for the fact that I’ve got quite a few valuable friends now. 
For the past two years, I have devoted myself to portray my general muse as accurately as I could, and I’m still determined and full of passion to continue improving his character along with my writing, since English isn’t even my first language. In addition to that, I haven’t changed my FC all this time, ever since I established this blog, not even once, however there were some critical points when I couldn’t bring myself to write anything for weeks. I feel so deeply attached to Kiki that I don’t think I will give up on him any time soon. But the main and most significant thing that makes my stay here so enjoyable and worth my while is… you.
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yienetic · 8 years
“I MISS YOU! SMOL DORK~” Goes to hug tightly despite her pregnant belly being in the way.
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█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」   Smiles awkwardly, head tilted in slight confusion before he somehow envelopes his arms around her without crushing her in the process. “ It’s been awhile. I missed you too— So lucky for you I’m ignoring the ‘smol’ part of that sentence. “ He grins brightly, releasing his hold on her as he stepped back. “ How’s the belly ? “
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yienetic · 8 years
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」  “ KEILAH ! “
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yienetic · 8 years
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」  Casually coming on to help boost out friends                  (sorry for taking so long lol) and changing my sidebar a bit.                  Hopefully I can get some threads going again. If you’d like                  to interact, feel free to send me anything from here and since                  it’s been awhile, indicate which meme you’ve picked from.                  Hope to see you guys around !!
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yienetic · 8 years
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」   Rolling his eyes, he playfully swats the wiggling fingers in his face before shrugging his shoulders in response and nodding. “ Little shit. Hm, I don’t think I need anything else right ? “ The male referred to his outer appearance, cap on his head and sunglasses placed perfectly over his eyes. He figured after his last attempt at hiding himself, there was no use to go all out in trying to disguise himself so heavily because fans would find out anyway. In all honesty, as long as they didn’t go crazy if they did find out it was him, he thought it would be okay to go just like that. “ Yeah, I’m fine with paying. No prob at all. “ 
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“You know I’m just making things hard for you, right? I was mostly teasing. I’m pretty sure they’d love to have something from you, a member of got7, ever since you guys  and rose to fame, and what not.” he mumbled and playfully wiggles his fingers in the older male’s face, just to be a bit more dramatic, something he tended to do. He hooked their arms together already started to walk towards an unknown direction, not even bothering to tell his hyung where they were going. “I have an idea, you’ll pay for it since you’re well off anyway. Are you disguised enough? We’ll be going to the mall. We don’t want anyone to see you and have fans run over me or something.”
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yienetic · 8 years
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」 “ It’s strange. You can compare how I looked from before the ‘Just Right’ era and then After ‘If You Do’, and see a huge difference. I know clothes can make a difference as well but when you compare my arms ? I embarrassed to admit but my arms were a lot smaller compared to how they looked that summer. But you’re right. Healthy should be the way to go, heck I’m always seen munching on something whenever we broadcast something. ” He grins shyly, head tilting away slightly from the poke at his cheek. Although he was naturally slim and built the way he was, Mark hoped he’d at least eventually be able to bulk up in the future.
“You are right though! I remember in that era, you were a bit on the smaller side, maybe it was the clothes they gave you too? I’m not sure, but you have changed your body, yes.” She nods and laughs. “Your clothes fit you a lot better. Maybe idols are now accepting the fact that it’s not about being skinny, it’s about being healthy.” Her smile was soft and pokes the other’s cheek. “I think it’s a nice change to the idol world. Healthy is better than thin and small. Eat as much cause you deserve it!”
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yienetic · 8 years
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」You damn right you better be kidding. [* he’s smiling widely as the words leave his mouth, a little bit of cockiness laced in his tone disguised perfectly with playfulness ] It’s strange though. Kind of wonders how some people get into scandals for just breathing next to each other. Is this because people are delusional ? That’s what I’mma go with. [* eyes scan the premise before he spots a familiar ice cream sign, his face lighting up ] C’mon, we’re near !
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I was kidding about the loser part. {`/ she snorts before nodding her head.} Right? That would be way too weird and that maybe one time I get mad at Dispatch just trying to throw idols underneath the bus. {`/ with a gentle scoff when thinking about that news source, the female just continued to walk in silence after, hoping to spot the ice cream place fast.}
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yienetic · 8 years
█ ▌「 ӎ ☄ 」  He blinks, as innocently as he possibly could before he grins that toothy-canine grin of his. She fell for his facade and it did nothing but amuse the living daylights out of the younger. The prankster in him had been fed, and now he was satisfied with the result. “ Ahah, I was kidding— Who doesn’t know who you are, noona ? You’re super famous and well known. “ He chuckles a bit before offering a small bow, his shyness beginning to take surface. “ That’s right, I’m GOT7′s Mark. The flying American boy.”
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She had to admit, she was a little surprised at his response having not realized the slight tone of sarcasm in his voice. Taking his reply quite seriously, she nodded slowly. ❝ Ads, dramas, music videos, all of the above would be correct ! ❞ It was after she answered that she remembered where she recognized the other from. Her eyes widened as she mentally face palmed herself for not having realized his identity earlier. ❝ Ah…ah ! GOT7 ! I’m sorry for not having recognized you earlier ! ❞
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